为一种具有从前额突出的单个巨大的尖锐螺旋角的动物。The unicorn is a legend.ary creature that has been described
since antiquity as a beast with a singlelarge, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from its forehead.
2013年,美国风险投资人艾琳·李杜撰了“独角兽”一词,表示一个公司由成功的风险投资而获得可以使用的超大量资金。In 2013, Aileen Lee, an American venture capital investor, coined the term “unicorn” to represent the excessive amount of money available for a compa.ny gained from its successful ventures.
“独角兽企业”或“独角兽公司”,英语译为unicorn, unicorn company 或unicorn firm。例如:2. 中国大多数独角兽企业基于北京、上海、深圳等大城市。The majority of unicorns in China arebased in such big cities as Beijing,Shanghai, Shenzhen. 3. 独角兽公司的数量可以看作代表着一个城市的创新水平和创业环境。The number of unicorn firms can be seen to represent the innovationlevel and entrepreneurship environmentof a city.▲