
2018-03-24 21:44:11孙一民
世界建筑 2018年5期

“华南理工建筑学人” 卷首语的安排与之前的几卷不同,是缘于《世界建筑》杂志社希望由学院邀请对华南建筑有更深入了解的人来写,以避免从杂志角度可能造成的偏颇。耽搁很久也无法找到合适的人选,期限将至,只好自己提笔,好在作为一位“哈建工建筑学人”的“外人”,我也算相对比较了解华南建筑学人吧。




1992年3月我初到岭南,首先感受到的,除了整整一个月潮湿无比、岭南特有的 “回南天” 的气候氛围,就是疏朗与自由的人文氛围。从抗战胜利的1945年起,华南建筑学科栖临红楼,这里既没有学府的森严气氛,也没有辈分递进的层层叠叠,一班年轻教师呼呼呵呵,一起教书、一起炒更,全然不分彼此,根本不懂得什么叫“学缘”。入乡日久,俗理渐知,华南建筑学人在广东的密度令人睁目,日常交往中,某些年龄段的建筑师,见面只需要了解单位所属,经常忽略毕业的学校,因为基本不用问,都是华南建筑红楼里面出来的。







The reason for different arrangement for writing the prologue of theSCUTArchitecture Alumniis thatWorld Architecturemagazine wanted the School of Architecture to invite someone with a deep understanding on architecture in South China to do it. That, in their view, would avoid possible biases since it is not written by someone from the magazine. I have tried in vain to fi nd such a suitable person. But as the deadline drew near, I had to do it myself. Fortunately, as an "outsider" from the architecture alumni of Harbin Architecture and Engineering University, I happened to be quite familiar with SCUT architecture alumni.

Opening the chapter by referring to the month is a recent common practice in the Architecture Alumni issues ofWorld Architecture. The prologue ofTongji University Architecture AlumniandTianjin University Architecture Alumnialso start by talking about May. We followed the same practice in this issue. But May looks vastly different in different cities: Beijing and Tianjin encounter occasional dust storms; Nanjing and Shanghai are still tasting the last breeze of spring; while the weather in South China is highly unpredictable with thunders,pouring rains, blazing sun and steaming heat.Located in the far south of China, Guangdong has been a remote and special existence in this "Central Kingdom" since ancient times. This also applies to its climate, as well as its culture and social fabrics.

The impression of the SCUT architecture alumni has been very blurry in the academic circle. We published theSouth China Architecture:Events in 80 Yearswhen we celebrated the anniversary of the architecture discipline in South China. The surprised expression on the faces of our friends indicated that they knew very little about the 80 years of our history. And that's because there was not a single article dedicated to providing an overview of the history of the architecture discipline in South China.That is why we insisted that there should be nothing but historical facts in the book so that we could leave our readers room for comments.

For those who began learning architecture in the late 1970s, South China architecture is a distinct yet vague concept. What are distinct are the architecture like White Swan Hotel, Baiyun Hotel,and the Museum of the Nanyue King Mausoleum,and what is vague is the presence of the architecture"alumni". Throughout the 1980s, when compared with the distinct presence of architecture alumni from Tsinghua University, Southeast University and Tongji University, the profile of SCUT architecture alumni was vague yet diverse. TheSouth Architecturemagazine founded by LIN Keming, landscape design by LIU Guanping, theatre architecture of ZHAO Boren, Shenzhen Science Museum designed by HE Jingtang, LU Yuanding's research on folk houses,and Shenzhen's planning on residential areas designed by LUO Baotian, these are vivid examples of the presence of the SCUT architecture alumni.And masters of architecture history such as LONG Qingzhong are not widely known by the domestic architecture circle for being away from "home".Professor LONG has a unique research perspective on the construction history of China, and was a key architecture professor in Tsinghua University,Southeast University and South China University when China fi rst established its doctoral cultivation system. While CHEN Boqi, the founding dean of the Architecture Department of Chongqing University,and XIA Changshi, "a design master who truly belongs to China", according to WU Liangyong, were only talked of years after their passing away.

When I first came to Guangdong in March,1992, the first things I experienced are a whole month of rainy and humid weather and the pleasant free atmosphere in the architecture circle here. Since 1945 when China won the war of resistance against Japanese aggression, the SCUT architecture discipline moved in the Red Mansion.Free of the choking academic atmosphere or hierarchal interpersonal relationship, a group of young teachers worked together and did part-time jobs together without any concern for "academic consanguinity". As I live here longer, I gradually get to know the astounding fact that there are a large number of SCUT architecture alumni in Guangdong.In day to day communication, we only ask architects of a certain age group about where they work but not where they were graduated. Because almost everyone of them were from the Red Mansion where the SCUT architecture discipline was stationed.

Almost 30 years have passed. For me, the history of architecture in SCUT is still a process of continuous learning and understanding. As someone who is a part of this process, I sometimes have my own confusions. Since the 1990s, the architecture group in South China led by academicians HE Jingtang and WU Shuoxian came to the center stage of China's architecture circle more often. The SCUT architecture alumni has made outstanding achievements under the limelight. We produced several National Survey and Design Masters such as TAO Zhi from Grade 1977, CHEN Xiong from Grade 1979 and NI Yang from Grade 1981. And XU Ruisheng from Grade 1979 was known to the academia more for his effort in cultural relic protection instead of his Vice Governor title. In his campaign of protecting the South China Historical Trail, he promotes the sustainable development of poverty alleviation, cultural heritage rescue and resources conservation based on the self-re fl ection and self-renewal of social power and presented the unique outlooks of architecture and history of the SCUT architecture alumni.

When looking back at the SCUT architecture alumni, if we extend the focal length, architectural masters from the central and southeast of China including YUAN Peihuang from the Central-South Architectural Institute, RAO Weichun from the Architecture and Engineering Design Institute of Yunnan Province, LI Tuofen from the China Southwest Architectural Design and Research Institute in Chengdu, and JIANG Boning from the Architectural Design Institute of Guangxi Province will all be included. After graduation they settled in different places far away from South China and realized their dreams of architecture.

Camera turning towards Hong Kong:Cathay's Idea: Design Theory of Chinese Classical Architectureis a book published in Hong Kong and written by LI Yunhe, an alumni graduated from the Red Mansion.This book, prefaced by LONG Qingzhong and LU Yuanding, has a unique perspective on China's architecture history.

Camera turning towards Taiwan: HE Chenci and YANG Zhuocheng represent a group of SCUT architecture alumni graduated in the war time, later moved to Taiwan and became important figures there. HE Chenci was a professor in the National Cheng Kung University and Tunghai University.He did not spend much time studying overseas but are still widely remembered for his contribution to architecture education in Taiwan. YANG Zhuocheng represented his spirit in his distinct works such as the Grand Hotel, Taipei, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, and Shilin Official Residence, etc. His works have left the most distinguished imprint to Taiwan's architecture circle.

Camera revolving: In a short period of just 10 years, young alumni of the SCUT architecture circle has formed a group in Hong Kong, beginning since about 2008. Not all of them were educated in Hong Kong, but some chose to live and work in the city after coming back from overseas study. Their WeChat group is called "Forever 27". The number"27" here refers to the number of a classroom in the SCUT Architecture Building, and it also means staying young forever. While Hong Kong is now stuck in bewilderment and negativity, these group of young people keep on fighting not only in the companies they work for, but some are already starting their own businesses.

It's like a range

When looked from the front.

But it's like a peak

When looked at sideways.

The mountain shows its different features

In different levels near and far.

In the past 86 years, the SCUT architecture alumni have always stayed with the country and blazed the trail with their insistence of carrying on the education undertaking during the anti-Japanese war, their enthusiastic persistence for technology during a time when architecture creation was forbidden, their dedication to subtropical architecture science in the time of national difficulty, and their hard work in the last 40 years of rapid development. What remain unchanged are their progressive and pragmatic spirits. With humility and pragmatism, the SCUT architecture alumni have created "unique" architectures in "the South of China" one after another.□(Translated by DU Kejun)

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