No.1 Newly Emerging Web Celebrities of 2017
Big eyes, rouged①rouge英 [ruːʒ] 美 [ruʒ] n. 胭脂;口红cheeks, yellow feathers and most importantly, exaggerated②exaggerated美 [ɪg'zædʒə'retɪd] adj. 夸张的,言过其实的facial③facial英 ['feɪʃ(ə)l] 美 ['feʃl] adj. 面部的,表面的expressions—this pair of what seems to be chickens looks funny and naughty. But wait…if you take a closer look, you'll see these birds are actually parrots④parrot英 ['pærət] 美 ['pærət] n. 鹦鹉;学舌者,应声虫.
Known as the No.1 newly emerging web celebrities of 2017, the Poinko Brothers have been widely used on Chinese social networks at the start of the Year of the Rooster during the Chinese Spring Festival period, as they are mistaken for a pair of chickens by most people.
As of Feb 9, the characters were a hot topic, discussed 27.33 million times on the Sina Weibo platform, and won the favor of an overwhelming⑤overwhelming美 [,ovɚ'wɛlmɪŋ] adj. 压倒性的;势不可挡的number of domestic⑥domestic英 [də'mestɪk] 美 [də'mɛstɪk] adj. 国内的netizens.
"They have replaced Kumamon as my new favorites. Every time I post my status to show my current mood, I will attach a picture of them because they can bring more likes from my friends," Weibo user Po Xiaohai said online.
作为2017年第一网红,“脆皮兄弟(Poinko Brothers)”在鸡年伊始,春节期间刷爆了中国人的朋友圈,大多数人都把它们误认为是小鸡。
微博用户“Po Xiaohai”说道:“它们已经取代熊本熊(Kumamon)成了我的新宠。每次我发状态表达自己心情时,我都会加一张它们的图片,因为它们能让朋友们给我点更多赞。”
When the teacher asks a question and you're trying to avoid eye contact.
We call him shadow.
-I'm just kidding!(我开玩笑的!)