“Granny, what does it feel like to be almost 80 years old?”
The question came up at the dinner table, in between mouthfuls of crab leg drenched in melted butter. I dont know what it was about that particular night, but for some reason in that moment I just had to know.
Ill never forget the look on my grandmothers face. It was an expression thats nearly impossible for me to put into words. It literally felt like I was watching her life flash before her eyes. After a very long pause, Granny took a breath and answered.
“It feels…impossible. If that makes sense.”
Over the course of a few seconds, our laughter-infused seafood dinner conversation had gotten pretty deep. I wanted to know more, but I had to figure out how to go about it—and fast.
Minutes later, after the crab shells had been thrown away, Granny found herself in the backyard, sitting in a chair across from my sister, Cailin and me. I held a small voice recorder in my hand, and my sister had a notebook and pen waiting patiently in her lap. The sun was sinking beneath the horizon, though the near-summer air remained warm, as I delivered my first question.
“What has been the most memorable moment of your life so far?”
“I think the birth of my sons. Its the ultimate joy to see a new person come into the world that you helped create.”
That was an easy one. The next one would be a little more difficult.
“Do you have any regrets?”
Granny surprised me by answering, before I even finished the sentence, with an incredibly firm and quick “no.” She continued.
“I have no regrets in my life.”
Of course, I wanted to know her secret to living nearly eight decades and having no regrets.
“My secret is being true to yourself and…maybe living each day to its fullest. But I have no regrets. Theres not one thing I would do differently.”
Cailin was quickly taking notes on the bench next to me, recording every word Granny said. I asked her what advice she would give to her teenage self.
Dont worry about the small stuff. There are so many things, just this week, that Ive heard you girls talk about, you know, this person and that person, that in the great scheme of things dont really matter. I think thats what Id tell myself. I remember crying over silly things when I was your age and I think now, how silly I was. Getting all upset over those things. I would go back and tell myself not to worry about the small stuff.
Cailin asked Granny how you can tell the difference between the small stuff and the not-so-small-stuff.
My theory now is that if its not life threatening, its no big deal. Sometimes the things you think are big things really are not. You make a mountain out of a molehill. As you go through the process of living, youll learn the difference between the two. You will come across major crises in your life. Nobodys life is perfect. Life is about recognizing what is worth getting worked up over—and its not some silly boyfriend or something. When youre a teenager, things like that feel like such a crisis.
She went on to tell a story of a breakup she went through straight out of high school. I asked her if it felt like the end of the world at the time.
Oh heavens, yes! And now we both laugh about it! Thats another thing Id tell my teenage self—you gotta laugh every day. You have to laugh at something. Even if you have to laugh at yourself. I think thats what keeps you going, to have a sense of humor. You cant take life too seriously. Sometimes there are things that you just cant do anything about, and all you can do is laugh and make the best of it.
Cailin and I thanked Granny for the interview, and the three of us headed back inside. I was ready to take on the world with an all-new outlook on life, and though the sky now completely lacked light, my heart was full.
Thanks, Granny.
Make a mountain out of
a molehill是一个很形象的说法,molehill 就是由鼹鼠打洞扒出的泥土堆成的鼹鼠丘,通常用来指代一些无意义的事,小困难或障碍。硬是把鼹鼠丘说成是一座山,不就是小题大做,言过其实吗?
形容词词组worked up(about) 在此处很容易被误以为是“努力”的意思。其实,它的正确意思应该是“激动的,焦躁不安的”,尤其指因忧虑引起的负面情绪。例如:He gets very worked up about going to school and leaves the house crying every day.(他对上学感到很紧张,每天都哭着离家。)work (sb.) up作动词词组时的其中一个意思是“使激动,唤起”,例如:Hed worked himself up into a terrible state about the coming exam.(面对即将举行的考试,他把自己弄得紧张极了。)