Artificial Skin Gives Robotic Hand a Sense of Touch

2018-03-15 22:04
中学科技 2018年2期

A team of researchers from the University of Houston has reported a breakthrough in stretchable electronics that can serve as an artificial skin, allowing a robotic hand to sense the difference between hot and cold, while also offering advantages for a wide range of biomedical devices.

The work, reported in the journal Science Advances, describes a new mechanism for producing stretchable electronics, a process that relies upon readily available materials and could be scaled up for commercial production. A)□

Cunjiang Yu, Bill D. Cook Assistant Professor of mechanical engineering and lead author for the paper, said the work is the first to create a semiconductor in a rubber composite format, designed to allow the electronic components to retain functionality even after the material is stretched by 50 percent.

The work is the first semiconductor in rubber composite format that enables stretchability without any special mechanical structure, Yu said. He noted that traditional semiconductors are brittle and using them in otherwise stretchable materials has required a complicated system of mechanical accommodations. B) □

"Our strategy has advantages for simple fabrication, scalable manufacturing, high-density integration, large strain tolerance and low cost," he said. Yu and the rest of the team—co-authors created the electronic skin and used it to demonstrate that a robotic hand could sense the temperature of hot and iced water in a cup. The skin also was able to interpret computer signals sent to the hand and reproduce the signals as American Sign Language.

"The robotic skin can translate the gesture to readable letters that a person like me can understand and read," Yu said. C) □

The artificial skin is just one application. Researchers said the discovery of a material that is soft, bendable, stretchable and twistable will impact future development in soft wearable electronics. D) □

The stretchable composite semiconductor was prepared by using a silicon-based polymer known as polydimethylsiloxane, or PDMS, and tiny nanowires to create a solution. "We foresee that this strategy of enabling elastomeric semiconductors by percolating semiconductor nanofibrils into a rubber will advance the development of stretchable semiconductors, and will move forward the advancement of stretchable electronics for a wide range of applications, such as artificial skins biomedical implants and surgical gloves," they wrote.endprint

1. It might be inferred from the passage that .

A) semiconductors created in a rubber composite format usually malfunction

B) rubber composite usually does not function very well if stretched too much

C) semiconductors created in a rubber composite format need to be lubricated frequently

D) rubber composite will not function very well if it contracts too much

2. Which is NOT the superiority of the new discovery mentioned in the passage?

A) bendability of the material B) high-density integration

C) scalable manufacturing D) long operational life span

3. The electronic skin can NOT at present.

A) sense the difference between hot and cold

B)interpret computer signals sent to the hand and reproduce the signals as American Sign Language.

C) perform medical implants

D) translate the sign language into readable letters

4. Look at the four squares □ that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage.

That's both more complex and less stable than the new discovery, as well as more expensive, he said.

Where would the sentence best fit?endprint