文/盖亚·文斯 译/姚强
The Future of Urban Transport
文/盖亚·文斯 译/姚强
The 21st century city will need to be built around efficient,low-emitting mass transit. How can this best be achieved,especially with existing infrastuctures? 建设21世纪的城市离不开高效、低排放的公共交通。如何才能最好地实现这个目标,尤其是考虑到现有的基础设施?
In comparison to slums1slum贫民区。I’ve visited in other parts of the world, Rocinha favela2favela(巴西城市或边缘的)棚户区,贫民窟。in Rio de Janeiro looks streets3streets〈主英〉above the rest―literally. Its position high on the hill is advantageous because there’s no flood risk, the view is magnificent and its residents paying 300 Reais ($148) a month look down on Sao Conrado, one of the most expensive bay-side neighbourhoods in Rio, where rents go for a considerably higher 5 million Reais ($2.5million) a month. This reversal of the usual social order gives Rio’s favelas a unique vantage point4vantage point(观察事物的)有利地点。over other disenfranchised communities.
[2]However, getting here from Rio’s city centre means a perilous5perilous危险的。ride on the back of a motorbike, or more than an hour’s trudge6trudge长途跋涉。up steeply winding,dangerous alleyways. This is about to change, and it shows how important an issue sustainable transport is to the 21st century city. The government has pledged to invest more than $58.5 million to build a cable car system and funicular7funicular缆索铁道。up the steep hills of the favela.Instead of a dodgy8dodgy危险的。ride uphill on the back of a teenager’s motorbike, and a risky, time-consuming journey on foot through meandering9meandering曲折的。alleyways, residents and visitors will be able to access homes and services in this densely packed warren10warren大杂院,住户拥挤的公寓(或地区)。.
[3]The Teleferico11teleferico〈西〉缆车。do Alemao, a gondola system linking the Complexo do Alemao (German Complex) favelas to the rest of the city, is already open and at 3.5 kilometres, it’s one of the longest cable car lines in the world. The journey time from base to the top has been cut from at least an hour by foot to just 15 minutes. Each cabin has a solar panel installed, which powers the lighting, sound and video surveillance12surveillance(对犯罪嫌疑人或可能发生犯罪的地方的)监视。systems. And the stations host community services, such as job training, education,medical services, and legal advice, all helping foster growth and inclusion.
[4]Innovative public transport solutions like this will be needed in the denser megacities of the new urban age.The planet is moving towards two billion cars. Commuters in Brazil’s biggest city, Sao Paulo, can sit in traffic jams of up to 180km (110 miles). Americans currently spend an average of nine years of their lives sitting in their cars. China,meanwhile, is now the world’s biggest car market, with ownership going up 20-fold since 2000, and many of its cities’ new six-lane highways are already clogged13clog(使)阻塞,堵塞。with traf fi c and car fumes.
[5]Transport planning at a megacity level will require more than widening streets or providing more of them. Suburbia may have been built around the automobile, but the city of the Anthropocene14“人类世” 这个词是由诺贝尔化学奖得主、荷兰科学家保罗·克鲁岑(Paul Crutzen)于2000年提出来的,他认为,自18世纪末期的工业革命开始,人类的活动已经粗暴打断了自然演化的过程,对地球环境产生了重大影响,气候温和而稳定的全新世已结束,因而建议将人类现在所处的地质年代改为“人类世”。will need to be built around effi cient, low-emitting mass transit. China and other developing countries have an opportunity to create this public transport infrastructure rather than planning around cars, which as other cities have learned makes alternative options so much harder to retro fi t15retrofit翻新。.
[6]Looking down from Rocinha, I can see the taxis jostle16jostle争夺。for road space above the rapid underground Metro,and think how it makes sense to ban private cars from city centres altogether―something that is gradually being encouraged by the heavy congestion commuters face, expensive parking and by specific taxes for vehicle drivers,such as London’s congestion charge. In Bogota, Columbia, for example, cars are banned from the city on Sundays,when the streets fill with pedestrians,cyclists and rollerbladers17rollerblader滑旱冰的人。rollerblade直排轮滑鞋。. Ideas like the Paris rent-a-bike scheme, Velib18创建于2007年的巴黎公共自行车租赁系统。Velib由法语Velo(自行车)与liberté(自由)组合而成。这是一个非营利性的公益设施,旨在提倡巴黎市民及游客用自行车作为短距离的代步工具,发展绿色旅游。,which has since been copied in cities around the world, allows users to travel across centres by picking up a bike in one location and drop it off in another for a small fee.
[7]It’s hard to see how the traditional-car-dominated cities of the 20thcentury can survive rapid urbanisation,higher petrol prices and increasingly stringent19stringent(法律、规定或条件)严格的。air pollution regulations.Innovative power sources, from hydrogen to compressed air, are likely to be introduced in future, but liquid natural gas and electricity are already replacing gasoline in some cities.
[8]Once vehicles are fuelled by electricity, direct pollution (including ozone and nitrous oxides) disappears and generation can be from low-carbon sources such as nuclear or renewables.
[9]Electric cars can even be used as an alternative power source, discharging electricity during power cuts, as the Nissan Leaf’s designers point out.But while electric cars are an improvement on conventional gasoline burners in terms of emissions, they and their batteries still represent a metal and mineral guzzler20guzzle猛喝;暴饮。gas guzzler〈非正式〉油耗很高的车。, requiring ever-more rare earths, for example, which if not efficiently recycled, end up as toxic waste. Better public transport is by far the most sustainable alternative.
[10]There are more ambitious ideas on the table, of course. Lightweight,folding electric cars like the Hiriko Fold aim to convince commuters who don’t live or work within walking distance of a transit station to take public transport. Engineers are designing superfast maglev21maglev〈物〉磁悬浮。trains that could run under the Atlantic in vacuum tunnels,connecting European and American cities. In China, there are designs for an electric megabus that would carry hundreds of commuters on wheeled stilts22stilt高架。, 5 metres above the ground,straddling23straddle跨立。gridlocked24gridlock(棋盘式街道的)交通大堵塞。traffic on the road beneath.
[11]However, ambitious and complex technologies are only part of the long-term solution. The more compact the city, the more energy-ef fi cient transportation and everything else is. Truly sustainable transport begins with cities built―like Rocinha, and the heart of every pre-20th century urban centre―for walking around. The megalopolises of the Anthropocene need to be built from tightly packed human-scale neighbourhoods, linked by clean, affordable,efficient transport. And it needs to do so in a way that not only addresses the current requirements and frustrations of urban living, but also accounts for our future needs in the Anthropocene. ■
[10]当然,人们还提出了更多大胆的想法。如以Hiriko Fold为代表的轻型折叠式电动汽车,旨在吸引那些生活或工作场所附近没有公交站点、无法乘坐公共交通的通勤族。工程师们正在设计可以在大西洋下真空隧道中运行的超高速磁悬浮列车,连接欧洲和美国的城市。在中国,可以搭载数百名乘客的超级电动公交车正在研发之中,这种高架电车在轨道上跨行,离地面5米,可以避开下方拥堵的路面。
[11]然而,伟大而复杂的技术只是长期解决方案中的一部分。城市越紧凑,交通方式和其他的一切就需要更节能。真正的可持续交通始于为了行人活动而建造的城市,比如罗西尼亚以及每个20世纪之前的城市中心。“人类世”时代的特大城市需要由许多密集紧凑的人类社区组建而成,清洁、廉价、高效的交通将这些社区联系在一起。建造时不仅要满足当今城市生活的需求,使其摆脱困境,也要考虑到“人类世”的未来需要。 □
ByGaia Vince