
2018-03-09 12:56张树武
演艺科技 2018年9期


【摘   要】 结合我国新一代人工智能发展规划,简要剖析人工智能的内涵和发展现状,并解析智能化影像技术的主要应用 方向。

【关键词】 人工智能;智能化影像;技术;应用

文章编号: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-8239.2018.09.003


1  人工智能国家发展战略

2017年7月8日,经中央政治局常委会、国务院常务会议审议通过,国务院印发《新一代人工智能发展规划》(国发〔2017〕35 号)。《规划》指出:“当前,世界主要发达国家把发展人工智能作为提升国家竞争力、维护国家安全的重大战略,人工智能作为新一轮产业变革的核心驱动力,已经成为国际科技竞争的新焦点,是未来经济发展的新引擎”。




2  理解人工智能内涵




3  人工智能发展现状与趋势


3.1  脑功能组织机理研究尚处于理论探索阶段


3.2  认知智能逐步被发现和应用




3.3  以统计模式学习为代表的感知智能取得重要突破,成为人工智能应用创新的理论基础




3.4  类脑与计算感知混合的机器自主智能将成为未来“智慧社会”的主要源泉




4  解析智能化影像

这里所讲的智能化影像(Visual Entertainment)是指将计算机图形学、计算视觉、虚拟现实、三维数字化、媒体大数据等具有变革性的人工智能新技术综合应用于影视、演艺等文化娱乐领域,为新时期文化创新发展提供源泉和动力,提升文化的创作力、表现力、感染力和传播力。事实上,文化娱乐是当前人工智能技术最具代表性的应用领域之一。智能化影像涉及到人工智能诸多应用技术,结合文化娱乐实际应用场景,智能化影像具体表现可归纳为创作流程可视化、内容展现沉浸化、网络传播透明化和技术装备智能化四个方面。

4.1  创作流程可视化




2018 平昌冬奥会“北京8分钟”




4.2  内容展现沉浸化



MSG Sphere 未来体验中心

MSG Sphere作为麦迪逊广场花园的增强型沉浸式体验中心,正在试图打造成為下一代演出场馆。其最大的特色是拥有一块约15 000 m2的球形LED,能够提供极为沉浸的视听体验。从外表来看,它采用球体设计,球体外表面拥有LED屏幕,能够在不同的场景活动中显示不同的画面。而在其内部则拥有一块约15 793 m2的LED屏幕。据介绍,MSG 计划采用10台8K摄像机来捕获360°全景视频,以此获得更高清的画面。Sphere内部还采用了一套自适应声学系统,其特点是能够把声音传递至指定的区域,并且也能够将声音以均匀的音量从舞台扩展出去,不会受到场馆内人员的影响,人们总是能够听到更清晰的、高保真的声音。此外,场馆内部还具有基于气味的嗅觉系统和具有物理触觉的地板反馈系统,以此来进一步提升沉浸感(图12)。

上海迪士尼 4D 影像超感官互动体验 (图13)

4.3  网络传播透明化


4.4  技术装备智能化




在 2018 德国法兰克福国际舞台灯光及音响技术展览会上,ClayPaky 展出了一款 ZAC-EYE 离线追光灯产品。Zac-Eye的3D传感器可以检测舞台上的多个人形,并将其区分开(图16)。演员可以在场景中自由移动,并被3D传感器检测到,连接的灯具进行实时跟踪,可以完全替代追光师的手工操作。视觉跟踪是计算视觉领域的一项基础研究,已经具有了较成熟的算法,但在舞台智能化装备中还是刚刚开始应用。相信未来会有更多的智能化技术应用在舞台装备中,提升舞台装备的自动化和智能化水平。


4.5  部分前瞻性技术探索


利用物体排水体积等于物体体积这一简单观测巧妙地将表面重建问题转换为体积问题。通过液体技术重建出来的模型与原始的三维模型几乎一模一样,由此开启了非光学三维形状获取技术的新世界的大门。《Dip Transform for 3D Shape Reconstruction》入选 SIGGRAPH2017 大会,并被大会官方选为重点推荐的六篇论文之一,获得了全球媒体的广泛转载。

基于涡流解算流体模拟(Xinxin Zhang etal,SIGGRAPH-Asia 2014)

张心欣等提出的基于涡流解算流体模拟(IVOCK)算法可以近似仿真模拟烟雾、海啸等流体动力学运动轨迹,在美国主流特效论坛CG Channel上,将张心欣与奥斯卡技术奖获得者Robert Bridson共同研发的IVOCK模拟算法评为2015 年计算机图形图像年会(SIGGRAPH)的高亮。


照明是摄制过程中非常重要的一环,摄影就是用光进行造型的艺术,照明的效率与效果直接影响着最终的摄制质量。AICFVE 中心的研究人员正在尝试研究高效的软硬件灯光自适应匹配技术。

5  结语



Artificial Intelligence and Smart Images

- Technology and Application

ZHANG Shu-wu

(Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China)

【Abstract】Taking the development plan for China's new generation of artificial intelligence into consideration, this report will briefly analyze the connotation and status quo of artificial intelligence, and analyze the main applications of visual entertainment technology.

【Key Words】artificial intelligence; smart images; technology; application

In recent years, artificial intelligence has become the hottest term in the field of information technology and its application. So how do we define artificial intelligence? What are the characteristics of visual entertainment, the main representative of intelligent technology in the cultural field? Taking the development plan for China's new generation of artificial intelligence into consideration, this report will briefly analyze the connotation and status quo of artificial intelligence, and analyze the main applications of visual entertainment technology.

1  National Development Strategy for Artificial Intelligence

On July 8, 2017, the State Council issued the Development Plan for a New Generation of Artificial Intelligence ([2017] No. 35), which was reviewed and approved by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and the Executive Meeting of the State Council. The plan pointed out that "currently, the world's major developed countries regard the development of artificial intelligence as a major strategy to enhance national competitiveness and safeguard national security. Artificial intelligence, as the core driving force of a new round of industrial transformation, has become a new focus of international science and technology competition. It is the new engine for future economic development."

The plan draws the blueprint for the development of artificial intelligence in China in the next decade, and establishes the "three-step" goal: by 2020, the overall technology and application of artificial intelligence will be synchronized with the world's advanced level. By 2025, a major breakthrough will be achieved in the basic theory of artificial intelligence, and the country will lead the world in terms of its technology and application. By 2030, China will be a world leader in the theory, technology and application of artificial intelligence and become a major artificial intelligence innovation center in the world.

The plan proposes six key tasks: the first one is to build an open and collaborative artificial intelligence technology innovation system. The second one is to cultivate a high-end and efficient intelligent economy. The third one is to build a safe and convenient intelligent society. The fourth one is to strengthen the integration of military and civilian in the field of artificial intelligence. The fifth one is to build a ubiquitous and efficient intelligent infrastructure system. The sixth one is to arrange major scientific and technological projects with foresight.

2  Understanding the meaning of artificial intelligence

The so-called artificial intelligence is the theory, method, technology and application system that enables machines to simulate, extend and expand humanoid intelligence. In summary, it mainly includes three aspects. The first one is the study of the mechanism of human and animal tissues, which mainly analyzes the brain function organization mechanism and limb movement structure of living animals. The second one is cognitive intelligence, which analyzes the internal laws and physical principles of brain activities and limb movements, and establishes brain-like thinking organization and understanding models and bionic limb movement models. It involves several categories of researches and interdisciplinary ones, like thinking science, cognitive science, linguistics, psychology and bionics. The third one is perceptual intelligence, which is the counterpart of cognitive intelligence. Perceptual intelligence mainly recognizes, calculates and simulates human intelligence by the external manifestations of brain activities and limb movements. It mainly uses statistical and pattern learning calculation methods, and does not necessarily require a theoretical explanation in the physical terms.

With the rapid growth of computer processing capability and major breakthroughs in perceptual intelligence technology, machines have an increasingly obvious advantage in calculating, processing and analyzing massive data over humans. In some respects, they have surpassed humanoid intelligence and gradually formed unique machine intelligence. The extension of artificial intelligence has gradually expanded from the simple simulation of humanoid intelligence to a hybrid of human and machine intelligence. On the other hand, two academic research categories, intelligent computing and intelligent robots, have developed from the two different intelligent simulation forms of brain thinking activities and limb movements.

Therefore, in general, the so-called "intelligence" is to endow the machine with real-time recognition and judgment abilities and the mechanism of adaptive decision-making and action.

3  Status quo and trends of artificial intelligence development

Since the concept of “artificial intelligence” was put forward in 1956, the development of artificial intelligence has experienced a winding development process of more than 60 years. Up to now, its development status can be summarized into the following four points.

3.1  Research on brain function organization mechanism is still at the stage of theoretical exploration

3.2  Cognitive intelligence is gradually discovered and applied

3.3  Important breakthroughs have been made in perceptual intelligence represented by statistical pattern learning, which has become the theoretical basis for innovation in artificial intelligence applications

3.4  Autonomous machine intelligence with brain-like and computational perception will become the main source of the future "smart society"

As information technology develops rapidly, human society has transitioned from a simple real society to a digital society, and has developed into the current information society. With the rapid development of autonomous machine intelligence that features a mixture of brain-like and computational perception, AI rapidly penetrates and integrates into all walks of life in society and reshapes the development of society as a whole. In the near future, human society will become a "smart society" of man-machine hybrids and a combination of virtual and real worlds, which go beyond human wisdom.

In fact, the resurgence of AI fever is inseparable from the rapid development of modern information technology represented by cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things, and 5G. It is the core breakthrough point for the development of information technology in the future. It can be said that "a new generation of artificial intelligence" is an integration of technology applications based on modern information technology and built for the future intelligent society.

Generally speaking, the current theories and technologies of artificial intelligence are booming. Whether in terms of basic theoretical innovation, key technology breakthroughs or sizeable industry applications, it has achieved fruitful results. Due to its broad application prospects and significant strategic significance, artificial intelligence has received increasing attention from all walks of life in recent years. However, the real theoretical breakthrough has not yet been made, and the industrial applications are still at the initial stage. There are still many bottlenecks, blind spots and limitations. There is still a long way to go!

4  Analysis of visual entertainment

Visual entertainment discussed here refers to the comprehensive application of new innovative AI technologies such as computer graphics, computational vision, virtual reality, three-dimensional digitization and media big data in the cultural and entertainment fields such as film and television, performing arts, and so on. It provides the source and power for the cultural innovation and development in the new era and enhances the creativity, expressiveness, appeal and communication of culture. In fact, cultural entertainment is one of the most representative applications of artificial intelligence technology. Visual entertainment involves many application technologies of artificial intelligence. Combined with the real application scenarios of cultural entertainment, the specific elements of visual entertainment can be summarized into four aspects: visualized creation process, immersed content presentation, transparent network communication and intelligent technical equipment.

4.1  Visualized creation process

The intelligent technology has revolutionized the creation and production process of cultural and entertainment products. Through visual interaction technology, the efficiency and quality of cultural creation has been greatly improved, and the production cost has been reduced.

4.2  Immersed content presentation

4.3  Transparent network communication

Infringement and piracy are among the most serious problems that affect the networked dissemination of cultural content products. Digital copyright watermarking technology can transparently track the whole process of the network transmission of cultural content products. Media fingerprint technology and copyright big data analysis are helpful for the identification and evidence obtainment of network infringement. The all-media copyright monitoring platform developed by the Institute of Automation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences can realize multi-dimensional and full-time monitoring of several media types including audio, video, graphics and text works on various network platforms, which can guarantee the maximization of copyright value in the authorization, use and dissemination of content works. The platform has been applied to Tencent QQ and the monitoring of popular variety video rights of many local satellite TV and film companies.

4.4  Intelligent technical equipment

In addition, many more mature pattern recognition and machine vision intelligence technologies such as biometrics, voice control, language analysis and intelligent robots can be applied to visual entertainment. “Intelligence + imaging” will become the core technical support for cultural applications.

4.5  Exploration of some forward-looking technologies

Dip Transform for 3D Shape reconstruction (AICFVE-SIGGRAPH2017)

The simple observation that the object's drainage volume is equal to the volume of the object helps transform the surface reconstruction problem into a volume problem. The model reconstructed by liquid technology is almost identical to the original three-dimensional model, thus opening the door to a new world of non-optical three-dimensional shape acquisition technology.

Fluid simulation based on vortex calculation (Xinxin Zhang et al, SIGGRAPH-Asia 2014)

The vortex-based fluid simulation (IVOCK, Integrated Vorticity of Convective Kinematics) algorithm proposed by Zhang Xinxin et al. can simulate the hydrodynamic motion trajectories such as smoke and tsunami.

Adaptive transformation of scene lighting (Relighting)

Lighting is a very important part of the filming process. Photography is the art of modeling with light. The efficiency and effect of lighting directly affect the final filming quality. Researchers at the AICFVE Center are researching on efficient adaptive hardware and software lighting matching techniques.

5  Conclusion

Artificial intelligence makes society full of wisdom! Visual entertainment makes culture dazzling and colorful!
