The Economist’s Weight-Loss Strategy

2017-11-01 16:32ByCenRongTranslationLiLi
Special Focus 2017年10期

By Cen Rong Translation: Li Li

The Economist’s Weight-Loss Strategy

By Cen Rong Translation: Li Li

A study on people’s waistlines in the U.S. found that our f o o d i n t a k e h a s increased since the 1970s, while the energy we consume every day maintained at a steady level.Daily calorie intake increases by 300 kilojoules every decade.Obesity has now become a major problem that troubles people’s lives.

Economists found that bigger plates, bowls, and even pantries increase our food intake.

In a test, researchers put popcorn, which had been stored for 14 days in buckets of various sizes and then gave them to the audience at a cinema. It was found that the audience who took the bigger bucket ate 38%more expired popcorn than other people. It tells us that people decide to stop eating according to external information ( plate is empty) rather than internal information (I am full).

In another test, scientists randomly gave 10 weightloss strategies to participants and found two strategies most effective: participants who used smaller plates (dia<25cm) to eat lost an average of 0.9kg within one month; experimenters who were not allowed to watch TV while eating lost 0.7kg on average in one month.

Brian Wansink, director of the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab, found that people consumed 28%~55% more food while they watch sad movies;people eat less with softer lighting and soft jazz ballads playing; lower contrast between the color of the plate and color of the food makes people consume 22%~32% more food.

Apart from appetite control,keeping fit is another key to losing weight. Some economists tried to help people to keep exercising by providing incentives.In an experiment designed by Uri Gneezy, professor of economics from University of California, a group of students were separated into two groups: experimental group and control group. The experimental group was promised an additional$100 for attending the gym at least eight times over four weeks, while there was no incentive for the control group.










Just as the economist predicted,students in the experimental group went to the gym as required. However,the economist wanted to know whether incentives would help people to foster a habit. What would happen if there was no incentive after one month?

The results were encouraging.Students in the experimental group attended the gym twice as often as those in the control group. This simple incentive helped students overcome their laziness and form a habit of regular exercise. They also learned to squeeze in time for exercise.

On ABC Primetime’s Game Theory,they tried to help participants lose weight by making them feel ashamed.Overweight participants agreed to take a photo in a bikini. For those who failed to lose more than 15 pounds over the next two months, the photos would be seen on the TV and the Internet.

The economist said this is the behavior of strategy—they were betting with their future self. You want the future self to eat less and exercise more, while the future self wants to eat ice cream and watch movies. It is the future self that wins most of the time. People always start to take action when it’s too late.

The only way to solve this problem is to change the incentive for the future self so as to change your behavior.The temptation of overeating or overspending is still there, but the possibility of being exposed to an embarrassing moment shuts off the temptation. Avoiding such catastrophic exposure becomes a powerful incentive.

In the end, every participant in the program lost more than 15 pounds except one person who almost did.

Dean Karlan, an economist from Yale University, aspired to lose weight. He signed an agreement with a friend who had the same wish. It was stated that whoever was over 175 pounds would pay the other $1000 for every pound over.

Tyler Cowen, professor of economics at George Mason University, had another suggestion: post a bond with your friend, your spouse, and your exercise partner. Write a check in advance. You lose the money if you don’t exercise according to a prearranged plan with well-defined quantitative goals.

However, Taylor also admitted that too many external incentives could reduce internal motivation. ◆



最后所有的减肥节目参与者都减掉15磅以上,除了 一个人,那个人差点也成功了。





文/岑嵘 译/李莉

(From Hangzhou Daily, May 22,2017)


当代马克思主义经济学家 詹连富