奥兹(Ozzy)是一只聪明的小猎犬,他和主人马丁一家(The Martins)过着幸福的生活。有一天,马丁一家要去日本(Japan)参加动漫节(Comic Festival),只好把Ozzy托付给一个名叫蓝湾(Blue Creek)的顶级宠物酒店(Hotel for Dogs)。然而,表面高档的Blue Creek其实是一座狗狗监狱(a dogs prison)。在那里,Ozzy结识了一群新朋友,他决定联合其他狗狗一起逃回家人身边。Ozzy和伙伴们能逃出去吗?
I am Ozzy. I am a smart dog. I have three new friends. The one in yellow glasses is Fronky. He loves making friends. This is Chester. There is something wrong with his legs. But he can do a lot of things. The one with white long fur is Doc. He doesnt like talking. I want to run away with my new friends.
The Martins收到国际漫画沙龙(The International Comic Salon)的邀请,即将前往Japan度假。如果他们的作品《明星狗》(Star Dog)获胜的话,会有更多的人想了解Ozzy的冒险故事。可是Ozzy不能和他们一起去,The Martins只好另想办法。
Girl: Ozzy, we are going to Japan.
Dad: Ozzy cant come to Japan. 奥兹不能去日本。
Girl: What? 什么?
Mum: We can leave him here with someone.
Girl: Who? 谁?
Ozzy被送到Blue Creek,a hotel for dogs。The Martins非常放心,因为他们看到Blue Creek里面有游泳池(pools)、桑拿(saunas)等各种服务。可是他们前脚刚走,Ozzy就被经理罗宾先生(Mr. Robbin)辗转到了真正的Blue Creek,a dogs prison。
Grunt: Welcome, my name is Grunt, Warden Grunt.
Ozzy: Ive been brought here by mistake.
Grunt: Is that so? We have to do something for you.
Ozzy: Thank you. Thats very nice of you.
Ozzy在Blue Creek得罪了黑帮老大维托(Vito),Vito是一只吉娃娃,原名小甜甜(Sugar)。一开始总是为难Ozzy的Vito,最终被说服与Ozzy一起越狱。Fronky和Doc都找到了原来的主人,Ozzy带着Chester和马丁一家人快乐地生活在一起。
Chief: Your name is Sugar? 你叫小甜甜?
Vito: You got a problem with that? 你对此有意见吗?
Ozzy: Hey, Vito! Arent you guys coming? 嘿,维托!你们不来吗?
Vito: Sure, kid. And you can call me Sugar.