
2017-08-28 09:40
空中之家 2017年8期

















N: What's your take on new forms of architecture in today's China?

M: The world in which we live today is fi lled with

realism. We are so much infl uenced by modern values that we are extremely keen on impact and size of architecture, as the Olympic motto, “Faster, Higher, Stronger,” rightly puts it. Yet the core of traditional Chinese wisdom lies in emotional satisfaction deep down in one's heart. For example, traditional Chinese gardens focus on the creation of feelings or emotions one has when they are in them rather than on extremes. This kind of high taste is rarely seen in modern cities, as we talk so much about things like economy, politics and power. But I believe the day when we can talk about architecture as a cultural topic will surely come. I wish that the time-tested wisdom of ancient Oriental civilisation—that it is the journey, not the destination that oneshould enjoy most—would come alive again one day, contributing to the thoughts of the world at large.

N: How is “novel architecture” of the West being accepted in China?

M: The National Centre for Performing Arts, the CCTV Headquarters, and the National Stadium (also known as the Bird's Nest), all based in Beijing, are iconic examples of China opening its doors to architects from around the world. In recent years, all kinds of conservative, strange or even uglylooking cultural buildings have sprung up across the country. Yet we must distinguish between good taste and simple novelty. Why is China so open to international designers? It is because we are not very sure about where our own culture stands. That's why classical and ugly buildings are so awkwardly put together. That's why China is dubbed by some as “a testing ground for foreign architects.” Of course, this is perhaps a step that any culture has to take towards maturity. The fact that China - or any place - gathers the world's fi nest architects at least shows its open attitude toward

new ideas.

N: How far are you from your “Beijing 2050”vision? Why did you come up with this vision in the first place?

M: Thirty-three years, obviously (he smiled when he said this). The city of Beijing has grown too large to cover on foot, unlike its original layout, which largely consisted of today's Jingshan Park, Beihai Park, Gulou (Drum Tower) and Houhai Lake. The spiritof a life amid nature is thus lost. In fact, the new districts of many Chinese cities are all alike, featuring large squares and wide roads. The result is that people have to travel, either on foot or by vehicle, from one place to another, with each area serving a single function, just like a farm. The same is true with the layout of residential apartments, which all look about the same, for architects have designed them without thinking that their occupants would live a life fi lled with emotion.

In fact, the whole of old Beijing was a garden, where human life was inextricably intertwined with nature. At least this was the memory of many older native Beijingers. My hope is that the garden style can survive the changes of our time and beyond, so that our culture will prosper in harmony with nature. A vision, a spirit and value are what we most urgently need to defi ne for the city.

N: Has the West's recognition of Chinese architecture risen in recent years?

M: Following China's reform and opening up, more Chinese architects opened their eyes to the West and began to think about the differences between Eastern and Western cultures. After more than three decades, we are catching up with the West in terms of architectural quality, materials and technology, but we still lag behind in terms of the origination of infl uential thoughts as well as cultural impact globally. But the Western world is indeed starting to pay attention to the Chinese force of architectonic—for example, by publishing Chinese architects' exhibitions.

N: What advice would you give to aspiring young architects?

M: Architecture is a profession that requires much hard work, but more often than not, gives one little sense of achievement. Many architects barely get to design a house until they're 50 or 60. But what makes it matter most is architecture as a journey of self-discovery. I used to advise younger architects to “be yourself.” Yet I found out that many understood this partially. Perhaps those who have a strong character could understand me better, for it takes much more time and effort for people with a weak personality to really know themselves. So I have made my piece of advice more specifi c: young architects need to be clear about who they are, what they want and what makes them unique before they follow their heart and put their enthusiasm and sense of responsibilities into practice.
