
2018-01-13 10:16:16王燕南顾晓青陈海英唐秀林钱磊
上海医药 2018年24期

王燕南 顾晓青 陈海英 唐秀林 钱磊

摘 要 目的:通過对西渡社区卫生服务中心建册并在沪产检的外来孕产妇进行调查分析,旨在提升外来孕产妇对孕产期保健服务的利用。方法:选取2016年7月—2017年6月在中心建册及在沪进行产检的656名外来孕产妇就其基本情况、获知建册渠道、是否接到建册通知及产检费用等问题进行调查,并对结果进行汇总、分析。结果:受访孕产妇的平均年龄为28.59岁;文化程度以初中为主(31.1%);66.5%的孕产妇知道应进行早孕建册,主要的获知渠道为居委通知、医院告知等方式;正式接到建册通知者占47.3%;高学历孕产妇与低学历孕产妇在家庭月收入、在职情况、早孕建册知晓率、是否接到建册通知、获知建册渠道等方面的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);但不同学历孕产妇在检查次数及费用方面的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:低学历孕产妇对孕产妇保健服务利用率较低,多部门、多地区应联合出台相关政策,对低收入孕产妇的部分医疗费用增加报销力度,同时实施异地信息及时共享,对外来孕产妇做到全程连续性管理。

关键词 孕产妇;孕产期保健管理;外来

中图分类号:R715.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2018)24-0012-03

Investigation of the current health care management during pregnancy and childbirth for floating pregnant women in Xidu Community

WANG Yannan1, GU Xiaoqing2, CHEN Haiying2, TANG Xiulin1, QIAN Lei1(1. Gynaecology and Obstetrics Department of Xidu Community Health Service Center of Fengxian District, Shanghai 201401, China; 2. Xidu Community Health Service Center of Fengxian District, Shanghai 201401, China)

ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate and analyze the floating pregnant women whose documents were registered and checked in Xidu Community Health Service Center in Shanghai to promote the utilization of health care management during pregnancy and childbirth. Methods: A total of 656 pregnant women who were registered in the Center from July 2016 to June 2017 and underwent obstetric examination in Shanghai were selected to investigate the basic situation, the channels for obtaining the information, whether to receive the notice of establishing documents and the cost of the obstetric examination, and the results were summarized and analyzed. Results: The average age of the pregnant women was 28.59 years old; the education level was mainly junior middle school(31.1%); 66.5% of the pregnant women knew that early pregnancy should be registered to establish documents, and the main channels of getting the notification were from the residents committee and the hospital; 47.3% of the pregnant women received the notification of the establishment of documents formally; and the differences in the monthly income of the family of the pregnant women with high and low education, occupational status, the awareness rate of the establishment of documents in the early pregnancy, whether receiving the notification, and the channels of obtaining the information and so on were statistically significant(P<0.05), but there was no significant difference in the number of examinations and costs among pregnant women with different education(P>0.05). Conclusion: The utilization rate of maternal health care service of loweducated pregnant women is relatively low. Relevant policies should be jointly promulgated in many departments and regions to increase reimbursement for part of the medical expenses of low-income pregnant women, at the same time, information sharing in different places should be implemented and complete continuous management should be carried out for floating pregnant women.
