Interesting Historical stories of Guang Sheng Temple

2018-03-31 09:34LiKuan
中关村 2018年3期

Li Kuan

Huofeng County, Linfen Hongdong County, south of the Huo Quan coast, is located in a temple - Guangsheng Temple. Here is the 1986 version of "Journey to the West - sweep the tower to identify the Wrong" viewfinder; the last century 30s Liang Sicheng, Lin Huiyin and others who have made a special trip to visit ancient buildings, evaluation is very high; and the National Library of Treasures Museum National treasure "Zhao City Jinzang" was collected here for hundreds of years, but not known.

Before I visited Guangsheng Temple, Big Ash tree, Su San prison and other Hongdong attractions, but why young and less known, just cursory, not quite. With this Spring Festival holiday, I decided to take a closer look and enjoy the famous temple of this ancient temple.

Sitting in the bus, far to be able to see the top of Huosheng Guangsheng Temple landmark - Rainbow Tower. The history of this ancient temple is so old that it was built in the first year of the Huan Dynasty (AD 147) in the Eastern Han Dynasty. It was one of the earliest monasteries built on the land of China. It was only 79 (79) later than the White Horse Temple year. The temple formerly known as Lusha Temple, also known as Ashoka tower courtyard, to know that where history has been called as Ashoka tower hospital, have been worshiped in the Sui Dynasty Buddha's relic, its status in the field of religious culture In the same way, it can be said that it is a Buddhist holy land. Until Fenyang Wang Guozi instrument, the Tang dynasty ordered to take "vast in the sky, famous world" meaning, giving the amount of "Temple of Guangsheng", now has the "Guangsheng Temple" in the name. In 1961, Guangsheng Temple was included in the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units.

This 1,800-year-old ancient temple can be said to have been troubled by many tragedies. Not only the operation of "killing three monks and one war of arms," ??but also the destruction of the second defeat, the frequency of military fire in the Song and Jin Dynasties, In the Ming Dynasty, several major earthquakes made the monasteries decadent and devastating. Therefore, we can see most of the temple buildings are the ruins of the Yuan Dynasty. The Feihong Pagoda and Main Hall on the temple were rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. However, we should not underestimate these existing buildings. After all, Liang Si-cheng and Lin Hui-yin, the ancient architects, have studied the architecture of Guangsheng Temple in the book "Pre-investigation of Ancient Buildings in Jinfen" Structure made a very high rating. In the study two people even insisted on sleeping in the main hall, that is, in order to wake up to see the vertical and horizontal brackets.

Guangsheng Temple was built in the Han Dynasty, flourished in the Tang Dynasty, gold destroyed in the soldiers, the yuan is bad at the earthquake, but in a few ruins built, bathing fire rebirth, but the formation of both the Tang and Song legacy, but also the Yuan and Ming characteristics Architectural style.

Standing at the foot of Huoshan, you can see that the entire Guangsheng Temple has three buildings, namely, the temple, the temple and the water temple. The temple is located in the top of Huoshan, surrounded by pines and cypresses; towering towering ancient pagoda, glass components shine. Temple located in the foothills, with the ups and downs and built, sitting north toward the south, the level of scattered, caused by layers. Water Temple is located on the west side of the temple, and the temple just separated by a wall.

Since came to the foot of Huoshan, go to the temple to visit some. Go to the Temple of Guangsheng Temple to go through Huo Quan, the springs under the bridge clear bottomed out, still is Lin Huiyin depicting the appearance of the article, the bridge bar is tied to a keg, barrel tied with a long rope, convenient for visitors to access Gansu spring water. This inheritance of a century unchanged quaint style, people fascinated.

The temple of Guangsheng Temple and the temple of Xiaxian are the same. Since the great earthquake of the Yuan Dynasty, the monks at the upper and lower temples rebuilt their respective temples without interfering with each other. Lower Temple compared to the smaller size of the temple, the existing Hill Gate, the former Buddha Hall, Buddha Hall, Duomo and other five buildings. Among them, the most worthy visit is to rebuild the Great Buddha Hall in the Yuan Dynasty and the former Buddha rebuilt in the Ming Dynasty. The former temple referred to as the front hall, rebuilt in the Ming, five things, Jianwa hanging hill, Buddha statues more than ten respect, four walls are painted murals; also known as the temple after the main hall, is the temple's earliest temple, failed to escape Over the Yuan Dynasty earthquake robbery, and then with the temple reconstruction, seven eight rafters, Shan Yan Shan Shan, the temple dedicated to the Three Buddha and Manjusri, Samantabhadra, four walls also painted.

It is a matter of pity that the murals of the former Buddha Temple and the Great Buddha Hall are already incomplete. The frescoes of the two walls of the former Buddha Temple and the Great Buddha Hall are priceless selling in the Republic of China.

In 1929 (the Republic of China eighteen years) "Pharmacist Buddhist Buddha map" murals by the then Zhao County (later merged with Hongdong County) approved by the county, the temple under the auspices of the Buddhist monk together with several gentry stripped the murals, With 1,600 yuan silver ocean sales and heritage traffickers, lost their hands after a few hands overseas. The remaining three were also sold in the same way to the well-known cultural relics dealers Lu Qin Zhai, eventually lost all overseas.

This matter was inscribed at the time, "rebuilt Guangsheng temple under the Temple of Buddha," a complete record of the inscription: "Under the Temple of the temple buildings, collapsed over time, tourists can not help but touch touch injury. Funds to raise up only .There are far away from the age of the past, the Buddha Temple painted wall, aristocrats elegant, the price can be straight gold, monks Zhengda invitational gentry valuation sale, the public think Temple repair without funding, many years of regret If this is not the case, the wall will inevitably be destroyed like a wall, and it will be put to the best of its ability. Discussing with customers again and again for a consideration of 1,600 yuan for the sale of Yin Yang will not be sufficient to raise funds for grants.

Hear the other tourists whispered Curse of the monk whispered, I could not help feeling a little sad, this person and Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes similar to the priest! The same is the maintenance of temples, the same fool ignorant guardian, is also an irresponsible local officials, is also a cunning greedy cultural relics traffickers, the same loss of overseas!

After all, the loss of cultural relics can not simply be attributed to the individual, that is the history of the irony of the whole of China, we can not use a standard to defend cultural relics luxury to an ordinary monk, only a helpless sigh for this Inscription.

With a bit of depression, I came to the Temple of the Water Temple separated from the wall of the temple. Shui Temple is a temple dedicated to worship the water springs god should be the custom of the temple, because the temple is dedicated to the Ming should be king, it is also known as the Ming should be the king palace. Liang Sicheng Lin Huiyin specifically mentioned in the article "Preliminary Investigation of Ancient Buildings in Jin Fen": "The mural painting of the Ming dynasty palace beside the temple is the only solitary case in which the mural painting is not based on the Buddhist theme."

Into this hall, although some dim light, but still be able to see the full color murals, its rich and colorful content, character portraits vivid. These frescos have as many as thirteen pictures depicting court life and well-being, mostly folklore stories, which truly reflect the social life of the Yuan and Ming dynasties and are especially valuable. Murals include: pray rain map, play map, chess map, rainfall map, selling fish map, Shang Shi Tu, Secretary treasure map, Zaju map, dressing map, ancient Guangsheng Temple temple view, Yu Yuan Pavilion map, Hing Xitang Tang Temple map, Emperor Taizong miles map.

One of my favorite is to sell fish charts. Fish chart easy to understand, but satirical spicy. Painted on the left side of the screen a program showing the altar, cans, pots, bowls, wine, table set a bucket, the bucket filled with fruits and pears, five seemingly official diners seem to be preparing banquets. Faced with a man selling fish, they are afraid to eat a loss, Ever since, an official personally hang scale, the other a few people staring at the balance bar deadly, look at the hanging scales officials, his right hand little finger in the Beam on the ghost. Picture, officials are well-dressed, fat big ears, fishermen are dressed simple, wearing straw sandals, skinny. The most amazing thing is that the old fisherman stretched his fingers, making a strong smile, a look of pleading, it seems issued a desolate begging sound. The painter portrayed such common social phenomena of the day as his own, so vividly analyzed. If the author did not carefully observe and live a profound life, it was impossible to draw such an extremely lively painting.

In addition, Zaju is the most famous one of thirteen murals. Its full name is "Daxing Sansu Zhongdu Xiuduo Doing Place", is the only large-scale Yuan Dynasty drama fresco found in our country and is an important material for studying the development of theater history and stage art. Sheng Temple must be.

Jinnan was the cradle of ancient Chinese opera art in north China. The Yuan Dynasty drama of Pingyang (the ancient name of Linfen) reached its peak and a number of famous theater masters such as Guan Hanqing, Zheng Guangzu, Bai Pu and Shi Junbao were born. China's existing 12 gold, Yuan stage, all in southern Shanxi, Linfen only 5, it is able to explain the problem. This figure is rich in poses, scene lifelike murals, should be flat in the area along the prosperous Yuan drama a reflection of the situation.

Enjoying the exquisite water temple mural, I took a relaxed and happy mood, marched at a brisk pace and walked to the Peak Temple.

Guangsheng Temple on the temple before and after the three-tier hall. The first floor of a door, a large courtyard, the middle is a huge octahedral glass exquisite tower, really can be described as "exquisite tower, tower exquisite, exquisite pagoda 13 layers." Fei Hong tower bottom plane is octagonal, slightly lower than the Kaifeng Youguosi Tower, the second tower in the national glass tower. Tower above the second floor, all the appearance of mosaic multicolored glass carved, there are numerous kinds of patterns, diverse forms, colorful, eight layers each layer, different layers, different sides. Each layer has a different imitation wood brackets, cornices decoration, each layer has a glass relief, Buddha, Bodhisattva, diamond, flowers, Panlong, birds and other various components and patterns, colorful, dizzying.

After I saw Feihong Tower, I was full of myriad characters, magnificent powerful man, lurking clouds pavilion, benevolent Buddha, solemn and solemn Bodhisattva ... ... other tourists are interested in studying the shape of the tower and the story Only I turned around the pagoda in a circle, simply for its beauty and dumping. A style of crafted, I can only use dreams to describe this feeling. No wonder the "Journey to the West" crew to take the location here, take this Rainbow Tower as the golden stupa, after all, Feihong Tower is placed on the pavilion of the myth story is no less!

Reluctant to leave the Feihong Tower, came to the Amitabha right after the tower. Amitabha Temple Lord Amitabha on both sides of Guanyin Bodhisattva and great potential to the Buddha is a masterpiece in clay sculpture. They lean forward, graceful body, face fullness, floating clothes, obviously with traces of years.

On the left side of Amitabha, there is a row of humble cabinets, do not underestimate them, to know that the famous "Zhao City Gold Treasure" at home and abroad once stored in these cabinets. "Zhao City, Jinzang," the story was even CCTV "Discovery" part of the program made two consecutive shows, not to repeat here.

It touches on the "Zhao City," the key figure in the story - the force is a monk legend, but also to defend the hero of the national treasure.

Lik Kong monk called Ren heavy far, Zhao Cheng Xu village, was a well-known before his father, experienced officials. During his tenure as an official, he became a county magistrate because of his outstanding performance, his support of the public, and his commitment to the magistrate. However, no one would think that this seemingly promising magistrate would be a monarch at the age of forty-two. Ren Zhongwan hate the warlord melee, bureaucratic corruption, as an honest and upright intellectuals, suffer from the search for a way out, combined with quite good impression on the doctrine of the release, then fled into the empty door.

Ren Shuiyuan news shocked the provincial capital, Taiyuan major newspapers have reported that many friends and relatives strongly discouraged, and some books advised, and some blocking the block. However, no matter how far away from each other, resolutely in the Twin Towers Pagoda under the tower built by Miaofang Master Dharma degree, and thanks to the French name of the Italian law, the force of the air. Many people feel sorry for such a talented person to escape into the empty door.

However, the paradox of fate lies in this. When all people think that monk Li Xiaofeng will be hidden in the mountains, away from earthly disputes, the national treasure "Zhao City," but pushed him to the forefront of the war of resistance against Japan.

As early as 1933 Fan Chengcheng "Zhao city gold" stored in Guangsheng Temple news came out, this worldwide priceless treasure has aroused common attention at home and abroad, Japan's Oriental Culture Institute and the Japanese monks even more Claimed to have purchased the national treasure for a million silver dollars but was categorically rejected by the monks in the Guangsheng Temple.

In 1937, the monastic successor took over Guangsheng Si monasticism, all walks of life are more positive moves, trying to seize the "Zhao City gold possession." In September 1937 and February 1938, Air Force chaired a firm attitude and flexible tactics and successively sent Li Kuangan, commander of the Fourteenth Army of the Kuomintang on behalf of Chiang Kai-shek, and Thirty-eight Division teacher Feng Qin Zai. As a former official who had worked in the Nationalist government for more than 20 years, he was deeply suspicious of the military discipline of the Kuomintang army and did not say that under the chaos of arms and force, could it not be able to send the Jiuzhaigou completely to its destination, whether Chiang Kai-shek Areas under the jurisdiction of Chongqing, Xi'an or Yan Xishan Keshi slope, even if sent to the priceless city of "Zhao City Gold" is also likely to become "personal belongings."

Since then, Air Force presided over the realization that the possession of Tibet can no longer continue to deposit in the Amitabha. So on the one hand, together with the monks, he transferred all the volumes of the Volumes of Volumes and Volumes to the Feiyu Pagoda and sealed them with masonry to block the passage of the Pagoda. On the ground of the war, he announced that the Pagoda could no longer be visited; On the other hand, the news broke out and claimed that the "Zhao City Gold Tomb" was transported to Xi'an by the 14th Army of Li Mo'an in September 1937. In February 1938, the Japanese army invaded Hongdong and the Guangsheng Temple became a Japanese-occupied area. The Japanese army, who did not give up many times, came to press for confession and were both answered the above statement.

The time was up In the middle of April 1942, the "Oriental Culture Delegation" dispatched by the Japanese government was active in the area of ??Jinnan. Not long afterwards, it was informed by the Japanese military base in Daojue Village, just two kilometers away from Guangsheng Temple, that the Japanese troops should visit the tower during the lunar calendar on March 18 (Gregorian calendar and May 2). Likelihood received notice, anxious, under the noses of Japanese strongholds, only a small number of monks within the temple, even through the possession of hidden again are difficult to do. So he decisively, bypassing the devil's blockade line, go dozens of mountain, looking for his friend, the Eighth Route Army anti-Japanese government chief Yang Zesheng for help. Yang Ze-sheng felt very important and immediately reported it, and then the news was promptly reported to Yan'an. Soon, the central call for approval to rescue "Zhao City Gold" requires strict confidence, deadline to complete.

After careful planning, on the night of April 27, 1942, more than 200 commanders and soldiers of the Eighth Route Army entered Guangsheng Temple in the night and took out the masonry. They took out the scroll and put it into the baggage. Carrying a burden, more than two hundred officers and soldiers so with five or six volumes of volume, quickly into the night. The entire process was silent, and the Japanese turret, two kilometers away, was unaware of it. In the meantime, in line with this operation, tens of thousands of people were mobilized by the armed forces base camps, county guerrillas, militiamen and people in total, just in case.

After the rolls were shipped away, in order to prevent the clues discovered by the Japanese army, Lv Kong presided over the immediate disbandment of the monks, and they also hid themselves in the dark and humid Luzu Cave on the east side of the Temple Back Hall for more than three months. Shortly afterwards, the Japanese army noticed it wrong and sent people to Guangsheng Temple, but found that there was no one in the temple. So he quickly reported, and later the Puppet Governor of Japan and Pupilan personally came to investigate, but also arrested a number of monks, the result was nothing, in the end only to die. Likong presided over his bravery and wisdom makes the national treasure "Zhao City," and monks and monasteries have escaped a robbery.

Advocated effort to preside over the feelings of forgetfulness, I continue my tour. Walking stop and go, I came to Pilu Temple, this historical value of the heritage, compared to several other temples is not too special place, but Guangsheng Temple complex can not be too much impact during the Cultural Revolution, Pilu Temple "contributed", it is with the Western Temple repair process is Premier Chou indicated before the Cultural Revolution "must be repaired," one of the three ancient buildings in Shanxi.