
2018-04-19 02:24:11刘阳
中华耳科学杂志 2018年1期




传统HRCT常规平片能够很好的显示鼓室、鼓窦、乳突病变状态,即是否存在密度增高影及骨质破坏,因为这涉及到是否开放乳突等手术策略问题,而本组以听骨链为主的疾病则鼓室乳突鼓窦基本正常;HRCT常规平片提供的另外一个重要信息是颞骨内重要结构如内听道、耳蜗、半规管、乙状窦、颈静脉球等是否正常、畸形或破坏;但HRCT常规平片并不能很好的显示听骨链的精细结构,唐朝颖(2016)报告HRCT对先天性听骨链畸形的显示仅为40%,外伤性听骨链中断仅为50%[2]。但是,近年发展的多平面重组MPR(multi-planar ref⁃ormation)和三维容积重建技术3D-CTVR(three-dimensional volume rendered computer tomog⁃raphy)则能够很好的显示锤砧骨、镫骨及其连接,在影像上能够直观的鉴别听骨链是否完整、破坏、畸形、连接异常[34]。MPR与CTVR技术是应用现代螺旋CT,通过“各向同性扫描”方式获得组织结构内部的点阵信息(即容积数据)后,将数据通过后处理技术进行重建获得各种图像。MPR图像可以理解为将三维影像投影到同一平面,从而实现同层全程显示;CTVR则是以不同阈值用不同颜色代表,对应不同结构,通过视觉色差在人眼视网膜获得三维信息,通过旋转、阈值滤过实现物体内部的三维结构显示[4-6]。因此本文侧重于从现代影像学角度论述上述具有共同特征的一组疾病的鉴别诊断,同时兼顾各疾病的胚胎发生学及病理解剖学特征,外科听力重建方法以2013年中华耳鼻咽喉头颈外科杂志刊登《中耳炎临床分类和手术分型指南(2012)》及解读[7,8]中Ⅱ、Ⅲ型鼓室成形术为参照,介绍手术策略但不做详细的技术描述。

1 耳硬化症

1、耳硬化症(otosclerosis)于1704年由Valsava首次发现,1872由 Anton von Tröltsch 首先命名[9]。主要病理改变是耳囊骨质局灶性吸收与富含血管的海绵状新骨形成,如果这种病理改变发生或发展至前庭窗周围及环韧带导致底板固定,即可引起传导性耳聋。需要注意的是耳硬化症底板固定和先天性底板骨化是二个概念,耳硬化症主要是底板边缘和前庭窗之间形成新生骨质导致底板固定,而先天性底板骨化则是胚胎发育过程中,来自耳囊的环韧带发育不全或发育后骨化形成[10]。



图1 耳硬化症。A:HRCT常规平片轴位,可见锤骨头(红箭头)和砧骨体(黄箭头),耳蜗和前庭骨质未见蚕食样改变。B:MPR图片,显示完整镫骨(白箭头),可见镫骨头、前后弓、镫骨底板,注意底板中央部分密度略低,在MPR图片上提示可能为软骨。C:CTVR图像,听骨链三维容积重建后完整显示听骨结构及连接,锤骨(红箭头)、砧骨(黄箭头)、镫骨(白箭头)及其前后弓和底板显示良好,从而鉴别区分了听骨链中断及畸形。Fig.1 Otosclerosis.A:Conventional axial section plane of HRCT image.Themalleus head(red arrow)and incus body(yellow arrow)is visible,the cochlear and vestibular bone shows no eroded sign.B:MPR image.The normal head,crus,and foot plane of staps can be seen.The central part of foot plane can be noted because of lower density,whichmay indicate cartilage.C:CTVR image.The whole ossicular structure and connection can be displayed well after three-dimensional reconstruction.This 3D image can exclude the ossicular chain disruption and deform ity.red arrow:malleus;yellow arrow:incus;white arrow:stapes.

2 鼓室硬化

1、鼓室硬化(tympanosclerosis)是中耳在长期慢性炎症愈合后所遗留的中耳结缔组织退行性改变,1873 年由 Von Troltsh[12]最先提出,Ho KY.(2010)年报告在中耳炎疾病中的发生率为5.5%[13]。其主要病理表现是钙盐沉积在鼓膜纤维层、鼓岬粘膜、听骨链周围,严重者可包裹整个听骨链或镫骨区域,导致听骨链固定,甚至导致底板骨化。


3、清除病灶后听骨链重建的方式可按以下思路完成手术:①全听骨链活动完整,则保留听骨链;②底板活动,镫骨上结构完整,可按Ⅱ型手术完成;③底板活动,镫骨上结构缺如,可按Ⅲ型手术完成(图2-3);④底板固定骨化,可按耳硬化症手术完成,如果底板开窗后有内耳感染风险,可待二期手术底板开窗听力重建[15]。⑤震动声桥(VSB)植入:Pau HW(2010)年报告在二窗被钙化灶严重阻塞的情况下,在鼓岬开窗植入VSB振动子[16]。

图2 鼓室硬化.A:MPR图片,显示锤骨及融合的锤砧关节(白箭头),砧骨(黄箭头)长脚远端与钙化灶融合(红箭头),镫骨区域为密度高于软组织但低于骨组织的不均匀影像,为钙化灶(红箭头),完全包裹融合镫骨,同时与面神经相粘连(黑箭头)。B:黑箭头为暴露的面神经,红箭头显示镫骨区域广泛钙化灶。C:在剥离清除钙化灶后确认底板活动良好,植入TORP听骨(白箭头)。Fig.2 Tympanosclerosis.A:MPR image.The imaging showes the normal malleus and fused incudomalleolar joint(white arrow).The distal long processof incus(yellow arrow)confused w ith the calcification(red arrow).The density of ovalw indow area(red arrow)was higher than thatof the soft tissue but lower than that of the bone.This calcification surrounded the stapes and adhered to the facial nerve(black arrow).B:The black arrow indicate the naked facial nerve and the red arrow indicate the extensive calcification in the stapes area.C:The TORP(white arrow)was implanted after erdicating the calcification.

3 外伤性听骨链中断




图3 外伤性听骨链中断.A:MPR图片,听骨周围可见软组织包裹,锤骨头(红箭头)与砧骨体(黄箭头)之间的锤砧关节(白箭头)呈分离状态,黑箭头指示骨折线;B:CTVR重建图像,滤除包裹听骨的软组织,显示听骨链状态,白箭头显示分离的锤砧关节;C:术中见鼓窦侧壁骨折线(黑箭头),锤砧关节分离(白箭头),白色星号为软骨,插入衬垫在锤砧关节之间,连接听骨链。Fig.3 Ttraumatic ossicular chain disruption.A:MPR image.The incudomalleolar joint was separated and the ossicular chain was surrounded by the soft tissue.red arrow:malleus head;yellow arrow:body of incus;black arrow:fracture line.B:CTVR image.After the soft tissue was filtered,the ossicular chain was displayed.White arrow:the disarticulated incudomalleolar joint.C:The broken line(black arrow)can be seen in the tympanic sinus wall.The white arrow indicate the separation of incudomalleolar joint.A small piece of cartilage(white asterisk)was inserted into the seperated incudomalleolar joint to connect the ossicular chain.

4 先天性胆脂瘤




图4 先天性胆脂瘤。A:常规HRCT冠状位,红箭头指示锤骨,但听骨链结构不清,砧骨难以区分,听骨内侧软组织影(星号)提示胆脂瘤,与面神经紧邻(黑箭头),中鼓室及上鼓室内为良好的含气腔。B:MPR图像,红色箭头指示锤骨,黄色箭头指示砧骨体,未见砧骨长脚,右下红色方框内为面神经MPR图像,可见与胆脂瘤软组织影相粘连,面神经骨管部分缺如;C:CTVR三维重建图像,锤骨(红箭头)和砧骨体(黄箭头)显示清楚。滤除胆脂瘤软组织后,未见砧骨长脚和镫骨上结构。手术证实软组织影为胆脂瘤,砧骨长脚和镫骨上结构缺如,面神经水平段骨管破坏,术中以钛TORP听骨重建听骨链。Fig.4 Congenital cholesteatoma.A:Conventional coronal section plane of HRCT image.red arrow:malleus.The ossicular chain displayed unclearly and the incus could notbe identified well.The soft tissue(asterisk)inside the ossicles indicate the cholesteatoma contecting to the facial nerve(black arrow).The mesoty mpanum and attic was normal air cavity.B:MPR image.The red arrows indicate themalleus,the yellow arrow indicate the incus without long limb.The red box is the MPR image of facial nerve adhering to the cholesteatoma.C:CTVR image.The mallues(red arrow)and body of incus(yellow arrow)were displayed clearly.After the sofft tissue was filtered,the long limb of incus and stapes superstructure could not be seen.In the operation,the soft tissue was approved to be cholesteatoma,the long limb of incus and stapes superstructure absent,and the horizontal segmentof facial canal damaged.The titanium-TORPwas used to reconstruct the ossicular chain.

5 先天性听骨链畸形

广义的外中耳畸形包括耳廓畸形、外耳道畸形、中耳畸形。本文所述内容为非综合征型中耳畸形,主要为外耳道鼓膜正常的单纯听骨链畸形。1993年,Teunissen[22]较早的提出了中耳畸形的分类观点,随后 Nagao(1995)[23]、Okano(2003)[24]、袁虎(2005)[25]、Park K(2009)[26]等先后提出不同的分类观点。其中文献普遍引用的是Teunissen(1993)分类:Ⅰ类先天性镫骨固定;Ⅱ类先天性镫骨固定伴听骨链畸形;Ⅲ类先天性听骨链畸形但镫骨足板活动;Ⅳ类先天性前庭窗或蜗窗发育不全或重度发育异常。综合以上各家分类,为便于理解,本文从胚胎发生学和听力重建角度,以镫骨为中心分三个部分阐述:Ⅰ型-镫骨底板活动;Ⅱ型-镫骨底板固定;Ⅲ型-前庭窗骨性闭锁或未发育。




图5-1-1 听骨链畸形Ⅰa型,A、B为MPR图片,C图为CT⁃VR图片。A图见锤骨(红箭头)完整,砧骨长脚缺如,砧骨体(黄箭头)与锤骨头融为一体;B图见镫骨结构良好,清晰可见前后弓、镫骨头(黑箭头)、底板;C图见锤骨柄(红箭头)良好,镫骨前后弓、镫骨头良好(黑箭头),但未见砧骨长脚。术中见镫骨底板活动,以PORP重建听骨链。Fig.5-1-1 Ossicular chain malformation type Ia.A&B:MPR image,C:CTVR images.A:The malleus(red arrow)was normal,the long process of incuswas absent,the body of in cus(yellow arrow)and the head of mallues was fused.B:The stapes was clear with the crus,head amd plate of stapes(black arrow)normaly,C:The hand of mallues(red arrow)together with crus and head of stapes(black arrow)was normal,,but the long limb of in cus wasabsent.The footplate of stapes wasmoved and the PORP was used to reconstruc the ossicular chain.

图5-1-2 听骨链畸形Ⅰb型,A图为MPR图片,见锤骨(红箭头)完整,砧骨长脚缺如,砧骨体(黄箭头)与锤骨头融为一体,红色方框内白色箭头指示为镫骨底板及底板上残余的骨性结构;B图为CTVR图片,红色箭头指示完整的锤骨柄,白色箭头指示镫骨底板及其上的残余结构,可能为前后弓发育过程中的残迹,未见砧骨长脚;C图为术中所见,镫骨上结构不存在,面神经(黑箭头)裸露低垂,覆盖前庭窗上缘,术中探查镫骨底板活动,以TORP(星号)重建听骨链。Fig.5-1-2 Ossicular chainmalformation type Ib.A:MPR image.Themalleus(red arrow)was normal,the long process of incus was absent,the body of incus(yellow arrow)and the head ofmallues was fused.The red box indicate the normal foot plate of stapesw ith the residual superstructure of stapes.B:CTVR image.The red arrow indicate the normal hand of mallus and thewhite arrow indicate the footplatew ith residual crus of stapes.The long limb of incuswas not seen.C:The surgical image.The stapes superstructure was absent,the facial nerve was dehiscent and cover the upper edge of oval w indow.The foot plate of stapes wasmoved and the TORP wasused to reconstruct the ossicular chain.




图5-2 听骨链畸形Ⅱ型术中图像。患者男性,28岁,气骨导间距语频30-35dB,自幼听力较差,术前影像听骨结构与耳硬化症相同,术前诊断考虑耳硬化症或先天性听骨链畸形。A图:见锤骨、砧骨(黄箭头)完整,锤砧关节活动度差,砧镫关节骨性融合,前后弓骨化,白色箭头指示去除前后弓的镫骨底板,呈骨化固定状态。黑色箭头指示面神经,骨管缺损,神经组织暴露但位置正常;B图:去除前后弓后,磨薄骨化的底板至略呈蓝色,以三棱针在底板中央偏后的位置钻孔开窗,见外淋巴液(红箭头);C图:以4.25mm Piston(星号)钛听骨重建听骨链。Fig.5-2 Ossicular chain malformation typeⅡ.A patient of 28 years old,male,had poor hearing at his childhood with A-Bgap 30-35dB(0.5,1,2KHz).The preoperative diagnosis was otosclerosis or congenital ossicular chain malformation.A:The mallus and incus were normal,the incudomallular joint moved poorly amd the incudostapedia joint was fused.The white arrow indicate the fixed foot plate with crus eradicated.The black arrow indicate the dehiscent facialnerve with normal poisition.B:The footplate was drillout(red arrow)to a hole with three edged needle after the crus mass was removed and the ossified footplate was bured to a thin bone.C:Theossicular chainwas reconstructed with a4.25mm Piston.


在第一、二腮弓发育过程中的第8-10周,来自Reichert软骨的面神经组织与来自迷路包囊的骨管吻合;镫骨前庭窗吻合与面神经骨管吻合在时间与空间上高度相关,畸形相互影响[34]。所以在镫骨前庭窗区域的畸形中,前庭窗可能没有发育呈现骨性闭锁板(Ⅲ型)、或底板虽然与前庭窗吻合但底板与前庭窗骨性融合(Ⅱ型)、或底板与前庭窗吻合活动但镫骨上结构畸形(Ⅰ型),而面神经则可以部分或全部覆盖前庭窗[34-36]。因此前庭窗、镫骨、面神经胚胎发育互相影响所致畸形则列为单独一种类型。主要表现为前庭窗未发育、较厚的骨性闭锁板、前庭窗龛呈裂隙状狭窄等;同时可伴有一、二腮弓发育异常导致的听骨链畸形,畸形的镫骨或类似镫骨的畸形结构可以畸跨、挤压、覆盖面神经;裸露畸形的面神经走行在前庭窗上缘、正中或下缘或分叉走行,Su Y(2014)报告这一类型面神经畸形发生率69.1%(67/97)[36],de Alarcon A(2008)报告畸形发生率58.8%(10/17)[37]。


图5-3-1 面神经走行异常定位诊断。A&B:HRCT图像,a线平行通过上半规管平面,b线通过水平半规管根部垂直于a线,A图显示面神经(红箭头)处于正常位置,位于ab红十字交叉线外上象限,B图为畸形位置,位于交叉线外下象限(红箭头);B图同时显示前庭窗龛呈现横“V”字形,未见镫骨底板,提示前庭窗闭锁;C图为MPR图像,白箭头显示前庭窗呈骨性闭锁状态,与镫骨底板软骨的影像不同,闭锁板为骨性,红箭头指示面神经位于闭锁板下方。Fig.5-3-1 Localization of abnormal facial nerve in CT image.A&B:coronal secton plane of HRCT image.Line a:parallel to the plane of superior semicircular canal;Line b:crossing“line a”through the foot of horizontal semicircular canal;red arrow:facial nerve(A:normal position;B:abnormal position).The atretic oval window was displayed as“V”shape without foot plate in B image.C:MPR image.Thewhite arrow indicate the thick bone plate of oval window which is different from the cartilage of foot plate.The red arrow indicate the abnormal facial nerve inferior to the atretic plate of oval window.


图5-3-2 先天性听骨链畸形Ⅲ型。A:HRCT图像,白色虚箭头指示闭锁的前庭窗,前庭窗龛呈现横“V”字形,未见镫骨底板,黑箭头指示面神经软组织影,无骨管,提示走行畸形,位于前庭窗龛下缘;B:CTVR图像,红箭头指示锤骨,形态良好,黄箭头指示砧骨长脚,远端变细,与畸形镫骨上结构相连(白箭头);C图:术中图像,黄箭头指示砧骨长脚,远端与畸形镫骨上结构(白箭头)融合连接,黑箭头指示裸露的面神经,位于闭锁的前庭窗下缘,白色虚箭头指示狭窄的前庭窗闭锁板,C图红色方框显示闭锁板机械打孔后植入Piston听骨。Fig.5-3-2 Ossicular chain malformation typeⅢ.A:HRCT image.The white dotted arrow indicate the atretic bone plate of over window which displays as a“V”shape.The black arrow indicate the abnormal naked facial nerve located to the lower edge of the oval window.B:CTVR image.The red arrow indicte the normal mullues and the yellow arrow indicte the thiner long limb connecting with the stapes superstructure(white arrow).C:Surgical image.The yellow arrow indicte the long limb of incus confussing with the stapes superstructure.The black arrow indicate the naked facial nerve located at the lower edge of oval window.The white dotted arrow indicate the narrow atretic bone plate of oval window.The red box shows the implanted Piston.

图5-3-3 先天性听骨链畸形Ⅲ型。A:HRCT图像,白色箭头指示闭锁的前庭窗骨板,厚度接近0.8mm,黑箭头指示面神经软组织,无骨管,提示走行畸形,位于前庭窗闭锁板下缘;B:CTVR图像,红箭头指示锤骨,形态良好,黄箭头指示砧骨长脚,远端变细,与畸形镫骨上结构相连,越过面神经(黑箭头)表面紧贴下方向前庭窗处走行;DEF为术中图像,D:黄箭头指示砧骨长脚,远端与畸形镫骨上结构融合连接,畸跨于裸露的面神经(黑箭头)表面,面神经完全覆盖前庭窗,白色虚箭头指示圆窗龛;E图黑色虚箭头指示在圆窗龛前方(圆窗膜的前下方)、面神经(黑箭头)下方磨除鼓岬骨质,暴露鼓阶起始段骨内膜,黄箭头指示砧镫关节,位于面神经表面,因角度关系镫骨上畸形结构被遮挡;F:显示鼓阶开窗处覆盖筋膜后植入TORP连接鼓膜;C图为术后影像,与A图同一部位,红色虚箭头指示植入的人工听骨,位于鼓阶起始段骨质内,没有进入鼓阶外淋巴腔,且位于面神经(黑箭头)下方,位置良好,与前庭窗开窗(白箭头处)具有相同的解剖学和传音生理学基础。Fig.5-3-3 Ossicular chain malformation typeⅢ.A:HRCT image.The white arrow indicates the atretic bone plate of oval w indow w ith 0.8mm thickness.The black arrow indicates the abnormal naked facial nerve located to the lower edge of oval w indow.B:CTVR Image.The red arrow indicates the normal mallus and the yellow arrow indicates the thiner long limb of crus that connected to the stapes superstructure,covered the naked facial nerve and arrived to the ovalw indow.D/E/F:Surgical image.D:The yellow arrow indicates the distal end of the long limb confused w ith the stapes superstructure and crossed naked facial nerve(black arrow).The facial nerval covered the ovalw indow fully.White dotted arrow:round w indow nich.E:The black dotted arrow indicates the burred position anterior to the round w indow nich and inferior to the facial nerve(black arrow).The bone of scala tympaniwas drilled out and the endosteum was exposed.The yellow arrow indicates the incudostapedia joint convering the facialnerve.F:The image displays the fenestration w ith the implanted TORP.C:Postoperative image.The red dottted arrow indicate the implanted TORP located at the initial segment of scal tympani.The TORP did not enter the perilymphatic cavity and located at the lower edge of facial nerve.The fenestration of scal tympani(white arrow)had the same anatomical and physiological theory comparing w ith the stepdectomy.



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