
2018-06-01 00:42
国际人才交流 2018年4期

西藏历史文化展亮相首都博物馆Tibetan relics on display at Capital Museum in Beijing


The rarely seen Bunian Tu, one of China’s most celebrated surviving ancient painting, went on display in the Capital Museum in Beijing and will be exhibited there for two months.The 1.3-meter-long scroll painting, also known as Emperor Taizong Receiving the Tibetan Envoy, is generally believed to be painted by Tang Dynasty (618-907) artist Yan Liben, but it is also speculated to be a facsimile from Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) of Yan’s original work.The work, now part of Beijing’s Palace Museum collection, records the close connection between Tang Dynasty and Tibet.The masterpiece is among the 200-odd items at the ongoing exhibition in the Capital Museum - Tibetan History and Culture - that gives a panoramic view of the region’s religion, history,crucial status on ancient trade routes.

中国正在开发智能高铁China develops magnetic-levitation high-speed train


Ding Rongjun, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that China was also researching the next generation magnetic-levitation train with a top speed of 600 kph, at a press conference .‘We are now focusing on how to link TV signals to the trains so that passengers will be able to enjoy fi lms on window-turned screens, 'Ding said. A permanent magnet drive system has been added to trains and is undergoing assessment, he said, adding that automatic and unmanned drive technology will be used in the future.

5月1日起在动车上吸烟将被禁乘火车180天Smoking violators to get 180-day train travel ban

根据国家发改委、最高人民法院和其他政府部门最新发布的文件,5月份起,在高铁内或其他火车的禁烟区内吸烟者将在180天内禁止乘坐火车。如果乘客逃票,用假的身份证买票或是使用无效车票,除非支付与此次车票等额的罚款,否则不允许再次购票。禁乘火车名单将在每个月的第一天连续七天在12306.cn(订票网站)和credit china.gov.cn(信用查询网站)上公布。那些被列出的乘客可以在此期间提起上诉。

Starting in May, passengers who smoke on high-speed trains or in smoke-free zones of other trains will be prevented from train travel for 180 days, according to a newly released document jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, the Supreme People’s Court and other government departments.If passengers steal a ride, buy tickets with fake IDs, or board trains with invalid tickets, they will not be allowed to buy tickets again unless they pay a fee equal to the ticket cost.A roster of those banned from taking trains will be publicized on 12306.cn, a ticket booking website, and credit china.gov.cn, a credit check website, for seven consecutive days from the first day of each month. Those listed can appeal during that period.

“大爱有声 义工行动 关爱荣誉军人”慰问活动 走进广东省第一荣军医院