
2017-11-30 08:57:23
中国学术期刊文摘 2017年22期

Chen, He-Chin; Huang, Yu-Sheng;CChiang, Kai-Wei; et al.

BeiDou navigation satellite system and its time scales

Han, Chunhao; Yang, Yuanxi; Cai, Zhiwu; et al.

Initial assessment of the COMPASS/BeiDou-2 regional navigation satellite system

Montenbruck, Oliver; Hauschild, Andre;Steigenberger, Peter; et al.

BeiDou inter-satellite-type bias evaluation and calibration for mixed receiver attitude determination

Nadarajah, Nandakumaran; Teunissen, Peter J. G;Raziq, Noor; et al.












截至2017年10月20日,中国知网(CNKI)和Web of Science(WoS)的数据报告显示,以“北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, BDS)”为词条可以检索到的期刊文献分别为2946条与322条,本专题将相关数据按照:研究机构发文数、作者发文数、期刊发文数、被引用频次进行排行,结果如下。







根据中国知网(CNKI)数据报告,以“北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,BDS)”为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。



根据Web of Science统计数据,以“北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, BDS)”为词条为词条可以检索到的高被引论文排行结果如下。



基于Web of Science检索结果,利用Histcite软件选取LCS(Local Citation Score,本地引用次数)TOP50文献作为节点进行分析,得到本领域推荐的经典文献如下。

来源出版物:Advances in Space Research, 2007, 39(10):1552-1558

The performance comparison between GPS and BeiDou-2/compass: A perspective from Asia

Chen, He-Chin; Huang, Yu-Sheng;CChiang, Kai-Wei; et al.

Abstract:The next decade promises drastic improvements to global navigation satellite systems. The USA is modernizing GPS, Russia is refreshing GLONASS, Europe is moving ahead with its own Galileo system, and The People's Republic of China is expanding its BeiDou-1 system from a regional navigation system to a full constellation global navigation satellite system known as BeiDou-2/Compass, which consists of thirty five satellites including geostationary satellites, MEO satellites and geosynchronous satellites in the coming year. Extra satellites will make possible improved performance for all applications, and especially where satellite signals can be obscured, such as in urban canyons, under tree canopies or in open-pit mines. The benefits of the expected extra satellites and their signals can be evaluated in terms of availability, accuracy, continuity, and reliability issues. The advent of a hybrid GNSS constellation has drawn a lot of attention to study compatibility and interoperability. A number of performance analyses have been conducted on a global scale with respect to availability, reliability,accuracy and integrity in different simulated scenarios(such as open sky and urban canyons) for each system individually as well as for combined systems with all the possible combinations. Since the BeiDou-2/Compass has gained more attention from GNSS communities, the main objective of this paper is to study the performance of BeiDou-2/Compass comparied to GPS in the greater Asia region; and also to explore whether the combination of BeiDou-2/Compass with GPS would yield performance improvements in this region. The performance analysis can be analyzed by either the signal or the geometrical conditions. However, the scope of this study is limited to investigating the impact of current and future GNSS based on geometrical conditions. Therefore, the satellite visibility and DOP (Dilution of Precision) values of each system or possible combinations between them are used as the major indices for performance evaluation with the emphasis on the addition of Compass. In addition, those indices are further analyzed in terms of their spatial and temporal distributions with the emphasis on the greater Asia region.Moreover, the spatial performance analyses are conducted on both global and regional scales to provide more insightful comparisons to illustrate the importance of future Compass for users in the greater Asia region.

Keywords:global navigation satellite systems; compass;dilution of precision; GPS

来源出版物:Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers,2009, 32(5): 679-689

BeiDou navigation satellite system and its time scales

Han, Chunhao; Yang, Yuanxi; Cai, Zhiwu; et al.

Abstract:The development and current status of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System are briefly introduced. The definition and realization of the system time scales are described in detail. The BeiDou system time (BDT) is an internal and continuous time scale without leap seconds. It is maintained by the time and frequency system of the master station. The frequency accuracy of BDT is superior to 2×10-14and its stability is better than 6×10-15/30 days.The satellite synchronization is realized by a two-way time transfer between the uplink stations and the satellite. The measurement uncertainty of satellite clock offsets is less than 2 ns. The BeiDou System has three modes of time services: radio determination satellite service (RDSS)one-way, RDSS two-way and radio navigation satellite service (RNSS) one-way. The uncertainty of the one-way time service is designed to be less than 50 ns, and that of the two-way time service is less than 10 ns. Finally, some coordinate tactics of UTC from the viewpoint of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) are discussed. It would be helpful to stop the leap second, from our viewpoint, but to keep the UTC name, the continuity and the coordinate function unchanged.

来源出版物:Metrologia, 2011, 48(4): 213-218

Initial assessment of the COMPASS/BeiDou-2 regional navigation satellite system

Montenbruck, Oliver; Hauschild, Andre;Steigenberger, Peter; et al.

Abstract:An initial characterization and performance assessment of the COMPASS/BeiDou-2 regional navigation system is presented. Code and carrier phase measurements on up to three frequencies have been collected in March 2012 with a small regional network of monitoring stations. The signal and measurement quality are analyzed and compared with the Japanese Quasi Zenith Satellite System. A high level of stability is demonstrated for the inter-frequency carrier phase biases,which will facilitate the application of triple-frequency undifferenced ambiguity resolution techniques in future precise point positioning applications. The performance of the onboard Rubidium frequency standards is evaluated in comparison to ground-based hydrogen masers and shown to be well competitive with other GNSS satellite clocks. Precise orbit and clock solutions obtained in post-processing are used to study the presently achievable point positioning accuracy in COMPASS/BeiDou-2-only navigation. Finally, the benefit of triple-frequency measurements and extra-wide-lane ambiguity resolution is illustrated for relative positioning on a short baseline.

来源出版物:GPS Solutions, 2013, 17(2): 211-222

BeiDou inter-satellite-type bias evaluation and calibration for mixed receiver attitude determination

Nadarajah, Nandakumaran; Teunissen, Peter J. G;Raziq, Noor; et al.

Abstract:The Chinese BeiDou system (BDS), having different types of satellites, is an important addition to the ever growing system of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). It consists of Geostationary Earth Orbit(GEO) satellites, Inclined Geosynchronous Satellite Orbit(IGSO) satellites and Medium Earth Orbit (MEO) satellites.This paper investigates the receiver-dependent bias between these satellite types, for which we coined the name inter-satellite-type bias (ISTB), and its impact on mixed receiver attitude determination. Assuming different receiver types may have different delays/biases for different satellite types, we model the differential ISTBs among three BeiDou satellite types and investigate their existence and their impact on mixed receiver attitude determination. Our analyses using the real data sets from Curtin's GNSS array consisting of different types of BeiDou enabled receivers and series of zero-baseline experiments with BeiDou-enabled receivers reveal the existence of non-zero ISTBs between different BeiDou satellite types. We then analyse the impact of these biases on BeiDou-only attitude determination using the constrained (C-)LAMBDA method, which exploits the knowledge of baseline length. Results demonstrate that these biases could seriously affect the integer ambiguity resolution for attitude determination using mixed receiver types and that a priori correction of these biases will dramatically improve the success rate.

Keywords:Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS);BeiDou system (BDS); inter-satellite-type biases; attitude determination; multivariate constrained integer leastsquaresMC-LAMBDA); carrier phase ambiguity resolution

来源出版物:Sensors, 2013, 13(7): 9435-9463








1 系统安全与完好性内涵

1.1 卫星导航系统安全





1.2 卫星导航系统完好性监测



2 关键技术突破与技术进展

2.1 BDS信号传输体制设计

北斗全球系统无线电导航卫星业务(RNSS)采用与GPS相同的直接序列扩频一码分多址(DS-CDMA)体制,扩频码采用伪随机码序列,分为长码和短码两种。长码又称精密测距码(P码)或军码(M码),码周期超过1个月甚至更长,难以被破译,安全性高。短码又称民码或粗捕码(C码或C/A码),其周期1 ms。因短码周期1 ms,其频谱是间隔为1 kHz的线状谱或梳状谱,易被破译,且信号频带内谱线强度波动可达10~15 dB,选择适当的干扰频率,较小功率的单频干扰能造成较大的载噪比损耗。GPS C码接收机与P码接收机单频干扰损耗对比情况,分析时两种接收机均未采用抗干扰措施,干信比是干扰强度与信号强度之比,信号强度为133 dBm。P码接收机的抗干扰性能明显优于C码接收机。


导航电文是由导航卫星播发给用户的描述导航卫星运行状态参数的电文,包括系统时间、星历、历书、卫星时钟的修正参数、导航卫星健康状况和电离层延时模型参数等内容,并以一定格式和信息速率进行传送。分析表明,信息速率越低,电文解调时所需的载噪比越小,系统和抗干扰余量越大;但所需传送的电文信息总量是确定的,需要尽量对电文进行高效编排。在对比分析GPS NAV与CNAV电文、GLONASS电文、Galileo F/NAV与I/NAV的基础上,提出了一种基于页面流的电文编排方法,优化电文后的首次定位时间和首次定位时间最短的Galileo I/NAV电文相当,而优化电文后的数据资源利用率与Galileo F/NAV的相当。另外,良好的纠错编码方式也可获取较大的译码增益,可提高电文解调灵敏度和系统与抗干扰余量。传统信道编码有汉明码、卷积码、BCH码等,随着以低密度奇偶校验(LDPC)码和Turbo码为代表的高增益信道编码的发展,可通过提高编码增益获得更高的电文解调灵敏度;而LDPC码具有更好的错误平层性能和不受专利保护,可替代传统的信道编码方法。信息分组长度与编码效率约束的高增益、低编译码实现复杂度的LDPC码,可满足对抗干扰和弱信号接收的需求。此外,为了提高导航接收机弱信号接收能力,现代化GPS LS频点、Galileo ESa与ESb无电文调制的导频通道,通过改进捕获和跟踪算法,可将接收机灵敏度提高20 dB以上。


2.2 BDS频率规划与协调

有业界人士多次提到:“卫星导航的竞争是星座与信号的竞争,是技术体制的竞争。”由于国际电联(ITU)分配给卫星导航RNSS业务的频谱资源非常有限,频率资源是卫星导航系统最重要的资源之一。2000年世界无线电大会(WRC-2000)上新增1260~1300 MHz为RNSS业务频率,使得RNSS业务下行信号达到4个L频段和1个C频段;由于1215~1260 MHz传统导航频段已被GPS和GLONASS系统先期使用,新增的1260~1300 MHz频段成为中国BDS和欧洲Galileo竞争的焦点。自北斗系统第一颗飞行试验星发射以来,中欧历经4次频率磋商会谈,于2015年1月16日达成频率共用、在国际电联框架下完成卫星导航频率协调的意见,结束了长达8年的频率协调工作。统计表明,中国L频段可使用频率近70 MHz,比GPS和Galileo分别少12 MHz和2 MHz。但是在2012年世界无线电大会(WRC-2012)上,将无线电测定卫星业务(RDSS)的下行频段(即S频段的2483.5~2500 MHz)作为RNSS主要业务进行全球划分,而中国已先期使用该频段,具有优先使用权限。至此,中国BDS RNSS下行频率总计约86 MHz,与GPS,Galileo相当,在频率协调方面取得较大的成果。

2.3 BDS抗干扰体系建设





2.4 BDS星间链路


2.5 BDS完好性监测




3 展望与讨论





4 结论











来源出版物:测绘学报, 2010, 39(1): 1-6






来源出版物:宇航学报, 2008, 29(2): 391-396




摘要:北斗区域卫星导航系统(也称北斗2代1期)于2012年12月27日正式开始运行,系统由14颗卫星组成,包括5颗地球静止轨道卫星、5颗倾斜地球同步轨道卫星和4颗中圆地球轨道卫星。本文初步评估了北斗区域卫星导航系统建成运行后的基本导航定位性能,包括卫星可见性、位置精度衰减因子、伪距和载波相位观测量精度、单点定位和差分定位精度以及模糊度解算性能等。通过实验分析可知:北斗伪距和载波相位测量精度已与GPS处在同一水平,伪距测量精度约为33 cm,载波测量精度约为2 mm;北斗伪距单点定位水平精度优于6 m,高程精度优于10 m,已满足设计要求;北斗区域卫星导航系统已具备独立的双频RTK定位能力,其单历元双频模糊度解算成功率几乎与GPS相当;北斗载波相位差分定位精度与GPS相位差分定位处在同一水平,超短基线情况下,定位精度优于1 cm,而在短基线情况下优于3 cm;北斗与GPS组合定位时,模糊度解算的固定率和可靠性均显著提高;在短基线情况下,北斗/GPS组合载波相位差分动态定位精度相对于单一的GPS定位的改善可达20%以上;北斗单频伪距差分定位精度优于2.5 m,与GPS相比仍存在较大差距,其主要原因可能为北斗GEO卫星伪距多路径误差较大。


来源出版物:中国科学:地球科学, 2014, 44(1): 72-81




摘要:我国北斗卫星导航系统已建成由8颗导航卫星组成的区域导航星座,初步形成了亚太地区的导航定位服务能力。本文采用“北斗卫星观测实验网”实测数据和我国自主研制的精密数据处理软件PANDA,实现了北斗导航卫星系统的高精度定轨,静态精密单点定位、相对定位,以及动态伪距差分、相位差分定位。研究成果显示:北斗卫星精密定轨径向精度优于10 cm,静态精密单点定位精度达到厘米级、基线相对定位达到毫米级;动态伪距差分定位精度达到2~4 m、RTK定位精度达到5~10 cm,接近目前GPS所能实现的精密定位水平。本研究验证了北斗卫星导航系统在地面参考站网的支持下,具备广域米级至分米级的精密定位,以及区域厘米级精密定位服务能力。可为北斗系统在我国精密导航定位领域的推广应用和科学研究提供技术积累和重要参考。


来源出版物:中国科学:地球科学, 2012, 42(6): 854-861






来源出版物:地矿测绘, 2007, 23(3): 29-32






来源出版物:测绘学报, 2012, 41(5): 743-748, 755




摘要:北斗卫星导航系统作为全球四大卫星导航系统之一,不仅增加中国及周边地区定位、导航和授时(PNT=Positioning, Navigation and Timing)用户的卫星可见性和可用性,而且也将提高全球用户的PNT精度。在全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)兼容与互操作条件下,分析全球导航定位定时用户的卫星可见性和精度衰减因子改善情况;利用仿真数据分析北斗卫星导航系统对全球用户的贡献,侧重分析北斗卫星导航系统与GPS,GLONASS和Galileo多卫星导航系统组合模式下用户获得的收益。


来源出版物:科学通报, 2011, 56(21): 1734-1740






来源出版物:全球定位系统, 2008(2): 26-30






来源出版物:中国科学:技术科学, 2009, 39(4): 686-69






来源出版物:导航定位学报, 2013, 1(1): 3-8


Initial assessment of the COMPASS/BeiDou-2 regional navigation satellite system

Montenbruck, Oliver; Hauschild, Andre;Steigenberger, Peter; et al.

Abstract:An initial characterization and performance assessment of the COMPASS/BeiDou-2 regional navigation system is presented. Code and carrier phase measurements on up to three frequencies have been collected in March 2012 with a small regional network of monitoring stations. The signal and measurement quality are analyzed and compared with the Japanese Quasi Zenith Satellite System. A high level of stability is demonstrated for the inter-frequency carrier phase biases,which will facilitate the application of triple-frequency undifferenced ambiguity resolution techniques in future precise point positioning applications. The performance of the onboard Rubidium frequency standards is evaluated in comparison to ground-based hydrogen masers and shown to be well competitive with other GNSS satellite clocks. Precise orbit and clock solutions obtained in post-processing are used to study the presently achievable point positioning accuracy in COMPASS/BeiDou-2-only navigation. Finally, the benefit of triple-frequency measurements and extra-wide-lane ambiguity resolution is illustrated for relative positioning on a short baseline.

来源出版物:GPS Solutions, 2013, 17(2): 211-222


Precise orbit determination of Beidou Satellites with precise positioning

Li, Xingxing; Ge, Maorong; Dai, Xiaolei; et al.

Abstract:In this contribution, we present a GPS+GLONASS+BeiDou+Galileo four-system model to fully exploit the observations of all these four navigation satellite systems for real-time precise orbit determination, clock estimation and positioning. A rigorous multi-GNSS analysis is performed to achieve the best possible consistency by processing the observations from different GNSS together in one common parameter estimation procedure. Meanwhile, an efficient multi-GNSS real-time precise positioning service system is designed and demonstrated by using the multi-GNSS Experiment,BeiDou Experimental Tracking Network, and International GNSS Service networks including stations all over the world. The statistical analysis of the 6-h predicted orbits show that the radial and cross root mean square (RMS)values are smaller than 10 cm for BeiDou and Galileo, and smaller than 5 cm for both GLONASS and GPS satellites,respectively. The RMS values of the clock differences between real-time and batch-processed solutions for GPS satellites are about 0.10 ns, while the RMS values for BeiDou, Galileo and GLONASS are 0.13, 0.13 and 0.14 ns,respectively. The addition of the BeiDou, Galileo and GLONASS systems to the standard GPS-only processing,reduces the convergence time almost by 70 %, while the positioning accuracy is improved by about 25 %. Some outliers in the GPS-only solutions vanish when multi-GNSS observations are processed simultaneous. The availability and reliability of GPS precise positioning decrease dramatically as the elevation cutoff increases. However, the accuracy of multi-GNSS precise point positioning (PPP) is hardly decreased and few centimeter are still achievable in the horizontal components even with 40 elevation cutoff.At 30 and 40 elevation cutoffs, the availability rates of GPS-only solution drop significantly to only around 70 and 40 %, respectively. However, multi-GNSS PPP can provide precise position estimates continuously (availability rate is more than 99.5%) even up to 40 elevation cutoff (e.g., in urban canyons).

Keywords:Multi-GNSS constellation; Real-time precise point positioning; Precise orbit and clock determination;GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo

来源出版物:Journal of Geodesy, 2015, 89(6): 607-635


Precise orbit determination of Beidou Satellites with precise positioning

Shi Chuang; Zhao Qile; Li Min; et al.

Abstract:Chinese Beidou satellite navigation system constellation currently consists of eight Beidou satellites and can provide preliminary service of navigation and positioning in the Asia-Pacific Region. Based on the self-developed software Position And Navigation Data Analysis (PANDA) and Beidou Experimental Tracking Stations (BETS), which are built by Wuhan University, the study of Beidou precise orbit determination, static precise point positioning (PPP), and high precision relative positioning, and differential positioning are carried out comprehensively. Results show that the radial precision of the Beidou satellite orbit determination is better than 10 centimeters. The RMS of static PPP can reach several centimeters to even millimeters for baseline relative positioning. The precision of kinematic pseudo-range differential positioning and RTK mode positioning are 2-4 m and 5-10 cm respectively, which are close to the level of GPS precise positioning. Research in this paper verifies that, with support of ground reference station network,Beidou satellite navigation system can provide precise positioning from several decimeters to meters in the wide area and several centimeters in the regional area. These promising results would be helpful for the implementation and applications of Beidou satellite navigation system.

Keywords:compass/Beidou; PANDA; precise orbit determination (POD); Beidou difference

来源出版物:Science China-Earth Sciences, 2012, 55(7):1079-1086


Instantaneous BeiDou plus GPS RTK positioning with high cut-off elevation angles

Teunissen, P J G; Odolinski, R; Odijk, D

Abstract:As the Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) has become operational in the Asia-Pacific region, it is of importance to better understand as well as demonstrate the capabilities that a combination of BeiDou with GPS brings to positioning. In this contribution, a formal and empirical analysis is given of the single-epoch RTK positioning capabilities of such a combined system.This will be done for the single- and dual-frequency case, and in comparison with the BDS and GPS-only performances. It will be shown that with the combined system, when more satellites are available, much larger than the customary cut-off elevations can be used. This is important, as such measurement set-up will significantly increase the GNSS applicability in constrained environments,such as e.g. in urban canyons or when low-elevation multipath is present.

Keywords:BeiDou (BDS); GPS; Multi-GNSS; integer ambiguity resolution; real time kinematic (RTK) positioning;cut-off elevation

来源出版物:Journal of Geodesy, 2014, 88(4): 335-350


Preliminary assessment of the navigation and positioning performance of BeiDou regional navigation satellite system

Yang Yuanxi; Li Jinlong; Wang Aibing; et al.

Abstract:BeiDou regional navigation satellite system(BDS) also called BeiDou-2 has been in full operation since December 27, 2012. It consists of 14 satellites,including 5 satellites in Geostationary Orbit (GEO), 5 satellites in Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit (IGSO), and 4 satellites in Medium Earth Orbit (MEO). In this paper, its basic navigation and positioning performance are evaluated preliminarily by the real data collected in Beijing,including satellite visibility, Position Dilution of Precision(PDOP) value, the precision of code and carrier phase measurements, the accuracy of single point positioning and differential positioning and ambiguity resolution (AR)performance, which are also compared with those of GPS.It is shown that the precision of BDS code and carrier phase measurements are about 33 cm and 2 mm,respectively, which are comparable to those of GPS, and the accuracy of BDS single point positioning has satisfied the design requirement. The real-time kinematic positioning is also feasible by BDS alone in the opening condition, since its fixed rate and reliability of singleepoch dual-frequency AR is comparable to those of GPS.The accuracy of BDS carrier phase differential positioning is better than 1 cm for a very short baseline of 4.2 m and 3 cm for a short baseline of 8.2 km, which is on the same level with that of GPS. For the combined BDS and GPS,the fixed rate and reliability of single-epoch AR and the positioning accuracy are improved significantly. The accuracy of BDS/GPS carrier phase differential positioning is about 35% and 20% better than that of GPS for two short baseline tests in this study. The accuracy of BDS code differential positioning is better than 2.5 m. However it is worse than that of GPS, which may result from large code multipath errors of BDS GEO satellite measurements.

Keywords:BeiDou navigation satellite system; service area; dilution of precision; precision of code and carrier phase measurement; single point positioning; code differential positioning; ambiguity resolution; carrier phase differential positioning

来源出版物:Science China-Earth Sciences, 2014, 57(1):144-152


Orbit and clock analysis of Compass GEO and IGSO satellites

Steigenberger, P; Hugentobler, U; Hauschild, A; et al.

Abstract:China is currently focussing on the establishment of its own global navigation satellite system called Compass or BeiDou. At present, the Compass constellation provides four usable satellites in geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) and five satellites in inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO). Based on a network of six Compass-capable receivers, orbit and clock parameters of these satellites were determined. The orbit consistency is on the 1-2 dm level for the IGSO satellites and on the several decimeter level for the GEO satellites. These values could be confirmed by an independent validation with satellite laser ranging. All Compass clocks show a similar performance but have a slightly lower stability compared to Galileo and the latest generation of GPS satellites. A Compass-only precise point positioning based on the products derived from the six-receiver network provides an accuracy of several centimeters compared to the GPS-only results.

Keywords:GNSS; BeiDou-2; satellite orbits; allan deviation

来源出版物:Journal of Geodesy, 2013, 87(6): 515-525


Combined BDS, Galileo, QZSS and GPS single-frequency RTK

Odolinski, Robert; Teunissen, Peter J. G; Odijk, Dennis

Abstract:We will focus on single-frequency single-baseline real-time kinematic (RTK) combining four Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) satellite systems.We will combine observations from the Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS), European Galileo,American Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Japanese Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS). To further strengthen the underlying model, attention will be given to overlapping frequencies between the systems. If one can calibrate the inter-system biases, a common pivot satellite between the respective systems can be used to parameterize double-differenced ambiguities. The LAMBDA method is used for ambiguity resolution. The instantaneous (single-epoch) single-frequency RTK performance is evaluated by a formal as well as an empirical analysis, consisting of ambiguity dilution of precision (ADOP), bootstrapped and integer least-squares success rates and positioning precisions. The time-tocorrect-fix in some particular cases when instantaneous RTK is not possible will also be analyzed. To simulate conditions with obstructed satellite visibility or when lowelevation multipath is present, various elevation cut-off angles between 10 and 40 A degrees will be used. Four days of real data are collected in Perth, Western Australia.It will be shown that the four-system RTK model allows for improved integer ambiguity resolution and positioning performance over the single-, dual- or triple-systems,particularly for higher cut-off angles.

Keywords:Inter-system biases (ISBs); Real-time kinematic(RTK); Multi-global navigation satellite system (GNSS);integer ambiguity resolution; LAMBDA

来源出版物:GPS Solutions, 2015, 19(1): 151-163


Precise point positioning with the BeiDou navigation satellite system

Li, Min; Qu, Lizhong; Zhao, Qile; et al.

Abstract:By the end of 2012, China had launched 16 BeiDou-2 navigation satellites that include six GEOs, five IGSOs and five MEOs. This has provided initial navigation and precise pointing services ability in the Asia-Pacific regions. In order to assess the navigation and positioning performance of the BeiDou-2 system, Wuhan University has built up a network of BeiDou Experimental Tracking Stations (BETS) around the World. The Position and Navigation Data Analyst (PANDA) software was modified to determine the orbits of BeiDou satellites and provide precise orbit and satellite clock bias products from the BeiDou satellite system for user applications. This article uses the BeiDou/GPS observations of the BeiDou Experimental Tracking Stations to realize the BeiDou and BeiDou/GPS static and kinematic precise point positioning(PPP). The result indicates that the precision of BeiDou static and kinematic PPP reaches centimeter level. The precision of BeiDou/GPS kinematic PPP solutions is improved significantly compared to that of BeiDou-only or GPS-only kinematic PPP solutions. The PPP convergence time also decreases with the use of combined BeiDou/GPS systems.

Keywords:BeiDou navigation satellite system; Position and Navigation Data Analyst (PANDA); BeiDou Experimental Tracking Stations (BETS); Precise Point Positioning (PPP)

来源出版物:Sensors, 2014, 14(1): 927-943


BeiDou Navigation Satellite System and its time scales

Han, Chunhao; Yang, Yuanxi; Cai, Zhiwu; et al.

Abstract:The development and current status of BeiDou Navigation Satellite System are briefly introduced. The definition and realization of the system time scales are described in detail. The BeiDou system time (BDT) is an internal and continuous time scale without leap seconds. It is maintained by the time and frequency system of the master station. The frequency accuracy of BDT is superior to 2 × 10-14and its stability is better than 6 × 10-15/30 days.The satellite synchronization is realized by a two-way time transfer between the uplink stations and the satellite. The measurement uncertainty of satellite clock offsets is less than 2 ns. The BeiDou System has three modes of time services: radio determination satellite service (RDSS)one-way, RDSS two-way and radio navigation satellite service (RNSS) one-way. The uncertainty of the one-way time service is designed to be less than 50 ns, and that of the two-way time service is less than 10 ns. Finally,some coordinate tactics of UTC from the viewpoint of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) are discussed.It would be helpful to stop the leap second, from our viewpoint, but to keep the UTC name, the continuity and the coordinate function unchanged.

来源出版物:Metrologia, 2011, 48(4): 213-218


Reliable single-epoch ambiguity resolution for short baselines using combined GPS/BeiDou system

Deng, Chenlong; Tang, Weiming; (Liu, Jingnan

Abstract:GNSS single-epoch real-time kinematic (RTK)positioning depends on correct ambiguity resolution. If the number of observed satellites in a single epoch is insufficient, which often happens with a standalone GNSS system, the ambiguity resolution is difficult to achieve.China’s BeiDou Navigation Satellite System has been providing continuous passive positioning, navigation and timing services since December 27, 2012, covering China and the surrounding area. This new system will increase the number of satellites in view and will have a significant effect on successful ambiguity resolution.Since the BeiDou system is similar to GPS, the procedure of data processing is easier than that for the Russian GLONASS system. We briefly introduce the time and the coordinate system of BeiDou and also the BeiDou satellite visibility in China, followed by the discussion on the combined GPS/BeiDou single-epoch algorithm. Experiments were conducted and are presented here, in which the GPS/BeiDou dual-frequency static data were collected in Wuhan with the baseline distance varying from 5 to 13 km, and processed in separate and combined modes. The results indicate that, compared to a standalone GPS or BeiDou system, the combined GNSS system can increase the successful ambiguity fixing rate for single epochs and can also improve the precision of short baselines determination.

Keywords:GPS/BeiDou; ambiguity resolution; single epoch; short baselines

来源出版物:GPS Solutions, 2014, 18(3): 375-386




摘要:随着北斗卫星导航系统的逐渐完善,有关北斗系统定位的研究越来越深入,为了对比分析北斗系统和全球定位导航系统(GPS)定位的差异性,充分利用北斗地球静止轨道卫星(GEO)和倾斜地球同步轨道卫星(IGSO)高轨道卫星的特殊性,本文提出一种新的组合选星方法,选取卫星数较少且Position Dilution of Precision(PDOP)最小的北斗/GPS组合,分别对比分析北斗系统、GPS系统及其组合系统在楼顶开放环境和楼间恶劣环境下的定位效果。实验结果表明:北斗比GPS有更加稳定的定位效果,依据本文组合选星方法,利用少量卫星即可获得较好的定位精度。


来源出版物:遥感学报, 2014, 18(5): 1087-1097



摘要:提供高精度的精密轨道产品对北斗卫星导航系统的推广应用具有重要意义。本文给出一种基于模糊度固定的北斗卫星多系统融合非差精密定轨方法,重点推导并论述模糊度固定的实现方法,结合实测数据,对其精密定轨效果进行了分析。初步分析结果表明:利用本文方法,北斗GEO、IGSO、MEO卫星三维定轨精度分别达到1.263 m、0.214 m、0.134 m,3类卫星径向定轨精度平均优于10 cm,IGSO和MEO已经基本优于5 cm;模糊度固定以后,北斗卫星三维定轨精度平均提高了21.8%,轨道切向精度改善最为明显,其中又以GEO卫星改进最大。


来源出版物:测绘学报, 2014, 43(11): 1132-1138





来源出版物:计算机测量与控制, 2014, 22(2): 496-498



摘要:基于架设在山东荣成、云南下关、宁夏盐池、河北唐山和河南郑州的UNICORECOMM UR370型北斗接收机接收到的北斗和GPS信号,利用武汉大学自主研发的PANDA软件,对比分析了北斗导航系统与GPS精密单点定位精度。结果显示,北斗导航精密单点定位精度在水平方向为1~2 cm,垂直方向为3~4 cm;GPS精密单点定位精度在水平为亚cm级,垂直方向约为1~2 cm。虽然北斗导航系统的精密单点定位精度要低于GPS 50%,但已经能应用在定位精度要求几个cm或更低精度的领域。


来源出版物:大地测量与地球动力学, 2014, 34(4):110-116



摘要:随着我国北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, BDS)的建成与运行,目前具备独立服务能力的系统包括GPS,GLONASS和BDS,多系统组合已成为GNSS导航定位发展的必然趋势。基于伪距或载波相位的相对定位是目前利用GNSS实现高精度定位的主要技术手段之一。本文重点分析对比了BDS/GPS/GLONASS单系统、双系统以及三系统组合共7种模式下双频伪距和单历元载波相位相对定位性能。结果表明:1)BDS/GPS/GLONASS组合伪距和单历元载波相位相对定位时,三系统观测值误差比分别设为1∶1∶2和1∶1∶1较合适;2)BDS/GPS组合的性能要优于GPS/GLONASS以及BDS/GLONASS组合,BDS/GPS/GLONASS三系统组合较双系统组合可进一步改善定位性能;3)短基线条件下(<20 km),BDS/GPS/GLONASS组合伪距和单历元载波相位相对定位精度较单BDS,GPS,GLONASS系统分别提高了48.4%,31.7%,65.7%和6.1%,12.5%,39.4%。


来源出版物:科学通报, 2015, 60(9): 857-868





来源出版物:武汉大学学报:信息科学版, 2015, 40(4):529-533





来源出版物:测绘学报, 2015, 44(4): 377-383





来源出版物:测绘学报, 2016, 45(3): 253-259





来源出版物:武汉大学学报:信息科学版, 2016, 41(1):15-20



摘要:研究了北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, BDS)毫米级精度变形监测算法。首先改进了TurboEdit方法,以能够探测到1周的小周跳;针对BDS星座结构给出更为高效的独立双差观测值搜索方法;对于模糊度固定,采用决策函数和序贯模糊度固定相结合的方法。在此基础上,研制了BDS变形监测软件。最后,利用变形监测试验平台的实测数据,从星座分布、解算精度等方面分析了BDS在变形监测中应用的可行性。结果表明,目前在试验区域内BDS与GPS在卫星几何分布等方面基本相当。BDS的短基线解算精度略低于GPS,但仍可达到平面1 mm以内、高程2 mm以内的精度水平。


来源出版物:测绘学报, 2016, 45(1): 16-21



摘要:随着北斗卫星导航系统的投入运行,基于北斗卫星的远程时间频率比对成为可能。国家授时中心基于北斗卫星共视时间比对方法,搭建了一套远程时间频率校准系统,由远程时间比对基准终端、远程时间比对校准终端和数据分析处理中心组成,可在远程恢复出UTC(NTSC)的时间频率信号。远程时间比对基准终端测量UTC(NTSC)与北斗卫星钟的钟差;远程时间比对校准终端测量本地原子钟与北斗卫星钟的钟差,并在本地驾驭生成与UTC(NTSC)同步的时频信号;数据分析处理中心处理来自远程时间比对基准终端和远程时间比对校准终端的数据。该系统摒弃了传统的不连续观测方法,以10 min作为1个观测周期,实现了时间频率的连续比对。试验结果表明,该系统配送UTC(NTSC)的不确定度为3.74 ns,配送信号的频率天稳定度达到1.97×10-14。


来源出版物:电子测量与仪器学报, 2016, 30(1): 38-44



摘要:截至2015年1月,我国北斗区域卫星导航系统已正式运行满2年。目前北斗卫星导航系统的星座组网尚未完成,只可为亚太地区特别是低纬度地区提供较好的服务,即服务拓展到南北纬55°,东经55°至180°。由于我国东北地区所处纬度较高,可能会受到北斗星座不完善的影响。为了分析我国北斗卫星导航系统在东北地区高精度变形监测中的监测性能,本文在哈尔滨地区搭建了北斗变形监测数据采集平台并研制了北斗高精度变形监测软件。通过对连续10 d的实测数据进行处理,测试评估了北斗在变形监测中的数据质量与精度。试验结果表明,东北地区短基线变形监测条件下,北斗变形监测多个测段对应基线N、E分量重复性优于7 mm,U分量重复性优于1 cm。


来源出版物:测绘通报, 2016, (4): 33-37



摘要:北斗卫星导航系统新一代试验卫星星座由2颗高轨倾斜地球同步轨道卫星和3颗中轨地球轨道卫星组成,2016年2月全部发射入轨,其任务是验证北斗系统从目前区域导航定位授时服务走向全球服务的新技术体制设计及指标性能。导航卫星星载原子钟是最重要载荷之一,负责星上时间频率基准信号维持和产生,本文利用星地双向时频传递设备观测的星地钟差数据,评估了试验星配置的新型高精度铷钟和被动型氢钟的实际性能,定量比较了相对于北斗区域系统卫星钟的性能提升。结果表明新一代试验星与北斗区域系统卫星钟差预报精度相比较有较大提高,地球倾斜静止卫星(Inclined Geosynchronous Orbit, IGSO)短期预报误差从0.65 ns减小到0.30 ns,中轨道卫星(Medium Orbit, MEO)短期预报误差从0.78 ns减小到0.32 ns,IGSO/MEO卫星中期预报误差均从2.50 ns减小到约1.50 ns。星间链路(Inter-Satellite Link,ISL)是北斗全球系统最重要的技术体制设计之一,本文评估了试验卫星实现的星间伪距测量对提升空间信号精度,即轨道和钟差的贡献,得到在地面监测网无法连续覆盖到的境外弧段,高精度星间链路测量对轨道确定和钟差测定精度的提升尤为明显。加入星间伪距测量,MEO卫星重新入境时钟差预报误差由3 ns减小至1 ns以内。采用星地星间联合定轨方法估计的卫星轨道径向重叠弧段互差优于0.1 m,三维位置重叠互差优于0.5 m,预报24 h径向重叠弧段互差优于0.2 m,三维位置重叠互差优于1 m,均较区域监测网L波段定轨结果有较大提升。为解决多星定轨处理时卫星钟差与轨道高度耦合问题,本文提出了卫星钟差半约束模式定轨处理方法。用户等效距离误差分析结果表明采用卫星钟差半约束的定轨模式,卫星轨道预报4 h用户等效距离误差由1.04 m减小至0.82 m。


来源出版物:中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学, 2016,46(11): 119502





来源出版物:电光与控制, 2017, 24(3): 32-35



摘要:精度是北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou Navigation Satellite System,BDS)服务指标体系的重要内容。给出了北斗卫星导航系统精度指标的含义及精度指标的评估方法,利用实测数据分析了北斗系统实际实现的精度指标,并将其与GPS系统实际实现的精度指标作比较分析。DOP(几何精度因子)值由卫星导航系统空间星座分布决定,是影响用户定位授时精度的重要因素,比较了北斗与GPS在中国区域DOP值分布的差异。GPS系统PDOP(定位几何精度因子)分布均匀,随用户经度和纬度变化不大,在1.0-2.0之间。而受混合星座影响,北斗系统PDOP分布随着测站经度和纬度变化较大,变化范围为1.5-5.0;且随测站纬度增加而变大,由中心经度(东经118°)向两侧不断变大。对于影响用户等效距离误差的空间信号精度进行了比较分析。利用IG(国际GNSS服务组织)提供的事后精密轨道、激光跟踪数据和北斗双向时频传递测量的卫星钟差评估了北斗基本导航电文的精度。结果表明:北斗IGSO(倾斜地球同步轨道)卫星和MEO(中轨道)卫星轨道径向误差约为0.5 m,大于GPS卫星轨道小于0.2 m的径向误差。北斗GEO(地球同步轨道)卫星激光残差约为65 cm,IGSO卫星和MEO卫星激光残差约为50 cm。受卫星钟差数据龄期影响,MEO卫星钟差参数误差明显大于IGSO卫星和GEO卫星,约为0.80 m。最后,采用MGEX(多GNSS系统试验项目)多模接收机进行了定位试验,分析了北斗系统和GPS在定位精度上的差异。结果表明:受星座构型影响,北斗卫星导航系统定位精度与GPS系统定位精度相比有所差异,但满足水平定位精度优于10 m、高程定位精度优于10 m的设计要求,双系统组合定位精度好于单一系统定位精度。


来源出版物:天文学报, 2017, 58(2): 1-10





来源出版物:中国激光, 2017, 44(4): 0404004





来源出版物:科技导报, 2017, 35(10): 13-18





来源出版物:测绘通报, 2017, (5): 62-66



摘要:卫星精密轨道的确定是北斗卫星导航系统位置与服务的核心技术之一,而国家基准站是影响卫星轨道精度的一个重要因素。本文基于中国测绘科学研究院国际GNSS监测与评估中心自主开发的软件计算国家基准站和MGEX站对北斗卫星精密定轨的影响。得出结果:加上国家基准站后GEO卫星轨道精度平均能达到2.0 m,比没有国家基准站时提高约14%,在GEO切向方向改善最为明显,大约提高30%。IGSO和MEO卫星也有所提高。加上国家基准站后,三类卫星的轨道重复弧段的径向精度优于5 cm。有了国家基准站数据BDS精密轨道会有明显的改善。国家基准站的建立使我国北斗导航卫星的服务能力有很大提高。


来源出版物:测绘通报, 2017, (8): 1-6

Multipath analysis of code measurements for BeiDou geostationary satellites

Wang, Guangxing; de Jong, Kees; Zhao, Qile

Abstract:Having non-negligible impact on the code range observables, multipath delay is one of the error sources that limit GNSS positioning accuracy. Due to the relatively stationary geometry, multipath effects for signals from geostationary earth orbit (GEO) satellites are even more difficult to mitigate by merely increasing the observing periods or averaging over multiple epochs. To investigate the characteristics of code, multipath effects for the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) GEO satellites,a linear combination of observations reflecting code multipath was employed and BDS multipath time series over long periods were analyzed with the Fourier transform,correlation and wavelet transform. The amplitudes of GEO multipath series vary from < 1.0 m to around 2.0 m, and the periods of the dominant daily repeating components fall between 86130 and 86280 s. The low-frequency components were extracted, and most cross-correlation coefficients between the low-frequency components of two consecutive days are larger than 0.7. When the lowfrequency components of the first day are subtracted from the multipath time series of the second day, a decrease of more than 25 % is found in terms of the code standard deviations. By correcting the observables with lowfrequency multipath of the previous day, the precisions of code-only single-point positioning using ionosphere-free linear combination of BDS first and second or first and third frequencies can be improved. Precision improvements in north, east and up components for two stations in Perth,Australia were shown to be 0.2, 0.5 and 0.4 m, and 0.3, 0 and 0.5 m, respectively.

Keywords:multipath; BDS; GEO; single-point positioning;low frequency

来源出版物:GPS Solutions, 2015, 19(1): 129-139

Combined BDS, galileo, qzss and GPS single-frequency RTK

Odolinski, Robert; Teunissen, Peter J. G; Odijk, Dennis

Abstract:We will focus on single-frequency singlebaseline real-time kinematic (RTK) combining four Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) satellite systems. We will combine observations from the Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS), European Galileo,American Global Positioning System (GPS) and the Japanese Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS). To further strengthen the underlying model, attention will be given to overlapping frequencies between the systems. If one can calibrate the inter-system biases, a common pivot satellite between the respective systems can be used to parameterize double-differenced ambiguities. The LAMBDA method is used for ambiguity resolution. The instantaneous (singleepoch) single-frequency RTK performance is evaluated by a formal as well as an empirical analysis, consisting of ambiguity dilution of precision (ADOP), bootstrapped and integer least-squares success rates and positioning precisions. The time-to-correct-fix in some particular cases when instantaneous RTK is not possible will also be analyzed. To simulate conditions with obstructed satellite visibility or when low-elevation multipath is present,various elevation cut-off angles between 10 and 40A degrees will be used. Four days of real data are collected in Perth, Western Australia. It will be shown that the foursystem RTK model allows for improved integer ambiguity resolution and positioning performance over the single,dual or triple-systems, particularly for higher cut-off angles.

Keywords:Inter-system biases (ISBs); Real-time kinematic (RTK); Multi-global navigation satellite system(GNSS); integer ambiguity resolution; LAMBDA

来源出版物:GPS Solutions, 2015, 19(1): 151-163

Analysis on the long-term dynamical evolution of the inclined geosynchronous orbits in the Chinese BeiDou navigation system

Zhao, Chang-Yin; Zhang, Ming-Jiang;Wang, Hong-Bo; et al.

Abstract:Five inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO)satellites with the inclination of about 55 degrees in the Chinese BeiDou navigation system have been put in orbit until now. The Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) has defined a geosynchronous orbit(GEO) protected region and recommended that the GEO satellite should be maneuvered to a disposal orbit high enough at end-of-mission to remain above the GEO protected region. The recommended disposal altitude is at least 235 km + (1000. C-R . A/M) higher than the perigee altitude of the GEO satellite, where C-R and A/M are radiation pressure coefficient and area-to-mass ratio respectively. Whether this recommendation is also adequate for the disposal of these IGSO satellites in the Chinese BeiDou navigation system at end-of-mission? And if not, is there any other possible strategy to do? In view of these considerations, the long-term dynamical evolution of these IGSO satellites is investigated by both theoretical analysis and numerical computation methods in this paper.Some qualitative orbital evolution characteristics and quantitative result of variation ranges of the semi-major axis a, the inclination i and the eccentricity e are presented respectively. Based on these results, a possible mitigation strategy to reduce the orbital lifetime of the IGSO satellites after end-of-mission is proposed.

Keywords:long-term dynamical evolution; inclined geosynchronous orbit; Chinese BeiDou navigation system;mitigation strategy

来源出版物:Advances in Space Research, 2015, 56(3):377-387

Precise point positioning with quad-constellations:GPS, BeiDou, GLONASS and Galileo

Cai, Changsheng; Gao, Yang; Pan, Lin

Abstract: Multi-constellation GNSS precise point positioning (PPP) first became feasible back to 2007 but with only two constellations, namely GPS and GLONASS.With the availability of more satellites and precise orbit and clock products from BeiDou and Galileo, it is possible now to investigate PPP with four constellations, namely GPS, BeiDou, GLONASS and Galileo. This research aims at investigating the quad-constellation PPP for position determination and analyzing its positioning performance. A quad-constellation PPP model is developed to simultaneously process the observations from all the four GNSS systems. The developed model is also applicable to the PPP processing with observations from single, dual or triple constellations. The analysis on PPP accuracy and convergence time is conducted based on data processing results from both static and kinematic tests of single-constellation and multi-constellations. The three-hour static positioning results indicate that the BeiDou-only PPP accuracy is worse than the GPS-only PPP.The RMSs of position errors for BeiDou-only PPP are 5.2 cm, 2.7 cm and 8.3 cm in east, north and up directions while the ones for GPS-only PPP are 3.9 cm, 1.6 cm and 5.7 cm. The GPS/BeiDou PPP improves the positioning accuracy by 28%, 6% and 7% and reduces the convergence time by 26%, 13% and 14% over the GPS-only PPP in three coordinate components, respectively. The GPS/GLONASS PPP achieves slightly better performance than the GPS/BeiDou PPP. The triple-constellation PPP further increases the positioning accuracy and decreases the convergence time over the dual-constellation PPP. The improvement of positioning performance is not significant after adding Galileo due to currently limited number of satellites. Similar to the static positioning, the quadconstellation kinematic PPP also significantly improves the positioning performance in contrast with singleconstellation and dual-constellations. The time varying characteristics of the time differences between the four systems are also investigated. The results indicate that the system time differences of GPS with BeiDou, GLONASS and Galileo are very stable over time with STD values of better than 1.1 ns.

Keywords:quad-constellation;precise point positioning;convergence time; positioning accuracy

来源出版物:Advances in Space Research, 2015, 56(1):133-143

Multiangle BSAR imaging based on BeiDou-2 navigation satellite system: Experiments and preliminary results

Zeng, Tao; Ao, Dongyang; Hu, Cheng; et al.

Abstract:This paper analyzes the multiangle imaging results for bistatic synthetic aperture radar (BSAR) based on global navigation satellite systems (GNSS-BSAR). Due to the shortcoming of GNSS-BSAR images, a multiangle observation and data processing strategy based on BeiDou-2 navigation satellites was put forward to improve the quality of images and the value of system application.Twenty-six BSAR experiments were conducted and analyzed in different configurations. Furthermore, a regionbased fusion algorithm using region-of-interest (ROI)segmentation was proposed to generate a high-quality fusion image. Based on the fusion image, typical targets such as water area, vegetation area, and artificial targets were compared and interpreted among single/multipleangle images. The results reveal that the multiangle imaging method was a good technique to enhance image information, which might extend the applications of GNSS-BSAR.

Keywords:bistatic synthetic aperture radar (BSAR);global navigation satellite system (GNSS); image fusion;image interpretation; multiangle

来源出版物:IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2015, 53(10): 5760-5773

Estimation of differential code biases for Beidou navigation system using multi-GNSS observations:How stable are the differential satellite and receiver code biases?

Xue, Junchen; Song, Shuli; Zhu, Wenyao; et al.

Abstract:Differential code biases (DCBs) are important parameters that must be estimated accurately and reliably for high-precision GNSS applications. For optimal operational service performance of the Beidou navigation system (BDS), continuous monitoring and constant quality assessment of the BDS satellite DCBs are crucial. In this study, a global ionospheric model was constructed based on a dual system BDS/GPS combination. Daily BDS DCBs were estimated together with the total electron content from 23 months’ multi-GNSS observations. The stability of the resulting BDS DCB estimates was analyzed in detail. It was found that over a long period, the standard deviations(STDs) for all satellite B1-B2 DCBs were within 0.3 ns(average: 0.19 ns) and for all satellite B1-B3 DCBs, the STDs were within 0.36 ns (average: 0.22 ns). For BDS receivers, the STDs were greater than for the satellites,with most values 2 ns. The DCBs of different receiver families are different. Comparison of the statistics of the short-term stability of satellite DCBs over different time intervals revealed that the difference in STD between 28-and 7-day intervals was small, with a maximum not exceeding 0.06 ns. In almost all cases, the difference in BDS satellite DCBs between two consecutive days was 0.8 ns. The main conclusion is that because of the stability of the BDS DCBs, they only require occasional estimation or calibration. Furthermore, the 30-day averaged satellite DCBs can be used reliably for the most demanding BDS applications.

Keywords:differential code bias; GNSS; Beidou navigation system; global ionospheric model

来源出版物:Journal of Geodesy, 2016, 90(4): 309-321

BDS/GPS Dual Systems Positioning Based on the Modified SR-UKF Algorithm

Kong, JaeHyok; Mao, Xuchu; Li, Shaoyuan

Abstract:The Global Navigation Satellite System can provide all-day three-dimensional position and speed information. Currently, only using the single navigation system cannot satisfy the requirements of the system’s reliability and integrity. In order to improve the reliability and stability of the satellite navigation system, the positioning method by BDS and GPS navigation system is presented, the measurement model and the state model are described. Furthermore, the modified square-root Unscented Kalman Filter (SR-UKF) algorithm is employed in BDS and GPS conditions, and analysis of single system/multi-system positioning has been carried out,respectively. The experimental results are compared with the traditional estimation results, which show that the proposed method can perform highly-precise positioning.Especially when the number of satellites is not adequate enough, the proposed method combine BDS and GPS systems to achieve a higher positioning precision.

Keywords:Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS);positioning algorithm; modified square-root Unscented Kalman filter (modified SR-UKF); BeiDou navigation System (BDS)

来源出版物:Sensors, 2016, 16(5): 35

Integrated solution for anomalous driving detection based on BeiDou/GPS/IMU measurements

Sun, Rui; Han, Ke; Hu, Jun

Abstract:There has been an increasing role played by Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applications in recent decades.In particular, centimeter/decimetre positioning accuracy is required for some safety related applications, such as lane control, collision avoidance, and intelligent speed assistance. Lane-level Anomalous driving detection underpins these safety-related ITS applications. The two major issues associated with such detection are (1)accessing high accuracy vehicle positioning and dynamic parameters; and (2) extraction of irregular driving patterns from such information. This paper introduces a new integrated framework for detecting lane-level anomalous driving, by combining Global Positioning Systems (GPS),BeiDou, and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) with advanced algorithms. Specifically, we use Unscented Particle Filter (UPF) to perform data fusion with different positioning sources. The detection of different types of Anomalous driving is achieved based on the application of a Fuzzy Inference System (FIS) with a newly introduced velocity-based indicator. The framework proposed in this paper yield significantly improved accuracy in terms of positioning and Anomalous driving detection compared to state-of-the-art, while offering an economically viable solution for performing these tasks.

来源出版物:Transportation Research Part C-Emerging Technologies, 2016, 69: 193-207

GNSS multi-carrier fast partial ambiguity resolution strategy tested with real BDS/GPS dual- and triple-frequency observations

He H; Li J; Yang Y; et al.

Abstract:The regional constellation of BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) has been officially in operation since December 27, 2012, and real-time kinematic positioning using BDS and GPS multi-frequency observations is feasible. A heavy computational problem arises when resolving ambiguities in the case of multi-system with multi-frequency observations. A multi-carrier fast partial ambiguity resolution strategy is developed with the property that the extra-wide-lane and wide-lane ambiguities in the multi-frequency case can be resolved reliably in advance. Consequently, the technique resolves ambiguities sequentially instead of the usual batch ambiguity resolution (AR) mode so as to improve the computational efficiency of AR significantly. The strategy is demonstrated with real BDS/GPS dual- and triplefrequency observations. The results have shown that the probability of correct AR by the proposed method is comparable to that of the batch AR. Experimentally, the new method is about 2.5 times as fast as the batch AR in the dual-frequency case, 3 times in the mixed dual and triplefrequency case and 3.5 times in the triple-frequency case.

Keywords:BeiDou; Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO);Solar Radiation Pressure (SRP); Precise Orbit Determination(POD)

来源出版物:Advances in Space Research, 2016, 57(1):234-244

Applications of two-way satellite time and frequency transfer in the BeiDou navigation satellite system

Zhou, ShanShi; Hu, XiaoGong; Liu, Li; et al.

Abstract:A two-way satellite time and frequency transfer(TWSTFT) device equipped in the BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) can calculate clock error between satellite and ground master clock. TWSTFT is a real-time method with high accuracy because most system errors such as orbital error, station position error, and tropospheric and ionospheric delay error can be eliminated by calculating the two-way pseudorange difference.Another method, the multi-satellite precision orbit determination (MPOD) method, can be applied to estimate satellite clock errors. By comparison with MPOD clock estimations, this paper discusses the applications of the BDS TWSTFT clock observations in satellite clock measurement, satellite clock prediction, navigation system time monitor, and satellite clock performance assessment in orbit. The results show that with TWSTFT clock observations, the accuracy of satellite clock prediction is higher than MPOD. Five continuous weeks of comparisons with three international GNSS Service (IGS) analysis centers (ACs) show that the reference time difference between BeiDou time (BDT) and golbal positoning system(GPS) time (GPST) realized IGS ACs is in the tens of nanoseconds. Applying the TWSTFT clock error observations may obtain more accurate satellite clock performance evaluation in the 104s interval because the accuracy of the MPOD clock estimation is not sufficiently high. By comparing the BDS and GPS satellite clock performance, we found that the BDS clock stability at the 103s interval is approximately 10-12, which is similar to the GPS IIR.

Keywords:BDS; TWSTFT; satellite clock; prediction accuracy; system reference time; Allan variance

来源出版物:Science China-Physics Mechanics &Astronomy, 2016, 59(10): 109511

Performance evaluation of single-frequency point positioning with GPS, GLONASS,BeiDou and Galileo

Pan, L; Cai, C; Santerre, R; et al.

Abstract:The single point positioning (SPP) mode has been widely used in many fields such as vehicle navigation,Geographic Information System and land surveying. For a long period, the SPP technology mainly relies on GPS system. With the recent revitalisation of the GLONASS constellation and two newly emerging constellations of BeiDou and Galileo, it is now feasible to investigate the performance of quad-constellation integrated SPP (QISPP)with GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou and Galileo measurements.As a satellite-based positioning technology, the QISPP is expected to improve the accuracy and availability of positioning solutions due to the increased number of visible satellites and the improved satellite sky distribution.In this study, a QISPP model is presented to simultaneously process observations from all four Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) constellations. Datasets collected at 47 globally distributed Multi-GNSS Experiment(MGEX) stations on two consecutive days and a kinematic experimental dataset are employed to fully assess the QISPP performance in terms of positioning accuracy and availability. Given that most navigation users are using single-frequency receivers, only the observations on a single frequency are utilised. The results indicate that the QISPP improves the positioning accuracy by an average of 16%, 13% and 12% using the MGEX datasets, and 43%, 31% and 51% using the kinematic experimental dataset over the GPS-only case in the east, north and up components, respectively. The availability of the QISPP solutions remains 100% even for a mask elevation angle of 40 degrees, whereas it is only 37% for the GPS-only case.All these results are achieved using geodetic-type receivers and they are possibly optimistic for users who use navigation-type receivers.

Keywords:single point positioning; GPS; GLONASS;BeiDou; Galileo

来源出版物:Survey Review, 2017, 49(354): 197-205

Sea level change from BeiDou Navigation Satellite System-Reflectometry (BDS-R): First results and evaluation

Jin, Shuanggen; Qian, Xiaodong; Wu, X; et al.

Abstract:Sea level changes affect human living environments, particularly ocean coasts. The tide gauges(TG) can measure sea level change, while it is the relative variations with respect to the land. Recently, GPSReflectometry (GPS-R) has been demonstrated to measure sea level change as an altimetry. With the rapid development of China’s BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS), it may provide a new possible opportunity to monitor sea level changes with three frequencies (L2, L6 and L7). In this paper, BDS-Reflectometry (BDS-R) is the first time used to estimate the sea level changes based on Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) data and triple-frequency phase and code combinations, which are compared to tide gauge observations. Results show that sea level changes from BDS SNR and phase combination have a good agreement with correlation coefficients of 0.83-0.91 and RMSEs of less than 0.6 m, while BDS code combination is not as good as others. Furthermore, a new negative linear model between phase and code peak frequencies and tide gauge observations is further obtained and analyzed, which improves the results from three-frequency phase and code combinations with the RMSE of about 10 cm and 18 cm.

来源出版物:Global and Planetary Change, 2017, 1149:20-25

The Multi-GNSS Experiment (MGEX) of the International GNSS Service (IGS):Achievements, prospects and challenges

Montenbruck, Oliver; Steigenberger, Peter;Prange, Lars; et al.

Abstract:Over the past five years, the International GNSS Service (IGS) has made continuous efforts to extend its service from GPS and GLONASS to the variety of newly established global and regional navigation satellite systems.This report summarizes the achievements and progress made in this period by the IGS Multi-GNSS Experiment(MGEX). The status and tracking capabilities of the IGS monitoring station network are presented and the multi-GNSS products derived from this resource are discussed. The achieved performance is assessed and related to the current level of space segment and user equipment characterization. While the performance of orbit and clock products for BeiDou, Galileo, and QZSS still lags behind the legacy GPS and GLONASS products,continued progress has been made since launch of the MGEX project and already enables use of the new constellations for precise point positioning, atmospheric research and other applications. Directions for further research are identified to fully integrate the new constellations into routine GNSS processing. Furthermore,the active support of GNSS providers is encouraged to assist the scientific community in the generation of fully competitive products for the new constellations.

Keywords:IGS; MGEX; BeiDou; Galileo; QZSS; Orbit and clock

来源出版物:Advances in Space Research, 2017, 59(7):1671-1697

BeiDou Signal Acquisition with Neumann-Hoffman Code Modulation in a Degraded Channel

Zhao, Lin; Liu, Aimeng; Ding, Jicheng; et al.

Abstract:With the modernization of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), secondary codes, also known as the Neumann-Hoffman (NH) codes, are modulated on the satellite signal to obtain a better positioning performance.However, this leads to an attenuation of the acquisition sensitivity of classic integration algorithms because of the frequent bit transitions that refer to the NH codes. Taking weak BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) signals as objects, the present study analyzes the side effect of NH codes on acquisition in detail and derives a straightforward formula, which indicates that bit transitions decrease the frequency accuracy. To meet the requirement of carriertracking loop initialization, a frequency recalculation algorithm is proposed based on verified fast Fourier transform (FFT) to mitigate the effect, meanwhile, the starting point of NH codes is found. Then, a differential correction is utilized to improve the acquisition accuracy of code phase. Monte Carlo simulations and real BDS data tests demonstrate that the new structure is superior to the conventional algorithms both in detection probability and frequency accuracy in a degraded channel.

Keywords:BeiDou; acquisition; bit transition; differential coherent integration

来源出版物:Sensors, 2017, 17(2): 323

Kinematic Precise Point Positioning Using Multi-Constellation Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Observations

Yu, Xidong; Gao, Jingxiang

Abstract:Multi-constellation global navigation satellite systems (GNSSs) are expected to enhance the capability of precise point positioning (PPP) by improving the positioning accuracy and reducing the convergence time because more satellites will be available. This paper discusses the performance of multi-constellation kinematic PPP based on a multi-constellation kinematic PPP model,Kalman filter and stochastic models. The experimental dataset was collected from the receivers on a vehicle and processed using self-developed software. A comparison of the multi-constellation kinematic PPP and real-time kinematic (RTK) results revealed that the availability,positioning accuracy and convergence performance of the multi-constellation kinematic PPP were all better than those of both global positioning system (GPS)-based PPP and dual-constellation PPP. Multi-constellation kinematic PPP can provide a positioning service with centimetre-level accuracy for dynamic users.

Keywords:multi-constellation; PPP; convergence time;positioning accuracy

来源出版物:ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2017, 6(1): 6

Improving the ionospheric delay correction of satellite-based augmentation systems in equatorial regions

Huang, Z.; Yuan, H

In 2005, China designed and constructed independent satellite systems ‘Beidou II’, which indicated the start of a new area in Chinese space-based positioning,navigation and timing systems. It is necessary and important to investigate the performance of ionospheric delay correction in the region of China. In this paper, a new algorithm of satellite-based augmentation systems (SBAS)ionospheric delay correction is proposed and tested using observational data at 18 GPS stations. The data are used during periods from January 4 to 23, 2000. The computing results show that precision is high for user stations in the higher mid-latitudes with the average root mean square(RMS) of around 0.4 m. The precision is relatively lower for the lower latitude, which is more prominent for the equatorial region from latitude 20 degrees N to 25 degrees N and from longitude 100 degrees E to 120 degrees E.Quite a few prediction errors surpass 2 m, and the worst case reaches a maximum of 3 in.

Beidou; GPS; satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS); the ionospheric delay; IRI model

文章题目第一作者来源出版物1 Improving the ionospheric delay correction of satellite-based augmentation systems in equatorial regions Huang, Z Advances in Space Research, 2007, 39(10):1552-1558 2 The performance comparison between GPS and Chen, He-Chin Journal of the Chinese Institute of Beidou-2/compass: A perspective from Asia Engineers, 2009, 32(5): 679-689 3 BeiDou navigation satellite system and its time scales Han, Chunhao Metrologia, 2011, 48(4): 213-218 4 Initial assessment of the COMPASS/BeiDou-2 regional Montenbruck,GPS Solutions, 2013, 17(2): 211-222 navigation satellite system Oliver 5 BeiDou inter-satellite-type bias evaluation and calibration for Nadarajah,Sensors, 2013, 13(7): 9435-9463 mixed receiver attitude determination Nandakumaran



