The National Core Arts Standards (III)

2018-01-23 23:06:25USNationalCoalitionforCoreArtsStandards
当代舞蹈艺术研究 2018年1期

[US]National Coalition for Core Arts Standards



Artistic Process: Creating

Process Component: Envision, Conceptualize

Anchor Standard: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

Enduring Understanding: Theater artists rely on intuition, curiosity, and critical inquiry.

Essential Question(s): What happens when theater artists use their imaginations and/or learned theater skills while engaging in creative exploration and inquiry?

Grade PreK

TH:Cr1.1.PKa With prompting and support,transition between imagination and reality in dramatic play1or a guided drama experience2(e.g., process drama3, story drama4, creative drama5).

TH:Cr1.1.PKb With prompting and support, use non-representational materials6to create props, puppets,and costume pieces for dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade K

TH:Cr1.1.Ka With prompting and support, invent and inhabit an imaginary elsewhere7in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama,story drama, creative drama).

TH:Cr1.1.Kb With prompting and support, use nonrepresentational materials to create props, puppets, and costume pieces for dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 1

TH:Cr1.1.1a Propose potential choices characters could make in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Cr1.1.1b Collaborate with peers to conceptualize costumes and props in a guided drama experience (e.g.,process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Cr1.1.1c Identify ways in which gestures8and movement may be used to create or retell a story in guided drama experiences (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 2

TH:Cr1.1.2a Propose potential new details to plot9and story in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Cr1.1.2b Collaborate with peers to conceptualize scenery in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Cr1.1.2c Identify ways in which voice and sounds may be used to create or retell a story in guided drama experiences (e.g., process drama, story drama,creative drama).

Grade 3

TH:Cr1.1.3a Create roles, imagined worlds10, and improvised11stories in a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.3b Imagine and articulate ideas for costumes, props and sets for the environment and characters in a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.3c Collaborate to determine how characters might move and speak to support the story and given circumstances12in a drama/theater work.

Grade 4

TH:Cr1.1.4a Articulate the visual details of imagined worlds and improvised stories that support the given circumstances in a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.4b Visualize and design technical elements13that support the story and given circumstances in a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.4c Imagine how a character might move to support the story and given circumstances in a drama/theater work.

Grade 5

TH:Cr1.1.5a Identify physical qualities that might reveal a character’s inner traits in the imagined world of a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.5b Propose design ideas that support the story and given circumstances in a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.5c Imagine how a character’s inner thoughts14impact the story and given circumstances in a drama/theater work.

Grade 6

TH:Cr1.1.6a Identify possible solutions to staging15challenges in a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.6b Identify solutions to design challenges in a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.6c Explore a scripted or improvised character by imagining the given circumstances in a drama/theater work.

Grade 7

TH:Cr1.1.7a Investigate multiple perspectives and solutions to staging challenges in a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.7b Explain and present solutions to design challenges in a drama/ theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.7c Envision and describe a scripted or improvised character’s inner thoughts and objectives16in a drama/theater work.

Grade 8

TH:Cr1.1.8a Imagine and explore multiple perspectives and solutions to staging problems in a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.8b Imagine and explore solutions to design challenges of a performance space in a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.8c Develop a scripted or improvised character by articulating the character’s inner thoughts,objectives, and motivations17in a drama/theater work.

Grade HS Prof cient

TH:Cr1.1.Ia Apply basic research to construct ideas about the visual composition18of a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.Ib Explore the impact of technology on design choices in a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.Ic Use script analysis19to generate ideas about a character that is believable and authentic in a drama/theater work.

Grade HS Accomplished

TH:Cr1.1.IIa Investigate historical and cultural conventions and their impact on the visual composition of a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.IIb Understand and apply technology to design solutions for a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.IIc Use personal experiences and knowledge to develop a character that is believable and authentic in a drama/theater work.

Grade HS Advanced

TH:Cr1.1.IIIa Synthesize knowledge from a variety of dramatic forms, theatrical conventions20, and technologies to create the visual composition of a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr1.1.IIIb Create a complete design for a drama/theater work that incorporates all elements of technology.

TH:Cr1.1.IIIc Integrate cultural and historical contexts with personal experiences to create a character that is believable and authentic, in a drama/theater work.


Artistic Process: Creating

Process Component: Develop

Anchor Standard: Organize and develop artistic ideas and work.

Enduring Understanding: Theater artists work to discover different ways of communicating meaning.

Essential Question(s): How, when, and why do theater artists’ choices change?

Grade PreK

TH:Cr2.1.PKa With prompting and support,contribute through gestures and words to dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama,story drama, creative drama).

TH:Cr2.1.PKb With prompting and support, express original ideas in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade K

TH:Cr2.1.Ka With prompting and support, interact with peers and contribute to dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama,creative drama).

TH:Cr2.1.Kb With prompting and support, express original ideas in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., creative drama, process drama, story drama).

Grade 1

TH:Cr2.1.1a Contribute to the development of a sequential plot in a guided drama experience (e.g.,process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Cr2.1.1b With prompting and support, participate in group decision making in a guided drama experience(e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 2

TH:Cr2.1.2a Collaborate with peers to devise meaningful dialogue21in a guided drama experience(e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Cr2.1.2b Contribute ideas and make decisions as a group to advance a story in a guided drama experience(e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 3

TH: Cr2.1.3a Participate in methods of investigation to devise original ideas for a drama/theater work.

TH: Cr2.1.3b Compare ideas with peers and make selections that will enhance and deepen group drama/theater work.

Grade 4

TH: Cr2.1.4a Collaborate to devise original ideas for a drama/theater work by asking questions about characters and plots.

TH: Cr2.1.4b Make and discuss group decisions and identify responsibilities required to present a drama/theater work to peers.

Grade 5

TH: Cr2.1.5a Devise original ideas for a drama/theater work that ref ect collective inquiry about characters and their given circumstances.

TH:Cr2.1.5b Participate in def ned responsibilities required to present a drama/theater work informally to an audience.

Grade 6

TH:Cr2.1.6a Use critical analysis to improve,ref ne, and evolve original ideas and artistic choices in a devised22or scripted drama23/theater work.

TH:Cr2.1.6b Contribute ideas and accept and incorporate the ideas of others in preparing or devising drama/theater work.

Grade 7

TH:Cr2.1.7a Examine and justify original ideas and artistic choices in a drama/theater work based on critical analysis, background knowledge, and historical and cultural context.

TH:Cr2.1.7b Demonstrate mutual respect for self and others and their roles in preparing or devising drama/theater work.

Grade 8

TH:Cr2.1.8a Articulate and apply critical analysis,background knowledge, research, and historical and cultural context to the development of original ideas for a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr2.1.8b Share leadership and responsibilities to develop collaborative goals when preparing or devising drama/theater work.

Grade HS Prof cient

TH:Cr2.1.Ia Explore the function of history and culture in the development of a dramatic concept through a critical analysis of original ideas in a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr2.1.Ib Investigate the collaborative nature of the actor, director, playwright, and designers and explore their interdependent roles in a drama/theater work.

Grade HS Accomplished

TH:Cr2.1.IIa Refine a dramatic concept to demonstrate a critical understanding of historical and cultural influences of original ideas applied to a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr2.1.IIb Cooperate as a creative team to make interpretive choices for a drama/theater work.

Grade HS Advanced

TH:Cr2.1.IIIa Develop and synthesize original ideas in a drama/theater work utilizing critical analysis,historical and cultural context, research, and western or non-western theater traditions.

TH:Cr2.1.IIIb Collaborate as a creative team to discover artistic solutions and make interpretive choices in a devised or scripted drama/theater work.


Artistic Process: Creating

Process Component: Rehearse

Anchor Standard: Ref ne and complete artistic work.

Enduring Understanding: Theater artists ref ne their work and practice their craft through rehearsal.

Essential Question(s): How do theater artists transform and edit their initial ideas?

Grade PreK

TH:Cr3.1.PKa With prompting and support, answer questions in dramatic play or a guided drama experience(e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade K

TH:Cr3.1.Ka With prompting and support, ask and answer questions in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 1

TH:Cr3.1.1a Contribute to the adaptation of the plot in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama,story drama, creative drama).

TH:Cr3.1.1b Identify similarities and dif ferences in sounds and movements in a guided drama experience(e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Cr3.1.1c Collaborate to imagine multiple representations of a single object in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 2

TH:Cr3.1.2a Contribute to the adaptation of dialogue in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Cr3.1.2b Use and adapt sounds and movements in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Cr3.1.2c Generate independently multiple representations of a single object in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 3

TH:Cr3.1.3a Collaborate with peers to revise, re f ne,and adapt ideas to f t the given parameters of a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr3.1.3b Participate and contribute to physical and vocal exploration in an improvised or scripted drama/theater work.

TH:Cr3.1.3c Practice and refine design and technical choices to support a devised or scripted drama/theater work.

Grade 4

TH:Cr3.1.4a Revise and improve an improvised or scripted drama/theater work through repetition and collaborative review.

TH:Cr3.1.4b Develop physical and vocal exercise techniques for an improvised or scripted drama/theater work.

TH:Cr3.1.4c Collaborate on solutions to design and technical problems that arise in rehearsal for a drama/theater work.

Grade 5

TH:Cr3.1.5a Revise and improve an improvised or scripted drama/theater work through repetition and self-review.

TH:Cr3.1.5b Use physical and vocal exploration for character development in an improvised or scripted drama/theater work.

TH:Cr3.1.5c Create innovative solutions to design and technical problems that arise in rehearsal for a drama/theater work.

Grade 6

TH:Cr3.1.6a Articulate and examine choices to ref ne a devised or scripted drama/theater work.

TH:Cr3.1.6b Identify effective physical and vocal traits of characters in an improvised or scripted drama/theater work.

TH:Cr3.1.6c Explore a planned technical design during the rehearsal process for a devised or scripted drama/theater work.

Grade 7

TH:Cr3.1.7a Demonstrate focus24and concentration in the rehearsal process to analyze and refine choices in a devised or scripted drama/theater work.

TH:Cr3.1.7b Develop effective physical and vocal traits of characters in an improvised or scripted drama/theater work.

TH:Cr3.1.7c Consider multiple planned technical design elements during the rehearsal process for a devised or scripted drama/theater work.

Grade 8

TH:Cr3.1.8a Use repetition and analysis in order to revise devised or scripted drama/theater work.

TH:Cr3.1.8b Re f ne effective physical, vocal, and physiological traits of characters in an improvised or scripted drama/ theater work.

TH:Cr3.1.8c Implement and refine a planned technical design using simple technology during the rehearsal process for devised or scripted drama/ theater work.

Grade HS Prof cient

TH:Cr3.1.Ia Practice and revise a devised or scripted drama/theater work using theatrical staging conventions.

TH:Cr3.1.Ib Explore physical, vocal and physiological choices to develop a performance that is believable, authentic,and relevant to a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr3.1.Ic Refine technical design choices to support the story and emotional impact of a devised or scripted drama/ theater work.

Grade HS Accomplished

TH:Cr3.1.IIa Use the rehearsal process to analyze the dramatic concept and technical design elements of a devised or scripted drama/theater work.

TH:Cr3.1.IIb Use research and script analysis to revise physical, vocal, and physiological choices impacting the believability25and relevance of a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr3.1.IIc Re-imagine and revise technical design choices during the course of a rehearsal process to enhance the story and emotional impact of a devised or scripted drama/theater work.

Grade HS Advanced

TH:Cr3.1.IIIa Refine, transform, and re-imagine a devised or scripted drama/theater work using the rehearsal process to invent or re-imagine style26, genre27,form, and conventions.

TH:Cr3.1.IIIb Synthesize ideas from research,script analysis, and context to create a performance that is believable, authentic, and relevant in a drama/theater work.

TH:Cr3.1.IIIc Apply a high level of technical prof ciencies to the rehearsal process to support the story and emotional impact of a devised or scripted drama/theater work.


Artistic Process: Performing

Process Component: Select

Anchor Standard: Select, analyze, and interpret artistic work for presentation.

Enduring Understanding: Theater artists make strong choices to effectively convey meaning.

Essential Question(s): Why are strong choices essential to interpreting a drama or theater piece?

Grade PreK

TH:Pr4.1.PKa W ith prompting and support, identify characters in dramatic play or a guided drama experience(e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade K

TH:Pr4.1.Ka With prompting and support, identify characters and setting in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 1

TH:Pr4.1.1a Describe a story’s character actions and dialogue in a guided drama experience (e.g.,process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Pr4.1.1b Use body, face, gestures, and voice to communicate character traits28and emotions in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 2

TH:Pr4.1.2a Interpret story elements29in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama,creative drama).

TH:Pr4.1.2b Alter voice and body to expand and articulate nuances of a character in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 3

TH:Pr4.1.3a Apply the elements of dramatic structure to a story and create a drama/theater work.

TH:Pr4.1.3b Investigate how movement and voice are incorporated into drama/theater work.

Grade 4

TH:Pr4.1.4a Modify the dialogue and action to change the story in a drama/theater work.

TH:Pr4.1.4b Make physical choices to develop a character in a drama/theater work.

Grade 5

TH:Pr4.1.5a Describe the underlying thoughts and emotions that create dialogue and action in a drama/theater work.

TH:Pr4.1.5b Use physical choices to create meaning in a drama/theater work.

Grade 6

TH:Pr4.1.6a Identify the essential events in a story or script that make up the dramatic structure in a drama/theater work.

TH:Pr4.1.6b Experiment with various physical choices to communicate character in a drama/theater work.

Grade 7

TH:Pr4.1.7a Consider various staging choices to enhance the story in a drama/theater work.

TH:Pr4.1.7b Use various character objectives in a drama/theater work.

Grade 8

TH:Pr4.1.8a Explore different pacing to better communicate the story in a drama/theater work.

TH:Pr4.1.8b Use various character objectives and tactics30in a drama/theater work to overcome an obstacle.

Grade HS Prof cient

TH:Pr4.1.Ia Examine how character relationships assist in telling the story of a drama/theater work.

TH:Pr4.1.Ib Shape character choices using given circumstances in a drama/theater work.

Grade HS Accomplished

TH:Pr4.1.IIa Discover how unique choices shape believable and sustainable drama/ theater work.

TH:Pr4.1.IIb Identify essential text information,research from various sources, and the director’s concept that inf uence character choices in a drama/theater work.

Grade HS Advanced

TH:Pr4.1.IIIa Apply reliable research of directors’styles to form unique choices for a directorial concept in a drama/theater work.

TH:Pr4.1.IIIb Apply a variety of researched acting techniques31as an approach to character choices in a drama/theater work.


Artistic Process: Performing

Process Component: Prepare

Anchor Standard: Develop and refine artistic techniques and work for presentation.

Enduring Understanding: Theater artists develop personal processes and skills for a performance or design.

Essential Question(s): What can I do to fully prepare a performance or technical design?

Grade PreK

TH:Pr5.1.PKa With prompting and support,understand that imagination is fundamental to dramatic play and guided drama experiences (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Pr5.1.PKb With prompting and support,explore and experiment with various technical elements in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g.,process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade K

TH:Pr5.1.Ka With prompting and support,understand that voice and sound are fundamental to dramatic play and guided drama experiences (e.g.,process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Pr5.1.Kb With prompting and support,explore and experiment with various technical elements in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g.,process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 1

TH:Pr5.1.1a With prompting and support, identify and understand that physical movement is fundamental to guided drama experiences (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Pr5.1.1b With prompting and support, identify technical elements that can be used in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 2

TH:Pr5.1.2a Demonstrate the relationship between and among body, voice, and mind in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Pr5.1.2b Explore technical elements in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 3

TH:Pr5.1.3a Participate in a variety of physical,vocal, and cognitive exercises that can be used in a group setting for drama/theater work.

TH:Pr5.1.3b Identify the basic technical elements that can be used in drama/theater work.

Grade 4

TH:Pr5.1.4a Practice selected exercises that can be used in a group setting for drama/theater work.

TH:Pr5.1.4b Propose the use of technical elements in a drama/theater work.

Grade 5

TH:Pr5.1.5a Choose acting exercises that can be applied to a drama/theater work.

TH:Pr5.1.5b Demonstrate the use of technical elements in a drama/theater work.

Grade 6

TH:Pr5.1.6a Recognize how acting exercises and techniques can be applied to a drama/theater work.

TH:Pr5.1.6b Articulate how technical elements are integrated into a drama/theater work.

Grade 7

TH:Pr5.1.7a Participate in a variety of acting exercises and techniques that can be applied in a rehearsal or drama/theater performance.

TH:Pr5.1.7b Choose a variety of technical elements that can be applied to a design in a drama/theater work.

Grade 8

TH:Pr5.1.8a Use a variety of acting techniques to increase skills in a rehearsal or drama/theater performance.

TH:Pr5.1.8b Use a variety of technical elements to create a design for a rehearsal or drama/theater production.

Grade HS Prof cient

TH:Pr5.1.Ia Practice various acting techniques to expand skills in a rehearsal or drama/theater performance.

TH:Pr5.1.Ib Use researched technical elements to increase the impact of design for a drama/theater production.

Grade HS Accomplished

TH:Pr5.1.IIa Re f ne a range of acting skills to build a believable and sustainable drama/theater performance.

TH:Pr5.1.IIb Apply technical elements and research to create a design that communicates the concept of a drama/theater production.

Grade HS Advanced

TH:Pr5.1.IIIa Use and justify a collection of acting exercises from reliable resources to prepare a believable and sustainable performance.

TH:Pr5.1.IIIb Explain and justify the selection of technical elements used to build a design that communicates the concept of a drama/theater production.


Artistic Process: Performing

Process Component: Share, Present

Anchor Standard: Convey meaning through the presentation of artistic work.

Enduring Understanding: Theater artists share and present stories, ideas, and envisioned worlds to explore the human experience.

Essential Question(s): What happens when theater artists and audiences share a creative experience?

Grade PreK

TH:Pr6.1.PKa With prompting and support, engage in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g.,process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade K

TH:Pr6.1.Ka With prompting and support, use voice and sound in dramatic play or a guided drama experience(e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 1

TH:Pr6.1.1a With prompting and support, use movement and gestures to communicate emotions in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 2

TH:Pr6.1.2a Contribute to group guided drama experiences (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama) and informally share with peers.

Grade 3

TH:Pr6.1.3a Practice drama/theatre work and share ref ections individually and in small groups.

Grade 4

TH:Pr6.1.4a Share small-group drama/theatre work, with peers as audience.

Grade 5

TH:Pr6.1.5a Present drama/theatre work informally to an audience.

Grade 6

TH:Pr6.1.6a Adapt a drama/theatre work and present it informally for an audience.

Grade 7

TH:Pr6.1.7a Participate in rehearsals for a drama/theatre work that will be shared with an audience.

Grade 8

TH:Pr6.1.8a Perform a rehearsed drama/theatre work for an audience.

Grade HS Prof cient

TH:Pr6.1.Ia Perform a scripted drama/theatre work for a specif c audience.

Grade HS Accomplished

TH:Pr6.1.IIa Present a drama/theatre work using creative processes32that shape the production for a specif c audience.

Grade HS Advanced

TH:Pr6.1.IIIa Present a drama/theatre production for a specif c audience that employs research and analysis grounded in the creative perspectives of the playwright,director, designer, and dramaturg.


Artistic Process: Responding

Process Component: Ref ect

Anchor Standard: Perceive and analyze artistic work.

Enduring Understanding: Theater artists reflect to understand the impact of drama processes and theater experiences.

Essential Question(s): How do theater artists comprehend the essence of drama processes and theater experiences?

Grade PreK

TH:Re7.1.PKa With prompting and support, recall an emotional response in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade K

TH:Re7.1.Ka With prompting and support, express an emotional response to characters in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 1

TH:Re7.1.1a Recall choices made in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama,creative drama).

Grade 2

TH:Re7.1.2a Recognize when artistic choices are made in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama,story drama, creative drama).

Grade 3

TH:Re7.1.3a Understand why artistic choices are made in a drama/theater work.

Grade 4

TH:Re7.1.4a Identify artistic choices made in a drama/theater work through participation and observation.

Grade 5

TH:Re7.1.5a Explain personal reactions to artistic choices made in a drama/theater work through participation and observation.

Grade 6

TH:Re7.1.6a Describe and record personal reactions to artistic choices in a drama/theater work.

Grade 7

TH:Re7.1.7a Compare recorded personal and peer reactions to artistic choices in a drama/ theater work.

Grade 8

TH:Re7.1.8a Apply criteria to the evaluation of artistic choices in a drama/theater work.

Grade HS Prof cient

TH:Re7.1.Ia Respond to what is seen, felt, and heard in a drama/theater work to develop criteria for artistic choices.

Grade HS Accomplished

TH:Re7.1.IIa Demonstrate an understanding of multiple interpretations of artistic criteria and how each might be used to influence future artistic choices of a drama/theater work.

Grade HS Advanced

TH:Re7.1.IIIa Use historical and cultural context to structure and justify personal responses to a drama/theater work.


Artistic Process: Responding

Process Component: Interpret

Anchor Standard: Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

Enduring Understanding: Theater artists’ interpretations of drama/theater work are influenced by personal experiences and aesthetics.

Essential Question(s): How can the same work of art communicate different messages to different people?

Grade PreK

TH:Re8.1.PKa With prompting and support, explore preferences in dramatic play, guided drama experience(e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama), or age-appropriate theater performance.

TH:Re8.1.PKb With prompting and support, name and describe characters in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama,creative drama).

Grade K

TH:Re8.1.Ka With prompting and support,identify preferences in dramatic play, a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama), or age-appropriate theater performance.

TH:Re8.1.Kb With prompting and support, name and describe settings in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 1

TH:Re8.1.1a Explain preferences and emotions in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama,story drama, creative drama), or age-appropriate theater performance.

TH:Re8.1.1.b Identify causes of character actions in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, or creative drama).

TH:Re8.1.1c Explain or use text and pictures to describe how personal emotions and choices compare to the emotions and choices of characters in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 2

TH:Re8.1.2a Explain how personal preferences and emotions affect an observer’s response in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama,creative drama), or age-appropriate theater performance.

TH:Re8.1.2b Identify causes and consequences of character actions in a guided drama experience (e.g.,process drama, story drama, or creative drama).

TH:Re8.1.2c Explain or use text and pictures to describe how others’ emotions and choices may compare to the emotions and choices of characters in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama,creative drama).

Grade 3

TH:Re8.1.3a Consider multiple personal experiences when participating in or observing a drama/theater work.

TH:Re8.1.3b Consider multiple ways to develop a character using physical characteristics and prop or costume design choices that re f ect cultural perspectives in drama/theater work.

TH:Re8.1.3c Examine how connections are made between oneself and a character’s emotions in drama/theater work.

Grade 4

TH:Re8.1.4a Compare and contrast multiple personal experiences when participating in or observing a drama/theater work.

TH:Re8.1.4b Compare and contrast the qualities of characters in a drama/theater work through physical characteristics and prop or costume design choices that ref ect cultural perspectives.

TH:Re8.1.4c Identify and discuss physiological changes connected to emotions in drama/ theater work.

Grade 5

TH:Re8.1.5a Justify responses based on personal experiences when participating in or observing a drama/theater work.

TH:Re8.1.5b Explain responses to characters based on cultural perspectives when participating in or observing a drama/theater work.

TH:Re8.1.5c Investigate the effects of emotions on posture, gesture, breathing, and vocal intonation in a drama/theater work.

Grade 6

TH:Re8.1.6a Explain how artists make choices based on personal experience in a drama/theater work.

TH:Re8.1.6b Identify cultural perspectives that may inf uence the evaluation of a drama/theater work.

TH:Re8.1.6c Identify personal aesthetics, preferences,and beliefs through participation in or observation of drama/theater work.

Grade 7

TH:Re8.1.7a Identify the artistic choices made based on personal experience in a drama/theater work.

TH:Re8.1.7b Describe how cultural perspectives can inf uence the evaluation of drama/theater work.

TH:Re8.1.7c Interpret how the use of personal aesthetics, preferences, and beliefs can be used to discuss drama/theater work.

Grade 8

TH:Re8.1.8a Recognize and share artistic choices when participating in or observing a drama/theater work.

TH:Re8.1.8b Analyze how cultural perspectives inf uence the evaluation of a drama/theater work.

TH:Re8.1.8c Apply personal aesthetics, preferences,and beliefs to evaluate a drama/theater work.

Grade HS Prof cient

TH:Re8.1.Ia Analyze and compare artistic choices developed from personal experiences in multiple drama/theater works.

TH:Re8.1.Ib Identify and compare cultural perspectives and contexts that may influence the evaluation of a drama/theater work.

TH:Re8.1.Ic Justify personal aesthetics, preferences,and beliefs through participation in and observation of drama/theater work.

Grade HS Accomplished

TH:Re8.1.IIa Develop detailed supporting evidence and criteria to reinforce artistic choices, when participating in or observing a drama/theater work.

TH:Re8.1.IIb Apply concepts from a drama/theater work for personal realization about cultural perspectives and understanding.

TH:Re8.1.IIc Debate and distinguish multiple aesthetics, preferences, and beliefs through participation in and observation of drama/theater work.

Grade HS Advanced

TH:Re8.1.IIIa Use detailed supporting evidence and appropriate criteria to revise personal work and interpret the work of others when participating in or observing a drama/theater work.

TH:Re8.1.IIIb Use new understandings of cultures and contexts to shape personal responses to drama/theater work.

TH:Re8.1.IIIc Support and explain aesthetics,preferences, and beliefs to create a context for critical research that informs artistic decisions in a drama/theater work.


Artistic Process: Responding

Process Component: Evaluate

Anchor Standard: Apply criteria to evaluate artistic work.

Enduring Understanding: Theater artists apply criteria to investigate, explore, and assess drama and theater work.

Essential Question(s): How are the theater artist’s processes and the audience’s perspectives impacted by analysis and synthesis?

Grade PreK

TH:Re9.1.PKa With prompting and support, actively engage in dramatic play or a guided drama experience(e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade K

TH:Re9.1.Ka With prompting and support,actively engage with others in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama,creative drama).

Grade 1

TH:Re9.1.1a Build on others’ ideas in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama,creative drama).

TH:Re9.1.1b Identify props and costumes that might be used in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Re9.1.1c Compare and contrast the experiences of characters in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 2

TH:Re9.1.2a Collaborate on a scene in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama,creative drama).

TH:Re9.1.2b Use a prop or costume in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama,creative drama) to describe characters, settings, or events.

TH:Re9.1.2c Describe how characters respond to challenges in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 3

TH:Re9.1.3a Understand how and why groups evaluate drama/theater work.

TH:Re9.1.3b Consider and analyze technical elements from multiple drama/theater works.

TH:Re9.1.3c Evaluate and analyze problems and situations in a drama/theater work from an audience perspective.

Grade 4

TH:Re9.1.4a Propose a plan to evaluate drama/theater work.

TH:Re9.1.4b Investigate how technical elements may support a theme33or idea in a drama/theater work.

TH:Re9.1.4c Observe how a character’s choices impact an audience’s perspective in a drama/theater work.

Grade 5

TH:Re9.1.5a Develop and implement a plan to evaluate drama/theater work.

TH:Re9.1.5b Assess how technical elements represent the theme of a drama/theater work.

TH:Re9.1.5c Recognize how a character’s circumstances impact an audience’s perspective in a drama/theater work.

Grade 6

TH:Re9.1.6a Use supporting evidence and criteria to evaluate.

TH:Re9.1.6b Apply the production elements34used in a drama/theater work to assess aesthetic choices.

TH:Re9.1.6c Identify a specific audience or purpose for a drama/theater work.

Grade 7

TH:Re9.1.7a Explain preferences, using supporting evidence and criteria to evaluate drama/theater work.

TH:Re9.1.7b Consider the aesthetics of the production elements in a drama/theater work.

TH:Re9.1.7c Identify how the intended purpose of a drama/theater work appeals to a specif c audience.

Grade 8

TH:Re9.1.8a Respond to a drama/theater work using supporting evidence, personal aesthetics, and artistic criteria.

TH:Re9.1.8b Apply the production elements used in a drama/theater work to assess aesthetic choices.

TH:Re9.1.8c Assess the impact of a drama/theater work on a specif c audience.

Grade HS Prof cient

TH:Re9.1.Ia Examine a drama/theater work using supporting evidence and criteria, while considering art forms, history, culture, and other disciplines.

TH:Re9.1.Ib Consider the aesthetics of the production elements in a drama/theater work.

TH:Re9.1.Ic Formulate a deeper understanding and appreciation of a drama/theater work by considering its specif c purpose or intended audience.

Grade HS Accomplished

TH:Re9.1.IIa Analyze and assess a drama/theater work by connecting it to art forms, history, culture, and other disciplines using supporting evidence and criteria.

TH:Re9.1.IIb Construct meaning in a drama/theater work, considering personal aesthetics and knowledge of production elements while respecting others’ interpretations.

TH:Re9.1.IIc Verify how a drama/theater work communicates for a specif c purpose and audience.

Grade HS Advanced

TH:Re9.1.IIIa Research and synthesize cultural and historical information related to a drama/theater work to support or evaluate artistic choices.

TH:Re9.1.IIIb Analyze and evaluate varied aesthetic interpretations of production elements for the same drama/theater work.

TH:Re9.1.IIIc Compare and debate the connection between a drama/theater work and contemporary issues that may impact audiences.


Artistic Process: Connecting

Process Component: Empathize

Anchor Standard: Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art.

Enduring Understanding: Theater artists allow awareness of interrelationships between self and others to inf uence and inform their work.

Essential Question(s): What happens when theater artists foster understanding between self and others through critical awareness, social responsibility, and the exploration of empathy?

Grade PreK

TH:Cn10.1.PKa With prompting and support,identify similarities between a story and personal experience in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g.,process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade K

TH:Cn10.1.Ka With prompting and support,identify similarities between characters and oneself in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g.,process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 1

TH:Cn10.1.1a Identify character emotions in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama) and relate it to personal experience.

Grade 2

TH:Cn10.1.2a Relate character experiences to personal experiences in a guided drama experience(e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 3

TH:Cn10.1.3a Use personal experiences and knowledge to make connections to community and culture in a drama/theater work.

Grade 4

TH:Cn10.1.4a Identify the ways drama/theater work ref ects the perspectives of a community or culture.

Grade 5

TH:Cn10.1.5a Explain how drama/theater connects oneself to a community or culture.

Grade 6

TH:Cn10.1.6a Explain how the actions and motivations of characters in a drama/theater work impact perspectives of a community or culture.

Grade 7

TH:Cn10.1.7a Incorporate multiple perspectives and diverse community ideas in a drama/theater work.

Grade 8

TH:Cn10.1.8a Examine a community issue through multiple perspectives in a drama/theater work.

Grade HS Prof cient

TH:Cn10.1.Ia Investigate how cultural perspectives,community ideas and personal beliefs impact a drama/theater work.

Grade HS Accomplished

TH:Cn10.1.IIa Choose and interpret a drama/theater work to ref ect or question personal beliefs.

Grade HS Advanced

TH:Cn10.1.IIIa Collaborate on a drama/theater work that examines a critical global issue using multiple personal, community, and cultural perspectives.


Artistic Process: Connecting

Process Component: Interrelate

Anchor Standard: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.

Enduring Understanding: Theater artists understand and can communicate their creative process as they analyze the way the world may be understood.

Essential Question(s): What happens when theater artists allow an understanding of themselves and the world to inform perceptions about theater and the purpose of their work?

Grade PreK

TH:Cn11.1.PKa With prompting and support, use skills and knowledge from other areas in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama,story drama, creative drama).

Grade K

TH:Cn11.1.Ka With prompting and support,identify skills and knowledge from other areas in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama,story drama, creative drama).

Grade 1

TH:Cn11.1.1a Apply skills and knowledge from different art forms and content areas in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 2

TH:Cn11.1.2a Determine appropriate skills and knowledge from different art forms and content areas to apply in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 3

TH:Cn11.1.3a Identify connections to community,social issues and other content areas in drama/theater work.

Grade 4

TH:Cn11.1.4a Respond to community and social issues and incorporate other content areas in drama/theater work.

Grade 5

TH:Cn11.1.5a Investigate historical, global and social issues expressed in drama/theater work.

Grade 6

TH:Cn11.1.6a Identify universal themes or common social issues and express them through a drama/theater work.

Grade 7

TH:Cn11.1.7a Incorporate music, dance, art, and/or media to strengthen the meaning and conflict35in a drama/theater work with a particular cultural, global, or historic context.

Grade 8

TH:Cn11.1.8a Use different forms of drama/theater work to examine contemporary social, cultural, or global issues.

Grade HS Prof cient

TH:Cn11.1.Ia Explore how cultural, global, and historic belief systems affect creative choices in a drama/theater work.

Grade HS Accomplished

TH:Cn11.1.IIa Integrate conventions and knowledge from different art forms and other disciplines to develop a cross-cultural drama/theater work.

Grade HS Advanced

TH:Cn11.1.IIIa Develop a drama/theater work that identif es and questions cultural, global, and historic belief systems.


Artistic Process: Connecting

Process Component: Research

Anchor Standard: Relate artistic ideas and works with societal, cultural, and historical context to deepen understanding.

Enduring Understanding: Theater artists critically inquire into the ways others have thought about and created drama processes and productions to inform their own work.

Essential Question(s): In what ways can research into theater histories, theories, literature, and performances alter the way a drama process or production is understood?

Grade PreK

TH:Cn11.2.PKa With prompting and support,identify stories that are similar to one another in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g.,process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Cn11.2.PKb With prompting and support, tell a short story in dramatic play or a guided drama experience(e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade K

TH:Cn11.2.Ka With prompting and support,identify stories that are dif ferent from one another in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g.,process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Cn11.2.Kb With prompting and support,tell a short story in dramatic play or a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 1

TH:Cn11.2.1a Identify similarities and dif ferences in stories from one’s own community in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Cn11.2.1b Collaborate on the creation of a short scene based on a fictional literary source in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 2

TH:Cn11.2.2a Identify similarities and dif ferences in stories from multiple cultures in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

TH:Cn11.2.2b Collaborate on the creation of a short scene based on a non-fiction literary source in a guided drama experience (e.g., process drama, story drama, creative drama).

Grade 3

TH:Cn11.2.3a Explore how stories are adapted from literature to drama/theater work.

TH:Cn11.2.3b Examine how artists have historically presented the same stories using dif ferent art forms, genres, or drama/theater conventions.

Grade 4

TH:Cn11.2.4a Investigate cross-cultural approaches to storytelling in drama/theater work.

TH:Cn11.2.4b Compare the drama/theater conventions of a given time period with those of the present.

Grade 5

TH:Cn11.2.5a Analyze commonalities and differences between stories set in dif ferent cultures in preparation for a drama/theater work.

TH:Cn11.2.5b Identify historical sources that explain drama/theater terminology and conventions.

Grade 6

TH:Cn11.2.6a Research and analyze two dif ferent versions of the same drama/theater story to determine differences and similarities in the visual and aural world of each story.

TH:Cn11.2.6b Investigate the time period and place of a drama/theater work to better understand performance and design choices.

Grade 7

TH:Cn11.2.7a Research and discuss how a playwright might have intended a drama/theater work to be produced.

TH:Cn11.2.7b Examine artifacts from a time period and geographic location to better understand performance and design choices in a drama/theater work.

Grade 8

TH:Cn11.2.8a Research the story elements of a staged drama/theater work and compare them to another production of the same work.

TH:Cn11.2.8b Identify and use artifacts from a time period and place to develop performance and design choices in a drama/theater work.

Grade HS Prof cient

TH:Cn11.2.Ia Research how other theater artists apply creative processes to tell stories in a devised or scripted drama/theater work, using theater research methods.

TH:Cn11.2.Ib Use basic theater research methods to better understand the social and cultural background of a drama/theater work.

Grade HS Accomplished

TH:Cn11.2.IIa Formulate creative choices for a devised or scripted drama/theater work based on theater research about the selected topic.

TH:Cn11.2.IIb Explore how personal beliefs and biases can af fect the interpretation of research data applied in drama/theater work.

Grade HS Advanced

TH:Cn11.2.IIIa Justify the creative choices made in a devised or scripted drama/theater work, based on a critical interpretation of specific data from theater research.

TH:Cn11.2.IIIb Present and support an opinion about the social, cultural, and historical understandings of a drama/theater work, based on critical research.

(Editor: SUN Xiao-yi)

National Core Arts Standards © 2015 National Coalition for Core Arts Standards.Rights administered by State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education

(SEADAE).All rights


1 Dramatic play: make-believe where children naturally assign and accept roles, then act them out.

2 Guided drama experience: a leader guides participants during a process drama, story drama, or creative drama experience (se e the def nitions) through side-coaching, narration, and prompting; the action of the drama does not stop in order for the leader to sup port the students; facilitator may guide participants in or out of role.

3 Process Drama: a non-linear, episodic, process-centered, improvised form of drama in which teacher and students are in-role exploring and reflecting on an issue, story, theme, problem, or idea in a non-exhibitional format that is intended to benefit t he performers themselves.

4 Story Drama: episodic, process-centered, improvised form of drama that uses existing literature as a starting point for dra ma exploration, the drama explores moments (before, after, or within) that may not exist in the story and is presented in a nonexhibitional format that is intended to benef t the performers themselves.

5 Creative Drama: a process-centered, non-exhibitional approach to drama intended to bene f t the performers themselves; story drama and process drama are two types of creative drama.

6 Non-representational materials: objects which can be transformed into specif c props through the imagination.

7 Imaginary elsewhere: an imagined location which can be historical, f ctional, or realistic.

8 Gesture: an expressive and planned movement of the body or limbs.

9 Plot: a narrative as revealed through the action and/or dialogue; traditionally, a plot has the elements of exposition, inc iting incident,conf ict, rising action, climax, and resolution or falling action.

10 Imagined world: an imaginary world created collectively by participants in a drama experience.

11 Improvised: the spontaneous, intuitive, and immediate response of movement and speech; a distinction can be made between

spontaneous improvisation, which is immediate and unrehearsed, and prepared improvisation, which is shaped and rehearsed.

12 Given circumstances: the underlying actions and events that have happened before the play, story, or devised piece begins.

13 Technical elements: the elements of spectacle such as sets, sound, costume, lights, music, props, and makeup used to create a unif ed and meaningful design for a theatrical production.

14 Inner thoughts: the underlying and implied meaning or intentions in the character’s dialogue or actions (also known as subtext).

15 Staging: patterns of movement in a scene or play including, for example, stage crosses, entrances, and exits which help to convey meaning.

16 Objective: a goal or particular need or want that a character has within a scene or play.

17 Motivations: reasons why a character behaves or reacts in a particular way in a scene or play.

18 Visual composition: the arrangement of actors and scenery on a stage for a theatrical production, sometimes known as mise en scène.

19 Script analysis: the study of a script to understand the underlying structure and themes of the play’s story, and the motiv es and objectives of its characters.

20 Theatrical conventions: practices and/or devices that the audience and actors accept in the world of the play even when it is not realistic, such as a narrator, f ashback, or an aside.

21 Dialogue: a conversation between two or more characters.

22 Devised drama: Creation of an original performance piece by an ensemble.

23 Scripted drama: a piece of writing for the theater that includes a description of the setting, a list of the characters, th e dialogue, and the action of the characters.

24 Focus: commitment by a participant (an actor, technician, director) to remain in the scope of the project or to stay within the world of the play.

25 Believability: theatrical choices thought to be “true” based upon an understanding of any given f ctional moment, interpretation of text, and/or human interaction.

26 Style: the use of a speci f c set of characteristic or distinctive techniques such as realism, expressionism, epic theater , documentary theater, or classical drama; style may also refer to the unique artistic choices of a particular playwright, director, or actor.

27 Genre: relating to a specif c kind or type of drama and theater such as a tragedy, drama, melodrama, comedy, or farce.

28 Character traits: observable embodied actions that illustrate a character’s personality, values, beliefs, and history.

29 Story elements: characters, setting, dialogue, and plot that create a story.

30 Tactics: the means by which a character seeks to achieve their objective, the selection of tactics are based on the obstacl e presented;in acting and directing, a tactic refers to a specif c action verb.

31 Acting techniques: specific skills, pedagogies, theories, or methods of investigation used by an actor to prepare for a the ater performance.

32 Creative processes: the application of production and technical elements (see the def nitions) to a theatrical production.

33 Theme: the aspect of the human condition under investigation in the drama; it can be drawn from unifying topics or question s across content areas.

34 Production elements: technical elements selected for use in a speci f c production, including sets, sound, costumes, lights, music,props, and make-up, as well as elements speci f c to the production such as puppets, masks, special ef fects, or other story telling devices/concepts.

35 Conflict: the problem, confrontation, or struggle in a scene or play; conflict may include a character against him or herse lf, a character in opposition to another character, a character against nature, a character against society, or a character against t he supernatural.