The Amazon Rainforest is the Worlds Largest Rainforest. It has some 390 billion trees, which adds up to half the total of the worlds surviving rainforests and 16,000 different species2 of trees.
More than half the Amazon Basins3 1.4 billion acres4 are in Brazil, including thousands of miles of the Amazon River, the worlds largest river by volume5 6.9 million cubic6 meters.
The Amazon is home to 1 in 10 of the worlds known species, 20 percent of the worlds bird species, 40,000 plant species and trees which are very important to limiting greenhouse gases.
The forest serves as a big filter7, sucking in and storing CO2 from the atmosphere, about 2.2 billion tons a year, according to a study, providing a very important weapon in the battle against pollution and global warming.
Its reported that deforestation8 destroys a big area of the Amazon as large as the size of Delaware every year. The biggest causes are stock farming (80 percent of the destroyed land). Progress has been made in recent years to reduce deforestation, but there are concerns that the current political instability9 could undo all that.