
2018-03-09 00:51编辑方凤燕
厦门航空 2018年2期


环球视野篇·Global Vision



There're over 300,000 robots globally and China becomes the largest market

A data show that in 2016 the global “population”of robots is close to 300,000. At an average annual growth rate of 15%, robots are expected to exceed 300,000 globally by the end of 2017.This population is equivalent to that of a small city, or even a country. Asia occupies an absolute advantage in the use of robots with more than half of the world's robots living here, while China has become the world's largest industrial robot market.



Nine cities join China's one trillion yuan GDP club

An important index of the city's economic activity is to pass the one trillion yuan GDP milestone. The Economic Research Institute of 21st Century Business Herald predicts that in the next two years,Foshan, Ningbo and other three cities will join China’s one trillion yuan GDP club. The rising stars are Nanjing, Qingdao, Changsha,Wuxi, Foshan, Ningbo, Dalian, Zhengzhou and Shenyang, 9 cities in total.


任天堂近日正式公布了适配其最新主机Switch 的外设——LABO。LABO 由简单的瓦楞纸组成,用户只要购买官方发行的瓦楞纸模版组装好,放上手柄,就可以弹钢琴、开高达、玩赛车等,实现各种富有创意的全新玩法。这一切都要归功于 Switch 手柄上的IR摄像头,可见创意永远比技术重要。

Nintendo announces Nintendo Labo, awild new experiment for Switch

Nintendo recently ofベcially announced the new add-on–LABO for its latest Switch.Labo is only a piece of cardboard. After purchase from Nintendo a piece of cardboard, which you can use to build one of these items, a 13-key piano, a ベshing pole, even a motorbike and then you’ll put the Switch in to power it up. Then you’ll be able to play games with your creations. The IR Motion Camera is the key. And here creativity plays a more important role than technology.



Shaxian delicacies compete with kimchi at the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic

Recently, with the support and recommendation of the World Federation of Chinese Catering Industry, Shaxian delicacies will serve as the only representative of Chinese cuisine at the food fair ofthe PyeongChang 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. As well-known and popular delicacies in China, Shaxian delicacies willcome to the international stage as a representative of Chinese food to compete with Kimchi inPyeongChang, South Korea.

社会热点篇·Social Hot Spot



Annual salary of RMB 400,000 for employees over the age of 60, public square dancers are preferred

Have you ever imagined that one day your mother who have long been retired and is only interested in public square dance will earn more money than you?A special job advertisement on Alibaba’s ofベcial recruitment website recently has been forwarded a lot in WeChat Moments. Why is it special? Look at the key words: annual salary of RMB 400,000, over the age of 60,public square dancing KOL (key opinion leader) is preferred. Maybe you and your parents will become colleagues.



A Bite of China Season 3 to be broadcast upon Spring Festival

Do you still remember the ベrst two seasons of A Bite of China? The ベrst two seasons made the documentary as popular as an idol drama, attracting so many audiences. The delicacies aroused our taste buds and the stories conveyed love and warmth. After 3 years, the third season of A Bite of China now is to be broadcast upon Spring Festival. There will be a total of eight episodes, and 50 minutes for each episode.

沙县小吃 深耕本土
任天堂确认Wii U将停产