有一天,老妈给我买了台“宝宝探险学步车”,这是第一件没经过罗德里克的手的东西。学步车酷毙了。上面有无数东西可以玩,而且还有个杯座。Then one day Mom bought me this thing called a“Baby Adventures Action Walker,”which was the first thing I ever got that Rodrick didn’t have before me.The Action Walker was Awesome.It had a million little gadgets you could entertain yourself with,plus a cup holder.
最棒的就是我可以坐着它到处去而不必下地走路。当我坐在学步车上的时候,其他孩子们简直弱爆了。But the best thing about it was I could get anywhere I needed to go without actually having to Walk.I could tell that when I was in my Baby Adventures Action Walker,all my little playgroup friends felt like chumps.
不过后来老妈从育儿杂志上看到学步车不利于儿童的肌肉发育。于是老妈把学步车给退了,我又得从零开始了。But then Mom read in some parenting magazine that it wasn’t a good idea to use baby walkers,because kids wouldn’t develop the right muscles to walk on their own.So Mom returned the Action Walker to the store,and I was back to square one.
我花了好长一段时间,才终于学会走路了。不知怎么地,我就得开始上托儿所了。It took a long time,but eventually I Did learn to walk.And before I knew it,I was in preschool.
因为老妈在古典音乐和教育光盘上为我下了一番功夫,我还以为自己会领先其他孩子一大截呢。不过从托儿所的激烈竞争看来,我估计其他母亲也都这么干了。I was hoping I’d have a head start over the other kids because of all the work Mom had put in with the classical music and the educational DVDs,but the other Moms must’ve done that stuff,too,because the competition in preschool was pretty stiff.
其他孩子都能自己扣扣子和拉拉链了,我才刚刚学会怎么不用大人帮忙戴手套。I mean,you had kids in there who knew how to use buttons and zippers,when I could barely figure out how to pull off my mittens without help from a grown-up.