Almost every night, I go into my parentsroom and tuck my mom into bed. Ill lie next to her until my father comes upstairs or until homeworkcalls.
Well sit there and talk, and Ill play with her hair, and poke fun at her. She pokes right back. Illturn out the light, kiss her forehead, pat hershoulder,andtellhergoodnight.
Her presencein mind and body is one of the mostpreciousthingsinmylife.
I remember it was an aberrantly warm day in February. The grass was especially green, and the sun was pleasantly golden, suspended in a cloudlesssky.
I skipped off the school bus to find her car in the driveway. I knew then that something was wrong. My chest throbbed; leaden feet eventually broughtmetothedoor.Shewascrying.
My mother looked at me through raw eyes and said,“I have breast cancer.”We cried, we hugged,andIsatonherlap.
I was in fifth grade, scared and confused, justleavingbehindtheyearsofbedtimecuddles.
Five years before, my grandmother had had the same cancer. Was that going to happen to my mom?
We cried a lot as my mom told relatives and arranged appointments and bought a wig for when chemo began. She stayed strong for us during this time and I have come to associate withtears.
It was March when Mom went to the hospital to have the tumor removed. I went to school, needing the distraction. Dad called my teacher during the morning with updates. Then, duringour silentreading time, my teacher smiled andsaid,“Shesoutofsurgery.”
When chemo began, the warrior scarves and the pink ribbons came to mean something more than“support the cause”and became“support my mom”. That was also the time that our family hairdresser, a close friend of Moms, came over with trimmers. In no time Moms hair wasahalfinchlong.
Soon that half inch of fuzz fell out too, and she was left with a smooth, shining, pale scalp. Around the house shed wear a wrap on her bald head. It took me a while before I could think of herbaldwithoutcrying.
She became distant, both in mind and body. I remember Dad telling my brother and me to playquietlybecause“Mommyneedstorest”.
I didnt feel like I had a mom that summer. Sheisabsentinthosememories; simplynotthere. She continued to work, despite the chemo and radiation,butshewasalwaysexhausted.
At home she was either asleep or on“chemo!brain”. Shed laugh off her new"found absentmindedness, saying she might even lose her head if it wasnt attached. Even though she would look at me and try to listen, she often wasntabletounderstandwhatIwassaying.
This spring, my mom is five years cancer free.Herhairhasgrownbackwavyandnotgray,as she had feared. She claims to still have“chemo# brain”somedays,butnowitreallyisjustajoke.
The wig is sitting on my shelf. Our warrior scarves are collecting dust. We still have pink ribbons everywhere. The remains of her war against cancer are spread throughout our lives like battle scars to bragabouttotheworld.
After that difficult year of tears, mymomis back and here to help me through the simple problems of high school.
So I dont fight with my mom. I dont ignore her intentionally, nor do I talk about her negatively. She is healthy and strong and present ineverysenseoftheword.Shesmymomagain.
Every night, I tuck her in, turn out the light, and kiss her cheek because I know that we are lucky; there are plenty of girls out there whose momsdidntfindtheirlumpsearlyenough.
Never before have I been so thankful for my motherandsogratefulthatsheisherewithme.
在家的时候,她不是在睡觉,就是处于“化疗脑”状态(!"!#$%&()*+,-./012345678 9)。对于她新发现的这个健忘症,她总是一笑了之,还打趣说她的脑袋要不是长在身上,她可能都会把脑袋弄丢了。尽管她也会看着我努力倾听,但她经常不能理解我在说什么。