You made her cry a lot. She cried when she found out she was pregnant. She cried as she gave birth to you. She cried when she first held you. She cried with happiness. She cried with fear. She cried with worry. She cried because she feels so deeply for you. She felt your pain and your happiness and she shared it with you, whether you realized it or not.
She wanted that last piece of pie. But when she saw you look at it with those big eyes and lick your mouth with that tiny tongue,she couldnt eat it. She knew it would make her much happier to see your little tummy be filled than hers.
She knows shes not perfect. She is her own worst critic. She is hardest on herself when it comes to you,though. She wanted to be the perfect mom,to do nothing wrong—but because she is human,she made mistakes.She wishes with her whole heart that she could go back in time and do things differently,but she cant,so be kind to her, and know she did the best she knew how to do.
It broke her heart every time you cried. There was no sound as sad as your cries, or sight as horrible as the tears streaming down your perfect face. She did all in her power to stop you from crying, and when she couldnt stop your tears,her heart would shatter into a million little pieces.