后来,老爸把他上班用的东西从房间里搬走了,将原来办公的房间变成了育婴室。我睡上了罗德里克的儿童床,而他则有了张新床。Eventually,Dad moved his work stuff out of the room he wasusing asan office and made it into a nursery.I got Rodrick’s old crib and he got a new bed.
那时候,我几乎所有的东西都是罗德里克传下来的二手货。Almost EVERYTHING I had back in those days was a hand-me-down from Rodrick.
等它们到我手里的时候,基本上不是缺胳膊少腿,就是沾满了口水。By the time something came to me,it was either worn-out or covered in slobber.
连我的奶嘴都是罗德里克用过的。我估计那时候他还没戒掉这个瘾,这大概就是为什么他一直不怎么喜欢我的原因。Even my PACIFIER was a hand-me-down from Rodrick.I don’t think he was ready to give it up,though,which might explain why he’s never really liked me.
很长一段时间都是我们四个人一起生活,直到有一天老妈跟我说她要再生一个。幸亏她提前跟我打了招呼,这样我就可以早做准备了。It was just the four of us for a long time,and then one day Mom told me she was gonna have another baby.I was glad she gave me the heads-up so I could be ready.
弟弟曼尼出生后,大家都说他长得可爱。不过大家从不告诉你,婴儿出生后,脐带结扎的地方会有个黑色的痂。When my little brother,Manny,came along,everybody thought he was so cute.But what they don’t tell you about babies is that after they’re born,they have this black stub on their belly button where the umbilical cord was tied off.
最终,这个痂会干瘪脱落,然后宝宝才会有个正常的肚脐眼。问题是,没人见过曼尼掉下来的痂。所以直到今天我都疑神疑鬼,唯恐那个痂会在什么地方突然出现。Eventually,the stub dries up and falls off,and the baby has a regular-looking belly button.The thing is,nobody ever FOUND Manny’s stub.And to this day I’m still paranoid it’s gonna show up somewhere.