Manuelle Gautrand

2018-03-21 00:51:54
世界建筑导报 2018年3期

简介 Biography

Manuelle Gautrand于1961年7月14日出生于法国马赛。

1985年毕业于蒙彼利埃Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture建筑专业。


作为MANUELLE GAUTRAND ARCHITECTURE的首席建筑师,她负责设计和建造各种建筑物,包括文化设施(剧院、博物馆、文化中心)、办公室、住房、商业和休闲设施等。



目前正在进行的项目包括蒙彼利埃的混合型酒店和住宅项目、斯德哥尔摩一栋办公大楼的垂直扩展项目、安纳西购物中心项目;Edison Lite住宅单元(“巴黎改造”计划的一部分),位于澳大利亚帕拉马塔的“学习与市民中心”等。



1999年 – 2000年 在 巴 黎 建 筑 专 业 学 院 ESA(Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture)教学;2000年 – 2003年在巴黎瓦尔德塞纳国立高等建筑学院(Paris-Val-de-Seine architecture school)教学;2009年在维也纳技术大学(Technische Universität in Vienna)教学;2010年,在美国佛罗里达大学建筑学院教学。



多次举办个展及联展,其中包括2011年在巴黎Galerie Marquart举办展会;2010年在梅茨蓬皮杜中心举办展会;2009年在斯德哥尔摩Arkitektur Museet举办展会;2009年在特拉维夫ZeZeZe Architecture Gallery举办展会;2008年在巴塞尔瑞士建筑博物馆举办展会;2008年、2004年及2002年威尼斯建筑双年展;2004年在法兰克福德意志建筑博物馆举办展会;2003年在巴黎建筑画廊举办展会;在德国、比利时、西班牙、法国、意大利和荷兰举办展会。巴黎建筑博物馆(Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine)、巴黎城市规划与建设展览馆(Pavillon de l'Arsenal)以及巴黎建筑之家(Maison de l'Architecture)会定期展出其中一些项目。

作品永久收藏在巴黎蓬皮杜文化中心和巴黎建筑物博物馆(Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine)。

2008年及2009年法德电视频道ARTE中播放她的作品纪录片('L’Art& la Manière' and 'Chic')。

Manuelle Gautrand was born on 14 July 1961 in Marseille (France).

She graduated as an architect in 1985 from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture in Montpellier.

In 1991 she set up her practice; she lives and works in Paris.

As the principal architect at MANUELLE GAUTRAND ARCHITECTURE, she is responsible for the design and construction of a diverse range of buildings, including cultural facilities (theatres,museums, cultural centres), offces, housing, commercial and leisure facilities, etc.

She works for large public clients and institutions as much as for private clients, in France and abroad.

It was the Citroën showroom, the « C42 », on the Champs-Elysées in Paris that fi rst brought her public and international acclaim in 2007.

Current projects include a mixed hotel and housing project in Montpellier, the vertical extension of an offce building in Stockholm, a shopping centre in Annecy; the Edison Lite housing units (as part of the 'Réinventer Paris' scheme), a 'learning & civic center' in Parramatta, Australia, aso...Among recently completed projects are the Hipark apartment hotel in Paris, the sports,community and event centre in Saint Louis, Alsace, the Alésia multi-screen cinema in Paris, etc.Various other activities:

• Teaching at the Ecole Spéciale d'Architecture in Paris (1999–2000), the Paris-Val-de-Seine architecture school (2000–2003), the

Technische Universität in Vienna (2009) and the University of Florida architecture school in the US (2010).

• Numerous lectures in architecture schools and public institutions, participation in conferences and round-table discussions, notably in Antwerp, Bangkok, Berlin, Budapest, Cologne, Dubai,Geneva, Lausanne, London, Luxembourg, Madrid, Mexico, Oslo, Paris, Riga, Tel-Aviv, Toronto,Vienne, Wroclaw, etc. Regular participation on competition jurys for public and private clients and awards,

such as the World Architecture Festival, etc.

• Numerous articles in press and architectural books, etc.

• Solo and joint exhibitions. Some, of many, that can be mentioned include: Galerie Marquart in Paris (2011), Pompidou Centre in

Metz (2010), Arkitektur Museet in Stockholm (2009), ZeZeZe Architecture Gallery in Tel-Aviv(2009), Swiss Architecture Museum in Basel (2008), the Venice Architecture Biennale (2008,2004, and 2002), Deutsches Architektur Museum in Frankfurt (2004), Galerie d’Architecture in Paris (2003) and others in Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy or the Netherlands. Certain projects are regularly exhibited at the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine, the Pavillon de l'Arsenal and the Maison de l'Architecture in Paris.

• Works held in the permanent collections of the Pompidou Centre in Paris and the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine in Paris.

• Documentary fi lms on her work were screened on Franco-German television channel ARTE in 2008 and 2009 ('L’Art & la Manière' and 'Chic').

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