By Cai Zhizhong
Translation by Zhu Yaguang
12 Mysterious Roses
By Cai Zhizhong
Translation by Zhu Yaguang
I was born an introverted person, exactly as the famous writer Li Bihua once described in her literary work, “He looks unimaginably shy to me, as if he needs legal protection like those endangered animal species.” However, there is something that she doesn’t know. Although I look shy and dull on the outside, I am extremely confident and passionate on the inside.
A few years back, I was sharing an apartment with Li Longdong, my junior high school classmate,who was attending night school to study economics at Chinese Culture University and working at Aurora Corporation during the day.
It was a Saturday afternoon when Li Longdong was off duty, and he told me, “Today we got a new colleague named Li Ziding. She is incredibly pretty.”
I said, “Then you should go after her before she is taken.”
“No way, she has the same family name as me.”
“What’s the problem? I’ve seen a lot of couples with the same surname.”
“My grandma warned me against marrying someone like that.”
“Fine, then I’ll go after her,” I said.
“You’re such a shy person. How are you going to do that?”
“Don’t worry about it. I don’t need to do it myself. A few tricks will help me win her over.”
When I was sixteen or seventeen, I shared a dorm with three other friends. At that time, I was aware of the fact that although women and men were both human beings, they were in fact two different species.
Unlike with a man, it is difficult to understand a woman. Women can never be judged from the standpoint of men and vice-versa.
At that time, we cartoonists never regarded our job as extraordinary. Whenever the laundromat had a new, beautiful countergirl, or the grocer had a new, pretty lady selling fruit, and one of us proclaimed we were pursuing the girl, we would suggest he send laundry to the shop or buy fruit from her.
We’d also make a pitch for him, saying things like, “See how incredibly he draws,” and “He is more loaded than any of us.”
Sometimes, I think that women are really stubborn. If a woman has someone else in mind and doesn’t like the man who is after her, no matter how hard he tries to sweet-talk her, she won’t fall for him. However, when it comes to men, the whole situation changes. If a girl is chasing after a boy, he will eventually accept her, even if he is actually into another girl.
当时,玫瑰一朵一块钱,我给李隆东100元和7张写着字体秀气的Black Tulip(黑色郁金香)的紫色小卡片,请他星期一上班前,交给震旦行旁边长安东路与中山北路交叉口的花店,要花店每天早上九点整,送12朵玫瑰给李紫锭小姐。
This was the conclusion that I drew at that time:when a boy was romancing a girl, trying to prove that he was the best among his fellows didn’t help,as girls wouldn’t buy it.
Instead, take the opposite approach: put the girl in the spotlight. After a while, she will be too weak to put up mental defenses any longer.
“Well, I’ve no idea of your mysterious love theory. What exactly are you going to do?” asked Li Longdong.
In those days, one rose sold for one Taiwan dollar. I gave Li Longdong 100 Taiwan dollars and seven purple cards with the words “Black Tulip”written on each one of them elegantly. I asked him to give the flowers and cards to the flower shop near his workplace the next Monday before work and tell the shop to deliver 12 roses to Miss Li Ziding at 9 o’clock sharp every morning.
During the next week, nothing happened for the first three days, but on Thursday, when Li Longdong came back home after work, he told me excitedly, “It worked! You, Li Ziding, another girl from the office, and I are going to watch a musical drama at 6 p.m. tomorrow. We’ll meet at the gate of Rixin Theater.”
“Tell me what happened,” I said.
Li Longdong elaborated on the course of events.
On Tuesday, another 12 roses arrived, and some female colleagues secretly asked her about it, but she said she had no idea who they were from.
On Wednesday, still 12 roses. After privately discussing with her female colleagues, she decided to find out who “Black Tulip” was.
At 9 o’clock on Thursday morning, Li Longdong was caught, probably for peeping through the office door, and was besieged by the female colleagues who pushed him to confess about the flowers. He had to tell them the truth that I was the “Black Tulip.” Immediately Miss Li Ziding made Li Longdong drive her to our apartment. There, she sat by my desk alone for a long while before getting back to work.
Because of the 12 roses arriving at 9 o’clock every morning, Miss Li Ziding was distracted on the first day, in no mood for work or food on the next day,and sleepless on the third day. On the fourth day,since she found out who “Black Tulip” was, she decided she would definitely like to meet him in person.
Therefore, the way to read a woman’s mind is through her heart, and a woman’s heart is the key to getting her attention.
Of course, when the person finally shows up, he can’t be someone who can’t even hold a candle to her.
Later, I went on a couple of dates with Miss Li,but eventually we broke up amicably. I’d like to wish beautiful and nice Miss Li Ziding happiness in her later marriage.♦
(From Talents and Great Craftsmen, CITIC Publishing House)
因为每天早上九点收到12朵神秘玫瑰,第一天,被神秘玫瑰弄得心神不宁。第二天,已无心上班,吃不下饭。第三天,苦思谁是Black Tulip而失眠。第四天,知道谁是黑色郁金香,更想亲眼瞧瞧这号人物。
(摘自《天才与巨匠》 中信出版社)
文/蔡志忠 译/朱亚光
12 roses, and she spent the whole day wondering who the sender was.