"In the next 10 years, the earliest adopter of new technology might just be your grandmother.
"Of all the fields in which dramatic changes might be seen in the next decade, the field of home automation is the one poised2) to explode. For most of us, the ability to turn on our ovens from our phones or watch a robot clean our floors is little more than a novelty3) to impress our neighbors and friends. To the elderly or infirm4), however, it could mean the difference between disability and independence.
"In the next decade, we're going to see a revolution in automated assisted living. Imagine a simple rolling robot that comes when you call, presenting you with a video screen that reminds you of your daily schedule. Totally voice-activated, it can control your lights and door locks, oven and water temperature. It keeps track of the food in the house and can order more when necessary. It can connect you with family and friends through video conferencing, or simply read you a book. It gives you your medicine when you need it, keeps track of where you left your glasses, and—through wearable health monitors—can call your family or your doctor if you need urgent medical help.
"The technology is nearly ready, and immense government investment will be inevitable in the coming years. Those hesitant to try new things will be won over5) when it gives them the power to maintain their independence. Ten years from now, when you visit your parents or grandparents, they may very well have better technology than you do!"
加拿大著名科幻小說作家科里·多克托罗(Cory Doctorow)在试图猜测未来世界的模样时发表了一个“免责声明”:“科幻小说家们在预测未来方面糟糕透了。”尽管如此,这并不能阻止我们去依靠他们的想象力和细致的深思熟虑来畅想未来。未来十年,
Well be seeing less need for people to own individual “stuff”.
—Elizabeth Bear, author of Karen Memory (《凯伦的记忆》的作者伊丽莎白·贝尔)
Connected health care will occur at a whole new level.
—Brenda Cooper, author of Edge of Dark (《黑暗的边缘》的作者布伦达·库珀)
"Connected health care will occur at a whole new level. When I wake up, I'll feed the dog special food designed for her. While it's hydrating11), I'll check my own readouts12) from my wrist or from a small screen on the fridge. That will tell me which supplements to take that morning, and in what dosages13). I'll measure that out and have it with a tall glass of cool water before my morning coffee. After that, the dogs and I will run, and I'll be able to use my connected sunglasses to keep track of both of our heart rates. When we arrive at the park, I'll turn everything off and enjoy some long moments of meditation14) while I throw a Frisbee15) for the dog, and then we'll turn back on and check in for advice about whether to run or walk back home.
"Later that morning, I'll get an alert that a cancer marker has shown back up in my bloodstream, and a special test will be ordered right there. I'll feel a light prick16) in my wrist. An hour later the results will go into a machine and queue up for an analytics run. The line will be a few hours long, so I'll try and ignore my fear, but fail hard enough that I fall down the last stair to my office, and have to catch myself17). After standing still for a moment and catching my breath, I'll be told I'm okay, and so I'll go to work. By lunch, my analytic results will be available and I'll learn that there is no statistical reason for worry, but that a note had been sent to my personal diagnostics machinery to add a more refined18) test and that two foods have been removed from my recommended diet."
"It is not necessary for AI to pass the Turing Test20) to have a significant impact on the labor market. News organizations are already benefitting from automated analysis and story generation. Since many office jobs involve not much more than recasting21) numbers and charts in formulaic22) prose23), it's not hard to imagine that in 10 years automation will make more progress in content generation and replace much of the basic writing and analysis we rely on humans to do today.endprint
"Similarly, automation will transform the transportation industry. Even if most car owners prefer to continue to drive their own vehicles for psychological reasons, the trucking industry will adopt automated vehicles to improve safety, increase efficiency (automated cars don't have drivers who need to sleep), and reduce costs."
AI19) will have a significant impact on the labor market.
—Ken Liu, author of The Grace of Kings (《国王的恩典》的作者刘宇昆)
We will see a deeper bifurcation24) when it comes to technology. (当谈到科技时,我们会看到人类的分歧越来越大。)
—Edan Lepucki, author of California (《加利福尼亚》的作者伊丹·勒普基)
"Over the next 10 years, we will see a deeper bifurcation when it comes to technology. One segment of the society will become more and more reliant on computers and such, going so far as to embed microchips in their children and phones in their own eyeballs; others will avoid technology altogether and will advocate for no-phone-use zones in public areas and non-smoking sections at restaurants. By the end of the decade, someone will try to marry a robot. Websites will be forced to find a sustainable revenue model for paying their writers. My son will be a teenager. I will need reading glasses to read all the terrific novels that are sure to be published."endprint