
2018-05-25 09:51:24叶敏
世界建筑 2018年5期


The "Central Park" of Guangzhou, i.e., the south bank of Ersha Island, is home to several cultural landmarks including Guangdong Museum of Art and Xinghai Concert Hall. The project site of Man Lap Fong is the last patch of land on this "golden beach of urban culture", which the property owner intends to explore a sustainable way for promoting culture and art by civilian forces. The design follows the golden rule of "Less is More" – an uneven while well-arranged outdoor corridor along the southwest"extends" the sidewalk on the south bank "by one more kilometre" and creates a "sky street" serving as sightseeing stands with multiple heights and perspectives for the public. The outdoor corridor is not only a cost effective way to provide sunshade for the building, but also creates sotto portico like platforms for sightseeing and socialising. Moreover,the "sky street" turns the art museum and concert hall along the bank into an extension of the Man Lap Fong. The project supplements high art with leisure life and enriches the levels and scenarios of art experiences, thus constituting a community that merges art into life. The life accommodated in space constitutes the expression of architecture and architecture creates the connections between human and nature, human and human, and human and place. This is my interpretation of modernity. □

项目信息/Credits and Data

设计团队/Design Team: 毕晓璇,贝儿,刁家俊,李致尧,宋定侃,许思琪,岳靓,喻耀,伊凡/BI Xiaoxuan, Beatriz Quintana Villar, DIAO Jiajun, LI Zhiyao, SONG Dingkan, XU Siqi,YUE Liang, YU Yao, Blasco Grande Ivan

建筑面积/Floor Area: 22,550m2

建成时间/Completion: 2018

摄影/Photos: 郑庆龄/ZHENG Qingling, Gazelle Visuals

1 轴测/Axonometric

2 外景/Exterior view

3 首层平面/Ground fl oor plan

4 二层平面/1st fl oor plan

5 三层平面/2nd fl oor plan

6 五层平面/4th fl oor plan

7 屋顶平面/Roof plan

8 长廊/Corridor

9 内庭/Courtyard

小鹏G9成都车展全国首秀 重磅发布Xopera小鹏音乐厅
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