⊙By Serge Rombi 翻译:BillyBudd
The Rebirth of Construction Waste in Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚的建筑垃圾大变身
⊙By Serge Rombi 翻译:BillyBudd
Reporter: Here in Maribor, Slovenia,two tons of waste per person. This is what is2)generated each year in the European construction3)sector.
Alenka, you have led the European project ReBirth, a vast public awareness campaign aimed at reusing waste.
Alenka Mauko Pranjic (Project Manager):(via translator) Yes, indeed. We are aware that, in construction and4)civil engineering,we can use a large5)proportion of recycled wastes. Up to the year 2020, we have to achieve a 70% rate of recycling of6)demolition wastes.
Reporter: Have a look to better understand what was done here as well as the results.
Southeast of Maribor, we’re at a huge waste site.7)Proof that this region is now a model for a circular economy, tons of cement and steel here will be fully recycled.
Mitja Strajinar (Site Manager): (via translator)The concrete will be reused for construction of the base layer of8)tarmac, and iron9)rebar will be processed as a new product.
What waste can be recycled, and how important is it to recycle as close to the site as possible, and at what cost? As part of the ReBirth Project, hundreds of Slovenian10)entrepreneurs participated in conferences and11)demos that12)enabled them to answer such questions and begin to acquire new practices. Mirko Šprinzer, a consulting engineer specializing in recycling and construction,was in charge of13)getting the message across.
Mirko: (via translator) With experiences and information that we’ve gained, we, the entrepreneurs,have changed our way of thinking. We have recognized new business opportunities. In our development, we focused on combining different wastes from different sectors.
Other good news for the environment is that the number of illegal14)landfills in Slovenia is in steep15)decline.
Reporter: Alenka, you led this project in Slovenia from 2011 to 2014, and today the results are very encouraging.
Alenka: (via translator) There’s a 10% higher rate of recycling of construction and demolition waste, and a 1.5% saving in natural resources.
ReBirth is16)co-financed by LIFE, an EU financial instrument that for 25 years has supported projects in environmental improvement, major conservation and climate action. Another useful tool is the new EU Construction and Demolition Waste17)Protocol.
Reporter: Alenka, the facts [sic] that this construction sector18)promotes a circular economy is Win-Win.
Alenka: (via translator) These new business opportunities also help the environment.
As part of the ReBirth project, hundreds of Slovenian entrepreneurs participated in conferences and demos that enabled them to answer such questions and begin to acquire new practices.
英语文章中的长句并不少见,长句可以使文章结构更为紧凑,但也容易增加文章或句子本身的理解难度。面对这种复杂的长句,化繁为简的方法就是在第一时间找出句子的主谓宾,即句子的主干。知道句子主干后,理解句子的主要内容就不成问题了。在这个长句中,句子主干部分为:entrepreneurs participated in conferences and demos.(企业家参加讨论会及演示会。)这时候,我们便可另行分析句子从句的内容,显然本句中that引导的定语从句修饰它前面的conferences and demos,说明其作用。如此一分解,一个复杂长句就这样啃下来啦。
1) waste [weɪst] n. 废物
2) generate ['dʒenəreɪt] v. 产生,造成
4) civil engineering [建]土木工程
5) proportion [prə'pɔːʃ(ə)n] n. 部分,比例
6) demolition [,demə'lɪʃən] n. 拆毁,拆除
7) proof [pruːf] n. 证明
8) tarmac ['tɑːmæk] n. 柏油碎石路
9) rebar [rɪ'bɑː] n. [材]钢筋
10) entrepreneur [ɒntrəprə'nзː(r)] n. 企业家
11) demo ['deməʊ] n.(新产品的)展示会
12) enable [ɪ'neɪb(ə)l] v. 使能够,使实现
13) get across (使)被了解,讲清楚
14) land fi ll ['lændfɪl] n. 垃圾填埋场
15) decline [dɪ'klaɪn] n. 下降,减少
16) co- fi nance ['kəʊ'faɪnæns] v. 联合资助,联合为……提供资金
17) protocol ['prəʊtəkɒl] n. 协定书
18) promote [prə'məʊt] v. 促进,提倡