Sa Sa CFO, Guy Look
Uncertain global economic conditions may have led consumers to tighten their purse strings, but digital media could reverse that trend and give retailers a much needed boost, said the chief financial officer of a Hong Kong-based cosmetics chain. “Obviously there are government policy factor, economic factor influencing the consumers but I think…the smartphones and digital media are enabling consumers to feel very confident about what they buy and they have such a lot of exposure to the market that this keeps them going.” he said.
“全球经济的不确定性可能导致消费者收紧钱袋,但数字媒体的发展有可能扭转这一趋势,给零售商带来急需的提振。”莎莎国际控股有限公司 CFO Guy Look表示。“显然,政府的政策因素、经济因素都会影响到消费者。但智能手机和数字媒体的发展使得消费者对于购买的商品更加自信,他们有了更多的渠道认识市场,从而刺激了消费。”
Macy CFO,Karen Hoguet
Amazon is an easy source of blame for the ongoing wave of store closures happening at bricks-and-mortar chains. But according to Macys CFO Karen Hoguet, there’s a bigger competitive threat challenging her company’s business over time: off-price. “Customers typically don’t need most of what we sell, and there is a psychology that loves that promotion,” Hoguet said. “Every time we try to say to a customer group, ‘What if we didn't have coupons?’ The answer is, ‘We hate them. But whatever you do, don’t take them away.’”
美国知名连锁百货公司梅西百货的关店潮很容易归咎于亚马逊。但CFO 凯伦·霍格特表示,“从长期来看,打折百货的迅速发展对梅西百货来说是更大的威胁。通常消费者并不需要们售卖的大多数商品,但心理学研究发现,大家都喜欢促销商品。客户明确表示,没有优惠券就很难接受。”
AT&T's CFO,John Stephens
Telecom giant AT&T’s CFO John Stephens told that he feels even better today about the planned acquisition of Time Warner than when it was announced last year. “We feel really good about our opportunities to combine and generate a really strong cash generation machine that will keep this company healthy for a long time to come.” He also added that the entertainment company’s lower capital intensity compared to AT&T's “is going to give us a real opportunity to deliver.”
美国电信巨头AT&T CFO John Stephens 日前表示,与2016年宣布收购媒体巨头时代华纳时相比,他现在感觉更加乐观。“当时感觉就很不错。现在来看,能够有机会把两家公司结合,实现强劲的现金生成能力,从而使公司在很长一段时间内保持文件发展。”Stephens补充道,“与AT&T相比,时代华纳的资本密集度较低,恰恰能够为我们创造真正的机会。”