The Art of Floral Arrangement

2018-04-10 03:38:44ByQiaoYe
Special Focus 2018年3期

By Qiao Ye

Once I went to visit my friend and saw a bunch of beautiful flowers displayed beside the television as I entered the living room. The flowers were not only in nice bloom, but were also arranged with great taste.

“I did it,” my friend said.“I have been studying how to arrange flowers lately.”

“What’s your biggest harvest?”

“My biggest harvest is that I found there are natural similarities between the art of arranging flowers and the principle of behaving yourself in life.”

“Can you tell it to me?”

“Of course,” she said with a fairly exulted smile. “Just taking this bunch of flowers for example,there are five basic laws—

“Firstly, the light top and heavy bottom refer to the color of flowers. The deep color is in the foundation, the light colors are at the top; such a flower arrangement has a sense of stability. Conducting yourself is the same as this. You have to make clear what is flashy and what fundamental so that you won’t lose yourself.”

I nodded.

“Secondly, the gathered top and scattered bottom of flowers refer to the allocation of the placement of flowers in terms of size. The small and thin petals should be arranged on the top and outside;and the big and thick petals are in the middle and bottom. It will offer the flower arrangement a sense of balance. Conducting yourself is the same. You have to make clear your location in life so as to find the most suitable affiliation.”

“Thirdly, varying in height refers to the arrangement of sprays. Only when the sprays vary in length and height will the bouquet display vitality and a sense of flow. In conducting yourself, you need to know how to exert your strength and avoid your shortcomings in order to make all your efforts count.”

I look at her with a smile.Her words and wisdom really surprised me.

“Fourthly, the distance between flowers and sprays should be varying in size and density. The big flowers should keep sparse and the small should be dense,so that the flower arrangement is proper in actual condition with a sense of layers. In conducting yourself, you should behave the same way. Principle and propriety can make you mellow and natural,” she said with a smile. “Finally, the top and bottom should be consistent.It means that the dynamics of the whole bouquet should be concentrated—that is, the shape of flowers arrangement is spread out, but the spirit of it is concentrative, so that the flower arrangement can be associated with each other and have a sense of wholeness. The way you conduct yourself is through selfuniformity. However, it is just a basic framework, and the specific situation should be determined by flowers or persons.”














After hearing her words, I began to examine this bunch of flowers. How wonderful what she said was. Isn’t life like this?This bunch of flowers seemed to be quite common; in fact, each person is also like a bunch of flowers echoing each other and varying in weight, concentration,height, and density. Each piece needs to be managed carefully to attain the most genuine and beautiful arrangement.◆

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