Text by Pan Photos by Pan, Portugal Tourism Board & VCG Translation by Madeline Weng
Text by Pan Photos by Pan, Portugal Tourism Board & VCG Translation by Madeline Weng
Appreciate the beautiful sights along the banks of the River Douro, Porto.在波尔图,你可以登上一艘游船,欣赏杜罗河沿岸的老房子。
Warm sunshine, beautiful coastlines, and outgoing people –this is Portugal, a country you can see, feel and taste.
1. Signature products of Mendes Gon•alves sauce factory.Mendes Gon•alves 酱料厂的王牌系列产品,地道葡萄牙厨房滋味。
2. Why not have a glass of orange juice after visiting Jeronimos Monastery?参观完热罗尼莫斯修道院,不妨来一大杯鲜榨橙汁,再走去贝伦塔吹吹风。
“You've got to try our egg tarts and sardines! These two Portuguese dishes are magic! They can lift your mood.” On the way to Lisbon city from the airport, I listened to the enthusiastic introduction by my driver, while I felt the sea breeze caressing me under the sunlight in early September.
And this is how our story of Portugal began…with the hunting for the magical food.
Lisbon's Belem district gathers this city's countless cultural heritages: Jeronimos Monastery, an architectural masterpiece of the medieval period; the Monastery of the Hieronymites, where navigator Vasco da Gama long rests; and Torre de Belem, witness of the rise and falls of Portugal's golden age of sailing…and also, an egg tart shop you cannot miss.
The fi rst Portuguese egg tart was created in Pastéis de BelŽm, in 1837. And now, PastŽis de BelŽm has become one of the most popular restaurants in Portugal. There is always a long queue outside whenever you go.
When it was my turn, I got the freshest made batch. When I took a bite of one, I was surprised to fi nd how smooth and soft the inner side is, which created a wonderful contrast to its crispy skin.
How many steps does an egg tart need to go through before it fi nds you? I found an answer in a bakery called Panidor. First, the chief rolled the wrappers, fi lled it into the mould, before he stuffed it with materials and put it into the oven. “Food has life” is the creed for this family workshop. They told me: “Take egg tarts for example, every step of the procedure requires strict handling, because every egg tart counts.”
Traditional Portuguese food industry is made up of Family businesses like the Panidor. Portuguese people are good at turning home-made delicacies into international buffet.
“One day, a father asked his 15-year-old son: ‘Hey,what do you say that we turn our sauce workshop into a factory?' This sauce workshop is the factory you see right now.” I heard this story while I stood in Mendes Gon•alves Sauce Factory. The factory now uses highly automatic facilities to produce vinegar,onion sauce, capsical etc… However, the key recipe that the father and son invented many years ago remains unchanged.
When I came out of the street, I saw two horse riders passing by leisurely. It turned out this city is also called “horse town”. Horses have the same rights as vehicles, and can walk on streets. Every December, the locals hold a one-week-long horse exhibition, which attracts hundreds of thousands of people to watch the game, pick horses or exchange experiences.
Ribeira Square sits in the city centre of Porto. The architectures on the plaza vary in colours and shapes, creating a uniquely vivid landscape.You can take a cruise at the end of the pier, and appreciate the beautiful sights along the banks,such as the old houses decorated with pottery paintings, a gothic church, as well as Ponte de Dom Luis I Ð a grand iron bridge standing across River Douro.
1837年,世界上第一个葡挞在PastŽis de BelŽm诞生。如今,这里是葡萄牙最知名的餐饮店之一,无论何时去,店门口总有长长的等候队伍。轮到我时,正好赶上一批葡挞新鲜出炉,咬上一口,酥脆的外皮与顺滑的挞心带来美妙的反差碰撞。
家族企业,也是葡萄牙传统食品制造业的传统,他们擅长将家庭厨房里的美味秘方变成可以流通全球的国际美食。“有一天,父亲问15岁的儿子,‘嘿,我们要不要把家里的酱料坊做成一个工厂’。35年后,这个作坊便发展成了你现在站的这一大片厂区。”在Mendes Gon•alves酱料厂里,我再一次听到了这样的故事。如今,厂里使用自动化机器出品醋、洋葱酱、辣椒油等调味料,但配方的核心,依然是当年小作坊里的灵感。
Freshly baked tarts, soft inside and crispy outside.新鲜出炉的葡挞,外皮烘烤感浓厚,内馅柔滑。
1. This Sardine Shop at Rocio plaza, Lisbon sells cans with the year-numbers.里斯本罗西欧广场的沙丁鱼专卖点,这里的罐头上印有年份数字,可以送给那一年出生的人当礼物。
2. Wine tasting at Taylor's Port Wine.Taylor's Port Wine葡萄酒厂坐落在半山腰,日落时分在品酒室尝试经典出品。
If you head towards the sea, you could reach where generations of people in Porto fi sh. Fishing and sailing have been the bloodline for a nation that enjoys a long coastline.
In a restaurant by the riverside, I tasted the local Sardine for the fi rst time. The grilled fi sh was tender and soft, with its skin slightly scorched. A few drops of olive oil brought out its sweetness even more.
The Portuguese dinner table enjoys a long list of local seafood, such as Cod, cuttlefi sh, sea eel,shellfi sh and much more. Apart from freshly made seafood dishes, the locals also produce excellent fi sh cans to sell abroad.
There seems to be an aura of sea taste inside factory “Ramirez”, which was established in 1853. The factory is the oldest canned seafood maker in Portugal. I was lucky enough to see its whole assembly line, in which a team of female workers quickly prepared the sardines. Like magic,a batch of sardines only took a few seconds to be assembled, before it goes to the next stop. With the help of modern machines, the freshness of seafood can now be best preserved. I opened a can of cuttlefi sh, and found that the fi sh meat still tasted fresh; on top of its original taste, it had a delicate fl avour of spiciness.
Perhaps the person who translated the word“Portugal” into Chinese had actually done some research. Its Chinese version “pu tao ya” not only sounds like its original pronunciation, but also includes the word “pu tao”, meaning grapes.
The Porto district in Portugal has a fantastic space for growing grapes and wine brewing. With a warm and dry environment, this place continues to bring forth sweet grapes. My fi rst sip of Quinta da Aveleda tastes like summer. After a round of vinho verde, this vinho verde is still my favourite. “It is actually one of the most classic products in Aveleda Chateau. It has a sense of balance, and is able to activate all your sense organs. It has achieved good results from many World Expos in a row,” explained the wine expert.
With a full view of Porto old town, I tasted a few classic wines by a window in Taylor's, while I enjoyed the beautiful sunset shining on Porto Old Town. I tasted “Chip Dry”, which has a fl avour fresh and sweet as a maiden's smile; then I tried the “Late Bottled vintage 2012”, which took me by surprise, with a feeling of explosiveness; I also indulged myself in the rich relish of “10 Year Old Tawny”, which is simply an ideal model of aging wine.
“Saœde (Cheers)!”
A typical Portugal street.典型的葡萄牙街。
如同初夏来临的那一瞬间,这是我喝到第一口Quinta da Aveleda的感觉。一轮品酒后,这款青酒依然是我最喜欢的一款。“这是Aveleda酒庄最经典的出品之一,它有一种均衡感,能让不同感官都有所感受,当年曾连着在好几届世博会中取得好成绩。”品酒师向我解释。
Taylor's酒厂品酒室的大落地窗正对着波尔图的老城。在夕阳的余晖中,我尝试了几款经典:Chip Dry,口感清甜,如同少女的微笑;Late Bottled vintage 2012,入口带有些许爆炸感,给人富含想象力的体验;10 Year Old Tawny,理想陈酿的模样,醇厚却不沉闷,岁月的风味悠然地在唇齿间游走。
Luxury restaurant on the riverbank in Oporto.在杜罗河畔欣赏美景与美食。