Chapter Eight On TCM Strategy in Li Shizhen’s Hometown

2018-06-05 10:32
Special Focus 2018年5期

A sea of clouds in Pingfeng Village屏风寨云海

The past 28 years have seen a strategic tendency that takes full advantage of Li Shizhen as a cultural-pharmaceutical brand in the ancient medical scientist’s hometown, Qichun County of Hubei Province.During this period, Qichun people have experienced both the joy of entrepreneurship and the pressure of unsustainability.Like all people they face the idea of giving up in some worst circumstances. Fortunately they persisted in and succeeded in exploring their “knock-out products,” in developing more new products, and in increasing the added value of their products.However, the strategic exploration which has prospered Qichun’s economy can be quite thought provoking.

Happiness exists in the knowledge about mugwort知艾是福

The Treasure Retrieved

Qichun stands brilliantly in Hubei, a “province of a thousand lakes” and a “land of fish and rice.” It is a common, yet charming and unique place in its own ways.

When we traced back to the 1980s in the 20th century, we astonishingly found that Qichun,a place that once earned so many applauses, suddenly lagged behind the times. Many people in other parts of China grasped the opportunity to become richer, while Qichun seemed to have lagged behind. Many locals became alert and decided that something had to be done to improve their standard of living.

But what should be done,exactly? Nobody knew. People in Qichun just blindly followed others. When there was a trend of establishing five small industrial enterprises (producing iron and steel, coal, chemical fertilizer,cement and machinery) in the countryside, Qichun people also set up their own small-scale factories, such as glassworks,cement mills, and jute bag plants.

At that time, the age-old Qizhou Town was demolished,and the time-honored walls were ruined. Only one gate was left.Many villages and townships in Qichun were in heavy debt.

When the craze of establishing township enterprises cooled down, Qichun people had no choice but to hunt for a job outside their hometown. Over 200 thousand youngsters became migrant laborers.

One man’s meat is another man’s poison. Knowing this,Qichun had to walk its own way and develop its own characteristics in a fierce competitive society. After repeated consultations, the local government suddenly found that the most important treasure of Qichun was the TCM culture of Li Shizhen, a historical medical sage.

Market Lessons Learned

Lining at the foot of the Dabie Mountains and facing the Yangtze River, Qichun is an ideal place for various medicinal herbs to grow and be traded.



识 宝







阵 痛





Workers producing mugwort products艾产品生产现场


As a traditional agricultural county, Qichun should give full play to its advantages by concentrating on medicinal materials and food materials based on its natural resources.Thus the government put forward the goal of developing the county through “commercializing the two materials.” Very soon Qichun’s medicinal herb plantations were rapidly growing.

Qichun turned from a traditional “land of fish and rice” to a kingdom of Chinese herbal medicine. People chose to grow whatever they thought profitable. “Let us create a hometown of honeysuckle!” “Or a county of crickets!” “A village of chrysanthemum!” The slogans sprang up. No one would lag behind.

The government had more planning. The Li Shizhen Trade Fair for Medicinal Materials was held since 1990. It was crowded at the previous six times; beneath the glorious banner of historical culture was the craving for the economic success.

In the 1990s, there were dozens of medicinal herb breeds grown all over Qichun. Medicine traders said that there were many products in the market but none of them could become a real business. The price of honeysuckle dropped from 20 yuan per kilogram at its highest to 2 yuan at its lowest, which was not even enough to cover the collecting wages. It was a huge blow to the farmers who planted a total of 15,000 mu (1,000 hectares) of honeysuckle.


Mugwort culture nurturing the younger generation艾文化哺育新一代

取 经






People began to think differently as the medicine market quickly cooled down, and the annual transaction volume fell from hundreds of millions (yuan)to tens of millions.

Inspirations from Outside

The failure set villagers into thinking. Was it the lack of the awareness of the market?Was there a problem with the management? Or, was the overall strategy a misguided one? In the following decades, farmers kept a cultivation of medicinal herbs in a small size. After that they decided to go out to “expand their horizons,” just like what Li Shizhen had done.

Tian Qun, Xiao Benda, and Wu Mingxing, who were all local medicine traders, once visited Nanyang, Henan Province. They unexpectedly found that the demand for mugwort products in Nanyang was so strong that the scale reached more than 20 billion yuan, and high-quality mugwort products were called Qi’ai, or Qi mugwort. However,in Qichun, the mugwort was but a common plant that usually grows wild in the fields. Qichun traders felt inspired. Instead of growing all kinds of medicinal herbs in Qichun, they should focus on establishing their own brand superiority.

The next inspiration they drew came from Jecheon, Korea,a sister city of Qichun. When Qichun’s governors visited Jecheon, they found that some fine products of Chinese herbs were displayed in the City Hall.More surprisingly, they got Astragalus root, a TCM material,as the official gift from South Korea.

Mugwort moxibustion for health preservation艾灸养生

聚 力





引 爆



Qichun people were inspired by how South Koreans gave priority to the brand and paid more attention to increasing high added value. In contrast,though Qichun had advocated Chinese medicine for 20 years,its TCM industry was still small in size, scattered in variety, and low in the added value of various products. As the hometown of the ancient medical sage,Qichun had the responsibility to promote Li Shizhen’s cultural pharmaceutical brand and spread the TCM culture.

Core Competitiveness Formed

While enlarging their horizons,Qichun people realized that they were sitting on a goldmine but failed to recognize the real value of Li Shizhen’s brand, much less to make full use of the local resources.

In comparisons with Nanyang and Jecheon, Qichun people found out their own weakness and decided to insist on their strategy, only with a wise revision. They would adhere to the linkage between the health industry and tourism industry,while developing the big health industry. Moreover, they realized that they should concentrate on the main products so as to form their core competitiveness.

Since 2011, Qichun has set up a special fund to support the cultivation of high-quality Chinese herbal medicines such as Qi mugwort. Farmers who planted more than 10 mu of highquality Chinese herbal medicine are given financial support. At the beginning, 3 million yuan was invested each year; and in recent years, more than 50 million yuan has been invested per year. The Li Shizhen Pharmaceutical Group,Chinese Mugwort Association,and other industry leaders are also supported by the government in their endeavors to develop new products and expand the market.

Qi mugwort products with national medicine permission number国药准字号蕲艾产品




本刊供稿:王志勇 占小虎 王 晴吴 憾 陈 飘 熊慧玉李林清 高娇娇

Meanwhile, social capitals have been poured into the industry. New products such as Qi mugwort toothpaste, shampoo,shower gel, milk, and soap have been developed. The rise of e-commerce platforms has also helped to boost the development of Qi mugwort products.

Farmers collecting medicinal fruits 采摘药果

An Unprecedented Prosperity

The price of Qi mugwort leaves rose from 4 or 5 yuan per kilogram to 12 yuan. Over 1,100 Qi mugwort enterprises have introduced more than 20 series of 830 products, and continued launching basically one new product every week. The TCM industry in Qichun experienced an unprecedented prosperity.

Qichun people now pay special attention to the Li Shizhen cultural-pharmaceutical brand. A whole industry chain of planting bases, product research and development, art design, and marketing has formed. The county has been awarded the title of the“Capital of Chinese Mugwort” by the China Association of TCM.

Qi Mugwort Health Care Supermarket蕲艾健康精品超市

In 2017, the comprehensive output value of the Qi mugwort industry reached 3 billion yuan.China Brand Building Promotion Association evaluated its brand value worth of 4.384 billion yuan, ranking second in China’s“Landmark Brand Products.”

Higher value was given to all aspects of the industry. However,the achievement was still preliminary, and just reflected but a small corner of Li Shizhen’s medical treasure house. In the future, Qichun people would take more actions in promoting the health tourism and health care industry

Now, many big companies and enterprises are attracted by the Li Shizhen cultural pharmaceutical brand. Large enterprises including the China Merchants Group and Hubei United Investment Group have invested here, helping Qichun move towards the goal of building a 100-billion-yuan health care industry in the near future.

(By Huang Yongming)

Xiongwu Gate in Qizhou蕲州雄武门

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