Dr. Plant Partners with the KIB to Launch Dendrobium-Based Skin Care Products

2018-03-26 07:43:00
China Detergent & Cosmetics 2018年3期

On 2 July 2018, Chinese skin care name,Dr.Plant, announced that following R&D at The Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB), it has now launched its dendrobium-based skin care products. Entering cosmetics outlets Shibuya,Harajuku and Akihabar on 24 June 2018, the company hopes that the Chinese plant-based collection leverages the natural and organic trend to appeal to skin care shoppers.

KIB, an affiliate of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and one of the world’s leading phytology institutes, has discovered the healing qualities of Erianin bibenzyl, a natural compound found in dendrobium plant. The active ingredient is a dendrobium functional gene clone with expression control. Dendrobium, a plant that grows in the higher elevations of the mountain ranges in China’s yunnan province, is the longest living among China’s nine longevity plants.

As dendrobium DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) boasts an anti-oxidant rate of 74.6%, Dr. Plant, China’s acrophyta-based skin care provider, partnered with KIB to launch the world's first series of dendrobium skin care products in 2017.

The series of dendrobium skin care products has been on sale in cosmetics outlets throughout Shibuya, Harajuku and Akihabar since 24 June. German- and Americanmade cosmetics have long dominated Japan’s imported cosmetics market, while Chinese cosmetics are still quite rare.

The 2018 Nature Index showed that CAS has ranked number one among the world’s leading research institutions for six years running. KIB is one of the leaders in terms of research and application of acrophyta. Dr.Plant, a pioneer in dendrobium skin care as well as an independent Chinese brand, has opened more than 2,500 exclusive outlets in China, and boasts more than 5.6 million members across the country.