Chao Chen•Shuyin Niu•Fang Wang•Fuxiang Zhang•Qinglian Zhang•Baojun Ma•Aiqun Sun•Jianzhen Zhang•Yaqi Cao•Xiaoqing Zhang
Precise and reliable metallogenetic ages are of important theoretical and practical signi ficance in understanding the metallogenesis and ore-forming process,guiding ore prospecting.Fortunately,great progresses have been made in direct isotopic dating technology,to the benefit of learning the mineralogenetic age of ore deposits(Maoetal.2008;Zou et al.2015;Yang and Zhou 2000;Zhang et al.2002,2009;Wang et al.2013,2014;Shi et al.2012;Bi et al.2008;Hu et al.2004;Jiang et al.2002;Zhao and Jiang 2004).However,all methods have limitations and uncertainties due to variable close temperatures of their isotopic systems.For example,the accuracy of Ar–Ar dating results of fluid inclusions in quartz and Rb–Sr isotopic dating for goldbearing pyrite may be affected by later thermal events(Wang etal.2013).Although the molybdeniteRe–Osdating method was used to directly determine the ages of ore mineralization,the association of molybdenite and other sul fi de minerals or big grains of molybdenite would generate different diffusions of Re and Os,leading to the decoupling of the Re–Os isotopic system and variable Os model ages.In addition,most of the quartz vein-type gold ores do not contain molybdenite.The U–Pb isotopes of zircons have relatively high closure temperatures(>700°C)and can strongly resist hydrothermal disturbance,but the metallogenic age of gold deposits may not be well determined by the U–Pb age of the zircon,because of the unclear origin of zircon from gold ore.Therefore,if one wants to precisely determine the mineralogenetic age,suitable dating methods should be adopted on the basis of the spatiotemporal relationship among various geological bodies of deposits.
Fig.1 The regional geological map of the Shihu gold deposit
The Shihu gold deposit belongs to the post-magmatic hydrothermal quartz vein-type-fault alteration rock-type gold deposits(Chen et al.2009,2011).More than 50 goldbearing alteration zones have been found,and wall rocks are dominated by the adjacent quartz diorite porphyrite and the Fuping Group.In regard to the mineralizing age of the Shihu gold deposit,Cao(2012)acquired the Ar–Ar dating of quartz and Rb–Sr ischron age of pyrite in the goldbearing quartz veins as about 140 Ma.However,the U–Pb ages of quartz diorite porphyrite in host rocks and the Mapeng granite in this area have a formation age of 125–135 Ma(Liu et al.2010a;Li et al.2012a;Wang et al.1995;Cao et al.2012).Hydrothermal ore deposits of Shihu belong to epigenetic ones and would have minerallogenic ages younger than those of wall rocks.It is not so suitable to regard the isotopic age of about 140 Ma as the main metallogenic age.Therefore,the timing of gold mineralization at Shihu remains unclear.
In this paper,we carried out new zircon U–Pb and pyrite Re–Os isotopic dating of gold-bearing quartz veins with an attempt to comprehensively discuss the metallogenic age of the Shihu gold deposit.This can provide a good reference for further study on the gold and silver polymetallic metallogenic epoch in the Taihang Mountain.
The Shihu gold deposit is located in the Taihang Mesozoic orogen of the North China Craton.According to the view of mantle branch structure,which is the third grade of structural units during the multiple evolutions of the mantle plume,put forward by Niu et al.(1996).It situates in the middle-south segment of the Fuping mantle branch structure in the Taihang Mountain region,i.e.,in the southern extension zone of the Zijinguan fault and on the south-eastern side of the Mapeng granite.The regionally exposed strata are mainly the moderately-high metamorphic rocks of the Manshan,Nanying and Tuanbokou formations of the Mesoarchean Fuping Group,petrollogically dominated by biotite-plagioclase gneiss,leptite,plagioclase amphibolite,etc.The intrusive rockbodies in this region are mainly the Yanshanian intermediate-acid Mapeng rockbody which is exposed likea NE-extending shoe sole with an exposure area of about 65.0 km2.There have been a large number of different types of dykes developed,which extend in different directions in the peripheries of the rockbodies,for example,NE-extending diorite porphyrite dykes,NW-extending dolerite dykes and nearly SN-extending granodiorite dykes.Tectonic activities are dominated by the Fupingian and Yanshanian activities.During the Fupingian stage there were formed the nearly EW-extending Chenzhuang complex fold structure and the ductile-deformation belt which extend in the same direction.On the basis of the development of the Early Yanshanian structure,the development of NNE-NE-and NW-extending fault tectonic systems followed.The fault structures are the important ore-forming structures in this region.There are a large number of Au–Ag deposits,forming an important base of metallic ores in the western Hebei Province(Fig.1).
In the Shihu gold deposit there are more than50gold-bearing alteration zones.Among them,No.101andNo.116ore veins are the major ones under mining.The No.101 gold vein nearly extends in the S–N direction with a E tendency or sleep W tendency,with a dip angle of 65°–90°.Extending length is over 4 km and the extending depth is up to 900 m.The occurrence of ore bodies is strictly controlled by the faults.The average thickness of ore bodies is 0.452–2.04 m and the gold grade is,in most cases,3.52–27.9 g/t.The orebodies occur in vein-and lenticular shape with such features as obvious branching-recombination and thinningout phenomenon.The occurrence of ore veins is closely associated with quartz diorite porphyrite(Fig.2).
Ore minerals in this region are dominated by pyrite,galena,sphalerite,chalcopyrite,etc.The gangue minerals are mainly quartz,chlorite,sericite,plagioclase,K-feldspar,calcite,etc.Ore textures are mainly granular texture,disseminated texture,metasomatic relict texture,crush texture,etc.Ore structures are dominated by veinlet structure,disseminated structure,brecciated structure and massive structure.Gold occurs mainly in the form of electrum,kustelite or native gold embedded in sulfide minerals and quartz,with a particle size of 0.022–0.3 mm.
Interstitial gold,fracture gold and a small amount of incapsulated gold are the main occurrence of gold.
In this region there are a variety of wall-rock alterations,dominated by silicification,sericitazation,beresitization,potassic alteration,chloritization,and locally developed carbonitization,etc.Alterations are distributed in the form of a belt.The closer to the ore bodies,the stronger the silicification,beresitization,and potassic alteration will become.Far from the ore bodies,carbonitination tends to become stronger and stronger.
Fig.2 The map of No.11prospecting line pro fi le of in No.101 gold ore vein the Shihu gold deposit
Fig.3 Photographs of ore samples
In order to obtain fresh quartz vein-type gold ore samples, thesamples used in this analysis were collected from the No. 180middle segment of the No. 101 vein in the Shihu gold deposit,and the sample numbers are Ysh1, Ysh4, Ysh7, Ysh8 andYsh10. The quartz vein-type ores mainly show idiomorphichypidiomorphicgranular texture, vein structure, brecciatedstructure, and veinlet structure. Polymetallic sulfides were injected into the fissures of the siliconized belt.Meanwhile,relatively automorphic,coarse-grained nodular pyrite gravels(Fig.3a,c)can be observed,indicating that there are at least two phases of pyrite.Ore minerals mainly include pyrite,galena,sphalerite,a small amount of chalcopyrite,etc.Most of the pyrites possess a subhedral-allotriomorphic texture and crush texture;galena and sphalerite have metasomatized pyrite,even wrapped rounded pyrite,and galena and chalcopyrite are distributed in the fissures of pyrite(Fig.3b,d,f,h).All those phenomena indicate that pyrite was formed the earliest.The gangue minerals are dominated by quartz.The quartz can be divided into two types:one is represented by pure white quartz vein,which was always formed relatively early,and the other is represented by smoke-grey quartz which,together with metallic sulfide,constitutes fine-vein species occurring in the early-stage quartz veins(Fig.3a).Ores in the pyrite-sericite-quartzrock belt have granular texture and massive structure.The main minerals are pyrite,quartz and sericite(Fig.3i,j).
In this study,sample Ysh1 was mainly used for zircon U–Pb dating.Zircon grains were separated by a standard heavy mineral separation technique,then zircons of different crystal forms,different colors and good transparency were chosen under the binoscope, fixed with polyepoxide on the glass plate,and then polished until the center.Before in situ analysis,the crystal morphology and inner textural features of zircons were carefully examined in terms of binoscopic and cathodeluminescence(CL)images,with an attempt to choose the best grains for isotopic analysis.
Fig.4 Cathodeluminescence(CL)images of zircons in the gold-bearing quartz veins
Zircon U–Pb dating was conducted by a laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer(LA-ICP-MS)at the State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources,China University of Geosciences(Wuhan).Data processing of the test results was conducted by means of ICP-MS DataCal(Liu et al.2008,2010b,c),and zircon U–Pb concordia diagrams and the weighted age diagrams were prepared by using Software Isoplot/Ex_ver3(Ludwig 2003).
This study mainly aims at preparing and dating samples Ysh1,Ysh4,Ysh7,Ysh8 and Ysh10.The samples were crushed as fine as 40–60 mesh.Gold-carrying mineral-pyrite was handpicked under the binodular microscope with a purity of more than 99%(no molybdenite was found in these ore samples).The chemical separation of the Re–Os isotopes in the pyrite samples and their mass spectrometric measurement were accomplished at the State Geological Experiment and Test Centre.The isotopic ratios were measured by means of inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer(TJAX-series ICP-MS)following the procedure of Du et al.(1994,2001).Regression analysis of the data results obtained was conducted by means of software Isoplot/Ex_ver3.
Zircon grains are colorless and transparent,and parts of them are clean and have no crack.Most of the zircon grains are elongated idiamorphic crystals and their cylindrical surfaces are well developed,the long axes are mostly between 60 and 100 μm with the length–width ratios being
smaller than 2.Their cathode luminescence is relatively strong,and the zircons mostly have obvious oscillatory zones.Within the zircons the oscillatory zones are wide and extend gently(Fig.4).
Table 1 LA–ICP–MS U–Pbanalysisresults of zircons from gold-bearing quart zveins in the Shihu gold deposit
Thirty-six zircon grains from sample Ysh1 were measured and analyzed(Table 1).The contents of Th and U are generally moderate with U contents varying within the range of 279× 10-6–2157× 10-6,mainly between 406× 10-6and 1382×10-6.Th contents vary within the range of 21× 10-6–969× 10-6,mainly between 102× 10-6and 291×10-6.Th/U ratios vary between 0.03 and 0.89,with an average of 0.27.For most zircon grains,their Th/U ratios are larger than 0.1.The zircons generally show the characteristic features of typical magmatic ones.
The data of only one point on sample Ysh1-16 were not taken into statistical calculation(Ysh1-16:the content of common lead is too high,and the age obtained is of incompatibility).The other values can be divided into two groups:one group of age data:the207Pb/206Pb ages stand between 1922±35 Ma and 2992±43 Ma,mainly within the range of 2013± 37–2568± 41 Ma.The concordia diagram and weighted average age diagram were prepared respectively by using the age data with the concordia degrees>80%(Fig.5).All data on the concordia diagrams are basically plotted below the concordant curve,indicating different degrees of lead loss.The age data constitutes,in general,a dissonance straight line with an upper intersection point of 2492±82 Ma,standing for the crystallization age of the magmatic zircon.The weighted-average age is 2361±33 Ma.This shows that this age and concordant age are reliable within a certain error range.The two groups of ages indicate that the crystallization age of zircon is close to the Late Neoarchean,within a certain error range.The second group of age data:the206Pb/238U age of zircon sample Ysh1-11 is 136±4 Ma.And the zircon annules are clearly seen.Those zircons belong to magmatic ones,instead of the hydrothermal ones.Thus,zircons in the goldbearing quartz veins are not crystallized from the Yanshanian hydrothermal fluids;instead,they were derived from the Fuping Group and Yanshanian magmatic rocks.
Data of the Re–Os isotopic dating are presented in Table 2.Re content of pyrite sample Ysh10 among the 5 samples is too low,therefore the data of this sample were not taken into statistical calculation hereinafter.The data of the rest of the 4 samples lived up to the experiment requirements.Pyrite samples have Re ranging from 0.5276×10-9to 1.1933×10-9,common Os from 0.0004×10-9to 0.0007×10-9,and187Os from 0.0007×10-9to 0.0019×10-9.The contents of Re and Os in the pyrite samples are relatively low,yielding model ages with large errors(i.e.,115,134 and 153 Ma).From the isochron age of pyrite Re–Os(Fig.6),the187Re/188Os and187Os/188Os results of the four pyrite samples were fitted to a straight line and the isochron ages of 127±31 Ma(MSWD=192,initial187Os/188Os ratio is 1.62±0.26).The MSWD values obtained in this experiment are slightly high due to the low Re and Os contents of the pyrite samples used in this study.
Fig.5 Diagrams of U–Pb concordant ages and weighted average ages of zircons in gold-bearing quartz veins
Model age(Ma)187Os/188Os 8O s e/18 7R 18 Uncertainty Measured value Uncertainty Measured value certainty Un Measured value 115.4 153.4 134.3 153.7 8 0.04 6 0.04 7 0.04 4 0.09 5 0.00 64 14.2 85 14.0 01 13.2 36 29.9 1.803 7658612 120.87 7412 5504 5887 117054 85.1 deposit u gold the Shih r pyrites from fo analysis ic s isotop Re–O Table 2 Results of Uncertainty 7(ng/g)Os18 Measured value certainty 7(ng/g)Un Re18 Measured value Uncertainty Osc(ng/g)Measured value certainty Un(ng/g)Re Measured value)Sample antity(g qu Orig inalname le samp 00 0.00 00 0.00 00 0.00 00 0.00 00 0.00 12 0.00 13 0.00 07 0.00 19 0.00 20 0.00 0.0045 0.0037 0.0025 0.0055 0.0007 56 0.60 75 0.49 15 0.33 99 0.74 39 0.09 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 06 0.00 07 0.00 04 0.00 05 0.00 85 0.00 0.0072 0.0059 0.0039 0.0088 0.0011 38 0.96 14 0.79 76 0.52 33 1.19 93 0.14 2 33 7458 0.7053 0.6004 0.7162 0.7108 0.71 Ysh-1 Ysh-4 Ysh-7 Ysh-8 Ysh-10
Fig.6 Re–Os isochron age plot of pyrites in the Shihu gold deposit
The wall rocks of the Shihu gold ore veins are mainly the Archean Fuping Group biotite-plagioclase gneiss and Yanshanian quartz diorite porphyrite dykes.The zircons of the gold-bearing quartz veins belong to magmatic ones and are likely originated from the surrounding rock.From thee two groups’data of zircon U–Pb ages above,it can be realized that the upper intercept age of 2492±82 Ma can be roughly representative of the Fuping Group age.The results are consistent with the reported data of Sun and Guan(2001),Guan et al.(2002),etc.,that the Fuping group is mainly TTG(tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite)gneiss with a crystallization age of 2500 Ma±(Late Neoarchean).Another206Pb/238U age of 136±4 Ma can represent the age of Yanshanian magmatic crystallization.The results are consistent with the data of Cao et al.(2012)that the LA–ICP–MS U–Pb zircon age of the quartz diorite porphyrite veins is around 130 Ma.This indicates that the zircons may be from quartz diorite porphyrite and goldbearing quartz veins have assimilated some surrounding rock material.
In addition,as an important part of the tectonic-magmatic belt in the Taihang Mountain,the intermediate-acidic Mapeng granite is closely related to the endogenic metallic ore in the area.The emplacement activity of the intrusion has communicated the deep ore source and promoted the occurrence of mineralization(Chen et al.2009,2011).The rock-forming age of the Mapeng granite has been dated from 125 to 130 Ma zircon U–Pb dating(Cao et al.2012;Li et al.2012a;Liu et al.2010a)and Wang et al.(1995)obtained a Rb–Sr isochron age of 135 Ma.This shows that the formation ages of the quartz diorite porphyrite and the Mapeng granite are very close.In addition,these two types of rocks have similar lithology,close temporospatial distribution,indicating that the age of 125–135 Ma in this area is a major magmatism event.
Table 3 Results of K–Ar isotopic analysis for feldspars in the Shihu gold deposit
The Yanshanian quartz diorite porphyrite is closely associated with gold veins.Within the broken belt and on its closely neighboring sides there can be developed quartz diorite porphyrite dykes.In the ore veins,quartz-diorite porphyrite breccias are associated with the development of disseminated and small vein-shaped sulfide veinlets.This indicates that the input of ore-forming fluids have crushed porphyrite,thus leading to the transportation of ore fluids into fractures and gold precipitation in suitable locations.Such geological contact indicated that the timing of gold mineralization must be younger than the age of the ore-host quartz diorite porphyrite.
Cao(2012)carried out the Ar–Ar isotopic dating of quartz in the gold-bearing quartz veins and the Rb–Sr isotopic dating of quartz and pyrite,obtaining ages around 140 Ma(the positive isochron age dated by the Ar–Ar method is 141±4 Ma and the inverse isochron age is 139 ± 7 Ma;the age dated by using the Rb–Sr method is 139 Ma).However,analysis in combination with the ages of rock bodies in this region shows that the upper limit of metallogenic age should be younger than 130 Ma.The zircon U–Pb ages in this study has revealed that gold bearing quartz veins and gold mineralization are both formed later than 136 ± 4 Ma.The Re–Os isochron age of pyrite is 127±31 Ma, consistent with the age(125–135 Ma)of the intrusions within error,indicating that the gold mineralization is related to the intrusion of igneous rocks.
Additionally,potassic alteration is always a common alteration type in the hydrothermal type gold deposits,which is closely related to gold mineralization.Therefore,the K–Ar isotopic dating of K-feldspar in the gold-bearing broken belt is of certain referring to the main metallogenic age of gold deposits.This research group also conducted isotopic dating of K-feldspar(K–Ar method)in the No.101 gold-bearing broken belt and obtained an isotopic age of 120.74 ± 0.78 Ma,close to the Re–Os isotopic age of pyrites within the range of experimental error(Table 3).
In combination with the geological relations and isotopic dating results(Ar–Ar,Rb–Sr,U–Pb,Re–Os,K–Ar),the main metallogenic age of the Shihu gold deposit is possible to be 120–127 Ma.This mineralogenetic age is relatively concordant to the time(130–110 Ma)when the event of lithospheric thinning in eastern China has caused the large scale gold mineralization in Jiaodong,Qinling,Taihang Mountain and other regions(Mao et al.2003;Li et al.2012b.According to the viewpoint of mantle branch structure(Niu et al.1996,2007),the time is the main evolution stage of Fuping mantle branch structure in the Taihang Mountain due to the multistage evolution of the mantle plume in the Yanshanian stage,causing the deep ore-forming materials to transfer from down to up and form the deposit at the favorable locations.
1. Two groups of U–Pb ages of zircons from quartz veins in the Shihu gold deposit have been obtained:2492±82 Ma and 136±4 Ma,which respectively indicate that the crystallization age of the TTG gneiss in the Fuping Group and Mesozoic igneous rocks in the region.
2. The Re–Os isotopic dating of gold-bearing mineral pyrite from quartz veins in the Shihu gold deposit yields an isochron age of 127±31 Ma.In combination with the geological relations and K–Ar ages of K-feldspar in the No.101 gold-bearing broken belt,it suggests that the main timing of gold mineralization is 120–127 Ma.
AcknowledgementsThis study was jointly funded by NSFC(No.40872137),Hebei Natural Foundation(No.D2015403013),Science and Technology Research Project of Colleges and Universities in Hebei Province(No.ZC2016060)and Doctor Foundation of Hebei GEO University(No.BQ201320).
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