1.1 根系形态和生理变化影响养分和水分的生物有效性
1.2 磷和水分对根系形态和生理变化的影响
1.3 植物根系吸收磷和水分过程的协同作用
2.1 根系对异质性水分或养分供应的响应
2.2 根系对异质性养分与水分的综合协同响应
3.1 ABA 和质外体 pH介导磷和水分的协同响应
3.2 乙烯和 NO 调控植物对磷和水分的综合响应
图1 磷与水分互作的根土界面效应及机制综合模式图Fig. 1 The conceptual model of root-soil interface effect and mechanisms of phosphorus and water interactions
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Advances of root-soil interface effect of phosphorus and water interaction and mechanisms of their efficient use
WANG Xin1,LI Hai-gang1,CHENG Ling-yun1,WANG Bao-lan2,SHEN Jian-bo1*
(1 College of Resource and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China; 2 Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100093, China)
【Objectives】Low use efficiencies of phosphorus and water are key limiting factors in intensive farming system.Only under the driving flow by soil water,phosphorus can be absorbed by plants mainly via the root-soil interface.Root-soil interface effects of phosphorus and water interactions are the key points in their efficient use mechanism by crop.This review summarizes recent advances on the mechanisms of interactions of phosphorus and water in root-soil interface and puts forward the rhizosphere management strategies of improving phosphorus and water use efficiency through enhancing their synergy in the plant-soil system.【Advances】The biological availability of phosphorus and water can be highly affected by root morphological and physiological plasticity,and in turn,root development and rhizosphere physiological processes are also dependent on phosphorus and water supply status.Under an appropriate intensity of water and phosphorus supply,root and rhizosphere process efficiency can be maximized to increase the resource use efficiency.Plant roots can highlyrespond to not only integral supply strength of phosphorus and water in root zone,but also heterogeneous spatiotemporal distribution of phosphorus and water with changing root morphological and physiological reactions. Phytohormones are closely related to the root plasticity under different phosphorus and water supply.ABA, ethylene,and NO are involved in the regulation processes of plant responses to phosphorus and water supply. Apoplast pH could play an important role in plant regulation processes to cope with water and nutrient deficiency.【Prospects】Better understanding of synergy effects and regulating mechanisms of phosphorus and water interactions in the root-soil interface is critical to increase use efficiency of phosphorus and water in intensive farming system.Hence,future research directions and emphases are proposed:exploring the mechanism of phosphorus and water interactions and the relationships with phytohormone in the plants,clarifying the interface effects of phosphorus and water interaction processes and their synergy mechanisms in the rhizosphere, and establishing effective rhizosphere management strategies and pathways for increasing phosphorus and water use efficiency in various cropping systems.These advances will provide scientific basis for improving use efficiency and coupling of water and nutrients in intensive crop production through engineering crop root and rhizosphere interaction processes.
phosphorus;water;crop;root-soil interface;rhizosphere interaction;use efficiency
王昕(1994—),女,山西长治人,博士研究生,主要从事植物根际磷营养方面的研究。E-mail:wangxin@cau.edu.cn *通信作者E-mail:jbshen@cau.edu.cn