2018 International Symposium on Deep Earth Exploration and Practices (DEEP-2018),Beijing, China, 24-26 October

2018-03-22 23:01:04
China Geology 2018年1期

The 2018 International Symposium on Deep Earth Exploration and Practices (DEEP) will be held in Beijing,China in Oct 24-26. The symposium in this year will emphasize on updated progress of SinoProbe-I, and recent research progresses of the global lithosphere research. The meeting will serve as a platform where the participants exchange ideas about deep exploration of the lithosphere, better understand deep processes in the earth, expand the new knowledge into practical applications, and consider the future international collaboration on deep exploration of the earth. The symposium is hosted by Sinoprobe, which is funded by the Chinese Government with unprecedented scope and scientific ambition.


Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, China Geological Survey.


SinoProbe Center, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences (CAGS); International Union of Geological Sciences(IUGS); Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology(IRIS); International Lithosphere Program (ILP); International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP); Deep Carbon Observatory (DCO).

Organizing committee president

Zi-ran Zhong, China Geological Survey (CGS).

Scientific committee co-chairs

Shu-wen Dong (SinoProbe Center, China), Qiu-ming Cheng (IUGS), Robert Detrick (IRIS), Hans Thybo (ILP), Ulrich Harms (ICDP).

Scientific Programs

Plenary Session: Progress and major achievements of deep earth exploration programs

Co-conveners: Shu-wen Dong (SinoProbe, China), Bob Detrick (IRIS, USA), Hans Thybo (ILP, Turkey), Ri-xiang Zhu (CAGS, China), Qiu-ming Cheng (IUGS, China).

Session 1: Deep structure and dynamics of the Himalaya-Tibet orogen and global collision zones

Co-conveners: Larry Brown (Cornell University, USA),Rui Gao (SinoProbe, CAGS), Simon Klemperer (Stanford University, USA) , Cheng-shan Wang (China University of Geosciences, Beijing), An Yin (UCLA, USA) , Feng-lin Niu(Rice University, USA), Xiao-hui Yuan (GFZ, Germany).

Session 2: From continental rifting to formation of oceanic basins.

Co-conveners: Walter D. Mooney (USGS, Menlo Park,USA), Zhi-jun Jin (Sinopec, China), Randy G. Keller (University of Oklahoma, USA), Jian Lin (CAGS, China), Sanzhong Li (Ocean University of China).

Session 3: Dynamics of intracontinental deformation

Co-conveners: Zhen-min Jin (China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China), Irina Artemieva (University of Copenhagen, Denmark), Ling Chen (CAGS, China), Qin Wang (Nanjing University, China).

Session 4: Linking surface processes to deep earth dynamics

Co-conveners: Sierd Cloetingh (Netherlands Research Centre for Integrated Solid Earth Sciences), Jeffery Freymuller (University of Alaska, USA), Michael Weber(GFZ, Germany), Jing Liu (CAE, China), Yao-ping Yin(CGS, China).

Session 5: Deep cycles from the mantle to the crust

Co-conveners: Jing-sui Yang (CAGS, China), Yi-gang Xu(CAGS, China), Yong-fei Zheng (University of Sciences and Technology of China), Craig Schiffries (Carnegie Institution for Science, USA).

Session 6: Monitoring of active processes at depth

Co-conveners: Ulrich Harms (ICDP), Hai-liang Dong(China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing), Barry Freifeld (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA),You-hong Sun (Jilin University, China).

Session 7: Deep processes linked to formation of mineral resources

Co-conveners: Zeng-qian Hou (NSFC and CAGS, China),John Thompson (Cornell University, USA), Qing-tian Lü(SinoProbe, China), Michael Dentith (University of Western Australia, Australia), Wei-dong Sun (CAS, China).

Session 8: Seismicity, volcanism and deep processes

Co-conveners: Pei-zhen Zhang (CAE), Carlo Doglioni(University La Sapienza, Italy), Zhong-liang Wu (CAE), Mian Liu (University of Missouri, USA), Gregory C. Beroza(Stanford University, USA).

Session 9: Emerging techniques for deep earth exploration

Co-conveners: Fan-shi Lin (University of Utah, USA),Qing-yun Di (CAGS, China), Yao-guo Li (Colorado School of Mines, USA), Chang-chun Yin (Jilin University, China), Huajian Yao (University of Sciences and Technology of China).

Special session: New proposals for international collaboration with SinoProbe-II

Co-conveners: Shu-wen Dong (SinoProbe, China), Larry Brown (Cornell University, USA), Hans Thybo (ILP, Turkey).

Abstracts and papers

The abstract submission system will be online (http://deep.sinoprobe.org/) from 1 April to 1 September 2018. Only registrants to DEEP-2018 may submit abstracts. Abstracts will be published before the symposium. The full text of papers shall be written in accordance with the relevant requirements of the journals, such as China Geology, Tecotonophysics, Asian Journal of Earth Sciences, Lithosphere, Economic Geology, Science of China Earth Science, Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), etc.

Field trip

Post symposium field trip: Structural geology and stratigraphy of the Ming Tombs-Badaling area, Beijing. Time duration: 2 days, 27-28 October 2018.


Secretariat of DEEP-2018: SinoProbe Center, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, 26 Baiwanzhuang Road,Beijing 100037, China.


Ms. Qi Zhou, Tel: +86(10)68999617, E-mails: zhouqi@cags.ac.cn , 1437922567@qq.com.

Ms. Wei Li, Tel: +86 (10) 68329619, E-mails: dic@cags.ac.cn .

Please visit the official symposium website (http://deep.sinoprobe.org) for further details.