陈 啸,孔丹丹,王红英,方 鹏
陈 啸,孔丹丹,王红英※,方 鹏
(中国农业大学工学院,农业部国家农产品加工技术装备研发分中心,北京 100083)
为研究饲料原料挤压成型特性,构建了非线性黏弹塑性颗粒饲料成型本构模型,针对主要饲料原料小麦,通过分析成型试验因素对其本构模型系数及其表征的流变学特性的影响,研究物料特性、加工参数等对小麦原料成型特性的影响规律,并分析了模型系数与颗粒成型质量的相关性关系。黏弹塑性本构模型由牛顿黏滞体(Newton viscous dashpot element)、应变硬化弹簧元件(strain hardening spring element)和库伦摩擦元件(Coulomb friction element)构成,基于小麦原料的实际成型试验完成模型构建;模型验证结果显示:数值结果中各应力区间模型决定系数R在0.99以上,模型值与试验值较为吻合,相对误差总平均值为3.378%,并通过χ检验进一步证明模型有效性;应用本构模型对小麦原料成型特性的分析结果显示,表征其流变学特性的模型系数表现出明显的应力函数规律,黏性系数绝对值随着挤压过程的进行逐渐减小,弹性模量值逐渐增大,集成塑性系数值则表现为先增后降,而各成型试验因素对模型系数产生了显著规律性影响,与宏观试验现象比较吻合;通过Pearson相关性分析可知颗粒成型密度、颗粒成型率、颗粒成型硬度等成型质量指标分别与黏性系数、塑性模量与弹性模量间达到了最高的相关系数,数值皆在0.80以上且为极显著相关性水平(<0.001),为基于本构模型对颗粒成型质量进行分析和控制提供依据。研究结果为颗粒饲料挤压成型特性研究提供了一种新方法和新角度,也为颗粒饲料的高效低耗生产和产品质量的改善提供基础数据和理论参考。
根据颗粒饲料成型加工过程主要影响因素[15],选取挤压成型试验因素及试验水平如下:以物料含水率(12%、15%、18%)、颗粒粒度(粉碎过Φ1.5、Φ2.0、Φ2.5 mm筛片孔径)作为物料参数,成型温度(60、75、80、85 ℃)、挤压载荷(2、3、4 kN)作为成型加工参数,设计为完全随机化4因素全面试验,重复试验3次[16]。
使用试验用小型粉碎机(JFSD-100,上海沪粤明科学仪器有限公司)按试验安排对物料进行粉碎;待物料降至室温(25 ℃)时,测定粉碎物初始含水率[17],进而由初始含水率进行计算并对样品自然晾干或赋水达到目标含水率,并测定粉碎样品颗粒粒度情况[18](表1);封存制备好的样品于密封袋中并置于4 ℃试验用冷藏柜中保存。
表1 不同筛片孔径、含水率物料颗粒粒度
结合相关文献研究方法[19-22],使用自行设计制作的挤压成型单孔闭式试验台完成挤压成型试验,通过设计加工公差使压杆直径尺寸略小于模孔直径,从而形成间隙便于排出模孔内空气从而降低对试验的影响;试验台搭载电子万能试验机(RGM 100 kN,深圳瑞格尔仪器有限公司)采集加载过程中的压力、时间、位移数据,通过陶瓷加热线圈和加载PID程序算法的智能温控器实现温度控制;根据物料密度范围和模孔容积将试验用物料质量定为15 g,通过预试验及参考文献[21-22],确定预热保温时间、压杆挤压速度分别为120 s和30 mm/min;试验时向模孔中缓慢均匀填料,将模孔及内容物预热至目标温度并进行保温后,压杆对物料进行挤压;试验完成后通过卸料挡板将成型颗粒从模孔中完整取出并测定各项质量指标;挤压成型试验台示意图如图1。
图1 挤压成型试验台示意图
本构模型(constitutive model)是表征和描述材料受载荷作用时表现的变形行为和流变特性[23]的数学物理模型[24],可综合反映材料宏观力学性能和响应机理,并体现物料在工程应用过程中的本质属性。
在颗粒挤压成型过程的初始阶段,粉碎物粒子在惯性力的作用下得到重新排列[25],当其相对位置不再发生显著变化时,粒子间连接初步建立[26],之后的物料成型规律可认为由其本身黏弹塑性产生,物料亦可视为连续介质[2, 27]。由此,将挤压成型过程分为惯性变形阶段和黏弹塑性成型阶段[28],并采用应力-时间梯度法进行划分,将应力梯度值保持为正值的起点作为黏弹塑性成型阶段的开始(图2);由于惯性变形阶段中原料粒子松散且多处于无规则运动,物料成型特性受其初始状态、间隙气体等诸多随机因素影响而较不稳定,故本文主要在发生有效变形的黏弹塑性成型阶段进行本构模型的构建。
注:筛片孔径2.0 mm,成型温度80 ℃,挤压载荷3 kN,物料含水率15%。
2.2.1 流变特性与流变元件
传统弹塑性理论主要基于区分弹塑性的屈服理论,而饲料原料成型过程中,黏弹塑性变形是同时发生的,各阶段材料特性的不同使某种流变特性占主导地位[33];采用应变强化弹簧元件(strain hardening spring element)进行弹塑性表征,将弹性变形与塑性变形进行耦合,使用幂强化方式描述塑性变形的非线性特性,得到弹塑性本构方程为:
式中为该元件中相应应变响应,无量纲,σ1为弹塑性应力,MPa;为弹性模量(elastic modulus, MPa),为塑性模量(plastic modulus, MPa),为应变硬化指数(strain hardening exponent, 无量纲)。其中,弹性模量在本文的应用中代表物料受力压缩产生变形的难易程度,该系数的增加说明材料当前条件下可压缩变形量的降低,刚度增加,可以表征颗粒混合物在挤压成型过程中表现出的可压缩性的强弱。
依据近似本构关系[34](式中σ、ε为相对应应力,MPa及应变响应,无量纲),将塑性模量和应变强化指数写为集成塑性系数(combined plastic exponent, 无量纲):1/n,其越高表明发生的塑性应变程度越高。而从材料学角度看,塑性应变的提高表明撤去外力后可保持的变形量的提高,这对颗粒饲料成型质量控制有积极的指导意义。
与弹塑性相比,物料的黏性具有较为明显的率相关性和时间依赖性,由此将表征黏性的牛顿黏滞体(Newton viscous dashpot element)中的应变响应修正为其对加载时间的变化率,其本构方程为:
式中σ2为黏性应力,MPa;为黏性系数(viscous coefficient, MPa·s),为应力作用时间,s。本文中的黏性主要表征的是颗粒饲料成型过程中粒子间相互联结、黏合的能力,反映当前状态下材料受外力作用产生变形而不发生显著破坏的性能。
结合单孔成型试验条件和库伦摩擦定律可知,由物料与模孔壁面摩擦产生的剪切应力应为物料壁面摩擦系数、径向应力转换系数和轴向作用力的乘积,则表征摩擦特性的库伦摩擦元件(Coulomb friction element)本构方程为:
式中σ3为摩擦损耗应力,MPa;σ为摩擦损耗因子(frictional loss factor, MPa)。摩擦损耗因子可反映在挤压过程中物料的能量耗散特性,其来源主要包括颗粒间或颗粒与模孔壁面的摩擦和黏结等。
2.2.2 模型整体结构
为分析本构模型表征的随挤压成型过程变化的饲料原料流变学特性,将黏弹塑性成型试验过程按应力加载路径依次均分为5个应力区间,基于各应力区间的成型试验数据求取黏弹塑性本构模型数值结果;应用软件Matlab 2014a实现应力-时间梯度法划分成型阶段,以及SPSS 20.0非线性回归模块获得本构模型数值结果,数值分析方法采用序列二次编程法和Levenberg-Marquardt法,其平方和收敛性、参数收敛性皆设置为10-8;数据分析与作图等使用SPSS 20.0、Microsoft Excel 2010和OriginPro 9.1等软件完成。
图3 非线性黏弹塑性本构模型元件图
为分析加工参数、物料特性参数等对小麦原料成型过程中表现出的流变学特性的影响[37],从而研究其成型特性规律,本节选取不同试验条件组合,调整目标因素水平对比研究其对本构模型参数的影响;此时其他试验因素水平相应固定为物料含水率15%,粉碎筛片孔径2.0 mm,成型温度80 ℃,挤压载荷3 kN。
表2 小麦物料挤压成型黏弹塑性本构模型数值结果
注:表中为小麦物料在试验条件为物料含水率15%、粉碎筛片孔径Φ2.0 mm、成型温度80 ℃、挤压载荷3 kN下求得;使用Duncan法进行多重比较,同列肩标上的不同小写字母表示组间差异显著(<0.05)。
Note: The data of these numerical results are from trail of moisture content is 15%, mesh size is 2.0 mm, forming temperature is 80 ℃, compression load is 3 kN; and these results are compared by Duncan’s multiple comparisons, different letters on shoulder indicate significant difference among groups (<0.05)
3.2.1 弹性模量
由图5可见,随着应力的增大,不同成型温度下的小麦物料弹性模量值差异显著增加,且在高温区段温度的升高会降低弹性模量,这说明在高温引入的热量作用下成型过程中颗粒粒子运动加剧,提高小麦原料受力压缩后产生的变形量,并在一定程度上降低物料刚度。随着物料由软橡胶态(典型弹性模量值3.4 MPa)[38]向硬橡胶态转化,小麦物料含水率的升高降低了其在挤压过程中的弹性模量,或因水分作为饲料原料成型时的重要软化剂,其含量的增加可以改善材料可压缩性和变形程度[39]。根据粉碎样品颗粒粒度试验数据(表1)可知,随着筛片孔径的降低,颗粒粒度随之下降。由图线可知随着挤压过程的进行,低颗粒粒度物料弹性模量处于较低水平。而随着挤压额定载荷的逐渐升高,小麦物料的弹性模量依次增高,表现出外力对物料成型可压缩性的突出影响。
注:其他试验因素水平为:图a,物料含水率15%,筛片孔径2.0 mm,挤压载荷3 kN;图b,筛片孔径2.0 mm,成型温度80 ℃,挤压载荷3 kN;图c,物料含水率15%,筛片孔径2.0 mm,成型温度80 ℃;图d,物料含水率15%,成型温度80 ℃,挤压载荷3 kN。
3.2.2 集成塑性系数
图6显示,含水率为15%、18%的小麦物料在挤压成型过程中呈现相似的高水平集成塑性系数值,说明物料含水率的升高可以引起较大的塑性应变,表现为当前状态下撤出外界应力后,材料可保持的变形量升高,体现出物料含水率对成型过程的积极作用[40]。较高的挤压载荷(4 kN)同样显著增大了集成塑性系数(<0.05),而中低水平时该系数值则较为接近,且颗粒粒度越小的物料具有的集成塑性系数值越大,说明提高挤压载荷和降低颗粒粒度可提高挤压成型残留变形量。同时,在高温高应力区间中,成型温度对集成塑性系数影响规律表现为正向趋势。
注:其他试验因素水平为:图a,筛片孔径2.0 mm,成型温度80 ℃,挤压载荷3 kN;图b,物料含水率15%,筛片孔径2.0 mm,成型温度80 ℃;图c,物料含水率15%,筛片孔径2.0 mm,挤压载荷3 kN;图d,物料含水率15%,成型温度80 ℃,挤压载荷3 kN。
3.2.3 黏性系数
3.2.4 摩擦损耗因子
注:其他试验因素水平为:图a,物料含水率15%,成型温度80 ℃,挤压载荷3 kN;图b,物料含水率15%,筛片孔径2.0 mm,挤压载荷3 kN;图c,物料含水率15%,筛片孔径2.0 mm,成型温度80 ℃;图d,筛片孔径2.0 mm,成型温度80 ℃,挤压载荷3 kN。
注:其他试验因素水平为:图a,物料含水率15%,筛片孔径2.0 mm,挤压载荷3 kN;图b,物料含水率15%,筛片孔径2.0 mm,成型温度80 ℃;图c,筛片孔径2.0 mm,成型温度80 ℃,挤压载荷3 kN;图d,物料含水率15%,成型温度80 ℃,挤压载荷3 kN。
表3 小麦成型本构模型系数与质量指标相关性分析
Note: Two * on the shoulder of correlation data means it reaches extreme significant correlation level (<0.001), while one * means it reaches significant correlation level (<0.05), no * means it is not significantly correlated.
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Analysis of forming properties based on pellet feed forming constitutive model
Chen Xiao, Kong Dandan, Wang Hongying※, Fang Peng
In the feed industry, through crushing, mixing and conditioning, feedstuffs are pelleted by mechanical equipment to obtain pellet products. In this compression process, the feed material particles are overlapped and staggered with each other, and the granular system is changed from the loose state into the curing bond with squeeze flow and the gap flow occurs synchronously. The mechanism for the pelleting process appears to be a regular relationship of stress and strain and other mechanical properties. Therefore, it is necessary to learn the stress-strain relationship and rheology properties of the feedstuffs during the compression process, and it is of theoretical significance to analyze the forming rules of granules and optimize the pelleting process and equipment. In this paper, based on characteristics and nonlinear properties of wheat as a feedstuff, a nonlinear visco-elasto-plastic constitutive model for characterization of rheological properties was constructed. Based on the experiment, and establishment and verification of the numerical model, the rheological properties such as viscoelasticity and plasticity of the feedstuff were analyzed by the model coefficients, and the influence of material properties and processing parameters on the rheological properties is studied. Also, the relationship between the rheological coefficients of the materials and the quality of the pellet is learned, which provides a new methodology for the study on the compression process of pellet feed. According to the process of pelleting, the factors in compression trials were selected including moisture, particle size (i.e., mesh size) and forming temperature, compression load. During the initial stage of the compression process, air between the particles was extruded by pressure and relative positions of particles are rearranged under the action of the inertial force. With the process progressing, the gap gradually decreases to infinitely small and the relative positions of the particles cease to change significantly, after which the deformation of the material can be considered as caused by its own viscoelastic properties, and therefore the compression process is divided into inertial deformation stage and visco-elasto-plastic compression stage for better description. According to the theory of rheology, the feedstuffs properties exhibited during the compression process are summarized as elastic-plastic, viscous and particle-wall friction, and represented by the strain hardening spring element, Newton viscous dashpot element, and Coulomb friction element, respectively. The elastic modulus shows the flexibility of the elastic element or the difficulty of compression. It turns out that the larger the coefficient, the more difficult the deformation and the stronger the stiffness of the material, which can stand for the strength and deformation properties. The improvement of the plastic strain showed by combined plastic exponent, which is coupled by plastic modulus and strain hardening exponent, indicates that the deformation can be maintained after the removal of the compressive stress, which has a special meaning on the quality control of the pellet feed. The viscous coefficient is mainly characterized by the ability of the particles to be bonded in the process of pelleting, thus reflecting the capacity of the formed pellet to stay stable under external force without significant damage in the current state. Meantime, the frictional loss factor can reflect the characteristics of energy dissipation, which mainly includes the friction and adhesion between the particles or the particles and the die wall. The compression stage was divided into 5 even ranges in order to study the various material properties along with the process. The numerical results of the constitutive model of wheat were obtained under 15% material moisture content, 2.0 mm mesh size, 80 ℃ forming temperature and 3 kN compression load, which showed that the determination coefficients (2) in all stress ranges were beyond 0.99 and the mean relative error values were 3.883%, 1.798%, 2.992%, 1.496%, and 6.721% in the ranges of 1-5, respectively. The comparative curve showed a good fit between the actual test value and model value; besides, the2examination showed that the2values of the data in each range were much smaller than the standard values in the degree of freedom of 130 and the significance of 0.001. Based on the above criteria, this constitutive model possesses a good performance that can be used to characterize the rheological properties of wheat. The constitutive model coefficients and the rheological properties of the feedstuff were characterized by regular changes, which showed obvious stress function: The elastic modulus increased with the increase of stress, indicating the deformation performance of the material was gradually weakened and the overall compressibility of the material decreased step by step to reach the end of forming, and the stiffness increased significantly. The increases of combined plastic exponent showed that the plastic deformation of the material increased gradually with a sudden downside in the last range. The absolute value of the viscosity coefficient increased gradually, which means that the bonding force among the material particles is enhanced with the progress of the forming, and the connection between the particles is strengthened therewith. For the influence of various forming factors, results were showed as follows: The increase in forming temperature can improve the elastic modulus, which means a better compression deformation capacity; with preferable softening, and bonding effect on the compressibility, higher moisture content can improve the combined plastic exponent and viscosity coefficient at the same time; the decrease of the particle size increases the absolute value of the viscosity coefficient, indicating its significant positive effect on the particle bonding force. The correlation relations between the pellet quality index and the constitutive model coefficients show that the pellet density, the pellet forming ratio and the pellet hardness were correlated with the viscous coefficient, plastic modulus, and elastic modulus respectively (<0.001), which owned the highest correlation coefficients that were all above 0.80, illustrating the close relationship between pellet product quality and feedstuff rheological properties. The nonlinear visco-elasto-plastic constitutive model constructed in this paper can provide a new methodology and perspective for the research of the process of feed pelleting, and provide theoretical basis for analyzing the particle forming characteristics, and product quality from the view of material rheology, which give contribution to the efficient and low-cost pellet production and the improvement of product quality.
viscoelasticity; extrusion; models; feedstuff; pellet forming properties; material rheology
陈 啸,北京人,博士生,主要从事饲料加工工艺技术研究。北京 中国农业大学工学院,100083。Email:chenxiaocau@gmail.com.
王红英,江西人,教授,博士生导师,主要从事饲料加工工艺技术与设备及饲料产品质量评价研究。北京 北京市海淀区清华东路17号,100083。Email:hongyingw@cau.edu.cn