Buddhas with Double Faces (I)

2018-01-04 16:53:32By
英语世界 2017年10期


Buddhas with Double Faces (I)

ByWilliam Empson1

People tend to think of ‘a Buddha’as a standard object, to think of the heads as all alike and practically without expression. This is roughly true about the work of later periods in all countries which adopted Buddhism, but the earlier ones vary a great deal. I want in this article to describe an asymmetrical technique, a rule for making the two sides of the faces different, which I think was used in the Far East from about the fifth to the tenth centuries AD. However, before enlarging on the variety of these heads one should of course recognise that there is a Buddha type, in its way a rigid one, and that the different heads are keeping the rules.

[2] It is perhaps the simplest expression of high divinity that the human race has devised. In a way, Europe has agreed on the face of Christ, but you have to be a trained artist to draw it.The Lotus Sutra,written probably in the fi rst century AD,says that even boys in their play who draw the Blessed One with their fingernails are acquiring merit and becoming pitiful in heart. The boys would really be able to draw a Buddha with their fingernails;even the crudest use of the formula gives him his effect of eternity. It is done by the high eyebrow, soaring outwards; by the long slit eye, almost shut in meditation,which would be a frighteningly large eye if opened; and by a suggestion of the calm of childhood in the smooth lines of the mature face—a certain puppy quality in the long ear often helps to bring this out. If you get these they carry the main thought of the religion; for one thing the face is at once blind and all-seeing (‘He knows no more than a Buddha’ they say of a deceived husband in the Far East) so at once suf fi cient to itself and of universal charity.

[3] Representations of the Buddha himself seem to have been forbidden in India till the first century AD, and the earliest ones were probably made by foreign converts in Gandhara, part of the modern Afghanistan, along the trade route to Europe and China. These draw on Greek conventions for the face and drapery, but give the Buddha his distinctively Indian marks such as the spot between the brows(over the pineal gland; perhaps originally a caste-mark) and the cross-legged position with the soles of both feet lying upwards. He has already the nob on the top of his head, which may have been the formalisation of a hairdressing fashion,but is listed early as a sacred deformity.He has wavy but not tightly curled hair,and a half-closed eye, but the early examples have not got the high eyebrow.

[4] At almost the same date, statues of the Buddha appear at Mathura in India,drawing not on the Greek tradition but on an Indian tradition for local pagan deities (the fi rst statues of the main Hindu deities seem to have been made about the same time). These give him much more of the vigour of an evangelist; he has a wide open eye and a high eyebrow, as if beaming out his radiance to the world. As a rule only the hairline is marked on an apparently bald head (monks shaved their heads) but he sometimes has a sort of twisted cap. The earth-god tradition gives him a strong physique and a swelling chest. In fact, the ‘mysticism of the East’ as shown by the slim body and the halfshut eyes, seems to have been put in by the Greek artisans not by the Indians.

[5] Then by the Gupta period in India, from the fourth century, these two traditions have been fully combined, and the Buddha has the high eyebrow and the slit eye. They combine so perfectly that it is hard to believe they developed apart.All the details are now firmly stylised;for instance the ear has become longer.The idea that the Buddha when a prince wore very grand jewels in his ears which dragged down the lobe, but since his renunciation there is only the long ear to show it. In the same way the Greek wavy hair has become tight curls which look like snail-shells and are actually said to be snailshells. As a monk he should have shaved his hair, but he was partly thought of as a prince; it was settled therefore that the shade of the sacred Bo-tree moved away from him while he was plunged in meditation, and a crowd of devout snails came clustering onto his head to keep him from sunstroke.The Gupta Buddhas are magnificent creatures but withdrawn from the world to the point of deadness, except for some youthful ones which are touching but rather feminine.








1(1906—1984),英国著名文论家,诗人。在剑桥大学读书期间写出《朦胧的七种类型》而一举成名。曾在日本教授英国文学。1937年来到中国,先后在北京大学和昆明西南联大任教,讲授英国文学,对于当时中国文学的现代主义运动影响深远。1939年返英,在英国广播公司任职。1947年重来北京大学任教,至1952年回国。此后在谢菲尔德大学任教,直至去世。燕卜荪在远东期间,对佛教造像艺术产生浓厚兴趣,不断收集资料并拍摄大量照片,回国后写成书稿《佛的面容》(The Face of the Buddha),后因种种变故,书稿遗失,令他抱憾终生。2005年,此书手稿在大英图书馆奇迹般重现,经整理后于2016年由牛津大学出版。

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