Books Are People,Too!

2018-01-23 09:09一沁供稿翻译范婕
疯狂英语·初中天地 2018年2期



A man was accused of failing to return more than 700 children’s books to fi ve different libraries. He was1)released from2)jail yesterday after a book3)publisher agreed to post his bond of $1,000. The publisher said, “There’s a story here. This is a man who loves books. Mr. Barush just can’t let go of them. He hasn’t stolen a single book. So what’s the crime? We plan to publish his story.”

When asked why he didn’t return the books, Mr. Barush said, “Well, how could I?They became family to me. I was afraid to return them, because I knew that kids or dogs would get hold of these books and chew them up, throw them around,4)rip the pages,5)spill soda on them and drown them in the toilet.”

He continued, “Books are people, too! They talk to you, they take care of you,and they6)enrich you with wisdom and humor and love. A book is my7)guest in my home. How could I kick it out? I8)repaired9)torn pages. I10)dusted them with a soft clean cloth. I turned their pages so they could get some fresh air. ”

“Every week I11)reorganized them on their shelves so they could meet new friends. My books were happy books. Now they’re all back in the library, on the lower shelves, on the floors, at the mercy of all those runny-nosed kids. I can hear them calling me! I need to12)rescue them. Excuse me. I have to go now.”







be accused of 被指控犯有……罪

post one’s bond 为……交保证金

let go of… 放开……

chew…up 嚼碎……

kick…out 把……逐出去

at the mercy of 受……支配,任凭……摆布


1. more than意为“超过,多于”,相当于over,其后常与数词连用。例如:

He is more than fi fty years old. 他50多岁了。


There are more girls than boys in our class. 在我们班,女孩比男孩多。

2. agree to意为“同意,赞同”。后常接表示“建议”或“计划”的名词;接动词原形时构成动词不定式结构。例如:

He agrees to go there. 他同意去那儿。


(1) agree with指“意见一致”,后面常接表示“人”的主语或宾语从句,也可以接表示“意见”和“看法”的词。

We all agree with him. 我们都同意他的意见。

(2) disagree是agree的反义词,相当于not agree。例如:

I disagree.=I don’t agree. 我不赞成。

3. take care of是固定短语,意为“照看,照顾”,其同义短语为look after。例如:You must take care of/look after your grandma. 你必须好好照顾你的祖母。

拓展:“Take care!”意为“小心!”。例如:

Take care! There is a dog near you. 当心!你身边有只狗。

1) release [rɪ'liːs] v. 释放

2) jail [dʒeɪl] n. 监狱,拘留所

3) publisher ['pʌblɪʃə] n. 出版商

4) rip [rɪp] v. 扯破,撕坏

5) spill [spɪl] v. 洒出,泼出

6) enrich [ɪn'rɪtʃ] v. 充实,丰富

7) guest [ɡest] n. 客人,嘉宾

8) repair [rɪ'peə] v. 修理

9) tear [teə] v. 撕裂

10) dust [dʌst] v. 擦去灰尘

11) reorganize [rɪ'ɔːɡənɑɪz] v. 重新安排

12) rescue ['reskjuː] v. 营救,救援

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