[Abstract] the intelligent mobile Phone operating system is various, but apple's IOS, Google's Android and Microsoft's Windows Phone operating system almost all of the mobile Phone market, so developing a cross-platform recruit games has the very high commercial value.Cocos2d - x is a cross-platform, open source 2 d mobile game framework, using the Cocos2d - x development projects can in IOS, Android, Windows Phone support, such as c + + platform to create and run.
This paper mainly introduces recruit class game development stages of preparation, including feasibility analysis, system requirements analysis, system outline design, detailed design and coding and testing of the system as well as content.Whether it is worth in feasibility analysis, mainly on the system development in all aspects of the analysis;In system demand analysis, the major demand analysis and the function of the system system function structure diagram, use case diagram, system flow chart to comprehend;In system design, mainly on the system of the game execution module, main module, a monster module, props module in detail, such as design and draw the class diagram, sequence diagram and state diagram;This game is a dungeon stage mode class, to rotate around the protagonist to destroy the monster, obtains the key to unlock the next level, in the pursuit of complete game speed at the same time to finish the game within the prescribed steps.
[Key word] recruit games;Cocos2d - x;Smart phones;cross-platform
1.1 project background
Nowadays,the rapid development of society, people living standard rise, smart phones become an indispensable part of most people in life.On the other hand, more and more heavy study, work pressure, make people often are in a highly stressed environment.The game as a way of relaxing the beloved.Then, the development of mobile phone games reflects its significance.
The development of the electronic game industry the earliest begin from the United States, soon spread around the world.Electronic games in Japan to develop soon, by the end of the 80 s, the Japanese game industry business income of more than $20 billion a year, than their car industry more than a year's income also, cause the sensation.The United States, Japan, Britain, France, Germany, Canada and so on the world economic powerhouse, the game industry as the country's key industries to develop.
1.2 development trend
Released in 2014, according to TalkingData 2014 years national representative tourism market development trend, according to mobile game revenue of 22 billion yuan in 2014, for the first time more than web games, and more than tripled in 2013.The industry predicted that this year the domestic mobile game scale of up to 38 billion - 38 billion yuan, more than 70% growth.TalkingData global strategic partnership in 2015, the Dutch market research firm Newzoo released a report review mobile gaming market in 2015.
2.1 C++language
C++language is a very widely used computer programming language.Is a static data type checking, support for multiple programming paradigm general-purpose programming language.It supports procedural programming, data abstraction, object-oriented programming, generic programming and so on a variety of programming style.
C++introduced the concept of object-oriented, the application of the development of human-computer interaction types are simply, quickly.A lot of excellent application framework including the MFC, QT is the use of c + +.
C++to avoid platform characteristics of general use qualified or not.
C++does not use will bring additional overhead features.
C++without complex programming environment.
3.1 The game is introduced
This is a classic recruit games, although the game interface is very like general dungeon, seemingly casually turn right or left can pass, but the fact is playing the game need to move a lot of brains, any rash choice may result in the failure of the game, you can also practise maths, steps the game rules, trophy award, trap.Small game, the warriors broke into the dungeon maze adventure, but it was full of monsters, quick to help him avoid danger, to collect treasure chest, to export, steps in the specified collection to the treasure chest and to export, the game victory won the trophy.
4.1 The game overall implementation
The modular structure of the game is a general classification of the game, to the realization of the real game, need further design the function of the user.Game features into ten categories: the main scenario, game welcome page, the protagonist, game monster, props, scenes, game over scene, management, NPC, touch events, for each function to achieve the different functions.
(1) to install Microsoft Visual Studio 2013.
(2) installed Cocos2d - 3.9 x game engine.
(3) to install Python.
(4) configured environment variables.
(5) with a command line into the D: \ \ cocos2d cocos2d - x - x - 3.9 \ project.
(6) input command line cocos new NewGame - p com. NewGame. SZB -l CPP generated project.
(7) on the step after the success, the system will in the cocos2d - x - 3.9 folder to generate a projects folder, project file is inside our game.Then enter the proj. Win32 folder to open the project, can in the VS for game development.
[2]张志杰.智能手机操作系统的竞争与发展研究[D].北京:北京邮电大学 ,2013.