
2017-10-15 17:33赏析/陈榕
新东方英语 2017年10期


安妮.普魯(Annie Proulx) 1935年出生于康涅狄格州的诺维奇,父亲是从事纺织业的商人,母亲是一位画家。她1969年获得佛蒙特大学本科学位,1973年获得位于加拿大蒙特利尔的乔治.威廉斯大学的硕士学位。其后她回到佛蒙特定居,成为一名杂志自由撰稿人。普鲁于1980年代开始小说创作,1988年出版第一部短篇小说集《心灵之歌及其他小说》(Heart Songs and Other Stories),1992年发表第一部长篇小说《明信片》(Postcards),赢得了当年的福克纳笔会奖。她的第二部长篇小说《船讯》(The Shipping News)一年后出版,获得了普利策奖。1994年,普鲁离开新英格兰地区,定居怀俄明州。她以这里的生活经验为素材完成了《近距离:怀俄明故事集》(Close Range: Wyoming Stories, 1999)、《恶土:怀俄明故事集2》(Bad Dirt: Wyoming Stories 2,2004)和《适得其所:怀俄明故事集3》(Fine Just the Way It Is: Wyoming Stories 3, 2008)。由李安导演执导的影片《断背山》(Brokeback Mountain)就出自《近距离》这部小说集,该电影于 2005年获得了最佳导演、最佳改编剧本以及最佳配乐三项奥斯卡奖。本文赏析的就是《近距离》这部小说集。


He traveled against curdled2) sky. In the last sixty miles the snow began again. He climbed out of Buffalo. Pallid3) flakes as distant from each other as galaxies flew past, then more and in ten minutes he was crawling at twenty miles an hour, the windshield wipers thumping like a stick dragged down the stairs.

The light was falling out of the day when he reached the pass, the blunt mountains lost in snow, the greasy hairpin turns ahead. He drove slowly and steadily in a low gear; he had not forgotten how to drive a winter mountain. But the wind was up again, rocking and slapping the car, blotting out all but whipping snow and he was sweating with the anxiety of keeping to the road, dizzy with the altitude. Twelve more miles, sliding and buffeted, before he reached Ten Sleep where streetlights glowed in revolving circles like Van Goghs sun. There had not been electricity when he left the place. In those days there were seventeen black, lightless miles between the town and the ranch4), and now the long arch of years compressed into that distance. His headlights picked up a sign: 20 MILES TO DOWN UNDER WYOMING. Emus5) and bison6) leered above the letters.

He turned onto the snowy road marked with a single set of tracks, faint but still discernible, the heater fan whirring, the radio silent, all beyond the headlights blurred. Yet everything was as it had been, the shape of the road achingly familiar, sentinel7) rocks looming as they had in his youth. There was an eerie dream quality in seeing the deserted Farrier place leaning east as it had leaned sixty years ago, the Banner ranch gate, where the companionable tracks he had been following turned off, the gate ghostly in the snow but still flying its wrought iron flag, unmarked by the injuries of weather, and the taut8) five-strand fences and dim shifting forms of cattle. Next would come the road to their ranch, a left-hand turn just over the crest of a rise. He was running now on the unmarked road through great darkness.endprint

How could he not recognize the turnoff to the ranch? It was so clear and sharp in his mind: the dusty crimp9) of the corner, the low section where the snow drifted, the run where willows slapped the side of the truck. He went a mile, watching for it, but the turn didnt come up, then watched for the Bob Kitchen place two miles beyond, but the distance unrolled and there was nothing. He made a three-point turn and backtracked. Rollo must have given up the old entrance road, for it wasnt there. The Kitchen place was gone to fire or wind. If he didnt find the turn it was no great loss; back to Ten Sleep and scout a motel. But he hated to quit when he was close enough to spit, hated to retrace black miles on a bad night when he was maybe twenty minutes away from the ranch.

He drove very slowly, following his tracks, and the ranch entrance appeared on the right although the gate was gone and the sign down. That was why hed missed it, that and a clump of sagebrush that obscured the gap.

He turned in, feeling a little triumph. But the road under the snow was rough and got rougher until he was bucking along over boulders and slanted rock and knew wherever he was it was not right.

He couldnt turn around on the narrow track and began backing gingerly, the window down, craning his stiff neck, staring into the redness cast by the taillights. The cars right rear tire rolled up over a boulder, slid and sank into a quaggy10) hole. The tires spun in the snow, but he got no purchase.

Ill sit here, he said aloud. Ill sit here until its light and then walk down to the Banner place and ask for a cup of coffee. Ill be cold but I wont freeze to death. It played like a joke the way he imagined it with Bob Banner opening the door and saying, why, its Mero, come on in and have some java and a hot biscuit, before he remembered that Bob Banner would have to be 120 years old to play that role. He was maybe three miles from Banners gate, and the Banner ranch house was another seven miles beyond the gate. Say a ten-mile hike at altitude in a snowstorm. On the other hand he had half a tank of gas. He could run the car for a while, then turn it off, start it again all through the night. It was bad luck, but thats all. The trick was patience.

1.节选部分选自开篇故事《半剥皮的阉牛》(The Half-Skinned Steer),主要描写了主人公在崎岖的山路上开车遭遇暴风雪的情景。

2.curdle [?k??(r)d(?)l] vt. 凝固;凝結

3.pallid [?p?l?d] adj. 苍白的;暗淡的

4.ranch [rɑ?nt?] n. 大农场;大牧场endprint

5.emu [?i?mju?] n. 鸸鹋(产于澳大利亚的一种体形大而不会飞的鸟)

6.bison [?ba?s(?)n] n. (尤指北美)野牛

7.sentinel [?sent?n(?)l] n. 岗哨;哨兵

8.taut [t??t] adj. 拉紧的,绷紧的

9.crimp [kr?mp] n. 折痕;起褶部分

10.quaggy ['kw?ɡi] adj. 沼地的;泥泞的








Do Softly Pray
Keep on Going坚持自我
Who Has Seen the Wind?