“脱单”的意思是“找到男或女朋友,脱离单身状态”。英语可以译为to get out of singledom, to leave singledom 或to give up being single。例如:
1. 在一个相亲节目里,这位爱情专家向单身年轻人建议如何在当今社会脱单。In a matchmaking show, the relationship expert advised single young people on how to get out of singledom in today's society.
2. 这个男子在公园的相亲角相亲时与他的理想伴侣相遇后不久,他就脱单订婚了。Soon after the young man encountered his ideal partner on a blind date at the matchmaking corner of the park,he left singledom and got engaged.
3. 这位多年作为钻石王老五的银行经理终于脱单,最后在光棍节之前娶了他自己的秘书。Eventually the bank manager who had remained as a golden bachelor for many years gave up being single and ended up marrying his own secretary before Singles Day.▲