2018-02-20 00:02:49
学习与探索 2018年5期

Abstract:It is important to stress on the common ground in interpretation activity in the field of modern Hermeneutics.The interpretation activity consists of reader, object, and the writer’s intention, etc.In the three,the reader, who is the subjectivity in interpretation activity, is the central factor.So if we suggest that interpretation should have the common ground we will find some explanation from the reader as a basis.The reader has complex multi-factors in his intrinsic and extrinsic world.In this paper the reader’s intrinsic factor contains the psychological structure and the extrinsic factors contain language and discourse system.Besides,there are some factors, such as thoughts, culture, and ideas in special times and societies, between the intrinsic and the extrinsic.All the factors in the reader are in common and shareable which serve as the basis of interpretation activity,and from the view of them,we can conclude that interpretation is not explanation by some private persons,and this activity has its public responsibility of its own.

Key words:Common Interpretation; Private Interpretation; Individual Interpretation