
2018-03-02 01:44:09陈科龙刘映呈受访者提供
今日重庆 2018年2期

◇ 文| 本刊记者 陈科龙 图| 刘映呈 受访者提供




Huang Shan remembers very clearly, that eight years ago, it was an extremely cold winter. One night, he was walking in the streets of Jie Fangbei. A gust of wind blew, and he subconsciously tightened his leather jacket collar.

Suddenly, a little spark lighting up in a dark corner grabbed his eyes. A “Bang Bang” (porters or stick men) sat on the edge of the flower bed with his legs crossed. Flame of the lighter in his hand revealed his slightly stooped figure.

Huang Shan stood over the road and quietly saw the porter smoking the whole cigarette.

发现另一种常态 Finding Another Normalcy



黄山 黄丹《茶馆系列之二》130X90cm综合材料 2014年

棒棒日记2 120X120cm 布面丙烯 2011

棒棒日记3 120cmX120cm 布面丙烯 2011

棒棒日记7 110x90cm布面丙烯2012





“Around him are lights of the city, so the image of him smoking alone is always in my mind.” Huang Shan said. This winter, we met him in Huxi Art Commune of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. He also wears a leather jacket, but a little bit loose, wrapping his thin body. With fluffy and gray hair, he always seemed to be serious and thoughtful.

From that winter night on, Huang Shan’s eyes were almost fixed on those ordinary people.

In his studio, many figure paintings pile up along the wall. One of the paintings depicting “Bang Bang” in mountain city stands out with bright colors. This is the seventh work in the series of “Bang Bang Diary” produced by Huang Shan. Three men in the picture, with their trousers and sleeves rolled up, squatted together, two of them smoking cigarette and one on the phone.

“Do not think that they were relaxing, they were actually killing time.” Huang Shan said and hurriedly found his Selected Works of Chinese Painting from piled books on the floor and passed it to us. There are seven “Bang Bang Diary” and in the six pictures of them, porters all squatted together, either smoking, or playing cards or in a daze.

Under the impression, porters in pictures are always carrying heavy load while climbing up the hill, sweating and veins twitching, but in Huang Shan’s eyes, waiting is their normalcy. They are used to waiting and always wait in the blind eyes.

黄山 黄丹 《祥和-巴渝村镇即景》133x170.5cm综合材料 2014

In the paintings, behind porters are usually glamorous female images. “Through them, I make a striking contrast to express helplessness.” Huang Shan specified..

唱着凡人歌作画 Singing Mortal Song and Painting








It is not by accident that Huang Shan chose to paint for the porter.

He grew up in Leshan and was forced to drop out of school in the fourth grade in primary school. Two elder brothers went to the countryside to be educated, and Huang Shan stayed with his parents because of “staying around” policy.

“At that time, I had to make a fire to cook and also pick up coal cinders. I would read Lu Xun’s essay and poems my mother bought and borrowed for me.” Huang Shan lit a cigarette and continued, “I had a neighbor Luo Shungui who is an art teacher, and I spent the whole day at his house looking at picture albums of Ilya Repin and Huang Binhong and asked him to teach me to paint.”

When Huang Shan grew elder, parents sent him to countryside to learn to be a carpenter for one year. “I also ate ‘Jian Shui’”. At that moment, the rural area lacked water pipes, so bamboo pipes were used to lead the water to the water tank at home. In the carpenter’s home, Huang Shan would paint people and views in the village when he was free.

Back to Leshan, Huangshan went to an acrobatic troupe as a temporary worker and also worked as a salesman in the grain and oil company.

Huang Shan was bent on being admitted to Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. In 1977, he took the entrance exam of Affiliated High School of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute but failed. Next year, he took the exam again and encountered failure again. In 1979, Huang Shan became a solider in Jinxi, Liaoning. He went to the marine barracks and in the propaganda team of the political department, and he painted settings, publicity columns and slides and sketched soldiers. Two years of honing, his painting skills received rapid promotion. In 1981, after leaving the army, Huang Shan finally stepped into the campus of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute and learnt to paint from Feng Jianwu, Xiao Jianchu, Li Wenxin, Bai Desong and other masters.

Previous experiences make Huang’s paintbrush always focus on the grassroots. “Bang Bang Diary” series, “Peace and villages and towns in Bayu” and “Teahouse” series all depict the grassroots.


《茶馆小记之五》纸本水墨90cm×48.5cm 2017


洞见悲喜画时代 Seeing Joys and Sorrows and Painting the Time





“Teahouse” is Huang Shan’s newly produced series of ink paintings. He often went to Dongxi, the ancient town in Qijiang District to drink tea.

“A bowl of tea only costs half Yuan, so one can sit there for one day. People in the teahouse are calm, and their expressions show simplicity and sincerity. They wipe their mouths and clear ears publicly.” Huang Shan says he is one of the grassroots, and in his eyes, farmers and tea drinkers are lovely and they push his artistic creation.

Some people think that ink art is literati’s self talk and narcissism and alienates from the times, but Huang Shan does not think so. “It is precious self talk and narcissism that matters in the age of the game. It gives a vivid reflection of the bizarre and motley of the world.Ink paintings reveal integrity and the cultural character of nobility, much better than so-called ‘ism’ and‘movement’.”

As the heir of Chinese painting, Huang Shan is lowkey to admit that he has a sense of mission. As a painter,his mission is to see and express the joys and sorrows of the masses and excavate the surface of life and find the true face of contemporary people. “This is also defending national spirit and inheriting culture.” Huang Shan said.After seeing Huang Shan’s art exhibition, Lin Mu, an art critic once said, “Huang Shan is sincere and he has a deep understanding of Chinese art emotional kernel. The sincerity comes from true feelings towards life and Huang Shan puts those feelings into his paintings.”.

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