
2018-01-23 11:22:36
天津工业大学学报 2018年6期



多孔镍/碳纳米管中空纤维膜的制备与结构表 征 …………………………………………… 康建立,任增英(1-01)

分离膜在转移因子生产中的应 用 ……………………… 曹占平,宋晓绪,范云双,王尚尚,苏建东,刘恩华(1-07)

新型纳微纤维复合滤料的制备及性 能 ……………………………………………………… 钱晓明,王一帆(1-13)

连续纤维增强超高分子质量聚乙烯路面板材料的制备及测试表 征 ……………… 徐 靖,周小丽,张友刚(1-19)

石墨烯改性落棉纤维的结构及其吸附性 能 ………………………………………………… 封 严,苑会萌(2-01)

高截留性能复合纳滤中空纤维膜的制备与表 征 …………………………………………… 王 薇,邵冉冉(2-07)

PVDF/PDA/Ag催化膜对亚甲基蓝的催化降解……………………………………………… 陈 熙,王 爽,马胜奎,赵博武,王文强,赵 楚,张 彬(2-14)

羧化多壁碳纳米管/海藻酸钙水凝胶过滤膜对染料的截留性能…………………………………… 赵孔银,刘 亮,郭 杰,夏 伦,刘 琪,李金刚,王晓磊,魏俊富(2-20)

反洗水组分对PVDF超滤膜污染的影 响 …………………………………………… 赵学辉,胡 岩,张宏伟(2-26)

平板纳滤膜和极细中空纤维纳滤膜表面Zeta电位的测试 ………范云双,宋晓绪,曹占平,孙道宝,胡晓宇(2-31)

硫脲功能化的螯合纤维在测定水溶液中痕量Hg(II)的应用……………………………………………………… 孙玉利,孔志云,康 恺,陈 远,吴晓青,魏俊富(2-37)

碳-芳纶二维编织复合材料层板的抗低速冲击性 能 …………………… 孙 颖,田书全,唐梦云,陈 冬(3-01)

二氧化硅-聚氨酯复合囊壁的相变储能微胶囊的制备与表 征 …………………………… 李 伟,朱振国(3-07)

PDMAEMA改性PEBA/PSF复合膜的制备及其渗透汽化分离性能………………………………………………………………… 杜润红,李建行,胡琳佳,郭 雪,杜春良(3-12)

两亲性三嵌段PDMAEMA/PMMA聚合物共混改性PVDF膜的制备与性能表征……………………………………………… 赵军强,闫彩霞,周婷婷,韩洪蕊,冯 霞,赵义平,陈 莉(3-19)

碳纳米材料/聚偏氟乙烯杂化膜的制备及性 能 ………………… 耿宏章,许春霞,王文一,石培培,贾松霖(4-01)

碳纳米管改性PEBA膜的制备及氮气脱湿性 能 ………………… 杜润红,胡琳佳,李建行,郭 雪,杜春良(4-07)

多巴胺仿生修饰PVDF微滤膜的制备及性 能 …………………… 冯 霞,夏伟伟,马 潇,赵义平,陈 莉(4-14)

拉伸和萃取工艺对PVDF中空纤维膜的力学性能和收缩率的影 响 ……………… 崔振宇,许山山,李 维(4-20)

赖氨酸表面修饰PVDF纳米纤维膜及其对胆红素的吸附性能……李胸有,成 强,董 锋,张 方,庄旭品(4-25)

驻极体电纺膜的荷电特性及其空气过滤性 能 ………… 刘延波,赵新宇,刘 健,陈文洋,杨媛媛,韦春华(5-01)

厚度可控的高岭土/海藻酸钙复合水凝胶膜的制备及性能表征……………………………………………………… 赵孔银,魏梦梦,王晓辉,李金刚,齐 梦,魏俊富(5-08)

复合稀释剂体系下聚偏氟乙烯平板膜的制备与表 征 …………………………… 王 薇,史梦芝,张宇峰(5-15)

过渡层引入中空微球的γ-Al2O3超滤复合膜的制备及其性能……………………………………………………… 付维贵,张 许,毛云云,裴腾飞,张 欢,孙宝山(5-23)

负载杂多酸聚砜光催化膜的制备及其可见光催化性 能 ………………………… 孟建强,郝婷玉,马六甲(6-01)

基于原位界面电学特征的膜污染迁 移 ………………………… 贾 辉,冯芳芳,温海涛,何志超,陶正源(6-08)

拉伸-热定型对聚偏氟乙烯中空纤维共混微滤膜渗透性能的影 响 ……………… 崔振宇,李 维,许山山(6-14)

负载Ag纳米粒子的PPS膜的制备及其抗生物污染性 能 ………………………… 李振环,王 超,程博闻(6-19)

醋酸纤维素山梨酸酯抗菌纤维的制备及其性 能 ………………………… 宋 俊,隗立颖,李俊男,侯源富(6-24)

涡轮发动机复合材料叶片用增强织物研究进 展 ……………… 陈 利,陈 冬,容治军,孙 颖,孙 绯(6-30)


基于非均匀毛细管结构的纱线导水机 理 ………………………………… 范 杰,齐园园,李彩霞,刘 雍(5-30)

基于有限元分析的转辊式无针头静电纺电场优 化 …………… 刘延波,杨媛媛,陈 莉,刘 健,杨文秀(6-36)

虚拟试穿中的模型分割与碰撞检 测 ……………………………………………… 韩晓军,武嘉庆,王志宽(6-42)


功能化锌金属有机骨架对刚果红染料的吸 附 ………… 张 华,李祥鹏,张 雯,高 燕,岳 盼,李 伟(1-26)

臭氧催化氧化处理废水的催化剂适 配 ………………………… 贺晓凌,孙 琪,李媛媛,邹凯健,韩 馨(1-32)

基于EDTA络合滴定法测定重金属离子浓 度 …………………………… 王建坤,范新宇,张 昊,郭 晶(1-38)

咪唑啉两性表面活性剂的合成及抗静电 性 ……………………………………… 郑 帼,焦晓芳,孙 玉(1-43)

以密胺树脂为壁材的甲基嘧啶磷微胶囊的制备与表 征 ……… 王建平,何润合,田华龙,王学晨,张兴祥(2-43)

三维泡沫状石墨烯/乙丙橡胶复合材料的制备及其性能 ……… 侯彦辉,郭海洋,孟 浩,路小敏,胡泊洋(2-49)

PEG/PAM复合定形相变材料的制备与热性 能 ……… 付维贵,索海涛,林贵德,吴春辉,梁 丽,孙宝山(2-55)

铂掺杂的Ni/C-N复合催化剂的制备及乙醇传感性 能 …………………………………… 余建国,戴堂明(2-62)

rGO量对SnO2-Fe2O3/rGO锂离子电池负极材料性能的影 响 …………………… 何声太,高 海,吴垚震(2-67)

复合萃取剂脱除废水中的活性红K-7B染 料 ……………………………………… 文 晨,毛率先,刘文凤(3-25)

新型甲基丙烯酸甲酯功能聚合物的制备及性 能 ……… 刘晓辉,张延光,宋姿萍,杨 璇,王 萌,李禹墨(3-31)

典型荧蒽降解菌的固定化方法优选及降解性 能 ……… 张朝晖,左宇环,李腾飞,吴降麟,陈萌萌,岳喜明(3-36)

管式膜生物反应器在污泥减量化中的应 用 ……………………………………… 刘恩华,王泽瑞,丁晓惠(3-43)

石墨烯量子点在超级电容器导电剂中的应 用 ………………… 时志强,牛永芳,段 建,王 静,张 进(3-49)

纳米TiO2水溶胶整理涤纶织物的自清洁性能的定量化研 究 …………… 董永春,李志强,李 冰,王 鹏(4-31)

混合溶剂热法制备层状纳米结构碳酸 钙 … … 纪秀杰,李 全,高海宇,刘 超,方紫焱,李鹤仪,王清华(4-37)

新型α-二亚胺镍配合物的合成及其对乙烯聚合的催化…………………………………………… 杨 敏,李向柳,崔咪咪,孟 浩,姜 湃,宋小雪,侯彦辉(4-42)

单氨基末端超支化聚甘油的可控合 成 …………………………………… 陈 莉,徐李昊,何 洋,赵义平(4-48)

无定型MoSx/CdS的制备及其光催化产氢活 性 …………………………………… 李 佳,吕毅东,彭 洋(4-53)

臭氧-过氧化氢协同氧化在仪纶纤维脱色中的应 用 …………… 傅宏俊,贺欣欣,陈娇娇,李凤艳,吴瑞乐(5-36)

金属有机骨架铜卟啉材料的制备及其吸附性 能 ……………… 赵莉芝,常延姣,许 瑞,吴迪昊,张玉忠(5-43)

二维层状材料Ti3C2Tx的制备及其电化学储钠性 能 ………………………………………… 时志强,吕国霞(6-48)

PPy含量对Fe2O3/PPy锂离子电池负极材料性能的影 响 ………………………… 何声太,吴垚震,高 海(6-55)

石墨烯对聚乙烯醇缩丁醛防腐涂层性能的影 响 ………………………… 耿宏章,石培培,许春霞,贾松霖(6-60)

混凝-海绵铁催化臭氧预处理种衣剂废 水 ………………………………………………… 文 晨,徐晓漪(6-66)

基于密度泛函数理论的α-二亚胺镍配合物催化乙烯/降冰片烯共聚合的计算化学研究……………………………………………………… 杨 敏,姜 湃,崔咪咪,薛小松,侯彦辉,刘宾元(6-71)

丙烯酸-甲基丙烯酸羟乙酯共聚物纤维负载型Fenton催化剂制备工艺对催化活性的影响………………………………………………………………………………… 徐乃库,吕园园,封 严(6-78)


基于短时傅里叶变换的纺织材料纤维取向度测量方 法 ……… 张 芳,田红霞,肖志涛,王 雯,庄旭品(1-48)

基于改进型Gbvs模型的眼底图像视盘检测方法…………………………………… 吴 骏,张亚男,肖志涛,耿 磊,张 芳,杨 嵩,张东霞,宋舒雅(1-54)

基于超混沌的伪随机数发生器的FPGA设 计 …………………………………… 齐国元,胡玉庆,万彰凯(1-62)

基于CFD灌溉机井管道液相流场的数值模 拟 ……………………………………………… 王 萍,杨 超(1-68)

多机器人领航-跟随型编队控 制 …………………………………………………… 师五喜,王栋伟,李宝全(2-72)

缝合机器人自主规划与协调控制系统设 计 …………………… 何俊杰,李金钟,王天琪,武永盛,侯仰强(2-79)

基于BlockChain的车联网数据交换系统设 计 …………………………………… 汤春明,张永乐,于 翔(2-84)

紧密纺与落棉组合系统的设计及分 析 ………………………… 李新禹,陈 林,孟 林,郝旭涛,刘 涛(3-55)

基于几何主动轮廓模型的图像分割方 法 ……………………… 张荣华,吴 益,王 亨,肖 磊,唐劲天(3-61)

双目立体视觉分步标定及精度分 析 ………………………………………………………… 曲 华,吴朝娜(3-67)

地铁车载高清视频播放系统的优化设 计 …………………………………………………… 白 华,赵旭峰(4-59)

静态障碍物下的遍历多任务目标机器人路径规 划 ……………………………… 杨 帆,薛亚冲,李 靖(4-65)

WRSNs中路由协议对充电簇的影 响 …………………………… 林志贵,张国涛,张晓慧,杜春辉,刘 莹(5-49)

应用于ISM频段的双频整流器系统设 计 ……………………… 李建雄,梁 振,郭翠娟,王学静,杨 光(5-57)

GaN MOSFET高效谐振驱动电路设计及损耗分 析 ……………………… 高圣伟,苏 佳,刘晓明,李龙女(5-64)


主从遥操作机器人系统的附加反馈力补偿方 法 …………………………………………… 贠今天,从敬德(1-74)

陶瓷3D打印机结构设计与运动学分 析 …………………………………………… 丁承君,吴 畏,朱智辉(1-83)

空间四连杆引纬机构刚柔耦合动力学分析与仿 真 ……………………… 金国光,李文启,魏 展,畅博彦(4-72)

基于改进型轴套力的机器人钢丝绳传动动力学建模与仿 真 …………… 贠今天,赵子业,左 鹏,夏 雨(4-78)

空间望远镜主次镜支撑筒结构优化设 计 ………………………………… 卢晓明,贾建军,周成林,谢 永(4-84)

考虑结合面特性的锭子组合系统固有频率与振型 … … 周国庆,杨会会,袁汝旺,韩 雪,蒋秀明,罗 孝(5-70)

基于改进Logistic回归与不变矩的螺钉滑牙检测方 法 ………………… 郭庆华,王家豪,宋丽梅,杨怀栋(5-78)

3UPS-RPR并联机构的静力学分 析 ……………………………………………… 冯志友,倪迎真,贠今天(5-83)


腔光机械系统的纠缠演化特 征 ……………………………………………………………… 闫学群,岳建林(3-72)

双渠道闭环供应链博弈模型的复杂性分 析 ………………………………………………… 张 芳,马小林(3-76)

供应链可视化测量指标量化模 型 ………………………………………… 赵晴晴,刘 亮,何曙光,王 曦(3-83)


Vol.37 2018 (No.1-No.6)

New Fiber Materials

Preparation and structure characterization of porous nickel/CNTs hollow fiber membran e …………KANG Jian-li,REN Zeng-ying(1-01)

Application of separation membrane in transfer factor production…………………… CAO Zhan-ping,SONG Xiao-xu,FAN Yun-shuang,WANG Shang-shang,SU Jian-dong,LIU En-hua(1-07)

Preparation and performance of a novel composite filter composed of micrometer as well as nanometer sized fibers……………………………………………………………………………………………… QIAN Xiao-ming,WANG Yi-fan(1-13)

Preparation and characterization of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene matrix pavement plate materials reinforced with continuous glass fiber ……………………………………………………………XU Jing,ZHOU Xiao-li,ZHANG You-gang(1-19)

Structure and absorption properties of graphene modified noil fiber …………………………………FENG Yan,YUAN Hui-meng(2-01)

Preparation and characterization of high performance composite nanofiltration hollow fiber membrane … WANG Wei,SHAO Ran-ran(2-07)

Degradation of methylene blue with PVDF/PDA/Ag catalytic membrane………………… CHEN Xi,WANG Shuang,MA Sheng-kui,ZHAO Bo-wu,WANG Wen-qiang,ZHAO Chu,ZHANG Bin(2-14)

Dye retention properties of CMWCNT/CaAlg hydrogel filtration membrane…………………… ZHAO Kong-yin,LIU Liang,GUO Jie,XIA Lun,LIU Qi,LI Jin-gang,WANG Xiao-lei,WEI Jun-fu(2-20)

Effect of backwash water composition on ultrafiltration membrane foulin g ……………ZHAO Xue-hui,HU Yan,ZHANG Hong-wei(2-26)

Zeta potential test of flat nanofiltration membrane and ultrafine hollow fiber membrane…………………………………………… FAN Yun-shuang,SONG Xiao-xu,CAO Zhan-ping,SUN Dao-bao,HU Xiao-yu(2-31)

Application of thiourea functioned chelate fiber in determination of trace amount of Hg(II)in aqueous solution………………………………………… SUN Yu-li,KONG Zhi-yun,KANG Kai,CHEN Yuan,WU Xiao-qing,WEI Jun-fu(2-37)

Low velocity impact response of carbon-aramid/epoxy hybrid 2D braided composites………………………………………………………………… SUN Ying,TIAN Shu-quan,TANG Meng-yun,CHEN Dong(3-01)

Preparation and characterization of phase change energy storage microcapsules with shell of SiO2-polyurethane………………………………………………………………………………………………………… LI Wei,ZHU Zhen-guo(3-07)

Preparation and pervaporation performance of PDMAEMA modified PEBA/PSF composite membranes……………………………………………………… DU Run-hong,LI Jian-hang,HU Lin-jia,GUO Xue,DU Chun-liang(3-12)

Preparation and characterization of amphiphilic triblock PDMAEMA/PMMA blends modified PVDF membrane…………………ZHAO Jun-qiang,YAN Cai-xia,ZHOU Ting-ting,HAN Hong-rui,FENG Xia,ZHAO Yi-ping,CHEN Li(3-19)

Preparation and performance of carbon nanomaterials/polyvinylidene fluoride hybrid membrane…………………………………………… GENG Hong-zhang,XU Chun-xia,WANG Wen-yi,SHI Pei-pei,JIA Song-lin(4-01)

Preparation and nitrogen dehumidification of PEBA membranes modified by MWCNTs……………………………………………………… DU Run-hong,HU Lin-jia,LI Jian-hang,GUO Xue,DU Chun-liang(4-07)

Preparation and properties of bio-inspired dopamine modified PVDF microfiltration membranes………………………………………………………………FENG Xia,XIA Wei-wei,MA Xiao,ZHAO Yi-ping,CHEN Li(4-14)

Effect of stretching process and extraction method on mechanical strength and shrinkage of PVDF hollow fiber membrane…………………………………………………………………………………………CUI Zhen-yu,XU Shan-shan,LI Wei(4-20)

Lysine surface-modified PVDF nanofiber membrane and its bilirubin affinity adsorption…………………………………………… LI Xiong-you,CHENG Qiang,DONG Feng,ZHANG Fang,ZHUANG Xu-pin(4-25)

Charging behavior and air filtration performance of electrospun electret membranes…………………………… LIU Yan-bo,ZHAO Xin-yu,LIU Jian,CHEN Wen-yang,YANG Yuan-yuan,WEI Chun-hua(5-01)

Preparation and characterization of Kaolin/calcium alginate composite hydrogel films with controlled thickness………………………………… ZHAO Kong-yin,WEI Meng-meng,WANG Xiao-hui,LI Jin-gang,QI Meng,WEI Jun-fu(5-08)

Fabrication and characterization of poly(vinylidene fluoride)(PVDF)flat sheet membranes with diluent mixtures……………………………………………………………………………… WANG Wei,SHI Meng-zhi,ZHANG Yu-feng(5-15)

Preparation of γ-Al2O3ultrafiltration composite membrane via introducing hollow microspheres to transition layers and its properties…………………………………… FU Wei-gui,ZHANG Xu,MAO Yun-yun,PEI Teng-fei,ZHANG Huan,SUN Bao-shan(5-23)

Preparation of polysulfone photo catalytic membrane supported heteropoly acid and its photocatalytic activity in visible light………………………………………………………………………………… MENG Jian-qiang,HAO Ting-yu,MA Liu-jia(6-01)

Membrane fouling migration based on in-situ interface electrical characteristics………………………………………………… JIA Hui,FENG Fang-fang,WEN Hai-tao,HE Zhi-chao,TAO Zheng-yuan(6-08)

Effect of drawing and heat setting on permeability of polyvinylidene fluoride hollow fiber blended microfiltration membrane………………………………………………………………………………………… CUI Zhen-yu,LI Wei,XU Shan-shan(6-14)

Preparation of PPS membrane loaded silver nanoparticles and its antibiofouling property………………………………………………………………………………… LI Zhen-huan,WANG Chao,CHENG Bo-wen(6-19)

Preparation and properties of antibacterial cellulose acetate sorbate fibers …… SONG Jun,WEI Li-ying,LI Jun-nan,HOU Yuan-fu(6-24)

Research progress of reinforced fabric of composite blade for turbo engine…………………………………………………………………CHEN Li,CHEN Dong,RONG Zhi-jun,SUN Ying,SUN Fei(6-30)

Textile and Clothing

Liquid transport mechanism in yarn based on configuration of non-uniform capillary……………………………………………………………………………… FAN Jie,QI Yuan-yuan,LI Cai-xia,LIU Yong(5-30)

Electric field optimization on roller-type of needleless electrospinneret based on finite element analysis……………………………………………………… LIU Yan-bo,YANG Yuan-yuan,CHEN Li,LIU Jian,YANG Wen-xiu(6-36)

Model segmentation and collision detection of virtual try-o n ………………………HAN Xiao-jun,WU Jia-qing,WANG Zhi-kuan(6-42)

Dyeing and Chemical Engineering

Adsorption of Congo red dye by organic skeleton of functional zinc metal…………………………………………………ZHANG Hua,LI Xiang-peng,ZHANG Wen,GAO Yan,YUE Pan,LI Wei(1-26)

Catalyst adaptation of ozone catalytic oxidation for wastewater treatment…………………………………………………………… HE Xiao-ling,SUN Qi,LI Yuan-yuan,ZOU Kai-jian,HAN Xin(1-32)

Determination of heavy metal ion concentration based on EDTA complexometric titration……………………………………………………………………… WANG Jian-kun,FAN Xin-yu,ZHANG Hao,GUO Jing(1-38)

Synthesis and antistatic properties of imidazoline amphoteric surfactan t …………………ZHENG Guo,JIAO Xiao-fang,SUN Yu(1-43)

Fabrication and characterization of pirimiphos-methyl microcapsules with melamine resin as wall materials………………………………… WANG Jian-ping,HE Run-he,TIAN Hua-long,WANG Xue-chen,ZHANG Xing-xiang(2-43)

Preparation and properties of three-dimensional graphene foam/ethylene propylene rubber composites…………………………………………………… HOU Yan-hui,GUO Hai-yang,MENG Hao,LU Xiao-min,HU Bo-yang(2-49)

Synthesis and thermal performance of PEG/PAM shape-stabilized composite phase change materials………………………………………… FU Wei-gui,SUO Hai-tao,LIN Gui-de,WU Chun-hui,LIANG Li,SUN Bao-shan(2-55)

Preparation of platinum doped Ni/C-N composite catalysts and its ethanol sensing propertie s ………YU Jian-guo,DAI Tang-ming(2-62)

Influences of rGO content on properties of SnO2-Fe2O3/rGO anode and its lithium ion batteries……………………………………………………………………………………… HE Sheng-tai,GAO Hai,WU Yao-zhen(2-67)

Removal of C.I.reactive red 4 from wastewater by composite extractan t ……………WEN Chen,MAO Shuai-xian,LIU Wen-feng(3-25)

Preparation and properties of novel functional polymer of methyl methacrylate……………………………… LIU Xiao-hui,ZHANG Yan-guang,SONG Zi-ping,YANG Xuan,WANG Meng,LI Yu-mo(3-31)

Optimization of immobilization methods and degradation characteristic for typical fluoranthene-degrading strain………………………… ZHANG Zhao-hui,ZUO Yu-huan,LI Teng-fei,WU Jiang-lin,CHEN Meng-meng,YUE Xi-ming(3-36)

Application of tubular membrane bioreactor in sludge reduction ……………………LIU En-hua,WANG Ze-rui,DING Xiao-hui(3-43)

Application of graphene quantum dots in conductive agent of super capacitors……………………………………………………… SHI Zhi-qiang,NIU Yong-fang,DUAN Jian,WANG Jing,ZHANG Jin(3-49)

Quantitative study on self-cleaning performance of polyester fabric finished with nano TiO2hydrosol……………………………………………………………………… DONG Yong-chun,LI Zhi-qiang,LI Bing,WANG Peng(4-31)

Preparation of layered nanostructured calcium carbonate by mixed solvo thermal method………………………………… JI Xiu-jie,LI Quan,GAO Hai-yu,LIU Chao,FANG Zi-yan,LI He-yi,WANG Qing-hua(4-37)

Synthesis of a new α-diimine nickel complex for ethylene polymerization…………………………YANG Min,LI Xiang-liu,CUI Mi-mi,MENG Hao,JIANG Pai,SONG Xiao-xue,HOU Yan-hui(4-42)

Controllable synthesis of hyperbranched polyglycerol with a definite aminol terminal……………………………………………………………………………… CHEN Li,XU Li-hao,HE Yang,ZHAO Yi-ping(4-48)

Preparation of amorphous MoSx/CdS for photocatalytic hydrogen evolution ………………………LI Jia,LYU Yi-dong,PENG Yang(4-53)

Application of ozone-hydrogen peroxide synergistic oxidation in bleaching of Yilon fiber……………………………………………………… FU Hong-jun,HE Xin-xin,CHEN Jiao-jiao,LI Feng-yan,WU Rui-le(5-36)

Preparation and adsorption performance of metal-organic framework copper-porphyrin materials………………………………………………… ZHAO Li-zhi,CHANG Yan-jiao,XU Rui,WU Di-hao,ZHANG Yu-zhong(5-42)

Preparation and performance of electrochemical sodium storage of two-dimension Ti3C2Txmaterial …… SHI Zhi-qiang,LYU Guo-xia(6-48)

Influences of PPy content of Fe2O3/PPy on properties of anode in Li-ion batteries …………HE Sheng-tai,WU Yao-zhen,GAO Hai(6-55)

Effect of graphene on properties of PVB anticorrosive coating ……… GENG Hong-zhang,SHI Pei-pei,XU Chun-xia,JIA Song-lin(6-60)

Pretreatment of seed coating wastewater by coagulation combined with catalytic oxidation using sponge iron as catalyst…………………………………………………………………………………………………………WEN Chen,XU Xiao-yi(6-66)

Computational chemistry research of ethylene and norbornene copolymerization catalyzed by α-diimine-Ni(Ⅱ)complex based on density functional theory ……………YANG Min,JIANG Pai,CUI Mi-mi,XUE Xiao-song,HOU Yan-hui,LIU Bin-yuan(6-71)

Effect of preparation technology of Fe2+loaded fiber based on copolymer of acrylic acid and hydroxyethyl methacrylate on its catalytic activity …………………………………………………XU Nai-ku,LYU Yuan-yuan,FENG Yan(6-78)

Electron Information and Automation

Measurement method of textile fiber orientation based on short-time Fourier transform…………………………………………… ZHANG Fang,TIAN Hong-xia,XIAO Zhi-tao,WANG Wen,ZHUANG Xu-pin(1-48)

Optic disc detection method based of fundus image on modified Gbvs model……… WU Jun,ZHANG Ya-nan,XIAO Zhi-tao,GENG Lei,ZHANG Fang,YANG Song,ZHANG Dong-xia,SONG Shu-ya(1-54)

Design of pseudorandom number generator based on hyperchaotic by FPGA……………QI Guo-yuan,HU Yu-qing,WAN Zhang-kai(1-62)

Numerical simulation of irrigation well pipeline liquid flow based on CF D …………………………………WANG Ping,YANG Chao(1-68)

Formation control based on leader-followers for multiple mobile robots ………………SHI Wu-xi,WANG Dong-wei,LI Bao-quan(2-72)

Autonomous planning and coordinated control system design for stitching robot…………………………………………… HE Jun-jie,LI Jin-zhong,WANG Tian-qi,WU Yong-sheng,HOU Yang-qiang(2-79)

Design of vehicle networking data exchange system based on BlockChain ………… TANG Chun-ming,ZHANG Yong-le,YU Xiang(2-84)

Design and analysis of combinatorial system of compact spinning and noil…………………………………………………………………… LI Xin-yu,CHEN Lin,MENG Lin,HAO Xu-tao,LIU Tao(3-55)

Image segmentation method based on geometric active contour model……………………………………………………… ZHANG Rong-hua,WU Yi,WANG Heng,XIAO Lei,TANG Jin-tian(3-61)

Step calibration and accuracy analysis of binocular stereo vision ……………………………………………QU Hua,WU Zhao-na(3-67)

Optimization design of high-definition video player system for subwa y ……………………………………BAI Hua,ZHAO Xu-feng(4-59)

Traversal multi-task target robot path planning under static obstacle s …………………………YANG Fan,XUE Ya-chong,LI Jing(4-65)

Influence of routing protocols on charging clusters in WRSNs………………………………………………… LIN Zhi-gui,ZHANG Guo-tao,ZHANG Xiao-hui,DU Chun-hui,LIU Ying(5-49)

Design of dual frequency rectifier system for ISM band……………………………………………… LI Jian-xiong,LIANG Zhen,GUO Cui-juan,WANG Xue-jing,YANG Guang(5-57)

Design and loss of high efficient resonant driving circuit of GaN MOSFET … GAO Sheng-wei,SU Jia,LIU Xiao-ming,LI Long-nü(5-64)

Machine Design and Manufacture

A compensation method for induced feedback force of master-slave teleoperation robot system…………YUN Jin-tian,CONG Jing-de(1-74)

Structure design and kinematics analysis of ceramic 3D printe r ………………………DING Cheng-jun,WU Wei,ZHU Zhi-hui(1-83)

Rigid-flexible coupling dynamics analysis and simulation of spatial four-bar linkage weft insertion mechanism…………………………………………………………………… JIN Guo-guang,LI Wen-qi,WEI Zhan,CHANG Bo-yan(4-72)

Dynamic modeling and simulation of robot steel wire rope transmission based on improved bushing force……………………………………………………………………………… YUN Jin-tian,ZHAO Zi-ye,ZUO Peng,XIA Yu(4-78)

Optimization design of primary and secondary mirror supporting tube for space telescope…………………………………………………………………… LU Xiao-ming,JIA Jian-jun,ZHOU Cheng-lin,XIE Yong(4-84)

Natural frequencies and vibration modes of spindle combination system considering joint surface characteristics……………………………… ZHOU Guo-qing,YANG Hui-hui,YUAN Ru-wang,HAN Xue,JIANG Xiu-ming,LUO Xiao(5-70)

Screw sliding detection method based on modified Logistic regression and invariant moment………………………………………………………… GUO Qing-hua,WANG Jia-hao,SONG Li-mei,YANG Huai-dong(5-78)

Static analysis of 3UPS-RPR parallel mechanism ……………………………………FENG Zhi-you,NI Ying-zhen,YUN Jin-tian(5-83)

Basic Science and Its Application

Evolution characteristic of entanglement in cavity optomechanical system ……………………………YAN Xue-qun,YUE Jian-lin(3-72)

Complexity analysis of game model in a dual-channel closed loop supply chain ………………………ZHANG Fang,MA Xiao-lin(3-76)

Quantitative models of measurement indexes on supply chain visualization……………………………………………………………………ZHAO Qing-qing,LIU Liang,HE Shu-guang,WANG Xi(3-83)

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