
2018-03-31 10:43


求解两人博弈纳什平衡问题的定制临近点算法…………………………彭拯, 江彬倩, 庄杰鹏( 1 )

具有固定直径单圈图的Estrada指标…………………………杨迎迎, 常安( 8 )

具有权弱分担值的差分或微分多项式的亚纯函数的唯一性…………………………林珊华, 林伟川(12)

基于Bootstrap思想的非参数检验p值的估计方法…………………………吕书龙, 刘文丽(20)

和与积相等的Hermitian矩阵对的惯性及应用…………………………林志兴, 杨忠鹏, 陈梅香, 陈智雄(27)

随机参考点下带有最小收益约束的投资组合…………………………胡双霞, 王晶海(32)

基于核最小二乘回归子空间分割的高维小样本数据聚类…………………………简彩仁, 翁谦, 陈晓云(38)


一种双向长短时记忆循环神经网络的问句语义关系识别方法…………………………姜华, 欧阳红, 方红旺, 胡海英, 刘玉玺(52)

一种支持向量机和数字图像相结合的能见度检测算法…………………………刘南辉, 周海芳, 章杰(59)

一种高精度双环反馈的新型过流保护电路…………………………杨园格, 李凡阳, 黄继伟(65)

低功耗氧化铪基柔性透明阻变存储器制备及其性能研究 …………………………廖成浩, 赖云锋, 周海芳(70)

一种基于白帽变换的细小水体信息提取方法…………………………张强, 吴波(75)

一种基于瞬时无功功率的改进p-q谐波电流检测方法研究…………………………金涛, 刘思议 (82)

UPS中CLA协同控制双Buck逆变器设计…………………………陈裕成, 卢德祥, 王武(89)

基于分布式光纤技术的古建木结构变形监测策略…………………………吴铭昊, 唐伟杰, 姜绍飞, 沈圣(95)

滨海平原河网浅水动力分区特性研究…………………………陈吉江, 邹叶锋, 余文公, 王立辉(104)

基于性能的RC框架结构现浇板式楼梯抗震性能评估…………………………吴兆旗, 李晨亮, 姜绍飞(109)

辐照对长江可培养微生物的影响及挑选指示微生物…………………………宋家斑, 蒯琳萍(115)

罗非鱼鱼鳞胶原多肽的优化制备及其生物活性研究…………………………李灵, 徐梁棕, 汪少芸(120)

鲷鱼鳞多肽的酶法制备及抗氧化活性研究…………………………方菲, 颜阿娜, 汪少芸(128)

海洋来源褐藻胶裂解酶分离纯化及酶学性质研究…………………………韩伟, 许鑫琦, 叶秀云, 林娟(136)

温泉来源地芽孢杆菌耐热α-淀粉酶基因的克隆表达及酶学性质研究…………………………林云, 林娟, 王国增, 林梦丹, 叶秀云(143)


树状六角系统的一些基于顶点度的拓扑指数…………………………刘剑萍, 郑瑞玲, 陈锦松(151)

基于非参数核回归模型的隐含波动率预测…………………………戴秀菊, 舒志彪(156)

基于行动轨迹的人工蜂群算法…………………………何尧, 郭文忠, 刘耿耿, 张顺淼(163)

SVI隐含波动率模型的时间指数扩展…………………………庄颖, 吴小燕, 王美清(169)

基于局部直方图信息的相似图像组分割模型…………………………李欢丽, 徐海平, 王美清(178)

一种基于优化粒子滤波的锂电池SOC估计算法…………………………吴兰花, 杨秀芝, 郑明魁, 苏凯雄(186)

一种光伏组件I-V特性曲线测试及参数辨识系统…………………………林文城, 陈志聪, 吴丽君, 林培杰, 吴越, 程树英(192)

一种基于出租车轨迹数据的优质客源评价模型及实证研究…………………………邱端昇, 邬群勇, 刘萌, 孙梅(199)

基于出租车OD数据的居民活动强度时空特征研究…………………………刘萌, 邬群勇(204)

评价CJ20系列接触器动态性能之数据类型的适用性…………………………杨怡君 , 许志红(210)

角速度信号在功能性电刺激系统步态分段算法中的应用…………………………陈建国, 杨徐, 李玉榕(216)

SPWM高频数字控制型双Buck全桥逆变器…………………………陈裕成, 林德荣, 王武, 蔡逢煌(223)

2D-C/SiC复合材料磨削加工表面形成机制…………………………刘琼, 黄国钦, 徐西鹏(228)

不同接触下镜片亚表面损伤形成数值模拟…………………………卢剑波, 高诚辉, 任志英, 江伟(234)

奎宁功能化的混合模式有机-硅胶杂化整体柱的制备和应用…………………………刘凯, 郑娜, 林旭聪, 吕海霞(242)

H2O在金红石型IrO2(110)和RuO2(110)表面吸附的DFT分析…………………………周建锋, 李国荣, 王欣, 唐电(247)

冷气侧对流传热系数周期性波动对固体温度分布影响的一维分析…………………………施能博, 张温宇, 孙志新, 林立(254)

SA/CTS复合吸附微球制备工艺的响应面优化研究…………………………喻珍林, 李晓, 罗锡恒, 张卫英, 叶卓亮(263)

3种离子液体对脂肪酶催化鱼油酯交换产物ω-3脂肪酸的影响…………………………李梦琪, 傅红, 张翠平, 欧阳全兴, 王琳, 叶秀云(269)

热压法制备乙基纤维素油凝胶的氧化特性研究…………………………张翠平, 傅红, 傅彦君, 李梦琪, 欧阳全兴, 叶秀云(275)

人源EC-SOD在毕赤酵母中的构建与表达…………………………林士森, 刘玮洁, 林靖颖, 杨楠楠, 刘树滔(281)

海蜇胶原蛋白的制备及理化性质研究…………………………李玉芬, 郑明星, 朱凡, 林娟(286)

海蛾乙酸乙酯提取物的分离纯化及抗肿瘤活性分析…………………………蔡振辉, 陈金梅, 陈东海, 胡圣学, 蔡鲜群, 陈胜男, 石贤爱(295)


Fusion框架算子扰动的若干性质…………………………林少杰, 朱玉灿(301)


多孔介质中非线性延伸壁面上驻点流动的非相似解…………………………代宇, 沈明, 陈晖(311)

基于部分实例重判的二分K-means算法…………………………吴清寿, 刘耿耿, 郭文忠(317)

基于海量异构数据索引语义查询的关键模型研究…………………………桑海翎, 郭文忠(324)

Apriori算法的改进及在电子商务中的应用…………………………袁晓建, 张岐山, 甘智平, 陈焕辉, 傅龙天(330)

基于人工蜂群波长优选和残差增广的近红外光谱定量模型研究…………………………林双杰, 柴琴琴, 王武, 李玉榕(335)

视网膜血管直径交互式测量方法…………………………薛岚燕, 余轮, 林嘉雯, 曹新容, 郑绍华(341)

一种低功耗自适应集簇分层型协议的优化…………………………黄继伟, 黎源, 俞煌, 柯玉山, 陈阿辉(350)

福建省耕地等别空间分布特征研究…………………………徐伟铭, 罗星, 陈伟锋(355)

基于高分辨率遥感影像的平潭综合实验区景观格局分析…………………………温小乐, 赵林洪(360)

车用涡轮增压器瞬态性能实验装置设计与分析…………………………张海路, 张卫波(366)

一种超体积准则多目标遗传算法的螺旋桨叶片优化方法…………………………潘志榕, 朱光宇, 伊德景(372)

模拟退火法在协同优化中的应用…………………………饶太春, 兰林强, 罗伟林(379)

炭黑颗粒填充橡胶复合材料界面脱粘数值分析…………………………付宾, 杨晓翔(386)

全再生骨料混凝土导热性能试验研究…………………………游帆, 郑建岚(391)

界面剂对新旧混凝土界面粘结性能影响的试验研究…………………………黄璐, 卓卫东, 谷音, 上官萍, 黄新艺(396)

斜拉索动位移实时测定方法研究和系统开发…………………………黄宛昆, 吴庆雄, 陈宝春(403)

地铁站厅内人员疏散路径选择影响因素研究…………………………刘毅, 沈斐敏, 王旭峰(410)

基于K均值小波神经网络的二阶段空调负荷预测…………………………赵超, 郑守锦(416)

含氟茂铁吡唑类衍生物的合成及燃速催化性能的研究…………………………袁耀锋, 杨思涵, 王吉成, 林芬(422)

构建卷烟感官香气风格特征的PLSR定量预测模型…………………………李超, 胡建军, 李勤书, 李娥贤, 张承明, 李利君, 秦云华(431)

人源程序性死亡配体PD-L2蛋白的原核表达与抗血清制备…………………………杨娟娟, 刘照, 夏菁潞, 罗岭, 俞博彤, 孟春(438)

紫菜多酚对人恶性黑色素瘤细胞A375增殖和诱导凋亡的影响及机制探讨…………………………邱小明, 李锋, 石贤爱(445)


一种云环境下的虚拟机负载均衡算法…………………………江伟, 刘漳辉, 邱启荣, 黄启成(451)

支付模糊图合作博弈分配模型及其应用…………………………苏东风, 杨洁(458)

基于HBase的车联网海量数据查询…………………………冯心欣, 胡淑英, 邹其昊, 徐艺文(466)

用于盲人视觉辅助的多目标快速识别并同步测距方法…………………………吴晓烽, 吴丽君, 吴振辉, 陈志聪, 林培杰, 文吉成(472)

图像和惯性传感器相结合的摄像机定位和物体三维位置估计…………………………郭恩特, 陈志峰, 范振嘉, 黄立勤, 潘林(481)


——以长汀古城为例…………………………李迎春, 石飞, 陈仰金(490)

基于AHP与GIS技术的24 h便利店选址适宜性评价研究

——以厦门市思明区为例…………………………张远翼, 万博文, 曹浩然, 林筠茹, 戚荣昊, 刘淑虎(497)

某在役古建木结构的模型修正与状态评估…………………………吴铭昊, 姜绍飞, 唐伟杰, 欧阳奇(504)

钢筋超高性能混凝土梁抗剪性能试验研究…………………………陈宝春, 吴前文, 黄卿维, 马熙伦, 苏家战(512)

基于双地震动强度指标的桥墩地震易损性模型研究…………………………陈力波, 王化河, 黄才贵, 涂意, 谷音(518)

适用于桥梁截面温度场计算的太阳辐射模型研究综述…………………………薛俊青, 林健辉, Bruno Briseghella , 陈宝春, 黄福云(526)

半空间内椭圆夹杂对出平面荷载的Green函数解…………………………许华南, 张连刚, 汤小伟, 王永辉(534)

福建省典型填土路基施工的机械碾压组合…………………………吴红权, 上官萍, 阙云, 林国仁, 卓卫东(542)

南中国海台风“莫拉菲”风场模型建立…………………………陈橙, 李焱(549)

N-亚硝基苯胲铵在钛铁矿表面的吸附特性研究…………………………刘明宝, 李皓琳, 裴丹, 李航, 马英强, 印万忠(554)

新型空气间隔器的研发与试验研究…………………………楼晓明, 王振昌, 黄小彬, 何永胜(561)

Nd:La0.02Lu0.98VO4晶体的生长与性能研究…………………………王伟男, 李光伟, 赵斌(568)

基于近红外特征变量筛选对火麻油掺杂的快速检测…………………………李颖, 陈元胜, 吕靓, 汪少芸, 王武, 付才力(574)

鲭鱼罐头蒸煮液蛋白酶解产物的生物活性分析…………………………林云, 林娟, 许鑫琦, 毕丹丹, 郭耀湘(580)

不同类型红曲黄酒中挥发性风味组分比较分析…………………………郭伟灵, 周文斌, 蒋雅君, 刘绘鹏, 李路, 刘斌, 饶平凡, 倪莉, 吕旭聪(586)

肠道菌群模式菌株的HPLC分离条件优化及其表征…………………………邱丹腾, 张海玲, 陈玲琳, 潘超逸, 陈姗姗, 饶平凡, 刘树滔(593)


微分方程和差分方程指数型二分性条件的等价…………………………邹长武, 张章学(601)

包含正圈的复符号非异性极小禁用圈链…………………………陈淑梅, 刘月(606)

一类非零元个数最少的谱任意Ray 模式…………………………邓将武, 刘月(613)

约化模型下带双重风险的可转换债券定价…………………………陈芳青, 王晶海(620)

一种4链路1.5 G-SDI传输4K/30P图像的方法…………………………董腾飞, 袁家德(626)

一种应用于POS机的4G全网通天线…………………………黄文储, 袁家德(631)

面向HEVC的运动估计快速算法和硬件架构…………………………陈清坤, 施隆照, 黄博, 高小虹(636)

基于朴素贝叶斯的文化旅游文本分类技术研究…………………………王祥翔, 方荟, 陈崇成(644)

枇杷冠层内光分布模拟及光截获分析…………………………陈舒炜, 唐丽玉, 尹丹(650)

海湾型城市地表温度景观格局时空演变特征…………………………聂芹, 阮华敏, 满旺, 李宗梅, 栾海军, 孙凤琴, 李晖(657)

物联网车载多层次监测报警系统设计…………………………任志英, 刘福光, 王禅同, 张宇杰, 陈其胜(665)

利用气液协调控制的车辆稳定性控制系统设计…………………………吴乙万, 杨康, 陈正强, 李凡(670)

芳纶短纤维增强橡胶复合材料大变形力学性能的相关性实验…………………………高剑虹, 杨晓翔(677)

太阳辐射对福建省桥梁截面温度场的影响研究…………………………薛俊青, 林健辉, Bruno Briseghella, 陈宝春(685)

钢混组合梁半整体桥设计与施工…………………………黄育凡, 江越胜, 吴庆雄, 林上顺(693)

矿物掺合料对再生混凝土早龄期拉伸徐变的影响…………………………叶世昌, 罗素蓉, 郑建岚(700)

废弃石粉对普通混凝土耐久性能的影响…………………………黄斌, 龚明子, 袁忠标(705)

粉煤灰改良花岗岩残积土试验研究…………………………刘胜, 陈志波, 陈伟文, 韦毅(712)

ATIS环境下的网络交通流逐日动态演化研究…………………………阎昊, 刘诗序, 杨少辉, 陈文思, 郭丽丹, 唐颖诺, 方捷(718)

结合出租车轨迹数据的城市道路拥堵时空分析…………………………邬群勇, 邹智杰, 邱端昇, 苏克云(724)

基于系统动力学的海峡西岸城市群台风灾害风险分析…………………………陈丽满, 陈长坤, 阳富强(732)

福建某低品位铜钼矿工艺矿物学研究…………………………马英强, 张书超, 吴双桥, 印万忠, 林小亭(739)

正山小种挥发性香气组成及其在多次沸水浸提下的释放规律研究…………………………何理琴, 王彩楠, 倪莉, 陈福城, 张晨, 张雯, 刘志彬(743)

不同频率超声波对养殖水体浮游植物群落结构的影响…………………………高俊晖, 阮成旭, 袁重桂, 游丽娟, 崔笑(748)

单质粒哺乳动物单杂交系统的构建及功能评价…………………………陈凡, 林木贵, 程亚丽, 林梅西(753)



保E*关系且方向保序严格部分一一变换半群的秩…………………………龙伟锋, 徐波, 龙伟芳, 李湘(764)

AANA阵列的完全收敛性…………………………王宽程, 杨英钟, 高小明(769)

多层级模糊联盟结构合作对策τ值计算方法及其性质…………………………杨靛青, 吕伟强, 俞裕兰(775)

基于VAR模型的货币政策有效性研究…………………………黄乐, 黄志刚, 林朝颖(782)

基于时间框架的多日游行程规划及其优化方法…………………………张久滕, 吴小竹, 陈崇成, 方荟, 刘先锋, 方东(787)

ARM Cortex-M0+机器码系列文件分析及应用研究…………………………蔡伯峰, 王宜怀(794)

一种光伏阵列实时状态监测与故障定位系统…………………………韩付昌, 陈志聪, 吴丽君, 俞金玲, 林培杰, 程树英, 吴勇标(799)

改进PV模型在北斗/GPS接收机中的应用…………………………张勇鹏, 苏凯雄, 陈伟强(808)

一种利用可见光波段无人机遥感的林下植被覆盖识别方法…………………………朱雄斌, 汪小钦, 周小成(814)

中国东北地区植被NPP模拟与时空变化分析…………………………薛梅, 陈芸芝, 闫敏, 李增元, 汪小钦, 徐海生, 张兆鹏, 田昕(821)

若尔盖高寒草地微地形的土壤微生物群落多样性特征…………………………江聪, 简小枚, 杜勇, 陈毅萍, 税伟(831)

基于DTR的中国东部沿海地区城市热岛强度定量估算…………………………林中立, 徐涵秋(839)

应用于车载充电机的高效率交错并联PFC设计…………………………刘秋花, 林琼斌, 苏先进(846)

以气象参数预测的输电线最大载流量概率模型…………………………张斌, 金涛, 江岳文, 叶荣, 温步瀛(853)

小波包分解结合异常值检测自动去除眼电中眨眼干扰的方法…………………………王田, 李玉榕, 陈建国, 陈东毅(860)

配筋超高性能混凝土井盖试验及现场使用性能测试…………………………苏家战, 张惠彬, 黄卿维, 陈宝春, 韦建刚(867)

石灰石粉对混凝土耐久性能的影响…………………………王德辉, 史才军, 贾煌飞, 曾荣, 吴有武, 劳里林(874)


…………………………林立, 陈锴, 陈昌萍, 卓卫东, 阮民全, 黄传炳, 王亚平(881)

多孔酚醛树脂固载铑膦配合物催化剂的制备与催化性能…………………………钱子隆, 周聪, 赵素英, 吴丹(888)

Na2Ce4(MoO4)7晶体的生长及磁光性能研究…………………………桂训鹏, 陶震, 赵斌, 陈建中, 郭飞云(895)


…………………………樊海平, 薛凌展, 杨晓燕, 钟全福, 秦志清, 郑磊, 黄德荣, 张树兴(901)


模糊控制的光伏发电MPPT系统设计…………………………章达宾, 朱其祥, 张家齐(906)




Customized proximal point algorithm for Nash equilibrium of two-player games

…………………………PENG Zheng, JIANG Binqian, ZHUANG Jiepeng( 1 )

The Estrada index of unicyclic graphs with fixed diameter…………………………YANG Yingying, CHANG An( 8 )

The uniqueness of meromorphic functions of the differential or differential polynomial with the weakly weighed sharing value

…………………………LIN Shanhua, LIN Weichuan(12)

Estimation methods ofpvalue of nonparametric test based on the Bootstrap idea…………………………LÜ Shulong, LIU Wenli(20)

Inertia of Hermitian matrix pairs whose sum is equal to its product and its applications

…………………………LIN Zhixing, YANG Zhongpeng, CHEN Meixiang, CHEN Zhixiong(27)

Optimal investment with minimum performance constraints under dynamic reference point

…………………………HU Shuangxia, WANG Jinghai(32)

High dimension small sample data clustering using kernel least square regression subspace segmentation

…………………………JIAN Cairen, WENG Qian CHEN Xiaoyun(38)

Hyperspectral image restoration based on variational Bayesian inference…………………………ZOU Changzhong(45)

Identifying semantic relations in users’ questions by using bi-directional long short term memory neural networks

…………………………JIANG Hua, OUYANG Hong, FANG Hongwang, HU Haiying, LIU Yuxi(52)

A visibility detection algorithm based on digital image processing and support vector machines

…………………………LIU Nanhui, ZHOU Haifang, ZHANG Jie(59)

High accurate self-recovering and dual-loop feedback over-current protection circuit

…………………………YANG Yuange, LI Fanyang, HUANG Jiwei(65)

Study on fully transparent HfOx-based RRAM with lower switching power on flexible substrates

…………………………LIAO Chenghao, LAI Yunfeng, ZHOU Haifang(70)

A novel method to extract narrow water with white top-hat transform…………………………ZHANG Qiang, WU Bo(75)

Research on an improvedp-qharmonic current detection method based on instantaneous reactive power theory

…………………………JIN Tao, LIU Siyi(82)

Design of dual-buck inverter with CLA synchronic control in UPS…………………………CHEN Yucheng, LU Dexiang, WANG Wu(89)

Deformation monitoring strategy for ancient timber buildings based on distributed optic fiber sensing technology

…………………………WU Minghao, TANG Weijie, JIANG Shaofei, SHEN Sheng(95)

Shallow water dynamic partitioning features of coastal plain river network

…………………………CHEN Jijiang, ZOU Yefeng, YU Wengong WANG Lihui(104)

Component-performance-based seismic assessment of reinforced concrete plate stairs in existing frameworks

…………………………WU Zhaoqi, LI Chenliang, JIANG Shaofei(109)

Effects of irradiation on cultivable microorganisms in the Yangtze River and selection of indicator microorganisms

…………………………SONG Jiaban, KUAI Linping(115)

Optimization preparation of collagen peptides from scale ofTilapiaandand study on their biological activity

…………………………LI Ling, XU Liangzong, WANG Shaoyun(120)

Preparation ofSnapperscale peptides by enzymatic hydrolysis and its antioxidant activity

…………………………FANG Fei, YAN A’na, WANG Shaoyun(128)

Purification and characterization of the alginate lyase isolated from marine

…………………………HAN Wei, XU Xinqi, YE Xiuyun, LIN Juan(136)

Cloning, expression and characterization of the thermostable alpha-amylase gene fromGeobacillussp.WQJ-1 isolated from

hot springs…………………………LIN Yun, LIN Juan, WANG Guozeng, LIN Mengdan, YE Xiuyun(143)


Some vertex-degree-based topological indices of catacondensed hexagonal systems

…………………………LIU Jianping, ZHENG Ruiling, CHEN Jinsong(151)

Implied volatility forecast based on nonparametric regression model…………………………DAI Xiuju, SHU Zhibiao(156)

Improved artificial bee colony algorithm based on actions trajectory

…………………………HE Yao, GUO Wenzhong, LIU Genggeng, ZHANG Shunmiao(163)

Time index extension of the SVI implied volatility model…………………………ZHUANG Ying, WU Xiaoyan, WANG Meiqing(169)

The model for segmenting group of similar images based on local histogram information

…………………………LI Huanli, XU Haiping, WANG Meiqing(178)

An improved particle filter algorithm for Li-ion batteries SOC estimation

…………………………WU Lanhua, YANG Xiuzhi, ZHENG Mingkui, SU Kaixiong(186)

AnI-Vcharacteristic curve measurement and parameters identification system for photovoltaic modules

…………………………LIN Wencheng, CHEN Zhicong, WU Lijun, LIN Peijie, WU Yue, CHENG Shuying(192)

A model of high quality passenger based on taxi trajectory and case verification

…………………………QIU Duansheng, WU Qunyong, LIU Meng, SUN Mei(199)

Spatial and temporal patterns of residents activity intensity based on taxi OD data…………………………LIU Meng, WU Qunyong(204)

Suitability of data type in CJ20 series contactor's dynamic performance evaluation…………………………YANG Yijun, XU Zhihong(210)

Angular velocity signal applied to gait segmentation algorithm in functional electrical stimulation system

…………………………CHEN Jianguo, YANG Xu, LI Yurong(216)

SPWM high frequency digital control Dual-Buck full bridge inverter

…………………………CHEN Yucheng, LIN Derong, WANG Wu, CAI Fenghuang(223)

Surface forming mechanism of grinding 2D-C/SiC Composites…………………………LIU Qiong, HUANG Guoqin, XU Xipeng(228)

Numerical simulation of sub-surface damage of optical lenses under different contact

…………………………LU Jianbo, GAO Chenghui, REN Zhiying, JIANG Wei(234)

Preparation and application of aquinine functionalized organic-silica hybrid monolithic column with a mix-mode

…………………………LIU Kai, ZHENG Na, LIN Xucong, LÜ Haixia(242)

DFT analysis of H2O adsorption on rutile IrO2(110) and RuO2(110) surface

…………………………ZHOU Jianfeng, LI Guorong, WANG Xin, TANG Dian(247)

One-dimensional analysis on influence of cyclical fluctuation of cool air side convective heat-transfer coefficient on solid

temperature distribution…………………………SHI Nengbo, ZHANG Wenyu, SUN Zhixin, LIN Li(254)

Optimization of alginate/chitosan complex adsorbent spheres by response surface methodology

…………………………YU Zhenlin, LI Xiao, LUO Xiheng, ZHANG Weiying, YE Zhuoliang(263)

Effects of ionic liquids on omega-3 fatty acids of fish oil in transesterification products catalyzed various lipase

…………………………LI Mengqi, FU Hong, ZHANG Cuiping, OUYANG Quanxing, WANG Lin, YE Xiuyun(269)

Oxidation characteristics of ethylcellulose oleogels prepared by hot pressing technology

…………………………ZHANG Cuiping, FU Hong, FU Yanjun, LI Mengqi, OUYANG Quanxing, YE Xiuyun(275)

Construction of extracellular superoxide dismutase and expression inPichiapastoris

…………………………LIN Shisen, LIU Weijie, LIN Jingying, YANG Nannan, LIU Shutao(281)

Preparation and physicochemical properties of the jellyfish collagen

…………………………LI Yufen, ZHENG Mingxing, ZHU Fan, LIN Juan(286)

Separation, purification and anti-tumor activity analysis of the components from ethyl acetate extract ofPegasuslaternarius

Cuvier…………………………CAI Zhenhui, CHEN Jinmei, CHEN Donghai, HU Shengxue,

…………………………CAI Xianqun, CHEN Shengnan, SHI Xian’ai(295)


Some properties about the operator perturbation of fusion frames…………………………LIN Shaojie, ZHU Yucan(301)

On the Gauss image of compact and convex hypersurfaces with a constant higher order mean curvature in Euclidean space

…………………………WANG Qi(307)

Non-similarity solutions of stagnation-point flow over a nonlinear stretching sheet embedded in a porous medium

…………………………DAI Yu, SHEN Ming, CHEN Hui(311)

BisectingK-means algorithm based on partial instance rejudge…………………………WU Qingshou, LIU Genggeng, GUO Wenzhong(317)

Research on key model of index semantic query based on massive heterogeneous data

…………………………SANG Hailing, GUO Wenzhong(324)

Improvement of Apriori algorithm and its application in electronic commerce

…………………………YUAN Xiaojian, ZHANG Qishan, GAN Zhiping, CHEN Huanhui, FU Longtian(330)

Near-infrared spectral quantitative modelling using artificial bee colony algorithm based wavelength optimization and esidual

raugmentation…………………………LIN Shuangjie, CHAI Qinqin, WANG Wu, LI Yurong(335)

Interactive measurement of retinal vessel diameter

…………………………XUE Lanyan, YU Lun, LIN Jiawen, CAO Xinrong, ZHENG Shaohua(341)

Optimization of routing protocol for LEACH wireless sensor network

…………………………HUANG Jiwei, LI Yuan, YU Huang, KE Yushan, CHEN Ahui(350)

Spatial distribution characteristics of arable land grade in Fujian Province…………………………XU Weiming, LUO Xing, CHEN Weifeng(355)

Landscape pattern analysis of Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone based on high spatial resolution remote sensing

imagery…………………………WEN Xiaole, ZHAO Linhong(360)

Design and analysis of experiment device structure of vehicle turbocharger for transient performance

…………………………ZHANG Hailu, ZHANG Weibo(366)

An optimization method of propeller blade based on the hypervolume criterion multi-objective genetic algorithm

…………………………PAN Zhirong, ZHU Guangyu, YI Dejing(372)

An application of simulated annealing to collaborative optimization…………………………RAO Taichun, LAN Linqiang, LUO Weilin(379)

Numerical simulation on interface debonding of carbon black filled rubber composites…………………………FU Bin, YANG Xiaoxiang(386)

Experimental study of thermal conductivity of recycled concrete…………………………YOU Fan, ZHENG Jianlan(391)

Effect test of interface agent on bonding of old and new concrete

…………………………HUANG Lu, ZHUO Weidong, GU Yin, SHANGGUAN Ping, HUANG Xinyi(396)

Method research and system development of real-time measurement for stay-cable dynamic displacement

…………………………HUANG Wangkun, WU Qingxiong, CHEN Baochun(403)

Influence factors on the route choice for evacuation in metro station hall…………………………LIU Yi, SHEN Feimin, WANG Xufeng(410)

A two-stage prediction for air-conditioning load base onK-means wavelet neural network

…………………………ZHAO Chao, ZHENG Shoujin(416)

Synthesis and burning-rate catalysis performance of fluorine-containing ferrocenyl pyrazolines

…………………………YUAN Yaofeng, YANG Sihan, WANG Jicheng, LIN Fen(422)

Construction of quantitative PLSR prediction model of cigarette sensory aroma characteristics by variable selection optimization

…………………………LI Chao, HU Jianjun, LI Qinshu, LI Exian, ZHANG Chengming, LI Lijun, QIN Yunhua(431)

Prokaryotic expression and antiserum preparation of human programmed ligand PD-L2 protein

…………………………YANG Juanjuan, LIU Zhao, XIA Jinglu, LUO Ling, YU Botong, MENG Chun(438)

Effect and mechanic investigation of laver polyphenols on proliferation and apoptosis of human malignant melanoma cell A375

…………………………QIU Xiaoming, LI Feng, SHI Xian’ai(445)


A virtual machine load balancing algorithm in cloud environment

…………………………JIANG Wei, LIU Zhanghui, QIU Qirong, HUANG Qicheng(451)

Distribution model of fuzzy graph cooperative games with restricted alliance and its application

…………………………SU Dongfeng , YANG Jie(468)

Querying of massive trajectory data in internet of vehicles based on HBase

…………………………FENG Xinxin, HU Shuying, ZOU Qihao, XU Yiwen(466)

A fast recognition and synchronously ranging method for multiple targets for blind visual aids applications

…………………………WU Xiaofeng, WU Lijun, WU Zhenhui, CHEN Zhicong, LIN Peijie, WEN Jicheng(472)

Estimation of camera location and objects′ 3D position combining image and inertial sensor

…………………………GUO Ente, CHEN Zhifeng, FAN Zhenjia, HUANG Liqin, PAN Lin(481)

Study of ancient city road environment improvement based on time-space consumption theory: a case study of Changting

Ancient City…………………………LI Yingchun, SHI Fei, CHEN Yangjin(490)

Research on the location suitability evaluation of 24 hours convenient store based on AHP and GIS technology: a case study

of siming district in Xiamen

…………………………ZHANG Yuanyi, WAN Bowen, CAO Haoran, LIN Junru, QI Ronghao, LIU Shuhu(497)

Study on model revision and condition assessment of an existing ancient timber structure

…………………………WU Minghao, JIANG Shaofei, TANG Weijie, OUYANG Qi(504)

Experimental study on shear behavior of reinforced ultra-high performance concrete beams

…………………………CHEN Baochun, WU Qianwen, HUANG Qingwei, MA Xilun, SU Jiazhan(512)

Study on seismic fragility models of piers based on double ground motion intensity measures

…………………………CHEN Libo, WANG Huahe, HUANG Caigui, TU Yi, GU Yin(518)

A state-of-the-art of research on solar radiation model for calculation of temperature distribution of bridge cross section

…………………………XUE Junqing, LIN Jianhui, Bruno BRISEGHELLA , CHEN Baochun, HUANG Fuyun(526)

Green’s function solution for elliptical inclusion in half-space impacted by out-plane load

…………………………XU Huanan, ZHANG Liangang, TANG Xiaowei, WANG Yonghui(534)

Mechanical rolling combination of typical filling subgrade in Fujian Province

…………………………WU Hongquan, SHANGGUAN Ping, QUE Yun, LIN Guoren, ZHUO Weidong(542)

Establishment of typhoon “Molave” wind field model in South China Sea…………………………CHEN Cheng, LI Yan(549)

Adsorption characteristics of cupferron on ilmenite

…………………………LIU Mingbao, LI Haolin, PEI Dan, LI Hang, MA Yingqiang, YIN Wanzhong(554)

Research & development and experimental study on new type air-spacer

…………………………LOU Xiaoming, WANG Zhenchang, HUANG Xiaobin, HE Yongsheng(561)

Growth and properties of Nd:La0.02Lu0.98VO4crystal…………………………WANG Weinan, LI Guangwei, ZHAO Bin(568)

Fast detecting the adulteration of hemp seed oil based on characteristic variables optimization of NIR spectroscopy

…………………………LI Ying, CHEN Yuansheng, LÜ Liang, WANG Shaoyun, WANG Wu, FU Caili(574)

Bioactivity analysis of proteolysis products from cooking liquid of canned mackerel

…………………………LIN Yun, LIN Juan, XU Xinqi, BI Dandan, GUO Yaoxiang(580)

Comparative analysis of volatile flavor components in different types of Hong Qu glutinous rice wine

…GUO Weiling, ZHOU Wenbin, JIANG Yajun, LIU Huipeng, LI Lu, LIU Bin , RAO Pingfan, NI Li, LÜ Xucong(586)

Optimization of separation conditions and characterization of the model strains of intestinal microflora by high performance

liquid chromatography

…………………………QIU Danteng, ZHANG Hailing, CHEN Linglin, PAN Chaoyi, CHEN Shanshan, RAO Pingfan, LIU Shutao(593)


The equivalence of conditions for the exponential dichotomy of differential equations and difference equations

…………………………ZOU Changwu, ZHANG Zhangxue(601)

Minimum forbidden cycle chain for complex sign nonsingularity with positive cycles…………………………CHEN Shumei, LIU Yue(606)

A family of spectrally arbitrary Ray patterns with the minimum number of nonzeros…………………………DENG Jiangwu, LIU Yue(613)

Pricing of convertible bonds with double risk in the model…………………………CHEN Fangqing, WANG Jinghai(620)

Research on transmission method of 4K/30P image based on quad-link 1.5 G-SDI…………………………DONG Tengfei, YUAN Jiade(626)

An internal 4G full netcom antenna for POS terminal application…………………………HUANG Wenchu, YUAN Jiade(631)

Fast algorithm and hardware architecture for HEVC motion estimation

…………………………CHEN Qingkun, SHI Longzhao, HUANG Bo, GAO Xiaohong(636)

Classification technique of cultural tourism text based on naive Bayes

…………………………WANG Xiangxiang, FANG Hui, CHEN Chongcheng(644)

Simulation of light distribution within loquat canopy and analysis of light interception

…………………………CHEN Shuwei, TANG Liyu, YIN Dan(650)

Spatial-temporal change of land surface temperature landscape patterns in bay city

…………………………NIE Qin, RUAN Huamin, MAN Wang, LI Zongmei, LUAN Haijun, SUN Fengqin, LI Hui(657)

Design of multi-level monitoring alarm system for vehicle-bone with internet of things technology

…………………………REN Zhiying, LIU Fuguang, WANG Shantong, ZHANG Yujie, CHEN Qisheng(665)

Development of vehicle stability control system with the coordinated control of active aerodynamic system and hydraulic brake

system…………………………WU Yiwan, YANG Kang, CHEN Zhengqiang, LI Fan(670)

Experimental study on the dependent factors of mechanical properties of aramid short fiber reinforced rubber composites at

large deformation…………………………GAO Jianhong, YANG Xiaoxiang(677)

Research on influence of solar radiation on temperature distribution of bridge cross section in Fujian Province

…………………………XUE Junqing, LIN Jianhui, Bruno BRISEGHELLA, CHEN Baochun(685)

Design and construction of steel-concrete composite bridge with semi-integral abutments

…………………………HUANG Yufan, JIANG Yuesheng, WU Qingxiong, LIN Shangshun(693)

Influence of mineral admixture on tensile creep of recycled concrete at early ages

…………………………YE Shichang, LUO Surong, ZHENG Jianlan(700)

Influence of waste stone powder on durability of common concrete…………………………HUANG Bin, GONG Mingzi, YUAN Zhongbiao(705)

Experience study on granite residual soil improved by fly ash…………………………LIU Sheng, CHEN Zhibo, CHEN Weiwen, WEI Yi(712)

Day-to-day dynamic evolution of network traffic flow under ATIS

…………………………YAN Hao, LIU Shixu, YANG Shaohui, CHEN Wensi, GUO Lidan, TANG Yingnuo, FANG Jie(718)

Spatial-temporal analysis for urban traffic congestion using taxi trajectory

…………………………WU Qunyong, ZOU Zhijie, QIU Duansheng, SU Keyun(724)

Risk analysis of typhoon disaster in west side of the strait urban agglomeration based on system dynamics

…………………………CHEN Liman, CHEN Changkun, YANG Fuqiang(732)

Process mineralogy research on the low grade copper-molybdenum ore in Fujian Province

…………………………MA Yingqiang, ZHANG Shuchao, WU Shuangqiao, YIN Wanzhong, LIN Xiaoting(739)

Study on the volatile aroma components of Lapsang Souchong and their release pattern under multiple times of boiling water

infusing…………………………HE Liqin, WANG Cainan, NI Li, CHEN Fucheng, ZHANG Chen, ZHANG Wen, LIU Zhibin(743)

Effects of low frequency ultrasound on the phytoplankton community structure of aquaculture water

…………………………GAO Junhui, RUAN Chengxu, YUAN Chonggui, YOU Lijuan, CUI Xiao(748)

Development and functional evaluation of single-plasmid mammalian one-hybrid system

…………………………CHEN Fan, LIN Mugui, CHENG Yali, LIN Meixi(753)


Classification of positive combinatorial curvature finite graphs with boundary…………………………SU Yanhui(759)

On the rank of semigroup of preservingErelation and orientation strictly partial one-one transformations

…………………………LONG Weifeng, XU Bo, LONG Weifang, LI Xiang(764)

Complete convergence of the asymptotically almost negative associated random arrays

…………………………WANG Kuancheng, YANG Yingzhong, GAO Xiaoming(769)

Solving method and properties of theτ-values of cooperative games with multi-level fuzzy coalition structures

…………………………YANG Dianqing, LÜ Weiqiang, YU Yulan(775)

Research of monetary policy effectiveness based on VAR model…………………………HUANG Le, HUANG Zhigang, LIN Chaoying(782)

Multi-day tourist trip design and its optimization method based on time framework

…………………………ZHANG Jiuteng, WU Xiaozhu, CHEN Chongchen, FANG Hui, LIU Xianfeng, FANG Dong(787)

Analysis and application research of ARM Cortex-M0+ machine code series files …………………………CAI Bofeng, WANG Yihuai(794)

A real-time status monitoring and fault location system for photovoltaic arrays

…………………………HAN Fuchang, CHEN Zhicong, WU Lijun, YU Jinling, LIN Peijie, CHENG Shuying, WU Yongbiao(799)

Application of improved PV-model in BDS/GPS receivers…………………………ZHANG Yongpeng, SU Kaixiong, CHEN Weiqiang(808)

A method to recognize vegetation cover of undergrowth based on visible unmanned aerial vehicle data

…………………………ZHU Xiongbin, WANG Xiaoqin, ZHOU Xiaocheng(814)

Simulation and spatio-temporal variation analysis of net primary productivity in Northeast China

…XUE Mei, CHEN Yunzhi, YAN Min, LI Zengyuan, WANG Xiaoqin, XU Haisheng, ZHANG Zhaopeng, TIAN Xin(821)

Characteristics of soil microbial community diversity in Zoige alpine grassland microtopography

…………………………JIANG Cong, JIAN Xiaomei, DU Yong, CHEN Yiping, SHUI Wei(831)

Assessment of urban heat island intensity in China’s eastern coastal region based on diurnal temperature range

…………………………LIN Zhongli, XU Hanqiu(839)

High efficiency interleaved PFC design for vehicular charger…………………………LIU Qiuhua, LIN Qiongbin, SU Xianjin(846)

Probabilistic model of transmission line maximum current carrying capacity predicted by meteorological parameters

…………………………ZHANG Bin, JIN Tao, JIANG Yuewen, YE Rong, WEN Buyin(853)

A method for removing blink signals in electrooculogram by using wavelet packet decomposition and outlier detection

…………………………WANG Tian, LI Yurong, CHEN Jianguo, CHEN Dongyi(860)

Experimental and field performance research of reinforced ultra-high performance concrete manhole covers

…………………………SU Jiazhan, ZHANG Huibin, HUANG Qingwei, CHEN Baochun, WEI Jiangang(867)

Effects of limestone powder on the durability of concrete

…………………………WANG Dehui, SHI Caijun, JIA Huangfei, ZENG Rong, WU Youwu, LAO Lilin(874)

Survey and experimental analysis of glass curtain wall under super typhoon“Meranti”

…LIN Li, CHEN Kai, CHEN Changping, ZHUO Weidong, RUAN Minquan, HUANG Chuanbing, WANG Yaping(881)

Preparation and catalytic performance of the immobilized rhodium-phosphine complexes over porous phenolic resin

…………………………QIAN Zilong, ZHOU Cong, ZHAO Suying, WU Dan(888)

Growth and magneto-optical properties of Na2Ce4(MoO4)7crystal

…………………………GUI Xunpeng, TAO Zhen, ZHAO Bin, CHEN Jianzhong, GUO Feiyun(895)

Comparative study of growing and meat quality of three kinds of carp in feeding and unfeeding paddy fields cultivation mode

…………………………FAN Haiping, XUE Linzhan, YANG Xiaoyan, ZHONG Quanfu, QIN Zhiqing, ZHENG Lei,HUANG Derong, ZHANG Shuxing(901)

Research Note

MPPT control for photovoltaic power generation based on fuzzy algorithm

…………………………ZHANG Dabin, ZHU Qixiang, ZHANG Jiaqi(906)

Total contents of the Vol.46…………………………(Ⅰ-Ⅹ)

(The End of Vol.46)
