喻浩, 张剑霜, 陈建
(1. 贵州师范学院化学与生命科学学院,贵阳550018; 2. 贵州师范大学生命科学学院,贵阳550018;3.湖北大学生命科学学院,武汉433000)
喻浩1, 3, 张剑霜2, 陈建3*
(1. 贵州师范学院化学与生命科学学院,贵阳550018; 2. 贵州师范大学生命科学学院,贵阳550018;3.湖北大学生命科学学院,武汉433000)
记述了产自中国海南和云南的2种管巢蛛:双羽管巢蛛,新种Clubionabipinnatasp. nov.和拉玛管巢蛛ClubionaramaDankittipakul & Singtripop, 2008,新纪录种。提供了2个物种的外生殖器手绘点线图、显微照片及采集记录图。标本保存于贵州师范学院动物标本室。
管巢蛛属ClubionaLatreille, 1804目前全球记录495种,是管巢蛛科Clubionidae中多样性最高的类群,占该科已知种类的80%以上(World Spider Catalog,2017),广布于全球热带及温带地区(Dankittipakul & Singtripop,2008a)。近10年来,国内众多学者(Liuetal.,2007;Zhangetal.,2007;张锋等,2007a,2007b;Zhang & Zhu 2009;喻浩,2010;Yuetal.,2012;Wu & Zhang,2014a,2014b;Wangetal.,2015;Wuetal.,2015;Dong & Zhang,2016;Heetal.,2016;Liuetal.,2016;Yu & Chen,2017)都对中国管巢蛛属进行过研究和报道,使得中国该属物种种数达到122种,位列我国漏斗蛛科Agelenidae龙角蛛属Draconarius、狼蛛科Lycosidae豹蛛属Pardosa及幽灵蛛科Pholcidae幽灵蛛属Pholcus之后,成为中国蜘蛛属级阶元的第四大类群(李枢强,林玉成,2016;World Spider Catalog,2017)。然而,我国管巢蛛属的生物多样性调查仍不够充分,还有较多的新种和新纪录种亟待发现(Heetal.,2016)。
笔者在检视采自海南和云南的标本(保存于贵州师范学院动物标本室)时,发现管巢蛛属一新种Clubionabipinnatasp. nov.和我国一新纪录种ClubionaramaDankittipakul & Singtripop, 2008。测量单位为mm;分类学描述和术语参照Dankittipakul和Singtripop(2008a,2008b)。
模式标本:正模♀,海南省陵水县光坡镇(109°52.542′E,18°48.124′N,海拔380 m),2010年3月11日,刘凤想采;副模1♀,采集信息同正模。
鉴别特征:本新种近似于分离管巢蛛C.diversaO. Pickard-Cambridge, 1862(Almquist, 2006: 381, f. 329a~f)与双凹管巢蛛C.duoconcavaZhang & Hu, 1991(张古忍,胡运谨, 1991: 417, f. 1~4),外雌器腹面均具有位于生殖板后位且紧靠的插入孔,同时外雌器背面均具有靠拢且向上并行行走的交配管及分为两室的纳精囊。但本新种与后两者的主要区别为:1)本种两插入孔两侧各具一横向、羽毛轮廓的骨片;2)后两种外雌器背面具有一覆盖交配管与纳精囊的大骨板,而本种则无;3)第一纳精囊与第二纳精囊的相对大小和位置有差异。
描述:雌性。体长4.53~4.88(n=2)。正模(图版Ⅰ:1)体长4.53;头胸部长2.37,宽1.78;腹部长2.16,宽1.39。背甲基本色为淡橙色且无明显斑纹,近卵圆形,头区稍狭窄并未隆起,前缘色深。中窝纵向,红色细缝状,眼区后部为头胸部隆起的最高处。8眼2列,前眼列背面观近平直,后眼列略前凹。眼直径:前中眼0.11,前侧眼0.14,后中眼0.10,后侧眼0.11;眼间距:前中眼间距0.15,前中侧眼间距0.08,后中眼间距0.34,后中侧眼间距0.19;中眼域长0.32,前边宽0.30,后边宽0.54,额高0.04。螯肢浅红褐色,前齿堤4齿,后齿堤3齿。颚叶淡黄色,长大于宽,其端部内侧具毛簇;下唇淡黄色,端部具若干长毛;胸板黄白色,心形。步足淡黄色,无明显斑纹。步足测量:Ⅰ 5.01(1.34,1.99,1.06,0.63),Ⅱ 5.74(1.60,2.23,1.23,0.70),Ⅲ 4.57(1.31,1.47,1.24,0.54),Ⅳ 6.29(1.79,2.06,1.85,0.59)。足式4213。腹部卵圆形,背面基本色为淡黄色且散布有细小灰色羽状斑,前端中部具2条浅灰色细纵斑,后端中部隐约可见一黑色纵纹;腹面基本色为黄白色,自生殖沟至纺器具2条浅色细纵斑纹。
ClubionaramaDankittipakul & Singtripop, 2008b: 645, f. 10~23 (♂♀);
Dhalietal., 2016: 289, f. 7A~E, 8A~C (♀);
Dhali, Saha & Raychaudhuri, 2017: 58,f. 237~241, pl. 21 (♀).
检视标本:3♀,云南省西双版纳勐仑沟谷雨林(101°12.893’E,21°57.669’N,海拔680 m),2011年1月3日,甘文瑾采。
鉴别特征:本种近似于曲管巢蛛ClubionatortuosaZhang & Yin, 1998(张永靖,尹长民, 1998: 13, f. 14~15),外雌器腹面均具有纵向狭长的交媾腔,同时外雌器背面均具有位于前位的细长、弯曲的交配管,及位于后位的大且呈肾形的第二纳精囊,区别于同属其他物种。两种的主要区别在于交配管的盘绕方式和走向明显不同:曲管巢蛛交配管自插入孔向两侧上方行走后,随即折回外雌器中部与第一纳精囊相连,而拉玛管巢蛛的交配管在与第一纳精囊相连之前经历过2次上行并弯曲呈“3”形,其盘绕方式明显比曲管巢蛛复杂。
图版Ⅰ 双羽管巢蛛,新种Clubiona bipinnata sp. nov., 雌蛛正模PlateⅠ Clubiona bipinnata sp. nov., female holotype
1.雌蛛外形, 背面观female habitus, dorsal view; 2, 4. 外雌器腹面观epigyne, ventral view; 3, 5. 外雌器内部结构背面观vulva, dorsal view;BS. 第二纳精囊bursae, CD. 交配管copulatory duct, CO. 插入孔copulatory opening, FD. 受精管fertilization duct, S. 骨片sclerite, SH. 纳精囊头spermathecae head, SP. 纳精囊spermathecae; 下同the same below.
图版Ⅱ 拉玛管巢蛛Clubiona rama Dankittipakul & Singtripop, 2008,新纪录种PlateⅡ Clubiona rama Dankittipakul & Singtripop, 2008, newly recorded species
6. 雌蛛外形, 背面观female habitus, dorsal view; 7, 9. 外雌器腹面观epigyne, ventral view; 8, 10. 外雌器内部结构背面观vulva, dorsal view; 11. 外雌器左侧管道走向示意图schematic course of left internal duct system; A. 交媾腔atrium.
图1 双羽管巢蛛和拉玛管巢蛛的分布记录点Fig. 1 Sampling records of Clubiona bipinnata sp. nov. and C. rama Dankittipakul & Singtripop, 2008
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张锋, 朱明生, 宋大祥. 2007b. 云南管巢蛛属3新种记述(蜘蛛目:管巢蛛科) [J]. 河北大学学报(自然科学报), 27(4): 407-411.
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YU Hao1, 3, ZHANG Jianshuang2, CHEN Jian3*
(1. College of Chemistry and Life Sciences, Guizhou Education University, Guiyang 550018, China; 2. School of Life Sciences, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550018, China; 3. College of Life Sciences, Hubei University, Wuhan 433000, China)
Two sac spider species,Clubionabipinnatasp. nov. andC.ramaDankittipakul & Singtripop, 2008 from Hainan and Yunnan provinces of China are identified, described and illustrated.C.ramais recorded from China for the first time. Sampling records of these two species are given in the map. Specimens are deposited in the specimen room of Guizhou Education University.
Clubionabipinnatasp.nov. (PlateⅠ:1-5,Fig.1)
Typematerial: Holotype ♀, Guangpo town, Lingshui county, Hainan province, China, 109°52.542′E, 18°48.124′N, Alt. 380 m, 11 Mar., 2010, Liu F.X. leg. Paratype 1 ♀, same data as holotype.
Etymology: The specific epithet derives from the Latin word “bipinnatus” (bipinnate), referring to the shape of the sclerites which located on the sides of copulatory openings. Adjective.
Diagnosis:Clubionabipinnatasp. nov. seems close toC.diversaO. Pickard-Cambridge, 1862 (Almquist, 2006: 381, f. 329a-f) andC.duoconcavaZhang & Hu, 1991 (Zhang & Hu, 1991: 417, f. 1-4), but is consistently separable by its genitalia. Females ofC.bipinnatasp. n. resemble those ofC.diversaandC.duoconcavaby the presence of copulatory openings which are close together, the copulatory ducts which ascend anteriorly and running parallel, but differ from the latter two by: 1) the presence of bipinnate sclerites which located on the sides of copulatory openings; 2) the absence of an sclerite plate which covered copulatory ducts and bursae; 3) relative size and relative positions of spermathecae and bursae.
Genitalia(PlateⅠ:2-5): Atrium absent; spermathecae dark in color and visible through the semitransparent epigynal plate; copulatory openings small and close to each other, located at posterior portion of epigynal plate; there are two horizontal and feather-shaped sclerites on both sides of copulatory openings. Copulatory ducts ascend anteriorly and running parallel, then ascend obliquely and connect with more or less globular spermathecae; fertilization ducts short and curved, membranous. Bursae globular, relatively large, semitransparent.
Materialexamined: 3♀, Menglun town, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan province, China, 101°12.893’E, 21°57.669’N, Alt. 680 m, 3 Jan., 2011, Gan W.J. leg.
Diagnosis: The females ofC.ramadiffer from other congeners except ofC.tortuosaZhang & Yin, 1998 (Zhang & Yin, 1998: 13, f. 14-15) in having the similar elongate-narrowed atrium, the slender and coiled copulatory ducts, and the reniform bursae, but can be distinguished by the course of copulatory ducts: 1) copulatory ducts ascend to anterior border of epigynal plate 2 times, instead of only once inC.tortuosa; 2) the mid-pieces of copulatory ducts are “3”-shaped, but not inC.tortuosa; 3) coil of copulatory ducts is more complicated inC.rama.
Genitalia(PlateⅡ:7-11): Atrium anteriorly cordiform, posteriorly elongate-narrowed; copulatory openings small, located on lateral part of atrium, leading to parallel copulatory ducts which move posteriorly then ascend obliquely, forming “3”-shaped and descending posteriorly, finally connect with tubular spermathecae. Spermathecae strongly twisty; fertilization ducts short and curved; bursae reniform, relatively large, semitransparent.
taxonomy;Clubiona; new species; newly recorded species; China
国家自然科学基金项目(31702006); 贵州省科学技术基金项目(J[2014]2146); 贵州师范学院自然科学研究基金项目(13BS018); 科技部基础性工作专项(2014FY110100); 贵州师范大学资助博士科研项目(11904/0517069)
喻浩(1986—), 男, 博士, 副教授, 研究方向:蜘蛛分类与多样性研究, E-mail:insect1986@126.com
*通信作者Corresponding author, E-mail:chen.jian_hb@foxmail.com