Chinese web novels have nurtured a whole community of readers and cultivated an ecology of writing, reading and publishing. These novels have opened a new and meaningful path to the countrys cultural prosperity.endprint
I learned about the popularity of web novels when I was getting my tabletop computer fixed at a computing mall. A young technician at the shop was reading a novel on his mobile phone. He confessed shyly that he had read hundreds of novels published online. I was surprised to learn he had read so much. The encounter got me into thinking that it is not true that people of today dont read any more. Since then I have noticed people reading on their mobiles and tablets. I suspect that they probably would never visit a bookstore and buy a novel for themselves, but web novels have opened up a new world for them, satisfying the mankinds primitive desire for knowing how other people live. Web novels are a phenomenon: a group of young authors are writing novels and millions of young people are reading. These web novelists, mostly publishing under strange pennames, very probably will never get mentioned in any history of Chinese literature and their readers are certainly part of the silent majority who will never get mentioned in any history. These web novelists and their novels are like rural and regional operas prevalent in China hundreds of years ago, which mostly came out of nowhere and vanished into nowhere. Only a few of them have stayed and some of them are now considered precious cultural heritage at various levels.
Websites which offer novels for readers have found a way to survive and make a profit: writers upload their novels chapter by chapter, readers read first chapters free of charge; if they want to read more, they pay. At these websites readers and writers closely interact and in many cases jointly decide how characters in a certain novel go on. Novels that readers follow are money makers. Novels that fail to attract readers die. Web novels thrive in various genres and subgenres. Fantasies account for the greatest percentage.
Web novels go international
Chinese web novels have long since gone international. A previous survey said that Vietnam translated and published over 800 Chinese novels including 500 web novels from 2009 to 2013. In recent years, over 700 Chinese web novels were translated and published in whole or in part at websites in North America. These websites operate in a similar manner like their Chinese counterparts: some translated chapters are published first. Readers will raise funds through crowd-fund to pay translators to go ahead with more chapters if they decide they like what they have read.
It is understandable Chinese fantasies are welcome by overseas readers. In a sense, fantasies are the modern reincarnations of ancient myths and legends. In modern times, Chinese fantasies almost disappeared and one could only read about them in kungfu novels. Web novels are bringing the fantasy tradition back to Chinese readers, adding a special touch of diversity and richness and imagination to the literary China.
WuxiaWorld is probably the best known internet platform which uploads translated Chinese Wuxia novels. It was founded by RWX, a lover of Chinese martial arts fiction. In Chinese he is known as Lai Jingping. A brief biography says his ancestors came from China and he worked as a USA diplomat before he resigned to set up WuxiaWorld.endprint