●Ahmad Meesaq,Alahmadi Fahad Abdullah,Hani Derhem Abdo Alzabidi,M.Fadhl M.Al-Sadi, Alanazi Mansour Rashid ,Alotaibi Abdullah Saud,Ashour Hattan Ahmed,Ghulam Qadir, Zhiling Liu, Yixiong Zhang, Weiwei Xiao
●Ahmad Meesaq,Alahmadi Fahad Abdullah,Hani Derhem Abdo Alzabidi,M.Fadhl M.Al-Sadi, Alanazi Mansour Rashid ,Alotaibi Abdullah Saud,Ashour Hattan Ahmed,Ghulam Qadir, Zhiling Liu, Yixiong Zhang, Weiwei Xiao
目的:分析埃博拉病毒病(Ebola virus disease,EVD)的流行病学特点和临床特征,并提出疫情管理措施。方法:选取2016年1月-2016年3月间收治的36例在利比里亚首都蒙罗维亚ETU留观的疑似EVD患者为研究对象,围绕年龄、性别、旅行情况、既往检出情况总结流行病学特点,根据RT-PCR EBOV RNA检测、实验室检查以及临床观察统计临床特征。结果:36例疑似EVD患者经检查确诊5例,其流行病学特点如下:(1)人口特征。女性居多,男女比例为2∶3,均为成年患者;(2)感染学特征。生活中直接接触EVD宿主而被感染,而且不但可从患病人体中直接感染,还可受到黑猩猩、豪猪等灵长类动物感染。临床特征:5例EVD患者中均有头疼发热、恶性呕吐、食欲减退或厌食症状,体温在37.3℃-39.7℃之间波动,但病情有轻重差异。5例中仅1例无结膜充血或水肿,仅1例出现吞咽障碍,1例出现呼吸不适,且均无巩膜黄染和不明原因出血症状;管理方法:尽早隔离传染源,并对疑似病例进行隔离观察切断一切传播链,同时制定对症治疗为基础的综合治疗方案。结论:EVD患者伴有多种临床表现,诊断时通过对其流行病学和临床特征研究,再结合PCR核酸检测能够准确、快速有效的确诊,对于确诊患者可立即进行隔离处理同时实施综合治疗可缓解病情,降低死亡率。
1.2.1 确认流行病学特点
1.2.2 观察临床特征
(1)采用RT-PCR EBOV RNA检测;(2)临床检查患者是否有头疼、发热、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、关节疼痛或全身肌肉疼痛、结膜充血、牙龈和鼻腔出血、紫斑、黑便等症状;(3)通过实验室检查,确认病毒抗原阳性和血清特异性IgM抗体阳性,判断恢复期血清特异性IgG抗体滴度比急性期有4倍以上增高;(4)制作血清标本,送至实验室检测[6]。
2.2.1 确诊病例流行病学特点
表1 EVD的流行病学信息采集情况
2.2.2 临床症状和体征表现情况统计
表2 EVD的临床特征信息采集情况
2.2.3 基础资料和管理治疗情况
表3 确诊患者基础资料和管理治疗情况
头疼发热、恶性呕吐、食欲减退或厌食症状、结膜充血或水肿是EVD的典型特征,5例患者经RT-PCR EBOV RNA检测呈阳性,提示核算检测是目前有效而准确的方法之一,值得采纳[13-14]。临床确诊后,可按照退热、止泻、纠正水和电解质紊乱、防止继发性感染等治疗程序,一方面可有效降低死亡率,另一方面可预防和控制EVD的传播[15]。另外针对吞咽正常的患者可考虑口服补液治疗,及时为患者补充水和电解质。本次研究中31例疑似病例和5例确诊病例经对症综合治疗后仅1例死亡,确诊病例治疗成功率为80.0%
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The epidemiology, clinical features and management of Ebola virus disease
Ahmad Meesaq,Alahmadi Fahad Abdullah,Hani Derhem Abdo Alzabidi,M.Fadhl M.Al-Sadi, Alanazi Mansour Rashid ,Alotaibi Abdullah Saud,Ashour Hattan Ahmed,Ghulam Qadir, Zhiling Liu, Yixiong Zhang, Weiwei Xiao
∶ Objective∶To analyze the epidemiological characteristics and clinical features of virus disease Ebola (EVD), and put forward the management measures.Methods∶ January 2016 -2016 year in March treated 36 cases of patients with suspected EVD in Liberia’s capital Monrovia ETU observation as research object, age,sex, travel around, summarize the epidemiological features of previous detection, according to the RT-PCR EBOV RNA examination, laboratory examination and clinical observation statistics and clinical features.Results∶ 36 cases of suspected EVD were examined and confirmed in 5 cases, the epidemiological characteristics were as follows∶ (1) population characteristics.Women were in the majority, the male and female ratio was 2∶3, all of which were adult patients; (2) the characteristics of infection.Life is in direct contact with the infected host EVD, and not only can be infected directly from the sick in the body, but also by chimpanzee, such as porcupine primate animal infection.Clinical features∶ 5 cases of EVD patients have a headache fever, vomiting, loss of appetite or anorexia symptoms, body temperature between 37.3 degrees Celsius -39.7 degrees Celsius, but the severity of the disease.In 5 cases, only 1 cases without conjunctival hyperemia or edema, only 1 cases had dysphagia,1 cases of respiratory discomfort, and no yellow sclera and unexplained bleeding symptoms; management methods∶ as soon as possible to isolate the source of infection,and suspected cases were isolated for observation cut off all communication chain, and make comprehensive treatment symptomatic treatment based.Conclusion∶EVD patients with various clinical manifestations, diagnosis based on the epidemiological and clinical characteristics, combined with the PCR nucleic acid detection can accurately, fast and effective diagnosis for patients diagnosed immediately isolated at the same time the implementation of comprehensive treatment can alleviate the condition, reduce mortality.
∶ EVD; epidemiological characteristics; clinical characteristics; epidemic management measures