
2017-12-28 08:35ByNancyEdwards
高中生·青春励志 2017年11期


“Look at my snowman!”Ally cried. She climbed up on the couch to get a better view. Three birds perched on top ofthesnowmanshead.Twostruttedatthebase.

Allys mom knelt beside her.“Put on your coat, Ally. Well sneak out the back door to get a better look.”Moments later, Ally and her mother tiptoed through the snowandroundedthecornerofthehouse.

“Somebody put birdseed on my snowman!”Ally cried. At the sound of her voice, all the birds flapped their wings and flew off—all but one. A bright red cardinal sat curled upunderthecurveofthesnowmansbelly.

Allys mom crouched down.“Thats not a real bird,”shesaid.

Ally ran to the snowman.“Its an ornament!”she said, pickingitup.Anotepokedoutfromunderafeatheredwing.

Ally unfolded the paper and read,“A secret friend wantsyou tohavea happy holiday. Hope you enjoy this little gift—moreareontheway!”

“Its a mystery,”Ally told her father at dinner that night.“Who do you think it is?”“The mailman,”he guessed.“Or maybe Grandma?”Allys mom wondered. Allyshookherhead.“Weneedmoreclues.”

When she got home one day she found a new clue. A little birdhouse sat on their front step, with a note sticking out.

Ally raced inside and read it to her mother,“Birds make good neighbors. They sing songs of cheer. Your neighborswishyoumuchhappinessthisyear.”

“A neighbor,”Ally said. Her breath steamed up the windowasshelooked down thestreet.“Thered door ladylet me pick her flowers.”Allys mother put her cheek next to Allys to get a better look.“The Millers get our mail when we go on vacation,”she said.“Mr. Collins has a bird feeder,”Allysaid,“butheneversmiles.”

“I know,”she said.“Lets go for a walk and say‘hito all the neighbors we see. If somebody smiles a really big smile, well know.”Her mother laughed,“What a detective youare!Allright.Letsgo!”

Mr. Miller was wrapping Christmas lights around his bushes.“Hello!”Allycalled.“Howareyou?”“Dandyas candy,”he said with a grin. By the time Ally and her mother rounded the corner, they had smiled at five different neighbors and everybody smiledatthem.

A week went by before they received another note. Ally found it taped to a birdseed bell hanging in their crab apple tree. Her dad had to get it down. It said,“Time to greet your secret pal! Lets meet for lunch at Rays, Saturday atoneoclock.HappyHolidays!”

On Saturday, by the time they reached the restaurant, Ally thought shed burstwith excitement.“Here we are!”a voice called out. Ally turned to look. A young couple—the red door people—stoodinfrontofthem.Thewoman held outashiny ornament—abluebird,coveredinfeathers.

“Hi, were Paul and Wendy Harrison,”the man said.“Last year we were new on your street. We didnt know anyone. Then one day, presents started showing up, with littlenotes. FinallytheMiller family met us right here in this restaurant.”

Mr. Harrison continued,“We had so much fun, so we decided to be secret pals every year. When you came over to pick flowers with us, Ally, we knew your family was the right one.”“This was fun!”Ally said.“I want to have a secret pal family next year!”She wondered if a bird like this would make Mr. Collins smile. She could hardly wait till nextyear.















