
2017-11-01 23:07:31彭冬根罗丹婷李顺意
农业工程学报 2017年18期




(南昌大学建筑工程学院,南昌 330031)



0 引 言

作为传统电制冷空调替代技术之一的溶液除湿空调因其环境友好、驱动能源品位低、蓄能密度高、具有改善室内空气品质等优势,受到越来越多国内外研究人员的青睐[1-3]。溶液再生技术作为溶液除湿空调系统中的关键技术,是其大规模推广应用的前提[4-6]。现有溶液再生方法有电渗析法[7-8]、膜再生[9-10]及填料再生等。电渗析法和膜再生由于系统装置复杂,成本高而限制其大规模应用。填料装置结构简单,既可用于溶液再生,也可用于溶液除湿。在溶液除湿方面,内冷型的填料除湿器具有较高性能。Zhang等[11]对于使用废热的内冷型除湿器进行试验研究,发现性能系数(coefficient of performance, COP)能达到4.2至6.5。常晓敏等[12]建立理论模型对内冷型溶液除湿器的热质交换和流型进行研究分析。填料再生装置由于可利用低品位热能而越来越受到国内外学者关注,其最早是一种绝热再生方式[13-15]。但是由于绝热再生伴随溶液温度上升导致再生效果不高,因此内热型溶液再生技术近年来逐渐受到学者重视。Mun等[16]采用试验方法研究影响内热型再生性能的主要因素。Liang等[17]对基于热源塔的内热型溶液再生进行了研究。Yin等[18-19]设计一种内热型平板降膜溶液再生器,对其进行试验研究和理论建模,并和绝热型再生装置进行对比,发现内热型再生方式优于绝热再生。内冷型溶液除湿和内热型溶液再生都是基于相同的传热传质原理[20],因此很多学者都是对两者同时进行研究。Liu等[21]设计一种由导热塑料构成的内热/内冷型的溶液再生/除湿器,显示具有较好性能。Qi等[22]在香港搭建了内冷/内热型溶液除湿空调系统,并针对各项性能进行研究分析。同时Qi等[23]建立数学模型对内热/内冷型溶液除湿系统的焓效率、温度效率及湿度效率进行研究。但是目前针对内热型溶液再生装置的研究依然相对较少,并且均针对特定装置结构和流型的再生器性能进行研究。为使得研究结果更具普适性,本文采用基于传热单元数的数学模型,对影响内热型溶液再生装置性能的所有再生流型及传热单元数进行研究,以期为内热型溶液再生器设计优化提供理论依据。

1 模型建立

1.1 内热型再生模型








1.2 预热型再生模型



2 模型验证


表1 对比文献的流体入口参数

a. 预热模型

a. Pre-heated model

b. 内热模型

b. Internally heated model


Note: Evaporativity data of Fig.2a is from Refs. [24] and [27]; Evaporativity and dehumidificativity data of Fig.2b is from Refs. [25] and [26]. The-axis and-axis are logarithmic coordinate.

图2 数值模型的精确性验证

Fig.2 Validation of numerical model

3 两种溶液再生方式性能比较

为研究内热和预热2种不同的溶液再生方式对再生器再生性能的影响,文章针对溶液和空气呈顺流、逆流、叉流3种流型及热水和溶液分别处于同向(流向Ⅰ)和反向(流向Ⅱ)的6种不同组合情况进行模拟,并与相应情况下的预热结果进行比较。各模拟工况所选择的参数范围见表2,表中给出19组初始参数,结合内热型再生的6种流型及预热型再生的3种流型组合共计得到171个模拟结果,如图3所示。模拟中、、a分别为0.4、0.5 m和1 kg/s。模拟结果显示大部分工况下内热型再生器的溶液出入口浓度差是预热型的2~4倍,即内热型再生器表现出明显的性能优势。这是由于预热型再生器中溶液的温度会随着热湿交换的发生而下降,而溶液温度的下降影响着装置的再生性能。内热型再生器由于热水与溶液的热交换及溶液与空气的热湿交换同时进行,能一定程度上抑制温度下降,使溶液与热水的温度势差更均匀。仅当s/a以及w/a在一定范围内变化时,部分工况的预热型再生器优于内热型再生器。

为进一步了解内热和预热再生性能受溶液与空气流量比以及热水与空气流量比的影响,文章分析溶液-空气质量流量比(s/a)从0.1上升至0.65,热水-空气流量比(w/a)从0.4上升至0.95的范围中,溶液和空气顺流,且热水自下而上流动(流向Ⅱ)时,内热型再生器与预热型的出入口浓度差比值,见图4所示。模拟中参数取如下基准值:热水空气流量比w/a=0.7,溶液空气流量比s/a=0.2;空气入口温度a, in=30 ℃、溶液入口温度s, in=27 ℃,热水入口温度w, in=80 ℃;空气入口含湿量a, in=0.012kg/kg,溶液入口水盐比in=1.85 kg/kg;溶液空气间传热单元数NTU1=0.5,溶液热水间传热单元数NTU2=0.9。

表2 不同工况所选择的初始参数

注:图中数据包含内热型及预热型再生中的溶液与空气在顺、逆、叉3种不同流向下的比较,其中内热型再生包含2种热水流向(流向Ⅰ和流向Ⅱ);长度L=0.4 m;高度H=0.5 m;空气质量流量ma=1( kg·s-1),下同。


注:溶液和空气顺流;热水自下而上流动(流向Ⅱ);模拟中参数基准值:ta, in=30 ℃、ts, in=27 ℃,tw, in=80 ℃;ωa, in=0.012 (kg·kg-1),Xin=1.85 (kg·kg-1);NTU1=0.5,NTU2=0.9,下同。A点为内热最大点 (A:mw/ma=0.95, ms/ma=0.1); B点为内热最大点 (B:mw/ma=0.65, ms/ma=0.4)

图中显示随着s/a减小以及w/a增加,内热型再生器具有更好的性能。即单位空气流量下,溶液流量越小,或是热水流量越大,内热型再生器相对于预热型再生器的再生性能越好。这是由于随着溶液流量的减小,由图4可知,在给定的模拟范围内,内热型再生器的溶液出入口浓度差最高可达到预热的10.85倍,最低仅有预热的0.15倍。将图中的交界线拟合成曲线,得到内热效果较好的工况,流量比之间满足关系式(s/a)<(0.628 6w/a−0.055 9)。另外,通过计算蒸发率,得到该模拟范围内的内热最大值点(:s/a=0.1,w/a=0.95)时,溶液中的水蒸发率为0.0105kg/s,得到该模拟范围内的预热最大值点(:s/a=0.4,w/a=0.65)时,溶液的水蒸发率仅为5.29×10-4kg/s,即内热最佳点的蒸发量是预热的19.84倍,内热型再生器明显优于预热型。因此,选用内热型再生方式进行研究。A、B两点分别为基于NTU1和NTU2的基准值模拟得到,其随NTU1与NTU2的变化规律将在下文研究中阐述。

4 内热型溶液再生器性能分析


4.1 热水流向对内热再生性能的影响



图5 热水流向Ⅰ和流向Ⅱ对再生性能的影响

4.2 传热单元数对内热再生性能的影响



图6 不同NTU对顺流内热再生器出入口浓度差的影响

4.3 顺、逆、叉流对内热再生性能的影响


为分析在模拟范围内大部分工况下顺流最优的原因,本节对于模拟范围内顺流最优工况(工况:NTU1=1.2,NTU2=0.8)和逆流优势工况(工况:NTU1=1.8,NTU2=0.2)进行溶液与空气含湿量变化趋势研究,分别见图7a和7b。图中同一流向中溶液与空气含湿量的交点表示由除湿过程转变至再生过程的NTU1位置,称为临界点,内热再生过程中到达临界点的先后决定了该过程的再生性能优劣。由图可看出工况中顺流的临界点比逆流提前,即提前进入再生状态,而工况中逆流临界点靠前,即逆流更快到达再生状态。分析2种工况下溶液与空气含湿量可得到流体流动过程中的平均含湿量,以及得到溶液和空气的含湿量差值。工况中,逆流含湿量差为5.85 g/kg,小于6.19 g/kg顺流含湿量差;而工况中,逆流含湿量差为0.21 g/kg,大于0.207 g/kg顺流含湿量差。含湿量差越大意味着传质驱动力越大,在相同传热单元数下,再生性能越好。上述结果解释了图6b所呈现的结果。工况中的含湿量差远大于工况中的含湿量差,这说明在顺流工况下再生性能优于逆流工况下再生性能。


Note: Parallel type is in the best condition in the figure (Condition Ⅰ: NTU1=1.2, NTU2=0.8).

a. 顺流为优势流型的情况

a. Parallel type in best condition


Note: Counter type is in the best condition in the figure (Condition Ⅱ: NTU1=1.8, NTU2=0.2).

b. 逆流为优势流型的情况

b. Counter type is best condition

图7 2种优势流型下溶液与空气含湿量变化趋势

Fig.7 Change of moisture content of solution and air under two kinds of flow types

5 结 论





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Analysis of performance and regeneration method of internally-heated liquid desiccant regenerator

Peng Donggen, Luo Danting, Li Shunyi


Liquid desiccant cooling system, as a good alternative to traditional electric refrigeration air conditioner, is environmentally friendly and can be driven by low-grade energy while it can improve indoor air quality and has high energy storage capacity. The regeneration technique,a key technique in the liquid desiccant cooling system,must be developed before it is widely applied in variety of buildings. The present methods of solution regeneration have electrodialysis, membrane energy exchanger, ultrasonic atomization regeneration, packing tower, and so on. The first three have complicated structures and high costs for their application on a large scale. The packing tower regenerator because of its simple structure and being driven possibly by low-grade energy has attracted many attentions across the world. In packing tower regenerators, the internally-heated liquid desiccant regenerator is a kind of high-efficient solution regeneration device. To improve the reliability and economy of internally-heated regeneration technique, the mathematical models of pre-heated and internally-heated regeneration are established based on the energy and mass conservation between solution and air as well as the energy conservation between heated water and solution in this paper, which include parallel flow, counter flow and cross flow with 2 kinds of different flow directions of heated water respectively, and their theoretical performances are numerically simulated and compared with each other. As for the regeneration performances affected by the ways of heating solution and flow directions of heated water, the simulation results show that regeneration performances of internally-heated type are about 2-4 times that of pre-heated type in most conditions, which means the internally-heated regenerator has a better performance. And the regeneration performances are greatly influenced by the flow-rate ratios of solution to air and heated water to air. With the decrease in flow-rate ratio of solution to air and the increase in flow-rate ratio of heated water to air, the regeneration performances of the internally-heated regenerator are increasingly better than that of the pre-heated regenerator. At the maximum point of the internally-heated (flow-rate ratio of solution to air is 0.1 and flow-rate ratio of heated water to air is 0.95, flow-rate ratio of air is1 kg/s), the rate of evaporation is calculated to be 20 times that of the pre-heated at its maximum point (flow-rate ratio of solution to air is0.4, flow-rate ratio of heated water to air is0.65). The flow direction of heated water in internally-heated regenerator is divided into 2 conditions: Heated-water is parallel to solution (DirectionⅠ) or counter to solution (DirectionⅡ). It is also found the regeneration performances, when the heated water flows counter to solution, are superior to heated water paralleling to solution and are increased by 5% at most. As for the effects of the numbers of heat transfer units (NTU1andNTU2), the regeneration performances in general increase with the increase in NTU1and NTU2, and a fitted curve combining NTU1with NTU2occurs that presents the rapidest increase in regeneration performance with the increasing of NTU1and NTU2. Besides, it is also exposed that parallel type shows the largest concentration difference of solution and the cross type is about 97% of that, while the counter type only reaches about 87% as much as parallel type in the worst condition. The results in this paper can offer theoretical supports for the optimal design of internally-heated regenerator.

models; regenerators; concentration; internally-heated; performance; numbers of heat transfer units








彭冬根,男,博士,副教授,主要从事太阳能制冷空调研究。南昌 南昌大学建筑工程学院,330031。Email:ncu_hvac2013@163.com

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